The APT Library:

Monte Carlo Sampling, Geometric Analysis and Other Useful Subroutines

Arthur L. Edwards

Table of Contents

  1. APT Introduction
  2. APT One-Line Summaries
  3. APT Subroutine Descriptions
  4. APT Subroutine Links
  5. APT Key Word Index
  6. APT History
  7. GEOM User Guide
  8. GEOM Summary
  9. GEOM Commands
  10. GEOM Use of APT Subroutines
  11. GEOM Help
  12. GEOM History

You may download this code as a tar file by clicking here or you may download the GEOM Make tar file or GEOM Test tar file separately.

You may download this code as a zip file by clicking here or you may download the GEOM Make zip file or GEOM Test zip file separately.


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