subroutine aptbrtn (nroot, nbase, idiga, ndiga, idmax, iemax,
     &                    idigs, idigt, idigu, idigv, idigw, idigx,
     &                    idigy, idigz, idigw1, idigw2, idigw3,
     &                    idigbw, ndigm, idigb, ndigb, isign, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTBRTN
c     call aptbrtn (nroot, nbase, idiga, ndiga, idmax, iemax,
c    &              idigs, idigt, idigu, idigv, idigw, idigx,
c    &              idigy, idigz, idigw1, idigw2, idigw3,
c    &              idigbw, ndigm, idigb, ndigb, isign, nerr)
c     Version:  aptbrtn  Updated    2006 May 12 13:40.
c               aptbrtn  Originated 2005 June 1 10:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find the approximate nroot'th root of the big integer "a",
c               stored as the array of non-negative base nbase digits idiga,
c               of length ndiga, and store the result as the array of
c               non-negative base nbase digits idigb, of length ndigb.
c               The nroot'th power "s" of "b", and the difference "t" between
c               "s" and "a" are also returned.
c               Integer arrays idigs thru idigz and idigbs are needed for
c               intermediate results.  Each must have its own memory space,
c               at least of length ndigm.
c               The digits of idiga and idigbw are the base nbase digits
c               representing the non-negative decimal integers ideca and idecb,
c               in order from most significant to least significant, using the
c               equations:
c               ideca = sum (idiga(n) * nbase^(N-n), n = 1, N = ndiga),
c               idecb = sum (idigb(n) * nbase^(N-n), n = 1, N = ndigb),
c               idecb = ideca^nroot.
c               See aptbrev to reverse the order of the digits.
c               Note:  the nroot'th root is the (1 / nroot)'th power.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c               See aptbtod, aptdtob, aptbadd, aptbsub, aptbmul, aptbdiv,
c               aptbrev, aptbpow, aptbfac.
c     Method:   The method used here is to calculate the root directly if the
c               integer value of "a" will fit in one machine word, or to
c               iterate on an initial guess b to find a better guess b':
c                 b'     = ((n - 1) * b + (a / b^(n-1))) / n,   or
c                 b' - b = (a - b^n) / (a * b^(n-1)).
c               stopping when b' = b.  Due to numerical truncation and integer
c               round-off, the result in only accurate to within 1 or 2 digits.
c               The initial guess is obtained from the floating point value of
c               b, if it fits in a machine word, or from the log of b.
c     Input:    nbase, idiga, ndiga, idigs, idigt, idigu, idigv, idigw, idigx,
c               idigy, idigz, idigbw, ndigm.
c     Output:   idigb, ndigb, isign, nerr.
c     Calls: aptbadd, aptbmul, aptbrev, aptdtob, aptbdiv, aptbpow 
c     Glossary:
c     idiga     Input    A big integer "a", stored as an array of ndiga
c                          non-negative base nbase digits, each representing a
c                          single "digit" in the base nbase representation of
c                          "a", from most to least significant.  If nbase > 10,
c                          each "digit" may require 2 or more integers.
c                          For example, for decimal integer 4821 and
c                          nbase = 16 (hexadecimal), idiga(n) = (5, 13, 2, 1),
c                          with ndiga = 4, or
c                          4821 (dec) =  5 * 1 + 13 * 16 + 2 * 256 + 1 * 4096
c                          Big integer "a" must be positive.
c     idigb     Output   See idiga.
c                          Big integer "b" is the nroot'th root of "a", within
c                          a digit or two, depending on integer truncation.
c     idigbw    Input    See idiga.  Temporary working space for "b".
c                          Must have its own working space, ndigm or more.
c     idigs     Output   See idiga.  Array idigs is returned with the value
c                          of the nroot'th power of "b", which if accurate,
c                          would be equal to "a".  The number of digits in
c                          array idigs is returned as idigu(1).
c     idigt     Output   See idiga.  Array idigt is returned with the
c                          absolute value of the difference between the values
c                          of "a" and the nroot'th power of "b".  The actual
c                          sign of the difference is returned as isign.
c                          The number of digits in array idigt is returned
c                          as idigu(2).
c     idigu     Output   The number of digits in array idigs is returned as
c                          idigu(1).  The number of digits in array idigt
c                          is returned as idigu(2).
c     idigv-z   Input    See idiga.  Arrays idigs-z must not be idiga or
c                          idigbw, but must each have its own memory space,
c                          which must be at least ndiga.
c     isign     Output   Indicates the sign of the difference between the values
c                          of "a" and the nroot'th power of "b".
c     nbase     Input    The number base for which the digits of integer arrays
c                          idiga, idigw and idigbw are the coefficients of
c                          the powers of nbase, in order from most to least
c                          significant.
c     ndiga     Input    The length of the integer array idiga.
c     ndigb     Output   The length of the integer array idiga.  Memory space
c                          must be at least ndiga.
c     ndigm     Input    The maximum number of words allowed in integer arrays
c                          idigs thru idigz.  Memory space for idigbw must
c                          be at least ndigm, and ndigm must be at least as
c                          big as nroot * ndiga.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input or a result error, if not zero.
c                          1 if nroot is not positive.
c                          2 if nbase is less than 2.
c                          3 if ndiga is not positive.
c                          4 if any digits idiga are negative.
c                          5 if ndigm is less than ndiga.
c                          6 if the root can not be found, too close to 1.
c                          7 if iteration fails to converge, but loops.
c                          8 if subroutine aptbpow fails.
c                          9 if subroutine aptbdiv fails.
c                         10 if subroutine aptdtob fails.
c                         11 if subroutine aptbmul fails.
c                         14 if subroutine aptbadd or aptbsub fails.
c     nroot     Input    Specifies that the nroot'th or the (1 / nroot)'th
c                          power of big number "a" is to be found.
c                          Must be positive.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      integer idiga(1)                ! Input  "a".  Find a^(1/nroot).
      integer idigb(1)                ! Output "b" = a^(1/nroot).
      integer idigbw(1)               ! Temporary for "b" = a^(1/nroot).
      integer idigs(1)                ! Residual,  x / z.  Output:  b^nroot.
      integer idigt(1)                ! t = a - s = a - b^nroot.
      integer idigu(1)                ! u = b^(nroot-1).  Output Ns, Nt.
      integer idigv(1)                ! a / u = a / b^(nroot-1).  May be zero.
      integer idigw(1)                ! Temporary, then  b * (nroot - 1).
      integer idigx(1)                ! Temporary, then nroot - 1.
      integer idigy(1)                ! New b.
      integer idigz(1)                ! Temporary:  nroot.  Output:  y - b.

c.... Local variables.

      integer irootx(10)              ! Last ten guesses of "b(1)".

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      character*8  asub               ! Subroutine name.
cbug      character*16 avarx              ! DEBUG label.
cbug      character*80 action             ! Action label.
cbug      avarx  = 'NO ARRAY'
cbug      action = 'UNDEFINED'
cbug 9900 format (/)
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptbrtn finding array idigbw, root',i7,
cbug     &  ' of array idiga' /
cbug     &  '  both in number base ',i7,'.' /
cbug     &  '  Length of idiga is ',i7,'  with max array length ',i7,'.')
cbug 9902 format ('nit=',i5,2x,a,2x,i6,' = ',25i1)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nroot, nbase, ndiga, ndigm
cbug      write ( 3, 9900)
cbug      nit = 0
cbug      avarx = 'a input'
cbug      do nin = 1, ndiga, 25
cbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndiga)
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) nit, avarx, nin,
cbug     &                   (idiga(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbug      enddo
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr    = 0

      if (nroot .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (nbase .lt. 2) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if ((ndiga .le. 0) .or.
     &   ((ndiga .eq. 1) .and. (idiga(1) .eq. 0))) then
        nerr = 3                      ! Input "a" is zero.
        go to 210

      ndigax = 0
      do n = 1, ndiga
        if (idiga(n) .gt. 0) ndigax = n

      if (ndigax .le. 0) then
        nerr = 3                      ! Input "a" is zero.
        go to 210

      do n = 1, ndiga
        if (idiga(n) .lt. 0) then
          nerr = 4                    ! Input "a" has negative digits.
          go to 210

      if (ndigm .lt. ndiga) then
        nerr = 5                      ! Not enough memory for "a".
        go to 210

c.... Initialize.

      ndigbw = 1
      do n = 1, ndigm
        idigbw(n) = 0
        idigs(n)  = 0
        idigt(n)  = 0
        idigu(n)  = 0
        idigv(n)  = 0
        idigw(n)  = 0
        idigx(n)  = 0
        idigy(n)  = 0
        idigz(n)  = 0

c.... See if nroot = 1, so "b" = "a", "s" = "a" and "r" = "a" - "s" = 0.

      if (nroot .eq. 1) then
        ndigbw = ndiga
        do n = 1, ndigbw
          idigbw(n) = idiga(n)
          idigs(n)  = idiga(n)
        ndigs    = ndiga
        ndigt    = 1
        idigt(1) = 0
        idigu(1) = ndigs          ! The number of digits in idigs.
        idigu(2) = ndigt          ! The number of digits in idigt.
        isign      = 1
        go to 210

c.... Find the base 10 logarithm of the root.

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)

      call aptbtod (nbase, idiga, ndiga, idmax, iemax,
     &              ideca, fdeca, floga, nerra)

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)

      if (floga .eq. -99.0) then
        nerr = 3
        go to 210

      fnroot = nroot
      flogb  = floga / fnroot

c.... Find the approximate value of the root.

      call aptltob (flogb, nbase, ndigm, idigbw, ndigbw, nerra)

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)  ! DO NOT NEED.

c.... Find the integer value of the root, if possible.

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)  ! DO NOT NEED.

      call aptbtod (nbase, idigbw, ndigbw, idmax, iemax,
     &              idecb, fdecb, flogb, nerra)

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)

c.... If the integer value is accurate, use it as the root "b".
c....   Find "s", the nroot'th power of the root "b", and the difference "t"
c....   between "a" and "s".

      if (flogb .le. 16) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9301 format ('APTBRTN DEBUG.  Used integer value directly.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9301)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....   Change to most significant digit first.

        call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigw, ndigw, nerrb)

        call aptbpow (nroot, nbase, idigbw, ndigbw, idigw, idigw1,
     &                ndigm, idigs, ndigs, nerra)

c....   Change to least significant digit first.

        call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigw, ndigw, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigs, ndigs, nerrb)  ! DO NOT NEED.

c....   Change to most significant digit first.

        call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigs, ndigs, nerrb)  ! DO NOT NEED.

        call aptbsub (nbase, idiga, ndiga, idigs, ndigs,
     &                idigz, ndigm, idigt, ndigt, isign, nerra)

c....   Change to least significant digit first.

        call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigs, ndigs, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigt, ndigt, nerrb)

        idigu(1) = ndigs
        idigu(2) = ndigt
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9333 format ('aptbrtn DEBUG.  ndigs =',i5,'  ndigt =',i5)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9333) ndigs, ndigt
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        go to 210

c.... Initialize for finding the root by iteration.

      do n = 1, 10
        irootx(n) = -999999

c.... Find the nroot'th root of "a" by iteration.

      nit = 0

  120 nit = nit + 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9931 format ('APTBRTN NBUG =',i3)
cbugcbug 9932 format ('  # abstuvwxy =',9i5)
cbugcbug 9933 format (/ a80)
cbugcbug 9971 format ('nit=',i5,2x,a,2x,i6,' = ',25i1)
cbugcbug      nbug = 1
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Start with a,  initial guess b.'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'a'
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndiga, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndiga)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idiga(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)
cbugcbug      avarx = 'b'
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Find "v" = b^(nroot - 1).  Use work array "w".

      if (nroot .eq. 2) then
        ndigv = ndigbw
        do n = 1, ndigv
          idigv(n) = idigbw(n)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      nbug = 21
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found v = b^(N-1), using work array v.'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'b arg^(1/N)'
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
cbugcbug      avarx = 'v b^(N-1)'
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigv, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigv)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigv(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        npow = nroot - 1

c....   Change to most significant digit first.

        call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigw, ndigw, nerrb)

        call aptbpow (npow, nbase, idigbw, ndigbw, idigw, idigw1,
     &                ndigm, idigv, ndigv, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      asub = 'aptbpow1'
cbugcbug 9905 format ('Called ',a,'.  nerra =',i5)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) asub, nerra
cbugcbug 9972 format ('aptbrtn nerra =',i3,'  ndigv =',i20)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9972) nerra, ndigv
cbugcbug      nbug = 3
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found v = b^(N-1), using work array w.'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'b arg^(1/N)'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'v b^(N-1)'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigv, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigv)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigv(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....   Change to least significant digit first.

        call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigw, ndigw, nerrb)
        call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)

        if (nerra .ne. 0) then
          nerr = 8
          go to 210

c.... Find "s" = b^n = b * b^(n-1), which should be equal to "a".

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)

      call aptbmul (nbase, idigbw, ndigbw, idigv, ndigv,
     &              idigz, ndigm, idigs, ndigs, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      asub = 'aptbpow2'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) asub, nerra
cbugcbug      nbug = 12
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found s = b^N, stored length in u(1).'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'b a^(1/N)'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 's b^N ~ a'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigs, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigs)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigs(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigs, ndigs, nerrb)

c.... Find "t" = |"a" - "s"| = |a - b^nroot|.

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigs, ndigs, nerrb)

      call aptbsub (nbase, idiga, ndiga, idigs, ndigs,
     &              idigz, ndigm, idigt, ndigt, isign, nerra)

      ndigu    = 2
      idigu(1) = ndigs            ! Number of digits in "s" = b^nroot.
      idigu(2) = ndigt            ! Number of digits in "t" = "a" - "s".

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9970 format ('nit=',i5,2x,a,2x,i6,' = ',25i5)
cbugcbug      asub = 'aptbsub2'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) asub, nerra
cbugcbug      nbug = 13
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found t = |a - s|.  Stored sizes in u(2).'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'a arg'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndiga, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndiga)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idiga(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 's b^N'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigs, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigs)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigs(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 't |a-b^N|'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigt, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigt)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigt(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'u Nt, Ns '
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigu, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigu)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9970) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigu(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigs, ndigs, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigt, ndigt, nerrb)

c.... Test for convergence.  Stop if "t" is zero.

      if ((ndigt .eq. 0) .or.
     &   (ndigt .eq. 1) .and. (idigt(1) .eq. 0)) then
        go to 210

c.... Find the big number array nroot, store in "x".

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigx, ndigx, nerrb)

      call aptdtob (nroot, nbase, ndigm, idigx, ndigx, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9903 format ('aptbrtn DEBUG.  nbug=',i5)
cbugcbug 9904 format ('  x    n =',i7,', idigx =',i7,'.')
cbugcbug      nbig = 101
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9903) nbug, nroot, nbase
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9900)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9904) (n, idigx(n), n = 1, ndigx)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      asub = 'aptdtob1'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) asub, nerra
cbugcbug      nbug = 62
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found x = N.'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'x N'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigx, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigx)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigx(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigx, ndigx, nerrb)

      if (nerra .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 10
        go to 210

c.... Find "w" = "x" * "v" = N * b^(N-1).

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigx, ndigx, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)

      call aptbmul (nbase, idigx, ndigx, idigv, ndigv,
     &              idigz, ndigm, idigw, ndigw, nerra)

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      asub = 'aptbmul'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) asub, nerra
cbugcbug      nbug = 7
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found w = x * v =  N * b^(N-1).'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'x N'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigx, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigx)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigx(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'b arg^(1/N)'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'w N*b^(N-1)'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigx, ndigx, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigw, ndigw, nerrb)
      if (nerra .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 11
        go to 210

c.... Find "v" =  t / w = |a - b^N| / (N * b^(N-1)).  Use work arrays y, z.

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigt, ndigt, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigw, ndigw, nerrb)

      call aptbdiv (nbase, idigt, ndigt, idigw, ndigw,
     &              idigy, idigz, idigw1, idigw2, idigw3, ndigm,
     &              idigv, ndigv, idigx, ndigx, nerra)

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      asub = 'aptbdiv1'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) asub, nerra
cbugcbug      nbug = 5
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found v = t/w, x = residue, with y and z working.'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'a arg'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndiga, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndiga)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idiga(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 's b^N'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigs, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigs)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigs(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 't |a-b^N|'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigt, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigt)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigt(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'w N * b^(N-1)'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'v t / w'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigv, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigv)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigv(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'x remainder'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigx, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigx)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigx(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigt, ndigt, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigw, ndigw, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigy, ndigy, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigz, ndigz, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigx, ndigx, nerrb)

      if (nerra .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 9
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9974 format ('aptbdiv nerra =',i3,'  ndigu =',i20)
cbugcbug 9973 format ('APTBDIV BAD.  nerr =',i3,'  u is zero.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9974) nerra, ndigu
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9973) nerr
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        go to 210

c.... See if correction to "bw" is zero.  If so, done.

      if ((ndigv .eq. 0) .or. 
     &   ((ndigv .eq. 1) .and. (idigv(1) .eq. 0))) then
        go to 210

c.... Find "y" = "bw" + "v".  This is a better guess of "bw" = a^(1/n).
c....   Work array "z".

c.... Change to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)

      if (isign .eq. 1) then
        call aptbadd (nbase, idigbw, ndigbw, idigv, ndigv,
     &                idigz, ndigm, idigy, ndigy, nerra)
        call aptbsub (nbase, idigbw, ndigbw, idigv, ndigv,
     &                idigz, ndigm, idigy, ndigy, isign, nerra)

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      asub = 'aptbdiv2'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) asub, nerra
cbugcbug      nbug = 9
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found y = b + v = new b.'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'b A^(1/n)'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'v corr b'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigv, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigv)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigv(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      avarx = 'y new b'
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigy, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigy)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigy(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Change to least significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigv, ndigv, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigy, ndigy, nerrb)

      if (nerra .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 14
        go to 210

c.... Replace "bw" with "y", iterate.

      ndigbw = ndigy
      do n = 1, ndigy
        idigbw(n) = idigy(n)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      nbug = 11
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) nbug
cbugcbug      action = 'Found next guess for b, using y.'
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) action
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9932) ndiga, ndigbw, ndigs, ndigt,
cbugcbug     &   ndigu, ndigv, ndigw, ndigx, ndigy
cbugcbug      avarx = 'y new'
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigy, ndigy, nerrb)
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigy, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigy)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigy(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigy, ndigy, nerrb)
cbugcbug      avarx = 'b new'
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
cbugcbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbugcbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9971) nit, avarx, nin,
cbugcbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbugcbug      enddo
cbugcbug      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... See if iteration is in a loop.

      if (nit .gt. 1000) then
        do n = 1, 10
          if (idigbw(1) .eq. irootx(n)) then
            nerr = 7
            go to 210
        isave = 1 + mod (isave, 10)
        irootx(isave) = idigbw(1)

      go to 120

  210 continue

c.... Change "a", "bw", "s" and "t" to most significant digit first.

      call aptbrev (idiga, ndiga, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigbw, ndigbw, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigs, ndigs, nerrb)
      call aptbrev (idigt, ndigt, nerrb)

c.... Store working array "bw" into "b".

      ndigb = ndigbw
      do n = 1, ndigb
        idigb(n) = idigbw(n)

      if (nerr .ne. 0) then
        ndigs = 0
        ndigt = 0
        ndigu = 0
        ndigb = 0
        do n = 1, ndigm
          idigs(n) = -999999
          idigt(n) = -999999
          idigu(n) = -999999
          idigb(n) = -999999

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9911 format (/ 'aptbrtn results:  nerr=',i2,', ndigbw =',i7,'.')
cbug      write ( 3, 9911) nerr, ndigbw
cbug      write ( 3, 9900)
cbug      avarx = 'a arg "a"'
cbug      do nin = 1, ndiga, 25
cbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndiga)
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) nit, avarx, nin,
cbug     &                   (idiga(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbug      enddo
cbug      write ( 3, 9900)
cbug      avarx = 'b a^(1/N)'
cbug      do nin = 1, ndigbw, 25
cbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigbw)
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) nit, avarx, nin,
cbug     &                   (idigbw(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbug      enddo
cbug      write ( 3, 9900)
cbug      avarx = 's b^N ~ a'
cbug      do nin = 1, ndigs, 25
cbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigs)
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) nit, avarx, nin,
cbug     &                   (idigs(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbug      enddo
cbug      write ( 3, 9900)
cbug      avarx = 'a - b^N'
cbug      do nin = 1, ndigt, 25
cbug        nlast = min (nin + 24, ndigt)
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) nit, avarx, nin,
cbug     &                   (idigt(n), n = nin, nlast)
cbug      enddo
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of subroutine aptbrtn.      (+1 line.)
