subroutine aptnorm (nopt, xmean, xdev, np, xran, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTNORM
c     call aptnorm (nopt, xmean, xdev, np, xran, nerr)
c     Version:  aptnorm  Updated    1990 August 15 16:00.
c               aptnorm  Originated 1990 August 15 16:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To randomly sample each of np values xran(n) from a Normal
c               probability distribution function (PDF) with a mean value
c               xmean(k) and a standard deviation xdev(k), where k = 1
c               (nopt = 0), or k = n (nopt = 1):
c                 PDF = b * exp (-0.5 * y**2)
c               where x ranges from minus infinity to plus infinity,
c               b = 1.0 / (sqrt (2.0 * pi) * xdev), y = (x - xmean) / xdev,
c               xdev = sqrt ( - **2), and <> indicates expected value.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    nopt, xmean, xdev, np.
c     Output:   xran, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not zero.
c                          1 if nopt is not 0 or 1.
c                          2 if np is not positive.
c     nopt      Input    Indicates the the sampling option:
c                          0:  All np xran values will be randomly sampled from
c                              one Normal probability distribution function
c                              based on xmean and xdev (scalars).
c                          1:  Each value xran(n) will be randomly sampled from
c                              a Normal probability distribution function
c                              based on xmean(n) and xdev(n) (arrays).
c     np        Input    Size of arrays xran, and if nopt = 1, xmean and xdev.
c     xdev      Input    Standard deviation of x from xmean:
c                            xdev = sqrt ( - **2).
c                          Size 1 (nopt = 0) or np (nopt = 1).
c     xmean     Input    Mean or expected value of x:
c                            xmean = .
c                          Size 1 (nopt = 0) or np (nopt = 1).
c     xran      Output   Randomly sampled values of x.  For xran(n), from
c                          the Normal probability distribution function with
c                          mean value xmean(k) and standard deviation xdev(k),
c                          where k = 1 (nopt = 0) or k = n (nopt = 1).
c                          Size np.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Standard deviation of x from xmean.
      dimension xdev    (1)
c---- Mean value of x.
      dimension xmean   (1)
c---- Randomly sampled value of x.
      dimension xran    (1)

c.... Local variables.

c---- Index in local array.
      common /laptnorm/ n
c---- First index of subset of data.
      common /laptnorm/ n1
c---- Last index of subset of data.
      common /laptnorm/ n2
c---- Function np - n1 + 2.
      common /laptnorm/ nf1
c---- Function n1 - 1.
      common /laptnorm/ nf2
c---- Index in xran.
      common /laptnorm/ nn1
c---- Index in xran.
      common /laptnorm/ nn2
c---- Function (np + 1) / 2.
      common /laptnorm/ nph
c---- Size of current subset of data.
      common /laptnorm/ ns

c---- Numerical constant, pi.
      common /laptnorm/ pi

c---- A random variable.
      common /laptnorm/ rad
c---- Random numbers.
      common /laptnorm/ ranfp1  (64)
c---- Random numbers.
      common /laptnorm/ ranfp2  (64)
c---- A random angle.
      common /laptnorm/ theta

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugc---- Standard deviation from mean.
cbug      common /laptnorm/ xdevr
cbugc---- Mean value.
cbug      common /laptnorm/ xmeanr
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptnorm sampling a normal distribution.',
cbug     &  '  nopt=',i2,' np=',i5)
cbug 9902 format ('  xmean=',1pe22.14,'  xdev=',1pe22.14)
cbug 9903 format (i5,'  xmean,xdev=',1p2e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nopt, np
cbug      if (nopt .eq. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) xmean(1), xdev(1)
cbug      elseif (nopt .eq. 1) then
cbug        write (3, 9903) (n, xmean(n), xdev(n), n = 1, np)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

c---- Numerical constant, pi.
      pi = 3.14159265358979323

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr = 0

      if ((nopt .ne. 0) .and. (nopt .ne. 1)) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (np .le. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Initialize.

      nph = (np + 1) / 2

c.... Do data sets in groups of 64.

      n1 = 1
      n2 = min (nph, 64)
  110 ns = n2 - n1 + 1

      nf1 = np + 2 - n1
      nf2 = n1 - 1

c.... Get needed random numbers.

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 120 n = 1, ns
        ranfp1(n) = ranf( )
c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  120 continue

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 130 n = 1, ns
        ranfp2(n) = ranf( )
c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  130 continue

c.... Randomly sample values of x.

c---- One PDF for all xran.
      if (nopt .eq. 0) then

c---- Loop over subset of data.
        do 140 n = 1, ns

          nn1       = nf2 + n
          nn2       = nf1 - n
          rad       = sqrt (-2.0 * log (ranfp1(n)))
          theta     = 2.0 * pi * ranfp2(n)
          xran(nn1) = xmean(1) + xdev(1) * rad * cos (theta)
          xran(nn2) = xmean(1) + xdev(1) * rad * sin (theta)

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  140   continue

c---- One PDF for each xran.

c---- Loop over subset of data.
        do 150 n = 1, ns

          nn1       = nf2 + n
          nn2       = nf1 - n
          rad       = sqrt (-2.0 * log (ranfp1(n)))
          theta     = 2.0 * pi * ranfp2(n)
          xran(nn1) = xmean(nn1) + xdev(nn1) * rad * cos (theta)
          xran(nn2) = xmean(nn2) + xdev(nn2) * rad * sin (theta)

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  150   continue

c---- Tested nopt.

c.... See if all sets are done.

c---- Do another data set.
      if (n2 .lt. nph) then
        n1 = n2 + 1
        n2 = min (nph, n1 + 63)
        go to 110
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9904 format (/ 'aptnorm results:  xran')
cbug      write ( 3, 9904)
cbug      call aptmean (xran, np, 1.e-11, xmeanr, xdevr, nerr)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

  210 return

c.... End of subroutine aptnorm.      (+1 line.)
