Mailstop L-059 |
phone: (925) 423-5946 |
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
fax: (925) 422-5960 |
P. O. Box 808 |
Livermore, CA 94550, USA |
email: brown170@llnl.gov |
Theoretical description of nuclear reactions over all energy ranges
Nuclear data compilation and management
Two-particle correlations in heavy-ion reactions
Inverse problems and imaging
Non-equilibrium field theory and foundations of transport theory
- Ph.D.
- Michigan State University, Physics (with high honors),
December 1998.
Accessing the Space-Time Development of Heavy-Ion
with Theory and Experiment.
Adviser: Pawe Danielewicz.
- n/a
- University of Delaware, Graduate Student, Department of Physics, 1991-1992.
- B.S.
- Clarkson University, Physics (with honors), June 1991.
- B.S.
- Clarkson University, Mathematics (with honors), June 1991.
- Staff Physicist (2003-Present).
Computational Nuclear Physics Group/N Division,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
- Developing object-oriented code scheme for analyzing one and three
dimensional intensity interferometric data.
- Developing automated nuclear data evaluating code.
- Developed codes to translate between ENDFB/6 and LLNL's ENDL nuclear data formats.
- Developed improved versions of the LLNL's ENDL database with
updated U, U, and U evaluations for use
in the Nuclear Event Attribution program.
- Post-Doctoral Researcher (2000-2003).
Theory and Modeling Group/N Division,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
- Extracted the first ever source function, using the
source imaging technique. This provides a key constraint on the
emission function (PRL 91: 162301 (2003)).
- Used the source imaging technique on two-proton correlations to
constrain the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section (PRC 67: 034606 (2003)).
- Demonstrated the ``equivalence'' of our source imaging technique and
the traditional analysis tools in the analysis of charged pion
correlations (PRL 87: 112304 (2001)).
- Developing a modern object-oriented code
scheme for modeling low energy nuclear reactions.
- Developed a parallel code for analyzing three-dimensional
intensity interferometric
data for use on world-class Livermore supercomputers.
- Developed improved versions of the LLNL's ENDL database with
updated U(n,f) and U(n,) evaluations for use in the
Nuclear Event Attribution program.
- Participated in Pu(n,2n) and U(n,2n) cross
section re-evaluations.
- Research Associate (1999-2000). Institute for Nuclear Theory,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- Demonstrated that the particle emitting source in a heavy-ion
reaction need not have a simple Gaussian profile, using our source imaging
- Studied effects of position-momentum correlations in sources on
imaging analysis of intensity interferometric data.
- Demonstrated an improved method for extracting the space-averaged
phase-space density - a crucial observable for constraining transport
models - using our source imaging technique.
- Research Assistant (1992-1998). Nuclear Theory Group, National
Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI.
- Developed a novel application of imaging to the analysis of
intensity interferometric data from heavy-ion reactions, allowing us to
actually image the particle emitting source in these reactions.
- Designed software to invert integral equations found in imaging
- Developed novel perturbation theory for describing elementary
processes in phase-space.
- Studied foundations of transport theory for massless particles.
- Calculated small- parton distributions.
- Undergraduate Research Assistant (1991, 1992). Advanced Photon
Source Engineering and Construction
Group, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
- Calculated wiggler and undulator x-ray beam profile for 3
generation synchrotron light source.
- Extensive scientific Fortran, C/C++ and Python programming experience. Some experience with Perl, Pascal, Basic and Java.
- Experience with the use of massively parallel computers and OpenMP programming.
- Experience in cross-platform program development.
- Extensive use of numerical subroutine libraries (NAG, CERNLIB).
- Extensive use of shell scripting to automate data processing.
- Working knowledge of RCS and CVS version control systems.
- Complete working knowledge of Unix (Tru64 Unix, Irix 6.4, Solaris), Linux, DOS, MS-Windows, Digital VMS, MacOS.
- Installation and administration of small Linux/MS-Windows based network.
- Working knowledge of HTML.
- Some experience with scientific visualization and the use of IRIS Explorer.
- User of LATEX, Mathematica, Maple, various word processors and plotting programs.
- Mentor (Summer 2004).
- Mentored B. Loyola, a junior at UC Davis, during his summer internship.
- American College Testing (ACT) Item Writer (Spring 1997).
- Authored several questions for national college admission exam.
- Recitation/Laboratory Instructor (1992-1994), Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Michigan State University.
- Alternated leading laboratory sections (Physics 191 and 192) and
recitations sections (Physics 183 and 184).
- Consistently received above average teaching evaluations from students.
- Concurrent enrollment as a full time graduate student.
- Graduate Course Grader (Fall 1993), Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Michigan State University.
- Graded homeworks, exams and final projects of students taking
graduate classical mechanics (Physics 820).
- Sought out by faculty teaching Physics 820.
- Laboratory Instructor (1991-1992), Department of Physics, University of Delaware.
- Led three sections per semester of an introduction to astronomy laboratory
(Physics 133 and 134).
- Grader (Fall 1990), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Clarkson University.
- Graded homeworks of students taking introductory analysis course
(Math 211).
- Sought out by faculty teaching Math 211.
- Computer Liason (2004-Present), Computational Nuclear Physics Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- Procured machines and overseeing group transition to ``CREMless'' operation.
- Proposal Referee (2003-Present).
- Two proposals to National Science Foundation for FY05-FY06.
- Two proposals to NNSA Academic Alliance Program for FY03-FY05.
- Journal Referee (1999-Present).
- Physical Review Letters referee since 2002.
- Physical Review C referee since 2001.
- Physical Review D referee since 2001.
- Physical Letters B referee since 1999.
- Foreign National Host (2001-Present), N Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- Hosted 6 Foriegn National visitors at LLNL including one Sensitive Country Foreign National.
- N Division Web Page Co-Coordinator (2002-Present), N Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- Co-spearheaded N Division's web page modernization project.
- Brown-Bag Lunch Seminar Coordinator (1999-2001), Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington.
- Organized combined Nuclear Theory and Institute for Nuclear Theory lunch discussions.
- Student Seminar Coordinator (1994-1997), Physics and Astronomy Department, Michigan State University.
- Organized forum for graduate students to present research to group of peers.
- Herbert Graham Scholarship (1992, 1993).
- Clarkson Trustees Scholarship (1991).
- Retired Officers Association Leadership Award (1989).
- Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Full Scholarship (1988-1990).
- Clarkson University Honor Roll (1987-1991).
- Hibshman Scholarship (1987-1991).
- Wolf Scholarship (1987-1991).
- American Physical Society.
Physics National Honor Society.
- Summary:
13 peer-reviewed publications,
8 laboratory reports, and
8 conference proceedings, submitted
2 research proposals and authored
3 software packages.
- Ph.D. Thesis:
- David Alan Brown, Accessing the Space-Time Development of Heavy-Ion Collisions With Theory and Experiment, Michigan State University, 1998.
- Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- E895 Collaboration, D.A. Brown, S. Pratt, F. Wang, P. Danielewicz,
"Comparison of source images for protons, pion and
hyperons in 6 AGeV Au+Au collisions," Phys. Rev. Lett. 91:
162301 (2003).
- G. Verde, P. Danielewicz, W.G. Lynch, D.A. Brown, C.K. Gelbke,
M.B. Tsang, "Probing transport theories via two-proton source
imaging," Phys. Rev. C 67, 034606 (2003).
- G. Verde, D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz, K.G. Gelbke, W.G. Lynch
M.B. Tsang, ``Imaging sources with fast and slow emission components,''
Phys. Rev. C 65, 054609 (2002).
- E895 Collaboration, D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz,
``Model-independent source imaging using two-pion correlations
in 2 to 8 GeV Au + Au collisions,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 112304 (2001).
- D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz,
``Observing Non-Gaussian Sources in Heavy-Ion Reactions,''
Phys. Rev. C 64, 014902 (2001).
- D.A. Brown ``Is it possible to reconstruct the freeze-out duration of
heavy-ion collisions using tomography?'' E-print nucl-th/0003021,
submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
- D.A. Brown, S. Panitkin, and G. Bertsch,
``Extracting Particle Freeze-out Densities And Entropies From
Sources Imaged In Heavy-Ion Collisions,'' Phys. Rev. C 62, 014904 (2000).
- S. Panitkin, D.A. Brown
``Imaging Proton Sources and Space Momentum Correlations,''
Phys. Rev. C 61, 021901 (2000).
- D.A. Brown, F. Wang, P. Danielewicz,
``Implications of the Unusual Structure in the pp Correlation from
Pb+Pb Collisions at 158-GeV/A,'' Phys. Lett. B 470, 33-38 (1999).
- D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz
``Partons in Phase Space,'' Phys. Rev. D 58, 094003 (1998).
- D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz
``Optimized Discretization of Sources Imaged in Heavy Ion
Reactions,'' Phys. Rev. C 57, 2474-2483 (1998).
- D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz
``Imaging of Sources in Heavy-Ion Collisions,''
Phys. Lett. B 398, 252-258 (1997).
- R.J. Dejus, A.M. Khounsary,
D.A. Brown and P.J. Viccaro
``Calculation of Wiggler Spectrum and Its Absorption in Media.''
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 319 (1992).
- Laboratory Reports:
- J. M. Hall, J. A. Pruet, D. A. Brown, M.-A. Descalle, G. W. Hedstrom, ``Modeling the Production
of Beta-Delayed Gamma Rays for the Detection of Special Nuclear Materials,'' UCRL-TR-209738, Feb. (2005).
- D.A. Brown, B. Beck, ``Updating the U(n,2n), U(n,3n),
U(n,4n), U(n,elastic) ENDL cross sections,'' UCRL-TR-209035, Jan. (2005).
- D.A. Brown, J. Pruet, G. Hedstrom, J. Hall, M.-a. Descalle,
``Proposal for ENDF formats that describe emission of post-fission -delayed photons,''
UCRL-TR-206607, Sep. (2004).
- D.A. Brown, D. McNabb, B. Beck,
``Update of ENDL U(n,2n), U(n,), U(n,f) Evaluations,''
UCRL-TR-202393, Feb. 18 (2004).
- D.A. Brown, F.S. Dietrich, T. Hill, D. McNabb,
``Updated ENDL99 Cross Sections for U(n, ) and U(n, f),''
UCRL-ID-148410, May 3 (2002).
- D. A. Brown, P. Danielewicz,
``Partons in Phase Space,'' NSCL 1995, 1996 and 1997 Annual Reports.
- D. A. Brown, P. Danielewicz,
``Optimized Discretization of Sources Imaged in Heavy Ion Reactions,''
NSCL 1997 Annual Report.
- D. A. Brown, P. Danielewicz,
``Imaging of Sources in Heavy-Ion Collisions,'' NSCL 1996 Annual
- Proceedings:
- D.A. Brown, R. Vogt, ``Proposal for a High Energy Nuclear Database,'' 21st Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Breckenridge, CO, 5-12 Feb., 2005, to be published in Acta Physica Hungarica, LLNL preprint number UCRL-PROC-210982 and LBNL preprint number LBNL-57381, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0504009.
- D.A. Brown, B. Loyola, ``Actinide Cross Section Evaluations,'' International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2004), Sante Fe, NM, 26 Sep. - 1 Oct., 2004, to be published by the American Institute of Physics, LLNL preprint number UCRL-PROC-206702.
- P. Danielewicz, D.A. Brown, M. Heffner, R. Soltz, S. Pratt, ``Towards the 3D-Imaging of Sources,'' International Workshop On Hot And Dense Matter In Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (BP 2004), Budapest, Hungary, 24 -27 Mar., 2004, to be published in Acta Physica Hungarica A, A) Heavy-Ion Physics, LLNL preprint number UCRL-PROC-204983, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0407022.
- D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz, M. Heffner, R. Soltz, ``3D Imaging
in Heavy-Ion Reactions,'' Proc. Winter Workshop on Nuclear
Dynamics, Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, March 15-20, 2004, to be published in Acta
Physica Hungarica A, A) Heavy-Ion Physics, LLNL preprint number UCRL-PROC-203714.
- D.A. Brown, G.Hedstrom,
``Possible Problems in ENDF/B-VI.r8,'' Cross Section Evaluation Working
Group Annual Meeting, Upton NY, UCRL-CONF-200686, November 4-6 (2003).
- G. Verde, D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz, G.K. Gelbke, W.G. Lynch,
M.B. Tsang, ``New Approach to Imaging of Two-Proton Source Functions,''
Proc. Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Park City UT, March
10-17, 2001, Published in Acta Physica Hungarica A, A) Heavy-Ion Physics
15, 407-416 (2002), LLNL preprint number UCRL-PROC-203670.
- D.A. Brown,
``Imaging the Three-Dimensional Relative Sources from Nuclear Reactions,''
Proc. APS Centennial Meeting Heavy-Ion Minisymposium, Atlanta, GA, March 19-27, 1999,
ed. R. Seto (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999), p. 48.
- P. Danielewicz and D.A. Brown ``Imaging of Sources in Heavy-Ion Reactions,''
Proc. Int. Workshop on Collective Excitations in Fermi and Bose Systems, Serra Negra,
Brazil, September 14-17, 1998, ed. C. A. Bertulani (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999),
p. 382.
- Proposals:
- D. Brown, R. Vogt, R. Soltz, N. Xu, J. Pruet, S. McKinley, ``Proposal for a High Energy Nuclear Database,'' UCRL-PROP-207799, Submitted to DOE Office of Science (2004).
- D. Brown, ``Probing the Reaction Dynamics of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions With Two-Proton Correlations,'' LLNL LDRD Proposal (2002).
- Software Packages:
- D.A. Brown,
``Imaging with CorAL version 0.3,''
presented to PHENIX Global Hadron Working Group,
UCRL-PRES-210053, 7 Mar (2005).
- D.A. Brown, G. Hedstrom, T. Hill,
``User's guide to fete: From ENDF/B-VI To ENDL,''
UCRL-SM-206606, Sep. (2004).
- D.A. Brown, P. Danielewicz,
``HBTprogs Version 1.01''
UCRL-CODE-2002-032, UCRL-MA-147919, May 3 (2002).
- Summary:
24 international conferences and workshops and
1 summer school. Delivered
7 invited and
11 contributed conference talks,
6 posters,
16 invited seminars and
1 colloquium.
- Invited Conference Talks:
- Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics,
``Proposal for a High Energy Nuclear Database,''
Breckenridge, CO, 9 Feb., 2005, UCRL-PRES-209545
- Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics,
``Three-Dimensional Imaging Analysis of Two-particle Correlations in
Heavy-Ion Reactions,'' Trelawny Beach, Jamaica, 15-20 March, 2004.
- INT Workshop on Reaction Theory for Nuclei Far from Stability,
``Imaging Nuclear Reactions With Interferometry,'' Seattle, WA, 17
September 2002.
- Workshop on Two-Particle Correlations and Elliptic Flow at RHIC,
``Imaging the source in heavy-ion collisions,'' Upton, NY, June 2002.
- INT/RHIC Winter Workshop 2002 on Correlations and
Fluctuations in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC, ``Imaging
the source in heavy-ion collisions,''
Seattle, WA, January 2002.
- 5 RHIC-INT Workshop and 16 Winter Workshop on
Nuclear Dynamics, ``The Unusual pp Correlation from Pb+Pb Reactions at
158 AGeV,'' Park City, UT, March 2000.
- 1997 ACS Meeting, ``Imaging of Sources in Heavy Ion Reactions,''
Las Vegas, NV.
- Contributed Conference Talks:
- Several talks at the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group Meeting,
Upton, NY, November 2004: UCRL-PRES-313221, UCRL-PRES-313658, UCRL-PRES-313659, UCRL-PRES-313660.
- Cross Section Evaluation Working Group Meeting, ``Update on ENDF/B-VI Translation,'' UCRL-PRES-200892, Upton, NY, November 2003.
- ICTP Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors: Physics, Design, and Safety, ``Activities of the Theory and Modeling Group,'' Trieste, Italy, March 2002.
- DNP/APS Meeting, ``Full Three-Dimensional Imaging Analysis of Un-Coulomb Corrected Two-Pion Correlations,'' Maui, HI, 17 Oct. 2001.
- INPC2001 ``Full Three-Dimensional Imaging Analysis of Un-Coulomb Corrected Two-Pion Correlations,'' Berkeley, CA, June 2001.
- DNP/APS Meeting, ``Estimates of freeze-out densities from sources imaged in heavy-ion reactions,'' Asilomar, CA, 20-23 Oct. 1999.
- APS Centennial Meeting Heavy-Ion Minisymposium, ``Imaging the Three-Dimensional Relative Sources from Nuclear Reactions,'' Atlanta, GA, Mar. 19-27, 1999.
- Spring 1997 APS Meeting, ``Imaging of Sources in Heavy Ion Reactions,'' Washington, DC.
- Spring 1996 APS Meeting, ``Partons in Phase Space,'' Indianapolis, IN.
- 1995 Midwest Nuclear Theory Get Together ``Shape of a Parton Cloud,'' Argonne, IL.
- Institute for Nuclear Theory Summer School 1996 ``Partons in Phase Space,'' Pack Forest, WA.
- Posters:
- Nuclear Data 2004, ``Actinide Cross Section Evaluations,'' UCRL-POST-206766, Sante Fe, NM, September 2004.
- Quark Matter 2004, ``Three-Dimensional Imaging Analysis of Two-particle Correlations in Heavy-Ion Reactions,'' UCRL-POST-201638, Oakland, CA, Jan. 2004.
- INPC2001 ``Full Three-Dimensional Imaging Analysis of Un-Coulomb Corrected Two-Pion Correlations,'' Berkeley, CA, July 2001.
- Quark Matter 2001, ``Observing Non-Gaussian Sources in Heavy-Ion Collisions,'' Stony Brook, NY, Jan. 2001.
- APS/DNP Meeting 2000, ``Imaging of emitting sources in heavy ion collisions by p-p and d- correlation functions,'' Williamsburg, VA, 4-7 Oct. 2000.
- Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear Reactions, ''Observing Non-Gaussian Sources in Heavy-Ion Collisions,'' Colby-Sawyer College, NH, July 2000.
- Invited Seminars:
- LANL T-16 Seminar, ``Updating ENDL actinide cross sections for the NA
program,'' UCRL-PRES-209033, 7 Jan. 2005.
- NSCL Seminar, ``Three-dimensional imaging in heavy-ion reactions,''
East Lansing, MI, June, 2004.
- N Division WIP, ``Source imaging in heavy-ion reactions,''
Livermore, CA, April 16, 2003.
- LANL T-16 Seminar, ``Source imaging in heavy-ion reactions,''
Los Alamos, NM, May 20, 2003.
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, December 2001
``Full Three-dimensional Imaging Analysis of Un-Coulomb
Corrected Two-pion Correlations,'' Berkeley, CA.
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, May 2000
``Imaging sources from heavy-ion collisions or
Getting the most from a correlation measurement,'' Livermore, CA.
- Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, May 2000
``Imaging sources from heavy-ion collisions or
Getting the most from a correlation measurement,'' Seattle, WA.
- Institute for Nuclear Theory Spring 2000 Program,
``Extracting Particle Freeze-out Phase-Space Densities
from Sources Imaged in Heavy-Ion Reactions,'' Seattle, WA.
- Institute for Nuclear Theory Fall 1999 Program,
``Transport Theory Without the Gradient Approximation,'' Seattle, WA.
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, June 1999 ``The Influence
of Space-Momentum Correlations on the Proton Source Functions Imaged
from Heavy-Ion Collisions,'' Berkeley, CA.
- Ohio State University, April 1998 ``Optimized Discretization of
Sources Imaged in Heavy Ion Reactions,'' Columbus, OH.
- Institute for Nuclear Theory Spring
1998 Program, ``Partons in Phase Space,'' Seattle, WA.
- Columbia University, March 1998 ``Partons in Phase-Space,'' New York,
- Argonne National Laboratory, March 1998 ``Partons in Phase-Space,''
Argonne, IL.
- NA49 Spring Collaboration Meeting
1997, ``Imaging of Sources in Heavy Ion Reactions,'' CERN, Geneva,
- Institute for Nuclear Theory Fall
1996 Program, ``Partons in Phase Space,'' Seattle, WA.
- Colloquia:
- Linfield University, 11 November 1999
``Imaging and Intensity Interferometry
in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Reactions,'' McMinnville, OR.
Prof. Pawe Danielewicz,
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824;
phone: (517) 333-6330;
email: danielewicz@nscl.msu.edu.
- Dr. Frank S. Dietrich, Nuclear Theory and Modeling Group, L-050, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550; phone: (925) 422-4521;
email: dietrich2@llnl.gov.
- Dr. Ron Soltz, High Energy Physics Group, L-050, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550; phone: (925) 423-2647; email: soltz1@llnl.gov.
- Dr. Roger White, B Division, L-095, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550; phone: (925) 422-9668; email: white19@llnl.gov.
- Prof. Wick Haxton, Institute for Nuclear Theory, Box 351550, University
of Washington, Seattle WA, 98195-1550; phone: (206) 685-2397; email: haxton@phys.washington.edu.
- Scott Pratt, Physics and Astronomy Department, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI 48824; phone: (517) 355-9200 (ext. 2016); email: pratt@nscl.msu.edu.