Dennis McNabb Curriculum Vitae — Laboratory Reports

  1. “Neutron-induced partial gamma-ray cross-section measurements with GEANIE at LANSCE/WNR,” D. P. McNabb for GEANIE collaboration, invited talk given at ``Tenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics,'' Santa Fe, NM, Septemper 2, 1999.
  2. “Neutron Science at GEANIE,” W. Younes, J. A. Becker, L. A. Bernstein, P. E. Garrett, C. A. McGrath, D. P McNabb, G. D. Johns, R. O. Nelson, and W. S. Wilburn, invited talk given at ``Tenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics,'' Santa Fe, NM, Septemper 2, 1999.
  3. “Probing Nuclear Structure at Finite Temperature and Spin via Decay of Superdeformed Bands in Lead Nuclei,” D. P. McNabb} and J. A. Cizewski, conference proceedings of “International Conference on Achievements and Perspectives in Nuclear Structure,” Crete, Greece, July 11-17, 1999.
  4. “High-spin studies of fission products in fusion-evaporation reactions,” N. Fotiades, J. A. Cizewski, K. Y. Ding, R. Krucken, J. A. Becker, L. A. Bernstein, K. Hauschild, D. P. McNabb, W. Younes, P. Fallon, I. Y. Lee, and A. O. Macchiavelli, conference proceedings of "International Conference on Achievements and Perspectives in Nuclear Structure,'" Crete, Greece, July 11-17, 1999.
  5. “Search for superdeformation in the light actinides,” D. P. McNabb and J. A. Cizewski, talk given at “Workshop on the Physics using Compound-Nucleus Separators,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, April 10-12, 1997.
  6. “Superdeformation in 198Po and the Competition with Fission,” J. A. Cizewski and D. P. McNabb, in Gammasphere Physics, M. A. Deleplanque, I. Y. Lee, and A. 0. Macchiavelli (eds.), World Scientific, p. 161 (1996).
  7. “Primary Transitions Between the Yrast Superdeformed Band and Low-Lying Deformed States in 194Pb,” K. Hauschild, L. A. Bernstein, J. A. Becker, D. E. Archer, R. W. Bauer, D. P. McNabb, J. A. Cizewski, K. Y. Ding, W. Younes, R. Krucken, G. J. Schmid, R. M. Clark, P. Fallon, I. Y. Lee, A. 0. Macchiavelli, R. MacLeod, R. M. Diamond, M. A. Deleplanque, and F. S. Stephens, W. H. Kelly, in Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, Argonne National Laboratory, July 22-26, 1996.


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Updated:  September 23, 2003