subroutine aptacct (px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, cx, cy, cz, np, t,
     &                    tol, ptx, pty, ptz, vtx, vty, vtz, vtlen,
     &                    atx, aty, atz, atlen, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTACCT
c     call aptacct (px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, cx, cy, cz, np, t,
c    &              tol, ptx, pty, ptz, vtx, vty, vtz, vtlen,
c    &              atx, aty, atz, atlen, nerr)
c     Version:  aptacct  Updated    1999 February 16 14:30.
c               aptacct  Originated 1999 February 16 14:30.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  For the particle with initial coordinates p = (px, py, pz) and
c               initial velocity vector v = (vx, vy, vz) at time zero, and with
c               time-dependent acceleration vector a = (ax, ay, az), where
c                 ax = cx(0) + cx(1)*t + ... + cx(n)*t**n + ... + cx(np)*t**np
c                 ay = cy(0) + cy(1)*t + ... + cy(n)*t**n + ... + cy(np)*t**np
c                 az = cz(0) + cz(1)*t + ... + cz(n)*t**n + ... + cz(np)*t**np,
c               to find at time t the coordinates pt = (ptx, pty, ptz), the
c               velocity vector vt = (vtx, vty, vtz), its magnitude vtlen, and
c               the acceleration vector at = (atx, aty, atz) and its magnitude
c               atlen.  The expression for ax may be the initial terms of a
c               Taylor series expansion of ax at time zero, with cx(n) being the
c               n'th derivative of ax with respect to time, divided by n
c               factorial, at time zero.  Similarly for ay and az.
c               The particle velocity and coordinates are given by:
c                 vt = v + I {a, 0, t},
c                 pt = p + I {vt, 0, t},
c               where I {f, 0, t} indicates the integral of the time-dependent
c               function f over time, from 0 to t.
c               A non-zero value of nerr indicates an input error.
c     History:
c     Input:    px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, cx, cy, cz, nt, t, tol.
c     Output:   ptx, pty, ptz, vtx, vty, vtz, vtlen, atx, aty, atz, atlen, nerr.
c     Calls: aptvunb 
c     Glossary:
c     atx,...   Output   The x, y and z components of the acceleration at
c                          time t.
c     cx        Input    The coefficients of the time-dependent x component of
c                          the acceleration vector a, cx(n), n = 0, np.
c                          ax = cx(0)+cx(1)*t+...+cx(n)*t**n+...+cx(np)*t**np.
c     cy        Input    The coefficients of the time-dependent y component of
c                          the acceleration vector a, cy(n), n = 1, np.
c                          ay = cy(0)+cy(1)*t+...+cy(n)*t**n+...+cy(np)*t**np.
c     cz        Input    The coefficients of the time-dependent z component of
c                          the acceleration vector a, cz(n), n = 1, np.
c                          az = cz(0)+cz(1)*t+...+cz(n)*t**n+...+cz(np)*t**np.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not zero:
c                          1 if np is negative.
c     np        Input    The highest power of t in the expressions for ax,
c                          ay and az.
c     ptx,...   Output   The x, y and z coordinates of the particle at time t.
c     pz,py,pz  Input    The initial x, y and z coordinates of the particle.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On computers with 64-bit floating point numbers,
c                          recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c     vtlen     Output   The magnitude of the velocity at time t.
c     vtx,...   Output   The x, y and z components of the particle velocity at
c                          time t.
c     vx,vy,vz  Input    The initial x, y and z components of the particle
c                          velocity.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      dimension cx(0:1)
      dimension cy(0:1)
      dimension cz(0:1)

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptacct finding particle path at time',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  '    tol=      ',1pe22.14)
cbug 9902 format ('  Particle at p with velocity v, acceleration a:' /
cbug     &  '  px,py,pz=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  vx,vy,vz=   ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug 9903 format ('  cx=         ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &       ('              ',1p3e22.14 ))
cbug 9904 format ('  cy=         ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &       ('              ',1p3e22.14 ))
cbug 9905 format ('  cz=         ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &       ('              ',1p3e22.14 ))
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) t, tol
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) (cx(n), n = 0, np)
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) (cy(n), n = 0, np)
cbug      write ( 3, 9905) (cz(n), n = 0, np)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (np .lt. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

c.... Find the magnitude of the initial acceleration vector.

      call aptvunb (cx(0), cy(0), cz(0), 1, tol,
     &              ux, uy, uz, alen, nerr)

c.... Find the magnitude of the initial velocity vector.

      call aptvunb (vx, vy, vz, 1, tol, ux, uy, uz, vlen, nerr)

c.... Test for zero time interval.

      if (t .eq. 0.0) then
        atx   = cx(0)
        aty   = cy(0)
        atz   = cz(0)
        atlen = alen
        vtx   = vx
        vty   = vy
        vtz   = vz
        vtlen = vlen
        ptx   = px
        pty   = py
        ptz   = pz
        go to 210

c.... Find the velocity and position at time t.

      if (np .ge. 1) then

        atx = cx(0)
        aty = cy(0)
        atz = cz(0)

        vtx = vx + cx(0) * t
        vty = vy + cy(0) * t
        vtz = vz + cz(0) * t

        ptx = px + vx * t + 0.5 * cx(0) * t**2
        pty = py + vy * t + 0.5 * cy(0) * t**2
        ptz = pz + vz * t + 0.5 * cz(0) * t**2

        ta = 1.0
        do 120 n = 1, np              ! Loop over coefficients.
          ta     = ta * t
          tv     = ta * t
          tp     = tv * t 
          fv     = n + 1
          fp     = (n + 1) * (n + 2)

          atx    = atx + cx(n) * ta
          aty    = aty + cy(n) * ta
          atz    = atz + cz(n) * ta

          vtx    = vtx + cx(n) * tv / fv
          vty    = vty + cy(n) * tv / fv
          vtz    = vtz + cz(n) * tv / fv

          ptx    = ptx + cx(n) * tp / fp
          pty    = pty + cy(n) * tp / fp
          ptz    = ptz + cz(n) * tp / fp

  120   continue
      endif                           ! End of loop over coefficients.

c.... Truncate results near zero.

      if (tol .gt. 0.0) then          ! Truncate results.

        atxerr = abs (cx(0))
        atyerr = abs (cy(0))
        atzerr = abs (cz(0))
        vtxerr = abs (vx) + 2.0 * abs (cx(0) * t)
        vtyerr = abs (vy) + 2.0 * abs (cy(0) * t)
        vtzerr = abs (vz) + 2.0 * abs (cz(0) * t)
        ptxerr = abs (px) + 1.5 * abs (vx * t) * abs (cx(0)) * t**2
        ptyerr = abs (py) + 1.5 * abs (vy * t) * abs (cy(0)) * t**2
        ptzerr = abs (pz) + 1.5 * abs (vz * t) * abs (cz(0)) * t**2

        if (np .ge. 1) then

          ta = 1.0
          tv = t
          do 130 n = 1, np            ! Loop over coefficients.
            ta     = ta * t
            tv     = ta * t
            tp     = tv * t 
            fv     = n + 1
            fp     = (n + 1) * (n + 2)

            atxerr = atxerr + fv * abs (cx(n) * ta)
            atyerr = atyerr + fv * abs (cy(n) * ta)
            atzerr = atzerr + fv * abs (cz(n) * ta)

            vtxerr = vtxerr + (fv + 1.0) * abs (cx(n) * tv) / fv
            vtyerr = vtyerr + (fv + 1.0) * abs (cy(n) * tv) / fv
            vtzerr = vtzerr + (fv + 1.0) * abs (cz(n) * tv) / fv

            ptxerr = ptxerr + (fv + 2.0) * abs (cx(n) * tp) / fp
            ptyerr = ptyerr + (fv + 2.0) * abs (cy(n) * tp) / fp
            ptzerr = ptzerr + (fv + 2.0) * abs (cz(n) * tp) / fp

  130     continue
        endif                         ! End of loop over coefficients.

        if (abs (atx) .le. tol * atxerr) atx = 0.0
        if (abs (aty) .le. tol * atyerr) aty = 0.0
        if (abs (atz) .le. tol * atzerr) atz = 0.0
        if (abs (vtx) .le. tol * vtxerr) vtx = 0.0
        if (abs (vty) .le. tol * vtyerr) vty = 0.0
        if (abs (vtz) .le. tol * vtzerr) vtz = 0.0
        if (abs (ptx) .le. tol * ptxerr) ptx = 0.0
        if (abs (pty) .le. tol * ptyerr) pty = 0.0
        if (abs (ptz) .le. tol * ptzerr) ptz = 0.0

      endif                           ! Truncate results.

c.... Find the magnitude of the final acceleration vector.

      call aptvunb (atx, aty, atz, 1, tol, ux, uy, uz, atlen, nerr)

c.... Find the magnitude of the final velocity vector.

      call aptvunb (vtx, vty, vtz, 1, tol, ux, uy, uz, vtlen, nerr)

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9906 format (/ 'aptacct results:  nerr=',i2 /
cbug     &  '  pt(x,y,z)=  ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  vt(x,y,z)=  ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  vtlen=      ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  '  at(x,y,z)=  ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  atlen=      ',1pe22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9906) nerr, ptx, pty, ptz, vtx, vty, vtz, vtlen,
cbug     &  atx, aty, atz, atlen
cbug  140 continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptacct.      (+1 line.)
