subroutine aptbite (srce, nbits, nbitw, ibit, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTBITE
c     call aptbite (srce, nbits, nbitw, ibit, nerr)
c     Version:  aptbite  Updated    1997 July 28 17:00.
c               aptbite  Originated 1992 February 28 11:20.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To do a bit expansion of srce, moving the first nbits bits from
c               srce, which has nbitw bits per machine word, into type integer*1
c               array ibit, where each bit will be right-adjusted, left-filled
c               with zeros.  Each bit will be stored in a single element of
c               array ibit.  Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    srce, nbits, nbitw.
c     Output:   ibit, nerr.
c     Calls: None 
c     Glossary:
c     ibit      Output   An array of type integer*1 machine words, each
c                          containing one bit from srce, right-adjusted and
c                          left-filled with zeros.  Size must be at least nbits.
c                          If nerr is not zero, ibit will be filled with -1.
c     nbits     Input    The number of bits to be expanded from srce to ibit.
c                          Must be in the range from 1 to 640.
c                          The minimum size of output array ibit.
c     nbitw     Input    The number of bits in a machine word.
c                          Must be a positive multiple of 8.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input or result error, if not zero.
c                          1 if nbits is not a positive multiple of 8.
c                          2 if nbitw is not a positive multiple of 8.
c     srce      Input    An array containing at least nbits bits.
c     Changes:  1992 May 22 14:20.  Deleted "equivalence (asrce, srce)"
c               and "character*1 srce".
c               1997 July 22 17:30.  Completely revised method, to use
c               an internal record for mode conversion to hex, followed
c               by direct conversion from hex to binary.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      dimension srce    (1)           ! Array of machine words.
      dimension ibit    (1)           ! Unpacked bits, 1 per machine word.
      integer*1 ibit                  ! Unpacked bits, 1 per machine word.

c.... Local variables.

      common /laptbite/ atemp         ! Temporary string for mode conversion.
      character*160     atemp         ! Temporary string for mode conversion.
      common /laptbite/ achar(160)    ! Temporory array for mode conversion.
      character*1       achar         ! Temporary array for mode conversion.

      common /laptbite/ ibitx(640)    ! Unpacked bits from srce.
      integer*1         ibitx         ! Unpacked bits from srce.

      common /laptbite/ n             ! Index in achar, srce, ibit, ibitx.
      common /laptbite/ nn            ! Index in ibit.
      common /laptbite/ nbitx         ! Number of bits in whole words of srce.
      common /laptbite/ ncharh        ! Number of hex digits in srce, achar.
      common /laptbite/ nchars        ! Number of ASCII characters in srce.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      common /laptbite/ nwords        ! Number of words in srce.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptbite expanding machine words into bits.',
cbug     &  '  nbits=',i5,'  nbitw=',i3)
cbug 9902 format ('  srce="',z16,'"')
cbug 9903 format ('  nwords=',i3)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nbits, nbitw
cbug      nwords = 1 + (nbits - 1) / nbitw
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) nwords
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) (srce(n), n = 1, nwords)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr   = 0
      atemp = ' '

      nbitx = nbits
      if (nbitx .lt. 1) nbitx = 1
      if (nbitx .gt. 640) nbitx = 640

      do 110 n = 1, nbitx
        ibit(n) = -1
  110 continue

c.... Test for input errors.

      if ((nbits .lt. 1) .or. (nbits .gt. 640)) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (mod (nbitw, 8) .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Put srce into atemp in hex format.

 8110 format (10z16)

      nwords = 1 + (nbits - 1) / nbitw
      nbitx  = nbitw * nwords
      write (atemp, 8110) (srce(n), n = 1, nwords)

c.... Put atemp into achar in single character format.

 8120 format (160a1)

      ncharh = 1 + (nbitx - 1) / 4
      read (atemp, 8120) (achar(n), n = 1, ncharh)

c.... Convert the characters in achar into the bit array ibitx.

      nn = 0
      do 130 n = 1, ncharh

        if (achar(n) .eq. '0') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '1') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '2') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '3') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '4') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '5') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '6') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '7') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '8') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif (achar(n) .eq. '9') then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        elseif ((achar(n) .eq. 'A') .or. (achar(n) .eq. 'a')) then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif ((achar(n) .eq. 'B') .or. (achar(n) .eq. 'b')) then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        elseif ((achar(n) .eq. 'C') .or. (achar(n) .eq. 'c')) then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif ((achar(n) .eq. 'D') .or. (achar(n) .eq. 'd')) then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        elseif ((achar(n) .eq. 'E') .or. (achar(n) .eq. 'e')) then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
        elseif ((achar(n) .eq. 'F') .or. (achar(n) .eq. 'f')) then
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 1
        else                          ! Leading zeros shown as blanks in hex.
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
          nn = nn + 1
          ibitx(nn) = 0
  130 continue

c.... Store nbits values if ibitx into ibit.

      do 140 n = 1, nbits
        ibit(n) = ibitx(n)
  140 continue

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9904 format (/ 'aptbite results:  nerr=',i2)
cbug 9905 format ('  atemp=',a)
cbug 9906 format ('  achar=',160a1)
cbug 9907 format ('  ibit=' / 16(1x,4i1))
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) nerr
cbug      if (nerr .ne. 0) return
cbug      write ( 3, 9905) atemp
cbug      write ( 3, 9906) (achar(n), n = 1, ncharh)
cbug      write ( 3, 9907) (ibit(n), n = 1, nbits)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptbite.      (+1 line.)
