subroutine aptbrkv (ksys, iunit, u, du, v, dv, w, dw, tol,
     &                    umin, vmin, wmin, ucen, vcen, wcen,
     &                    umax, vmax, wmax,
     &                    du11, dv11, dw11, du12, dv12, dw12,
     &                    ducn, dvcn, dwcn, du21, dv21, dw21,
     &                    du22, dv22, dw22,
     &                    aumin, avmin, awmin, aucen, avcen, awcen,
     &                    aumax, avmax, awmax, vol, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTBRKV
c     call aptbrkv (ksys, iunit, u, du, v, dv, w, dw, tol,
c    &              umin, vmin, wmin, ucen, vcen, wcen,
c    &              umax, vmax, wmax,
c    &              du11, dv11, dw11, du12, dv12, dw12,
c    &              ducn, dvcn, dwcn, du21, dv21, dw21,
c    &              du22, dv22, dw22,
c    &              aumin, avmin, awmin, aucen, avcen, awcen,
c    &              aumax, avmax, awmax, vol, nerr)
c     Version:  aptbrkv  Updated    1994 June 6 10:50.
c               aptbrkv  Originated 1994 March 3 12:00
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  For the volume element defined in the coordinate system ksys
c               (0 = rectangular, 1 = cylindrical, 2 = spherical) with angle
c               units iunit (0 = degrees, 1 = radians), bounded by the
c               coordinate surfaces at u, u + du, v, v + dv, w and w + dw,
c               to find the minimum, maximum and average coordinates, the
c               12 edge lengths, and the 3 distances through the centroid,
c               the 6 face areas, and the 3 areas through the centroid,
c               and the volume.  Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    ksys, iunit, u, du, v, dv, w, dw
c     Output:   
c     Calls: None 
c     Glossary:
c     aumin,... Output   The face areas at umin, ucen and umax.
c     avmin,... Output   The face areas at vmin, vcen and vmax.
c     awmin,... Output   The face areas at wmin, wcen and wmax.
c     du11,...  Output   The edge lengths of the brick in the u direction.
c                          11 indicates at minimum v, minimum w.
c                          12 indicates at minimum v, maximum w.
c                          cn indicates at centroid v, centroid w.
c                          21 indicates at maximum v, minimum w.
c                          22 indicates at maximum v, maximum w.
c     dv11,...  Output   The edge lengths of the brick in the v direction.
c                          11 indicates at minimum u, minimum w, etc.
c     dw11,...  Output   The edge lengths of the brick in the w direction.
c                          11 indicates at minimum u, minimum v, etc.
c     iunit     Input    Indicates the unit used for angles:
c                          0 if angles theta and phi are in degrees.
c                          1 if angles theta and phi are in radians.
c                          Not used if ksys = 0.
c     ksys      Input    Indicates the coordinate system type:
c                          0 for Cartesian coordinates.  u = x, v = y, w = z.
c                          1 for cylindrical coordinates.  u = radius from z
c                            axis, v = angle theta in xy plane, counterclockwise
c                            from x axis, w = z.
c                          2 for spherical coordinates.  u = radius from origin,
c                            v = angle theta in xy plane, counterclockwise from
c                            x axis, w = angle phi from z axis.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if ksys is not 0, 1 or 2.
c                          2 if iunit is not 0 or 1.
c                          3 if ksys is 1 or 2 and u or u + du is negative.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c     u, du     Input    The coordinate and increment of the bounding coordinate
c                          surfaces of the volume element in the u direction.
c     u,v,wcen  Output   The centroid values of the coordinates u, v, w.
c     u,v,wmax  Output   The maximum values of the coordinates u, v, w.
c     u,v,wmin  Output   The minimum values of the coordinates u, v, w.
c     v, dv     Input    The coordinate and increment of the bounding coordinate
c                          surfaces of the volume element in the v direction.
c     vol       Output   The volume of the brick.
c     w, dw     Input    The coordinate and increment of the bounding coordinate
c                          surfaces of the volume element in the w direction.

c____ Mathematical constant pi.  Dimensionless.

      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979323)

c.... Local variables.

      common /laptbrkv/ cosw
      common /laptbrkv/ cosw1
      common /laptbrkv/ cosw2
      common /laptbrkv/ dcos
      common /laptbrkv/ errd
      common /laptbrkv/ pdu
      common /laptbrkv/ pdv
      common /laptbrkv/ pdw
      common /laptbrkv/ r1cb
      common /laptbrkv/ r2cb
      common /laptbrkv/ r1sq
      common /laptbrkv/ r2sq
      common /laptbrkv/ swcen
      common /laptbrkv/ swmax
      common /laptbrkv/ swmin

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptbrkv finding data for a brick.  ksys=',i3,
cbug     &  ' iunit=',i2 /
cbug     &  '  tol=     ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  '  u, du=   ',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  v, dv=   ',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  w, dw=   ',1p2e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) ksys, iunit, tol, u, du, v, dv, w, dw
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... initialize.

      nerr = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if ((ksys .lt. 0) .or. (ksys .gt. 2)) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if ((iunit .ne. 0) .and. (iunit .ne. 1)) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Find the angle conversion factor (degrees to radians).

      if (iunit .eq. 0) then
        fact = pi / 180.0
        circle = 360.0
        fact = 1.0
        circle = 2.0 * pi

c.... Find the angle conversion factor.

      if (iunit .eq. 0) then
        fact  = pi / 180.0
        fact  = 1.0

c.... Find the limiting coordinate system values.

      if (du .ge. 0.0) then
        umin = u
        umax = u + du
        if (abs (umax) .le. tol * (abs (u) + du)) umax = 0.0
        umin = u + du
        umax = u
        if (abs (umin) .le. tol * (abs (u) - du)) umin = 0.0

      if (dv .ge. 0.0) then
        vmin = v
        vmax = v + dv
        if (abs (vmax) .le. tol * (abs (v) + dv)) vmax = 0.0
        vmin = v + dv
        vmax = v
        if (abs (vmin) .le. tol * (abs (v) - dv)) vmin = 0.0

      if (dw .ge. 0.0) then
        wmin = w
        wmax = w + dw
        if (abs (wmax) .le. tol * (abs (w) + dw)) wmax = 0.0
        wmin = w + dw
        wmax = w
        if (abs (wmin) .le. tol * (abs (w) - dw)) wmin = 0.0

c.... Find the absolute coordinate increments.

      pdu = abs (du)
      pdv = abs (dv)
      pdw = abs (dw)
c.... Find the centroid in the brick.
      if (ksys .eq. 0) then
        ucen  = u + 0.5 * du
        if (abs (ucen) .le. tol * (abs (u) + 0.5 * abs (du))) ucen = 0.0
        vcen  = v + 0.5 * dv
        if (abs (vcen) .le. tol * (abs (v) + 0.5 * abs (dv))) vcen = 0.0
        wcen  = w + 0.5 * dw
        if (abs (wcen) .le. tol * (abs (w) + 0.5 * abs (dw))) wcen = 0.0
      elseif (ksys .eq. 1) then

        if (umin .lt. 0.0) then
          nerr = 3
          go to 210
        r1sq  = u**2
        r2sq  = (u + du)**2
        if (abs (u + du) .le. tol * (abs (u) + abs (du))) r2sq = 0.0
        ucen  = sqrt (0.5 * (r1sq + r2sq))
        vcen  = v + 0.5 * dv
        if (abs (vcen) .le. tol * (abs (v) + 0.5 * abs (dv))) vcen = 0.0
        wcen  = w + 0.5 * dw
        if (abs (wcen) .le. tol * (abs (w) + 0.5 * abs (dw))) wcen = 0.0
      elseif (ksys .eq. 2) then

        if (umin .lt. 0.0) then
          nerr = 3
          go to 210
        r1cb  = u**3
        r2cb  = (u + du)**3
        if (abs (u + du) .le. tol * (abs (u) + abs (du))) r2cb = 0.0
        cosw1 = cos (fact * w)
        arg   = w + dw
        if (abs (arg) .le. tol * (abs (w) + abs (dw))) arg = 0.0
        cosw2 = cos (fact * arg)
        cosw  = 0.5 * (cosw1 + cosw2)
        errc  = 0.5 * tol * (abs (cosw1) + abs (cosw2))
        if (abs (cosw) .le. errc) cosw = 0.0
        ucen  = (0.5 * (r1cb + r2cb))**(1.0 / 3.0)
        vcen  = v + 0.5 * dv
        if (abs (vcen) .le. tol * (abs (v) + 0.5 * abs (dv))) vcen = 0.0
        wcen  = acos (cosw) / fact

c.... Find the edge lengths.

      if     (ksys .eq. 0) then

        du11 = pdu                        ! dx.
        du12 = pdu                        ! dx.
        du21 = pdu                        ! dx.
        du22 = pdu                        ! dx.
        ducn = pdu                        ! dx.

        dv11 = pdv                        ! dy.
        dv12 = pdv                        ! dy.
        dv21 = pdv                        ! dy.
        dv22 = pdv                        ! dy.
        dvcn = pdv                        ! dy.

        dw11 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dw12 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dw21 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dw22 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dwcn = pdw                        ! dz.

      elseif (ksys .eq. 1)  then

        du11 = pdu                        ! d(rcyl).
        du12 = pdu                        ! d(rcyl).
        du21 = pdu                        ! d(rcyl).
        du22 = pdu                        ! d(rcyl).
        ducn = pdu                        ! d(rcyl).

        dv11 = umin * fact * pdv          ! rcyl * d(theta).
        dv12 = umin * fact * pdv          ! rcyl * d(theta).
        dv21 = umax * fact * pdv          ! rcyl * d(theta).
        dv22 = umax * fact * pdv          ! rcyl * d(theta).
        dvcn = ucen * fact * pdv          ! rcyl * d(theta).

        dw11 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dw12 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dw21 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dw22 = pdw                        ! dz.
        dwcn = pdw                        ! dz.

      elseif (ksys .eq. 2) then

        swmin = sin (fact * wmin)
        if (abs (swmin) .le. tol) swmin = 0.0
        swmax = sin (fact * wmax)
        if (abs (swmax) .le. tol) swmax = 0.0
        swcen = sin (fact * wcen)
        if (abs (swcen) .le. tol) swcen = 0.0

        du11 = pdu                        ! d(rsph).
        du12 = pdu                        ! d(rsph).
        du21 = pdu                        ! d(rsph).
        du22 = pdu                        ! d(rsph).
        ducn = pdu                        ! d(rsph).

        dv11 = umin * fact * pdv * swmin  ! rsph1 * d(theta) * sin (phi1).
        dv12 = umin * fact * pdv * swmax  ! rsph1 * d(theta) * sin (phi2).
        dv21 = umax * fact * pdv * swmin  ! rsph2 * d(theta) * sin (phi1).
        dv22 = umax * fact * pdv * swmax  ! rsph2 * d(theta) * sin (phi2).
        dvcn = ucen * fact * pdv * swcen  ! rsphcn * d(theta) * sin (phicn).

        dw11 = umin * fact * pdw          ! rsph1 * d(phi).
        dw12 = umin * fact * pdw          ! rsph1 * d(phi).
        dw21 = umax * fact * pdw          ! rsph2 * d(phi).
        dw22 = umax * fact * pdw          ! rsph2 * d(phi).
        dwcn = ucen * fact * pdw          ! rsphcn * d(phi).


c.... Find the face areas, volume.

      if (ksys .eq. 0) then

        aumin = pdv * pdw
        aumax = pdv * pdw
        aucen = pdv * pdw

        avmin = pdw * pdu
        avmax = pdw * pdu
        avcen = pdw * pdu

        awmin = pdu * pdv
        awmax = pdu * pdv
        awcen = pdu * pdv

        vol = pdu * pdv * pdw

      elseif (ksys .eq. 1) then

        aumin = umin * fact * pdv * pdw
        aumax = umax * fact * pdv * pdw
        aucen = ucen * fact * pdv * pdw

        avmin = pdw * pdu
        avmax = pdw * pdu
        avcen = pdw * pdu

        arg   = umax**2 - umin**2
        if (abs (arg) .le. tol * (umax**2 + umin**2)) arg = 0.0

        awmin = arg * fact * pdv / 2.0
        awmax = arg * fact * pdv / 2.0
        awcen = arg * fact * pdv / 2.0

        vol = arg * fact * pdv * pdw / 2.0

      elseif (ksys .eq. 2) then

        cwmin = cos (fact * wmin)
        cwmax = cos (fact * wmax)
        dcos  = cwmin - cwmax
        errd  = tol * (abs (cwmin) + abs (cwmax))
        if (abs (dcos) .le. errd) dcos = 0.0

        swmin = sin (fact * wmin)
        if (abs (swmin) .le. tol) swmin = 0.0
        swmax = sin (fact * wmax)
        if (abs (swmax) .le. tol) swmax = 0.0
        swcen = sin (fact * wcen)
        if (abs (swcen) .le. tol) swcen = 0.0

        aumin = umin**2 * fact * pdv * dcos
        aumax = umax**2 * fact * pdv * dcos
        aucen = ucen**2 * fact * pdv * dcos

        arg   = umax**2 - umin**2
        if (abs (arg) .le. tol * (umax**2 + umin**2)) arg = 0.0

        avmin = (umax**2 - umin**2) * fact * pdw / 2.0
        avmax = (umax**2 - umin**2) * fact * pdw / 2.0
        avcen = (umax**2 - umin**2) * fact * pdw / 2.0

        awmin = arg * swmin * fact * pdv / 2.0
        awmax = arg * swmax * fact * pdv / 2.0
        awcen = arg * swcen * fact * pdv / 2.0

        arg   = umax**3 - umin**3
        if (abs (arg) .le. tol * (umax**3 + umin**3)) arg = 0.0

        vol = arg * fact * pdv * dcos / 3.0


  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/ 'aptbrkv results:  nerr=',i3)
cbug 9904 format ('  u,v,w    min',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9905 format ('  u,v,w    cen',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9906 format ('  u,v,w    max',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9907 format ('  du,dv,dw  11',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9908 format ('  du,dv,dw  12',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9909 format ('  du,dv,dw  cn',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9910 format ('  du,dv,dw  21',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9911 format ('  du,dv,dw  22',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9912 format ('  au,av,aw min',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9913 format ('  au,av,aw cen',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9914 format ('  au,av,aw max',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9915 format ('  volume      ',1pe22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) nerr
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) umin, vmin, wmin
cbug      write ( 3, 9905) ucen, vcen, wcen
cbug      write ( 3, 9906) umax, vmax, wmax
cbug      write ( 3, 9907) du11, dv11, dw11
cbug      write ( 3, 9908) du12, dv12, dw12
cbug      write ( 3, 9909) ducn, dvcn, dwcn
cbug      write ( 3, 9910) du21, dv21, dw21
cbug      write ( 3, 9911) du22, dv22, dw22
cbug      write ( 3, 9912) aumin, avmin, awmin
cbug      write ( 3, 9913) aucen, avcen, awcen
cbug      write ( 3, 9914) aumax, avmax, awmax
cbug      write ( 3, 9915) vol
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptbrkv.      (+1 line.)
