subroutine aptcang (a1, am1, as1, au1, tol,
     &                    deg, grad, rad, adeg, am2, as2, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTCANG
c     call aptcang (a1, am1, as1, au1, tol,
c    &              deg, grad, rad, adeg, am2, as2, nerr)
c     Version:  aptcang  Updated    2000 August 8 13:45.
c               aptcang  Originated 2000 July 18 16:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  For angle a1 or angle a1, am1 and as1, in units au1 = "degrees",
c               "grads", "radians" or "dms" (degrees, arc minutes, arc seconds),
c               to return deg in degrees, grad in grads, rad in radians, and
c               adeg, am2 and as2 in degrees, arc minutes and arc seconds,
c               respectively.
c               The absolute value of the input angle, in degrees, must not
c               exceed the largest machine integer.
c               Degrees, arc degrees, arc minutes and arc seconds will be
c               changed to the nearest integer if the difference is less than
c               the estimated error in the calculation, based on tol.
c               An input error is indicated by a nonzero value of nerr.
c     Input:    a1, (am1, as1), au1, tol.
c     Output:   deg, grad, rad, adeg, am2, as2, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     a1        Input    Input angle (a real number).  Units are:
c                          degrees                  if au1 is "degrees",
c                          grads                    if au1 is "grads",
c                          radians                  if au1 is "radians",
c                          degrees (a whole number) if au1 is "dms".
c     adeg      Output   Output degrees (a real whole number).  The remaining
c                          part of the angle is given by am2 and as2
c     am1       Input    Input arc minutes if au1 is "dms",  Otherwise, null.
c     am2       Output   Output arc minutes (a real whole number).
c     as1       Input    Input arc seconds if au1 is "dms", Otherwise, null.
c     as2       Output   Output arc seconds (a real number).
c     au1       Input    Indicates the input angle units:
c                          "degrees" for a1 in degrees, am1 and as1 null.
c                          "radians" for a1 in radians, am1 and as1 null.
c                          "grads  " for a1 in grads  , am1 and as1 null.
c                          "dms    " for a1 in degrees, am1 in arc minutes, and
c                          as1 in arc seconds.
c                          Synonyms:  [degrees, degree, deg],
c                          [radians, rads, rad], [grads, grad].
c     deg       Output   The equivalent of the input angle in degrees (decimal).
c                          Truncated to the nearest integer if within precision
c                          tol of that integer.  A full circle is 360 degrees.
c                          The absolute value can not exceed the largest machine
c                          integer.
c     grad      Output   The equivalent of the input angle in grads (decimal).
c                          A full circle is 400 grads.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.  Integer.
c                          1 if au1 is not "degrees", "radians", "grads" or
c                            "dms".
c                          2 if the absolute value of the angle, in degrees,
c                            exceeds the largest machine integer.
c     rad       Output   The equivalent of the input angle in radians (decimal).
c                          A full circle is 2 * pi radians.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.  Recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11
c                          for machines with 64-bit floating point numbers.

      implicit none

c.... Input character variables.

      character*8 au1                 ! Input angle units.
      character*8 au2                 ! Output angle units.

c.... Other variables.

      integer     ideg, imin, isec, nerr
      real        a1, adeg, am1, am2, as1, as2, deg, grad, pi, rad, tol
      real        xdeg, xmin, xsec

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptcang converting angles from ',a8,
cbug     &  '.  tol =',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  'a1         = ',1pe22.14)
cbug 9902 format ('   am1,as1 = ',22x,1p2e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) au1, tol, a1
cbug      if (au1 .eq. 'dms') then
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) am1, as1
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

c.... Mathematical constant, pi.
      pi = 3.14159265358979323

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr = 0

      if ((au1 .ne. 'degrees') .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'degree')  .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'deg')     .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'grads')   .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'grad')    .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'radians') .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'rads')    .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'rad')     .and.
     &    (au1 .ne. 'dms'))    then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

c.... Convert from input units to output units.

      if ((au1 .eq. 'degrees') .or.
     &    (au1 .eq. 'deg')     .or.
     &    (au1 .eq. 'deg'))    then
        deg  = a1
        grad = a1 / 0.9
        rad  = a1 * pi / 180.0
      elseif ((au1 .eq. 'grads') .or.
     &        (au1 .eq. 'grad')) then
        grad = a1
        deg  = 0.9 * a1
        rad  = a1 * pi / 200.0
      elseif ((au1 .eq. 'radians') .or.
     &        (au1 .eq. 'rads')    .or.
     &        (au1 .eq. 'rad'))    then
        rad  = a1
        deg  = a1 * 180.0 / pi
        grad = a1 * 200.0 / pi
      elseif (au1 .eq. 'dms') then
        deg  = a1 + am1 / 60.0 + as1 / 3600.0
        grad = deg / 0.9
        rad  = deg * pi / 180.0

c.... Round off, find degrees, arc degrees, minutes, seconds.

      ideg = nint (deg)
      xdeg = ideg
      if (abs (deg - xdeg) .gt. 0.5) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210
      elseif (abs (deg - xdeg) .le. tol * abs (deg)) then
        deg = xdeg

      adeg = int (deg)
      am2  = (deg - adeg) * 60.0
      imin = nint (am2)
      xmin = imin
      if (abs (am2 - xmin) .le. tol * 60.0 * abs (deg)) then
        am2 = xmin

      am2  = int (am2)
      as2  = (deg - adeg - am2 / 60.0) * 3600.0
      isec = nint (as2)
      xsec = isec
      if (abs (as2 - xsec) .le. tol * 3600.0 * abs (deg)) then
        as2 = xsec

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/ 'aptcang final values.   nerr =',i2 /
cbug     &  'deg,grad,rad=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  'adeg,am2,as2=',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) nerr, deg, grad, rad, adeg, am2, as2
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptcang.      (+1 line.)
