subroutine aptchip (asrce, isrce, nchar, list, anull, acont, anon,
     &                    iadd, atype, nbad, null, ncont, nona, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTCHIP
c     call aptchip (asrce, isrce, nchar, list, anull, acont, anon,
c                   iadd, atype, nbad, null, ncont, nona, nerr)
c     Version:  aptchip  Updated    1993 March 1 16:30.
c               aptchip  Originated 1993 March 1 16:30.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To test the characters in array asrce, in the character string
c               starting at character position isrce in asrce, of length nchar,
c               by counting and optionally returning the locations iadd and type
c               atype of all non-printing characters, and optionally replacing
c               any null characters with anull, any control characters with
c               acont, and any non-ASCII characters with anon.
c               Each character is represented in the machine by an 8-bit byte.
c               Null characters are octal 000, decimal 0, hexadecimal 00.
c               Control characters are octal 001-037 and 177, decimal 1-31 and
c               127, and hexadecimal 01-1F and 7F.
c               Non-ASCII characters are octal 200-377, decimal 128-255, and
c               hexadecimal 80-FF.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c               Note:  binary data that accidentally looks like ASCII data will
c               not be detected by this module.
C     Input:    asrce, isrce, nchar, list, anull, acont, anon.
c     Output:   asrce, iadd, atype, nbad, null, ncont, nona, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     asrce     In/Out   An array containing a character string of length nchar,
c                          starting at the isrce'th character, counting from
c                          left to right, beginning with 1.
c     acont     Input    Character to replace any occurrence of a control
c                          character in the specified character string in asrce,
c                          unless acont is "n".
c     anon      Input    Character to replace any occurrence of a non-ASCII
c                          character in the specified character string in asrce,
c                          unless anon is "n".
c     anull     Input    Character to replace any occurrence of a null
c                          character in the specified character string in asrce,
c                          unless anull is "n".
c     atype     Output   Character array of types of non-printing characters
c                          found in asrce, returned if list = 1:
c                          'null' = a null character (octal 000).
c                          'cont' = an ASCII control char (octal 001-037, 177).
c                          'nona' = a non-ASCII character (octal 200-377).
c                          The size of array atype must be at least nchar words,
c     iadd      Output   Array of locations of non-printing characters found in
c                          asrce, returned if list = 1.  The count is from
c                          left to right in asrce, starting with 1.  The least
c                          possible value is isrce, and the maximum possible
c                          value is isrce + nchar - 1.  The size of array iadd
c                          must be at least nchar words.
c     list      Input    Option (always return the count of non-printing
c                          characters in nbad, null, ncont, nona):
c                          0:  Do not return the arrays iadd and atype.
c                          1:  Return the arrays iadd and atype.
c     isrce     Input    The character position in array asrce of the first
c                          character to be tested.  E. g., 1 for the leftmost
c                          character of asrce(1).  Must be positive.
c     nbad      Output   The number of non-printing characters (octal 000-037,
c                          177-377) found in the character string.
c     nchar     Input    The length of the character string to be tested.  Must
c                          be positive.
c     ncont     Output   The number of control characters (octal 001-037, 177)
c                          found in the character string.
c     nona      Output   The number of non-ASCII characters (octal 200-377)
c                          found in the character string.
c     null      Output   The number of null characters (octal 000) found in the
c                          character string.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not zero.
c                          1 if nchar is not positive.
c                          2 if isrce is not positive.
c                          3 if list is not 0 or 1.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Array containing character string.
      dimension asrce   (1)
      character asrce*1
c---- Character positions of non-printing characters.
      dimension iadd    (1)
c---- Character types of non-printing characters.
      dimension atype   (1)
      character*8 atype

c.... Scalar arguments of type character.

c---- Character to replace a null character.
      character anull*1
c---- Character to replace a control character.
      character acont*1
c---- Character to replace a non-ASCII character.
      character anon*1

c.... Local variables.

c---- Index in character string.
      common /laptchip/ n
c---- Index in list of graphic characters.
      common /laptchip/ nn
c---- Character being tested.
      common /laptchip/ ctest
      character*1 ctest
c---- A printable character.
      common /laptchip/ agood
      character*1 agood
c---- Replacement character.
      common /laptchip/ arep
      character*1 arep
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9010 format (/ 'aptchip finding non-printing characters in asrce.' /
cbug     &  '  isrce =',i6,'  nchar=',i6,'  list=',i3,'  anull=',a1,
cbug     &  '  acont=',a1,'  anon=',a1)
cbug 9020 format (80a1)
cbug      write (3, 9010) isrce, nchar, list, anull, acont, anon
cbug      if ((isrce .gt. 0) .and. (nchar .gt. 0)) then
cbug        write (3, 9020) (asrce(n), n = isrce, isrce + nchar - 1)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... initialize.

      nerr  = 0
      nbad  = 0
      null  = 0
      ncont = 0
      nona  = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (nchar .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (isrce .le. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if ((list .lt. 0) .or. (list .gt. 1)) then
        nerr = 3
        go to 210

c.... Test asrce, from character isrce to character isrce + nchar - 1.

      do 120 n = 1, nchar
        ntest = isrce + n - 1
        ctest = asrce(ntest)

c....   See if the character is a graphic ASCII character.

        do 110 nn = 32,126
          agood = char (nn)
          if (ctest .eq. agood) go to 120
  110   continue

c....   It is a non-graphic character.

        nbad = nbad + 1

c....   Test for null, non-ASCII, and control characters.

        if (ctest .lt. char (1)) then
          null = null + 1
          arep = anull
          if (list .eq. 1) then
            iadd(nbad)  = ntest
            atype(nbad) = 'null'
        elseif (ctest .gt. char (127)) then
          nona = nona + 1
          arep = anon
          if (list .eq. 1) then
            iadd(nbad)  = ntest
            atype(nbad) = 'nona'
          ncont = ncont + 1
          arep  = acont
          if (list .eq. 1) then
            iadd(nbad)  = ntest
            atype(nbad) = 'cont'

        if (arep .ne. 'n') then
          asrce(ntest) = arep

  120 continue

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9030 format (/ 'aptchip results:  nerr=',i2,'  nbad=',i6,
cbug     &  '  null=',i6,'  ncont=',i6,'  nona=',i6)
cbug 9040 format (6(i6,2x,a4))
cbug      write (3, 9030) nerr, nbad, null, ncont, nona
cbug      if (list .eq. 1) then
cbug        write (3, 9040) (iadd(n), atype(n), n = 1, nbad)
cbug      endif
cbug      if ((isrce .gt. 0) .and. (nchar .gt. 0)) then
cbug        write (3, 9020) (asrce(n), n = isrce, isrce + nchar - 1)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of subroutine aptchip.      (+1 line.)
