subroutine aptcofv (c, nc, tol, xnum, xden, xc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTCOFV
c     call aptcofv (c, nc, tol, xnum, xden, xc, nerr)
c     Version:  aptcofv  Updated    2001 July 17 14:20.
c               aptcofv  Originated 2000 October 20 14:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  Given the first nc coefficients c of a continued fraction,
c               to find the partial sums xc(n), and the numerators xnum(n) and
c               denominators xden(n) of the n'th convergent to xc(n),
c               for n = 1, nc.
c               The n'th partial sum xc(n) is given by:
c                 xc(n) = c(1) + 1/(c(2) + 1/(c(3) + ... + 1/c(n)))
c                       = xnum(n) / xden(n).
c               and is obtained by forward recursion:
c                 xnum(0) = 1.0,      xnum(1) = c(1),
c                 xnum(n) = c(n) * xnum(n-1) + xnum(n-2),
c                 xden(0) = 0.0,      xden(1) = 1.0,
c                 xden(n) = c(n) * xden(n-1) + xden(n-2),
c                 xc(n)    = xnum(n) / xden(n), n = 1, nc.
c               Notes:
c               The coefficients may have any values.  Trailing zeros cause
c               the partial sums to oscillate.  A final coefficient of 1 may be
c               added to the preceding coefficient.
c               See subroutine aptcofr for the inverse operation (given the
c               value, find the coefficients, the convergents and the partial
c               sums).
c               For a rational number (an integer or a ratio of two integers),
c               the coefficients terminate.  For an irrational number (a root
c               of a polynomial equation), the coefficients repeat in groups.
c               For a transcendental number (neither rational or irrational,
c               such as pi or e), the coefficients do not repeat in groups, but
c               may still form a predictable pattern.
c               If the first coefficient is zero, xc is the reciprocal of the
c               xc evaluated from the remaining coefficients.
c               Any coefficient and all subsequent coefficients may be replaced
c               by a single coefficient equal to the xc evaluated for that and
c               all subsequent coefficients.
c     Input:    c, nc, tol.
c     Output:   xc, xnum, xden, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     c(n)      Input    The n'th coefficient of the continued fraction
c                          equivalent of xc.  Size nc.
c                          Normally only the first coefficient may be zero, and
c                          the rest must be positive integers, but you may
c                          experiment with any desired values, at the risk of
c                          generating infinities.
c     nc        Input    The number of coefficients c.
c     nerr      Output   Error indicator.
c                          1 if nc = 0.
c                          2 if denominator becomes 0.
c     tol       Input    The estimated relative error in floating point numbers
c                          on the machine in use.  Approximately 1.e-15 for
c                          64-bit floating point numbers.
c     xc(n)     Output   The n'th partial sum of the continued fraction
c                          (c(1), c(2), c(3), ... c(n)).  Size nc.
c                          xc(n) = xnum(n) / xden(n) 
c     xden(n)   Output   The denominator of the n'th convergent of the
c                          continued fraction.  xc(n) = xnum(n) / xden(n).
c                          Size nc.
c     xnum(n)   Output   The numerator of the n'th convergent of the
c                          continued fraction.  xc(n) = xnum(n) / xden(n).
c                          Size nc.

      implicit none

c.... Arguments.

      integer  nc                     ! Number of calculated coefficients.
      integer  nerr                   ! Error flag, 1 if infinity occurs.

      real     c(1)                   ! Coeffficients of continued fraction.
      real     tol                    ! Floating point precision.
      real     xc(1)                  ! Partial sum of continued fraction.
      real     xnum(1)                ! Numerator of convergent.
      real     xnumnew                ! Numerator of convergent.
      real     xden(1)                ! Denominator of convergent.

c.... Local variables.

      integer  n                      ! Index in array c.
      real     err                    ! Rel error in numerator or denominator.
      real     xnumss                 ! 2nd preceding numerator.
      real     xdenss                 ! 2nd preceding denominator.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptcofv finding value of continued fraction.',
cbug     &  '  nc = ',i3 /
cbug     &  ('  c(',i3,') =',1pe22.14 ))
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nc, (n, c(n), n = 1, nc)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr  = 0

      if (nc .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      do 110 n = 1, nc
        xc(n)   = -1.e99
        xnum(n) = -1.e99
        xden(n) = -1.e99
  110 continue

c.... Find the partial sums of the continued fraction, and the corresponding
c....    numerators and denominators of the convergents..

      xnumss  = 1.0
      xnum(1) = c(1)
      xdenss  = 0.0
      xden(1) = 1.0
      xc(1)   = c(1)

      do 280 n = 2, nc
        xnum(n) = c(n) * xnum(n-1) + xnumss
        err     = tol * (abs (c(n) * xnum(n-1)) + abs (xnumss))
        if (abs (xnum(n)) .le. err) xnum(n) = 0.0
        xden(n) = c(n) * xden(n-1) + xdenss
        err     = tol * (abs (c(n) * xden(n-1)) + abs (xdenss))
        if (abs (xden(n)) .le. err) xden(n) = 0.0
        if (xden(n) .eq. 0.0) then
          nerr = 2
          go to 210
        xc(n)  = xnum(n) / xden(n)
        xnumss = xnum(n-1)
        xdenss = xden(n-1)
  280 continue


  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9902 format (/ 'aptcofv results:  nerr = ',i3,' nc = ',i3 /
cbug     & (' xc,xnum,xden=',1p3e22.14 ))
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) nerr, nc, (xc(n), xnum(n), xden(n),
cbug     &  n = 1, nc)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptcofv.      (+1 line.)
