subroutine aptcomb (nset, ncomb, ncombm, icomb, nout, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTCOMB
c     call aptcomb (nset, ncomb, ncombm, icomb, nout, nerr)
c     Version:  aptcomb  Updated    1993 April 30 13:10.
c               aptcomb  Originated 1993 April 30 13:10.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To generate all possible combinations of the integers from 1 to
c               nset, taken ncomb at a time, storing the results in the 2-D
c               array icomb, which has a first (row) dimension of ncombm.
c               The number of combinations nout is given by:
c                 nout = nset! / ((nset - ncomb)! * ncomb!)
c               Flag nerr indicates any input errors.
c     Note:     For permutations, see aptperm.
c     Input:    nset, ncomb, ncombm
c     Output:   icomb, nout, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     icomb     Output   The nout subsets of combined integers.
c                          A 2-D array, icomb(ncomb,noutm), where noutm must be
c                          at least as large as nout.
c                          The first subscript is the position within the
c                          subset.  The second subscript is the index of the
c                          subset.  The value of each icomb is an integer
c                          between 1 and nset.  No integer may be used more than
c                          once in a subset.  All integers in a subset are in
c                          increasing order of value.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if nset is less than 1.
c                          2 if ncomb is less than 1, or exceeds nset.
c                          3 if ncombm is less than ncomb.
c     nout      Output   The number of subsets of combined integers.
c                          Should equal nset! / ((nset - ncomb)! * ncomb!).
c     ncomb     Input    The number of integers in each subset of integers.
c                          Each subset will be a unique combination of integers.
c                          The current upper limit is 13.  Must not be less than
c                          1, or greater than nset.
c     nset      Input    Total number of integers.  Must not be less than 1, or
c                          less than ncomb.  The integer values range from 1 to
c                          nset.
c     ncombm    Input    The row size of 2-D array icomb.  Must not be less than
c                          ncomb.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Subsets of combined integers.
      dimension icomb    (ncombm,1)

c.... Local variables.

c---- Trial integer.
      common /laptcomb/ icombx(13)
c---- Position index in a subset of integers.
      common /laptcomb/ n
c---- Position index in a subset of integers.
      common /laptcomb/ nn
c---- Trial integer for position 1.
      common /laptcomb/ n1
c---- Trial integer for position 2.
      common /laptcomb/ n2
c---- Trial integer for position 3.
      common /laptcomb/ n3
c---- Trial integer for position 4.
      common /laptcomb/ n4
c---- Trial integer for position 5.
      common /laptcomb/ n5
c---- Trial integer for position 6.
      common /laptcomb/ n6
c---- Trial integer for position 7.
      common /laptcomb/ n7
c---- Trial integer for position 8.
      common /laptcomb/ n8
c---- Trial integer for position 9.
      common /laptcomb/ n9
c---- Trial integer for position 10.
      common /laptcomb/ n10
c---- Trial integer for position 11.
      common /laptcomb/ n11
c---- Trial integer for position 12.
      common /laptcomb/ n12
c---- Trial integer for position 13.
      common /laptcomb/ n13

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptcomb finding combinations of integers' /
cbug     &  '  nset=',i5,'  ncomb=',i4,'  ncombm=',i4)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nset, ncomb, ncombm
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... initialize.

      nerr = 0
      nout = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (nset .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if ((ncomb .le. 0) .or. (ncomb .gt. nset)) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if (ncombm .lt. ncomb) then
        nerr = 3
        go to 210

c.... Generate all of the subsets of integers.

c.... Select object 1.

      do 501 n1 = 1, nset - ncomb + 1
        n        = 1
        icombx(n) = n1

        if (n .eq. ncomb) then
          nout = nout + 1
          do 301 nn = 1, ncomb
            icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  301     continue
          go to 501

c....   Select object 2.

        do 502 n2 = n1 + 1, nset
          n        = 2
          icombx(n) = n2

          if (n .eq. ncomb) then
            nout = nout + 1
            do 302 nn = 1, ncomb
              icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  302       continue
            go to 502

c....     Select object 3.

          do 503 n3 = n2 + 1, nset
            n        = 3
            icombx(n) = n3

            if (n .eq. ncomb) then
              nout = nout + 1
              do 303 nn = 1, ncomb
                icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  303         continue
              go to 503

c....       Select object 4.

            do 504 n4 = n3 + 1, nset
              n        = 4
              icombx(n) = n4

              if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                nout = nout + 1
                do 304 nn = 1, ncomb
                  icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  304           continue
                go to 504

c....         Select object 5.

              do 505 n5 = n4 + 1, nset
                n        = 5
                icombx(n) = n5

                if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                  nout = nout + 1
                  do 305 nn = 1, ncomb
                    icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  305             continue
                  go to 505

c....           Select object 6.

                do 506 n6 = n5 + 1, nset
                  n        = 6
                  icombx(n) = n6

                  if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                    nout = nout + 1
                    do 306 nn = 1, ncomb
                      icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  306               continue
                    go to 506

c....             Select object 7.

                  do 507 n7 = n6 + 1, nset
                    n        = 7
                    icombx(n) = n7

                    if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                      nout = nout + 1
                      do 307 nn = 1, ncomb
                        icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  307                 continue
                      go to 507

c....               Select object 8.

                    do 508 n8 = n7 + 1, nset
                      n        = 8
                      icombx(n) = n8

                      if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                        nout = nout + 1
                        do 308 nn = 1, ncomb
                          icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  308                   continue
                        go to 508

c....                 Select object 9.

                      do 509 n9 = n8 + 1, nset
                        n        = 9
                        icombx(n) = n9

                        if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                          nout = nout + 1
                          do 309 nn = 1, ncomb
                            icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  309                     continue
                          go to 509

c....                   Select object 10.

                        do 510 n10 = n9 + 1, nset
                          n        = 10
                          icombx(n) = n10

                          if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                            nout = nout + 1
                            do 310 nn = 1, ncomb
                              icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  310                       continue
                            go to 510

c....                     Select object 11.

                          do 511 n11 = n10 + 1, nset
                            n        = 11
                            icombx(n) = n11

                            if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                              nout = nout + 1
                              do 311 nn = 1, ncomb
                                icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  311                         continue
                              go to 511

c....                       Select object 12.

                            do 512 n12 = n11 + 1, nset
                              n        = 12
                              icombx(n) = n12

                              if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                                nout = nout + 1
                                do 312 nn = 1, ncomb
                                  icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  312                           continue
                                go to 512

c....                         Select object 13.

                              do 513 n13 = n12 + 1, nset
                                n        = 13
                                icombx(n) = n13

                                if (n .eq. ncomb) then
                                  nout = nout + 1
                                  do 313 nn = 1, ncomb
                                    icomb(nn,nout) = icombx(nn)
  313                             continue
                                  go to 513

  513                         continue
  512                       continue
  511                     continue
  510                   continue
  509                 continue
  508               continue
  507             continue
  506           continue
  505         continue
  504       continue
  503     continue
  502   continue
  501 continue

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9902 format (/ 'aptcomb results.  nerr=',i3)
cbug 9903 format (i6,3x,13i3)
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) nerr
cbug      if (nerr .ne. 0) return
cbug      do 710 n2 = 1, nout
cbug        write ( 3, 9903) n2, (icomb(n1,n2), n1 = 1, ncomb)
cbug  710 continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptcomb.      (+1 line.)
