subroutine aptcubs (c0, c1, c2, tol, nroots, xroot, yroot,
     &                    atype, itrun)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTCUBS
c     call aptcubs (c0, c1, c2, tol, nroots, xroot, yroot, atype, itrun)
c     Version:  aptcubs  Updated    1997 April 17 15:40.
c               aptcubs  Originated 1994 December 6 10:40.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find the real and any complex roots z = x + i*y of the cubic
c               equation:
c                    f(z) = c0 + c1 * z + c2 * z**2 + z**3 = 0
c               and to return their number (nroots), their values (root),
c               and their types (atype), and a trucation indicator (itrun).
c               The method uses a tolerance limit (tol) to control and measure
c               the accuracy of the results.  Accuracy may be reduced if the
c               coefficients differ by many orders of magnitude. 
c               Note that for the three roots x1, x2 and x3, the following
c               relationships may be used to check the accuracy of the roots:
c                    c0 = -z1*z2*z3.
c                    c1 = z1*z2 + z2*z3 + z3*z1,
c                    c2 = -(z1 + z2 + z3),

c               Also, if one real root x1 is known, the other two roots are the
c               roots of the quadratic equation:
c                    q(z) = c1 + x1 * (c2 + x1) + (c2 + x1) * z + z**2 = 0
c     Method:   The inversion point is translated to the origin by the
c               substitution z = w - c2 / 3, which tranforms the equation in z
c               to the equation in w = u + i*v:
c                    g(w) = w**3 + a1 * w + a0 = 0, where
c                    a1 = c1 - c2**2 / 3,
c                    a0 = (2*c2**3 - 9*c2*c1 + 27*c0) / 27.
c               Note that g(0) = a0, and g'(0) = a1.
c               The number of real and complex roots is determined by the factor
c                    qq = a1**3 / 27 + a0**2 / 4.
c               If qq < 0, there are three unequal real roots.
c               If qq = 0, there is a double real root at umax or umin, and
c               another unequal real root, or three equal real roots at w = 0.
c               If qq > 0, there is one real root, and two conjugate complex
c               roots.
c               If a1 = 0 and a0 = 0, there is a triple real root at w1 = 0.
c               If only a1 = 0, there is one real root with the opposite sign
c               of a0, and two complex conjugate roots:
c                    w1 = +/-(abs(a0))**(1/3),
c                    w2 = -0.5*w1*(1 - i*sqrt(3)),
c                    w3 = -0.5*w1*(1 + i*sqrt(3)).
c               If only a0 = 0, there are three roots w1 = 0, w2 = -sqrt (-a1)
c               and w3 = sqrt (-a1).  The latter two roots are pure imaginary
c               if a1 > 0.
c               If neither a1 or a0 is zero, but a1 < 0, the equation in w has
c               a maximum at umax =  -sqrt (-a1 / 3) and a minimum at
c               umin = sqrt (-a1 / 3).  If qq = 0, either umax and umin is a
c               a double real root, and a single real root is at
c               w = -2 * umax or -2 * umin, respectively.  The double real root
c               will be tested later for truncation error, and replaced, if
c               necessary, by two single real roots or two conjugate complex
c               roots.
c               If no roots have been found yet, Newton's method is used to
c               iteratively find a real root, u1, using tol (or 1.e-11, if tol
c               is zero) for the relative convergence criterion.
c               The initial guess, w0, is as follows:
c                    a1 < 0, a0 < 0:  w0 =  wd + 2.0 * sqrt (-a1 / 3),
c                    a1 < 0, a0 > 0:  w0 = -wd - 2.0 * sqrt (-a1 / 3),
c                    a1 > 0, a0 < 0:  w0 =  wd,
c                    a1 > 0, a0 > 0:  w0 = -wd.
c               where wd = (abs (a0))**(1/3) is the root for a1 = 0, a0 < 0.
c               For the root w1, the subsidiary quadratic equation is:
c                    w**2 + w1 * w + w1**2 + a1 = 0, or
c                    w**2 + w1 * w - a0 / w1 = 0.
c               If qq < 0, the two real roots of the subsidiary equation are:
c                    w2 = -0.5 * w1 - 0.5 * sqrt (3 * a0 / w1 - a1),
c                    w3 = -0.5 * w1 + 0.5 * sqrt (3 * a0 / w1 - a1).
c               If w1 = 0, these become w2 = -sqrt (-a1), w3 = sqrt (-a1).
c               If qq > 0, the two complex roots of the subsidiary equation are:
c                    w2 = -0.5 * w1 - 0.5 * i * sqrt (a1 - 3 * a0 / w1),
c                    w3 = -0.5 * w1 + 0.5 * i * sqrt (a1 - 3 * a0 / w1).
c               If w1 = 0, these become w2 = -i * sqrt (a1), w3 = i * sqrt (a1).
c               Finally, all w roots are changed to z roots by subracting
c               c2 / 3, and then reordered, starting with real roots in
c               ascending numerical order, followed by any pair of conjugate
c               complex roots.
c               Any single real roots are then iterated using Newton's method
c               on the original x equation, to remove any accumulated
c               truncation error.
c               Any double roots found as described above for the case qq = 0,
c               for which truncation error is excessive, are then recalculated
c               by finding the roots of the subsidiary quadratic equation for
c               the known single root, as above.  This may replace a double root
c               with two real roots or two complex roots, which are then
c               reordered as above.
c               The accuracy criterion tol is used throughout to replace
c               calculated quantities with zero when they have values less than
c               the estimated error in their calculation, based on tol, and
c               if not zero, to determine the convergence of the Newtonian
c               iteration method.
c     Input:    c0, c1, c2, tol.
c     Output:   nroots, xroot, yroot, itrun.
c     Glossary:
c     c2        Input    Coefficient of x**2 in the cubic equation.
c     atype     Output   Types of root:
c                          "single "  Single unique real root.
c                          "dbl max"  Double unique real root at maximum.
c                          "dbl min"  Double unique real root at minimum.
c                          "triple "  Triple unique real root.
c                          "complex"  One of two conjugate complex roots.
c                          "unknown"  Unevaluated, preceded by a double or
c                                     triple root.
c                          The possible combinations of types are:
c                          "single ", "complex", "complex" (nroots = 1)
c                          "triple ", "unknown", "unknown" (nroots = 1)
c                          "single ", "dbl min", "unknown" (nroots = 2)
c                          "dbl max", "single ", "unknown" (nroots = 2)
c                          "single ", "single ", "single " (nroots = 3)
c                          The array size must be at least 3.
c     c0        Input    Coefficient of 1    in the cubic equation.
c     c1        Input    Coefficient of z    in the cubic equation.
c     itrun     Output   Indicates the degree of truncation error that occurred
c                          in finding roots of the cubic function.
c                          0 if none (within machine accuracy).
c                          1 if the truncation error is less than tol.
c                          2 if the truncation error exceeds tol.  The residual
c                            value of the function at the roots may be
c                            excessive (try increasing tol).  The coefficients
c                            recalculated from the roots may differ excessively
c                            from the original coefficients.  This may mean the
c                            magnitudes of the coefficients differ too much to
c                            get an accurate result.
c     nroots    Output   Number of unique real roots:
c                          0:  The method failed.  Try changing tol.
c                          1:  One unique real root.  If atype(1) = "single",
c                              there are also two conjugate complex roots.
c                              If atype(1) = "triple".
c                              triple root at the inversion point of the
c                              function, -c2 / 3 (a1 = a0 = 0).
c                          2:  Two unique real roots, of which one is a double
c                              root at a maximum or minimum of the function
c                              (qq = 0, a1*a0 not zero).
c                          3:  Three unique real roots (qq < 0).
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit and convergence control.
c                          If zero, a value of 1.e-11 is used for the Newtonian
c                          iteration method.
c                          If zero, itrun will almost certainly be 2.
c                          On 64-bit computers, or 32-bit computers with
c                          double precision, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c     xroot     Output   The real parts of the unique roots of the cubic
c                          function.  The array size must be at least 3.
c                          Real roots are first, in increasing numerical order,
c                          followed by any complex roots, in increasing
c                          numerical order of the imaginary part.
c                          If atype(1) is "triple", xroot(2) and xroot(3) will
c                          be -1.e99.
c                          If atype(1) or atype(2) is "dbl min" or "dbl max",
c                          xroot(3) will be -1.e99.
c     yroot     Output   The imaginary parts of the unique roots of the cubic
c                          function.  The array size must be at least 3.
c                          Always zero for the first root.
c                          Nonzero for the second and third roots, only if
c                          nroots = 1, and atype(1) = "single".

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c____ Roots of the cubic equation c0 + c1 * x + c2 * x**2 + x**3
      dimension xroot(3)              ! The real part of a root.
      dimension yroot(3)              ! The imaginary part of a root.
c____ Type of each root:  "single", "dbl max", "dbl min" "triple", "complex".
      dimension atype(3)
      character*8 atype

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptcubs finding roots of a cubic.  tol=',1pe10.2 /
cbug     &  '  Equation is c0 + c1 * x + c2 * x**2 + x**3 = 0' /
cbug     &  '  c0,c1,c2=   ',1p3e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) tol, c0, c1, c2
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nroots   = 0
      itrun    = 0
      xroot(1) = -1.e+99
      xroot(2) = -1.e+99
      xroot(3) = -1.e+99
      yroot(1) = 0.0
      yroot(2) = 0.0
      yroot(3) = 0.0
      atype(1) = 'unknown'
      atype(2) = 'unknown'
      atype(3) = 'unknown'

c.... See if one or more roots are zero.

      if (c0 .eq. 0.0)  then          ! At least one root is zero.

c....   Find the other two roots.

        call aptqrts (0, 1.0, c2, c1, qq, tol,
     &                nrootx, xnew2, xnew3, itrun)

c....   Classify and order the cubic roots.

        if (nrootx .eq. 0) then       ! Quadratic roots are complex.
          nroots   = 1
          xroot(1) = 0.0
          atype(1) = 'single'
          xroot(2) = xnew2
          yroot(2) = -xnew3
          atype(2) = 'complex'
          xroot(3) = xnew2
          yroot(3) = xnew3
          atype(3) = 'complex'
        elseif (nrootx .eq. 1) then   ! Quadratic root is real and double.
          if (xnew2 .eq. 0.0) then
            nroots   = 1
            xroot(1) = 0.0
            atype(1) = 'triple'
          elseif (xnew2 .lt. 0.0) then
            nroots   = 2
            xroot(1) = xnew2
            if ((c2 + 3.0 * xnew2) .lt. 0.0) then
              atype(1) = 'dbl max'
              atype(1) = 'dbl min'
            xroot(2) = 0.0
            atype(2) = 'single'
            nroots   = 2
            xroot(1) = 0.0
            atype(1) = 'single'
            xroot(2) = xnew2
            if ((c2 + 3.0 * xnew2) .lt. 0.0) then
              atype(2) = 'dbl max'
              atype(2) = 'dbl min'
        else                          ! Quadratic roots are real and single.
          if (xnew2 .lt. 0.0) then
            xroot(1) = xnew2
            atype(1) = 'single'
            if (xnew3 .lt. 0.0) then
              nroots   = 3
              xroot(2) = xnew2
              atype(2) = 'single'
              xroot(3) = 0.0
              atype(3) = 'single'
            elseif (xnew3 .eq. 0.0) then
              nroots   = 2
              xroot(2) = 0.0
              if (c2 .lt. 0.0) then
                atype(2) = 'dbl max'
                atype(2) = 'dbl min'
              nroots   = 3
              xroot(2) = 0.0
              atype(2) = 'single'
              xroot(3) = xnew3
              atype(3) = 'single'
          elseif (xnew2 .eq. 0.0) then
            nroots   = 2
            xroot(1) = 0.0
            if (c2 .lt. 0.0) then
              atype(1) = 'dbl max'
              atype(1) = 'dbl min'
            xroot(2) = xnew3
            atype(2) = 'single'
            nroots   = 3
            xroot(1) = 0.0
            atype(1) = 'single'
            xroot(2) = xnew2
            atype(2) = 'single'
            xroot(3) = xnew3
            atype(3) = 'single'
        endif                         ! Tested number of real quadratic roots.

        go to 700
      endif                           ! At least one root is zero.

c.... Form the reduced equation w**3 + a1 * w + a0 = 0, by replacing
c....   z with w - c2 / 3.

      a1    = c1 - c2**2 / 3.0
      a1err =  tol * (abs (c1) + c2**2 / 3.0)

      a0    = 2.0 * c2**3 / 27.0 - c2 * c1 / 3.0 + c0
      a0err = tol * (2.0 * abs (c2**3) / 27.0 + abs (c2 * c1) / 3.0 +
     &        abs ( c0))
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9902 format ('  a1, a0=     ',1p2e22.14 /   
cbugcbug     &        '  a1err,a0err=',1p2e22.14 )   
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9902) a1, a0, a1err, a0err
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
c.... Test for zero a1.  One real root and two complex roots, or a triple root.

      if (abs (a1) .le. a1err) then   ! Solve w**3 + a0 = 0.
        if (abs (a1) .gt. 0.0) itrun = 1
        a1 = 0.0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9903 format ('  Standard coefficient a1 = 0.  itrun =',i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9903) itrun
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nroots   = 1

        if (abs (a0) .le. a0err) then  ! One triple root.
          if (abs (a0) .gt. 0.0) itrun = 1
          a0 = 0.0
          xroot(1)  = -c2 / 3.0
          atype(1) = 'triple'
          go to 700

        ureal    = (abs (a0))**(1.0 / 3.0)
        xroot(1) = -sign (ureal, a0) - c2 / 3.0
        atype(1) = 'single'
        xroot(2) = 0.5 * sign (ureal, a0) - c2 / 3.0
        yroot(2) = 0.5 * ureal * sqrt (3.0)
        atype(2) = 'complex'
        xroot(3) = xroot(2)
        yroot(3) = -yroot(2)
        atype(3) = 'complex'
        rterr   = tol * (ureal + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(1)) .le. rterr) then
          itrun    = 1
          xroot(1) = 0.0
        rterr = tol * (0.5 * ureal + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(2)) .le. rterr) then
          itrun    = 1
          xroot(2) = 0.0
          xroot(3) = 0.0
        go to 700
      endif                           ! Solved y**3 + a0 = 0.

c.... Test for zero a0.

      if (abs (a0) .le. a0err) then   ! Solve y * (y**2 + a1) = 0.
        if (abs (a0) .gt. 0.0) itrun = 1
        a0 = 0.0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9904 format ('  Standard coefficient a0 = 0.  itrun =',i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9904) itrun
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        if (a1 .lt. 0.0) then         ! Three unequal real roots.
          nroots   = 3
          ureal    = sqrt (-a1)
          xroot(1) = -c2 / 3.0 - ureal
          xroot(2) = -c2 / 3.0
          xroot(3) = -c2 / 3.0 + ureal
          atype(1) = 'single'
          atype(2) = 'single'
          atype(3) = 'single'
          rterr    = tol * (abs (ureal) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
          if (abs (xroot(1)) .le. rterr) then
            xroot(1) = 0.0
          if (abs (xroot(3)) .le. rterr) then
            xroot(3) = 0.0
          go to 300
        else                          ! One real root and two complex roots.
          nroots   = 1
          xroot(1) = -c2 / 3.0
          atype(1) = 'single'
          vroot    = sqrt (a1)
          xroot(2) = -c2 / 3.0
          yroot(2) = -vroot
          atype(2) = 'complex'
          xroot(3) = -c2 / 3.0
          yroot(3) =  vroot
          atype(3) = 'complex'
          go to 700
      endif                           ! Solved y * (y**2 + a1) = 0.

c.... Find the factor determining the number of roots.

      qq = a1**3 / 27.0 + 0.25 * a0**2
      qqerr = tol * (abs (a1**3) / 27.0 + 0.25 * a0**2) +
     &        a1**2 * a1err / 9.0 + 0.50 * abs (a0) * a0err
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9908 format ('  Standard coefficient qq = ',1p2e22.14)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9908) qq, qqerr
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if (abs (qq) .le. qqerr) then
        if (abs (qq) .gt. 0.0) itrun = 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9909 format ('  Standard coefficient qq = 0.  itrun =',i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9909) itrun
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        qq = 0.0

c.... Find y coordinates of any minimum and maximum.

      nextr = 0

      if (a1 .lt. 0.0) then           ! A minimum and a maximum exist.
        nextr    = 2
        umin     = sqrt (-a1 / 3.0)
        fmin     = umin**3 + a1 * umin + a0
        fminerr  = tol * (abs (umin**3) + abs (a1 * umin) + abs(a0)) +
     &             a1err * abs (umin) + a0err
        umax     = -sqrt (-a1 / 3.0)
        fmax     = umax**3 + a1 * umax + a0
        fmaxerr  = tol * (abs (umax**3) + abs (a1 * umax) + abs(a0)) +
     &             a1err * abs (umax) + a0err
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9905 format ('  umin, umax =',1p2e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        '  fmin, fmax =',1p2e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        '  errmn,errmx=',1p2e22.14 )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9905) umin, umax, fmin, fmax, fminerr, fmaxerr
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        if ((qq .eq. 0.0) .and. (abs (fmin) .lt. abs (fmax)) .or.
     &     (abs(fmin) .le. fminerr)) then  ! Double root at umin.
          if (abs (fmin) .gt. 0.0)     itrun = 1
          if (abs (fmin) .gt. fminerr) itrun = 2
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9906 format ('  Double root at umin.  itrun =',i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9906) itrun
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          nroots   = 2                ! Double root at umin.
          xroot(1) = -2.0 * umin - c2 / 3.0
          atype(1) = 'single'
          rterr    = tol * (2.0 * abs (umin) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
          if (abs (xroot(1)) .le. rterr) then
            xroot(1) = 0.0
          xroot(2) = umin - c2 / 3.0
          atype(2) = 'dbl min'
          rterr    = tol * (abs (umin) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
          if (abs (xroot(2)) .le. rterr) then
            xroot(2) = 0.0
          go to 300

        if ((qq .eq. 0.0) .and. (abs (fmax) .le. abs (fmin)) .or.
     &     (abs(fmax) .le. fmaxerr)) then  ! Double root at umax.
          if (abs (fmax) .gt. 0.0)     itrun = 1
          if (abs (fmax) .gt. fmaxerr) itrun = 2
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9907 format ('  Double root at umax.  itrun =',i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9907) itrun
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          nroots   = 2                ! Double root at umax.
          xroot(1) = umax - c2 / 3.0
          atype(1) = 'dbl max'
          rterr    = tol * (abs (umax) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
          if (abs (xroot(1)) .le. rterr) then
            xroot(1) = 0.0
          xroot(2)  = -2.0 * umax - c2 / 3.0
          atype(2) = 'single'
          rterr    = tol * (2.0 * abs (umax) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
          if (abs (xroot(2)) .le. rterr) then
            xroot(2) = 0.0
          go to 300

      endif                           ! Tested a1.

c.... Find number of real roots.

      if (qq .lt. 0.0) then           ! Three real and unequal roots.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9910 format ('  Three real and unequal roots.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9910)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        nroots = 3
      elseif (qq .eq. 0.0) then       ! IMPOSSIBLE.  Already done above.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9911 format ('  IMPOSSIBLE LOGIC.  qq = 0 again.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9911)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nroots = 3
        go to 700
      elseif (qq .gt. 0.0) then       ! One real root.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9912 format ('  One real root.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9912)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nroots = 1

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, '(/ "  Iterate to find a single real root.")')
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
c.... Iterate, using Newton's method, to find a single real root.

c.... Choose initial guess for Newton's method.

      ureal  = (abs (a0))**(1.0 / 3.0)

      if (a1 .gt. 0.0) then
        utest = 0.0
        if (a0 .lt. 0.0) utest =  ureal
        if (a0 .gt. 0.0) utest = -ureal
      elseif (a0 .lt. 0.0) then
        utest = 2.0 * umin + ureal
        utest = 2.0 * umax - ureal

c.... Iterate, using Newton's method.

      tolx = tol
      if (tol .eq. 0.0) tolx = 1.e-11

      nstop  = 0
      niter  = 0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9922 format ('  It',i4,' y,f,s',1p3e22.14 )
cbugcbug      ftest  = utest**3 + a1 * utest + a0
cbugcbug      fslope = 3.0 * utest**2 + a1
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9922) niter, utest, ftest, fslope
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
  110 niter  = niter + 1
      ftest  = utest**3 + a1 * utest + a0
      fterr  = tolx * (abs (utest**3) + abs (a1 * utest) + abs (a0))
      fslope = 3.0 * utest**2 + a1
      fslerr = tolx * (3.0 * utest**2 + abs (a1))
      if (abs (fslope) .le. fslerr) then
        unew1 = utest
        itrun = 2
        go to 200
        unew1  = utest - ftest / fslope
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9922) niter, unew1, ftest, fslope
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if (nstop .eq. 1) go to 200

      if (abs (unew1 - utest) .le. tolx * abs (utest)) nstop = 1

      if (abs (ftest) .lt. fterr) nstop = 1  ! TRY

      if (niter .gt. 1000) then
        itrun = 2
        go to 200

      utest = unew1
      go to 110

  200 xroot(1) = unew1 - c2 / 3.0
      rterr    = tol * (abs (unew1) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
      if (abs (xroot(1)) .le. rterr) then
        xroot(1) = 0.0
      atype(1) = 'single'
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9914 format ('  Root y, x=  ',1p2e22.14)        
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9914) unew1, xroot(1)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if (nroots .eq. 1) go to 300

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, '(/ "  Solve quadratic for other two roots.")')
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
c.... Find other two roots by factoring out single root, solving quadratic.

      g2 = 1.0
      g1 = unew1
      g0 = -a0 / unew1

      call aptqrts (0, g2, g1, g0, qq, tol,
     &              nrootx, unew2, unew3, itrun)

      if (nrootx .ne. 2) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9918 format ('  IMPOSSIBLE LOGIC.  aptqrts says not 2 roots.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9918)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nroots = 0
        go to 700

      if (unew1 .lt. unew2) then
        xroot(1) = unew1 - c2 / 3.0
        rterr    = tol * (abs (unew1) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(1)) .le. rterr) then
          xroot(1) = 0.0
        xroot(2) = unew2 - c2 / 3.0
        rterr    = tol * (abs (unew2) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(2)) .le. rterr) then
          xroot(2) = 0.0
        xroot(3) = unew3 - c2 / 3.0
        rterr    = tol * (abs (unew3) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(3)) .le. rterr) then
          xroot(3) = 0.0
      elseif (unew1 .gt. unew3) then
        xroot(1) = unew2 - c2 / 3.0
        rterr    = tol * (abs (unew2) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(1)) .le. rterr) then
          xroot(1) = 0.0
        xroot(2) = unew3 - c2 / 3.0
        rterr    = tol * (abs (unew3) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(2)) .le. rterr) then
          xroot(2) = 0.0
        xroot(3) = unew1 - c2 / 3.0
        rterr    = tol * (abs (unew1) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (xroot(3)) .le. rterr) then
          xroot(3) = 0.0

      atype(1) = 'single'
      atype(2) = 'single'
      atype(3) = 'single'

c.... Use Newtonian iteration to improve real roots not at umax or umin.

  300 continue

      tolx = tol
      if (tol .eq. 0.0) tolx = 1.e-11

      do 320 n = 1, nroots

        if ((atype(n) .eq. 'dbl max')  .or.
     &      (atype(n) .eq. 'dbl min')) then
          ftest = xroot(n)**3 + c2 * xroot(n)**2 + c1 * xroot(n) + c0
          fterr = tolx * (abs (xroot(n)**3) + abs (c2) * xroot(n)**2 +
     &                  abs (c1 * xroot(n)) + abs (c0))
          if (abs(ftest) .gt. fterr) then
            itrun = 2
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9931 format (/ '  Set itrun = 2.  Bad root ',i2,2x,a8 /
cbugcbug     &  '  ftest,fterr=',1p2e22.14)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) n, atype(n), ftest, fterr
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          go to 320

        xtest   = xroot(n)
        nstop   = 0
        niter   = 0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9923 format ('  It',i4,' x,f,s',1p3e22.14 )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, '(/ "  Iterate to improve this single root.")')
cbugcbug      ftest   = xtest**3 + c2 * xtest**2 + c1 * xtest + c0
cbugcbug      fslope  = 3.0 * xtest**2 + 2.0 * c2 * xtest + c1
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9923) niter, xtest, ftest, fslope
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
  310   niter   = niter + 1
        ftest   = xtest**3 + c2 * xtest**2 + c1 * xtest + c0
        fterr  = tolx * (abs (xtest**3) + abs (c2 * xtest) +
     &           abs (c1 * xtest) + abs (c0))
        fslope  = 3.0 * xtest**2 + 2.0 * c2 * xtest + c1
        fslerr  = tolx * (3.0 * xtest**2 + 2.0 * abs (c2 * xtest) +
     &            abs (c1))
        if (abs (fslope) .le. fslerr) then
          itrun    = 2
          xroot(n) = xtest
          go to 320
          xroot(n) = xtest - ftest / fslope
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9923) niter, xroot(n), ftest, fslope
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        if (nstop .eq. 1) then
          ftest = xroot(n)**3 + c2 * xroot(n)**2 + c1 * xroot(n) + c0
          fterr = tolx * (abs (xroot(n)**3) + abs (c2) * xroot(n)**2 +
     &                  abs (c1 * xroot(n)) + abs (c0))
          if (abs(ftest) .gt. fterr) then
            itrun = 2
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9931) n, atype(n), ftest, fterr
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          go to 320

        if (abs (xroot(n) - xtest) .le. tolx * abs (xtest)) nstop = 1

        if (abs (ftest) .lt. fterr) nstop = 1  ! TRY.

        if (niter .gt. 1000) then
          itrun = 2
          go to 320

        xtest = xroot(n)
        go to 310
  320 continue                        ! End of loop over roots.

c.... Find any complex roots.

      if ((nroots .eq. 1) .and. (atype(1) .eq. 'single')) then

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, '(/ "  Find two complex roots.")')
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        rreal  =  -0.5 * unew1 - c2 / 3.0
        errx   = tol * (0.5 * abs(unew1) + abs (c2) / 3.0)
        if (abs (rreal) .le. errx) then
          if (itrun .eq. 0) itrun = 1
          rreal = 0.0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9933 format ('  a1 - 3*a0/u1  =',1pe22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        '  -u1**2-4*a0/u1=',1pe22.14)
cbugcbug      arg1 = a1 - 3.0 * a0 / unew1
cbugcbug      arg2 = -(unew1**2 + 4.0 * a0 / unew1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9933) arg1, arg2
cbugcbug      if ((arg1 .lt. 0.0) .or. (arg2 .lt. 0.0)) then
cbugcbug        nroots = 0
cbugcbug        go to 700
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        rimag    =  0.5 * sqrt (a1 - 3.0 * a0 / unew1)
        xroot(2) =  rreal
        yroot(2) = -rimag
        atype(2) = 'complex'
        xroot(3) =  rreal
        yroot(3) =  rimag
        atype(3) = 'complex'

      endif                           ! Found two complex roots.

c.... Replace any badly truncated double roots.

      if ((nroots .eq. 2) .and. (itrun .eq. 2)) then

        if (atype(1) .eq. 'single') then  ! Replace double root 2.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, '(/ "  Replace double root 2.  Solve quadratic.")')
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

          g0    = c1 + xroot(1) * (c2 + xroot(1))
          g0err = tol * (abs (c1) + abs (c2 * xroot(1)) + xroot(1)**2)
          if (xroot(1) .ne. 0.0) then
            g0err2 = tol * abs (c0 / xroot(1))
            if (g0err2 .le. g0err) then
              g0    = -c0 / xroot(1)
              g0err = g0err2
          if (abs (g0) .le. g0err) g0 = 0.0

          g1    = c2 + xroot(1)
          g1err = tol * (abs (c2) + abs (xroot(1)))
          if (xroot(1) .ne. 0.0) then
            g1err2 = tol *
     &               (abs (c0) + abs (c1 * xroot(1)) / xroot(1)**2)
            if (g1err2 .le. g1err) then
              g1    = -(c0 + c1 * xroot(1)) / xroot(1)**2
              g1err = g1err2
          if (abs (g1) .le. g1err) g1 = 0.0

          g2    = 1.0

          call aptqrts (0, g2, g1, g0, qq, tol,
     &                  nrootx, xnew2, xnew3, itrunx)

          if (nrootx .eq. 2) then
            if (itrun .eq. 0) itrun    = 1
            nroots   = 3
            xroot(2) = xnew2
            atype(2) = 'single'
            xroot(3) = xnew3
            atype(3) = 'single'
          elseif (nrootx .eq. 0) then
            if (itrun .eq. 0) itrun    = 1
            nroots   = 1
            q        = sqrt (4.0 * g2 * g0 - g1**2)
            rreal    = -0.5 * g1 / g2
            rimag    = 0.5 * q / g2
            xroot(2) = rreal
            yroot(2) = -rimag
            atype(2) = 'complex'
            xroot(3) = rreal
            yroot(3) = rimag
            atype(3) = 'complex'

        else                          ! Replace double root 1.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, '(/ "  Replace double root 1.  Solve quadratic.")')
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

          g0    = c1 + xroot(2) * (c2 + xroot(2))
          g0err = tol * (abs (c1) + abs (c2 * xroot(2)) + xroot(2)**2)
          if (xroot(2) .ne. 0.0) then
            g0err2 = tol * abs (c0 / xroot(2))
            if (g0err2 .le. g0err) then
              g0    = -c0 / xroot(2)
              g0err = g0err2
          if (abs (g0) .le. g0err) g0 = 0.0

          g1    = c2 + xroot(2)
          g1err = tol * (abs (c2) + abs (xroot(2)))
          if (xroot(2) .ne. 0.0) then
            g1err2 = tol *
     &               (abs (c0) + abs (c1 * xroot(2)) / xroot(2)**2)
            if (g1err2 .le. g1err) then
              g1    = -(c0 + c1 * xroot(2)) / xroot(2)**2
              g1err = g1err2
          if (abs (g1) .le. g1err) g1 = 0.0

          g2    = 1.0

          call aptqrts (0, g2, g1, g0, qq, tol,
     &                  nrootx, xnew1, xnew2, itrunx)

          if (nrootx .eq. 2) then
            if (itrun .eq. 0) itrun    = 1
            nroots   = 3
            xroot(3) = xroot(2)
            atype(3) = 'single'
            xroot(1) = xnew1
            atype(1) = 'single'
            xroot(2) = xnew2
            atype(2) = 'single'
          elseif (nrootx .eq. 0) then
            if (itrun .eq. 0) itrun    = 1
            nroots   = 1
            q        = sqrt (4.0 * g2 * g0 - g1**2)
            rreal    = -0.5 * g1 / g2
            rimag    =  0.5 * q  / g2
            xroot(1) = xroot(2)
            atype(1) = 'single'
            xroot(2) = rreal
            yroot(2) = -rimag
            atype(2) = 'complex'
            xroot(3) = rreal
            yroot(3) = rimag
            atype(3) = 'complex'


  700 continue

c.... See if a single real root at the origin can be made more accurate.

        if     ((atype(1) .eq. 'single') .and.
     &          (xroot(1) .eq. 0.0))      then
          xroot(1) = -c0 / (xroot(2)*xroot(3) + yroot(2) * yroot(3))
        elseif ((atype(2) .eq. 'single') .and.
     &          (xroot(2) .eq. 0.0))      then
          xroot(2) = -c0 / (xroot(3)*xroot(1) + yroot(3) * yroot(1))
        elseif ((atype(3) .eq. 'single') .and.
     &          (xroot(3) .eq. 0.0))      then
          xroot(3) = -c0 / (xroot(1)*xroot(2) + yroot(1) * yroot(2))
c.... Check the value of the function at the roots.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, '(/ "  Check the function at the roots.")')
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
      do 710 n = 1, 3                 ! Loop over roots.
        if (atype(n) .eq. 'unknown') go to 710

        frres = xroot(n)**3 + c2 * xroot(n)**2 + c1 * xroot(n) + c0 -
     &          yroot(n)**2 * (3.0 * xroot(n) + c2)
        fires = yroot(n) * (3.0 * xroot(n)**2 - yroot(n)**2 +
     &          2.0 * c2 * xroot(n) + c1)

        frerr = tol * (abs (xroot(n)**3) + abs (c2) * xroot(n)**2 +
     &                 abs (c1 * xroot(n)) + abs (c0) +
     &          yroot(n)**2 * (3.0 * abs (xroot(n)) + abs (c2)))
        fierr = tol * (abs (yroot(n)) * (3.0 * xroot(n)**2) +
     &                 yroot(n)**2 + 2.0 * abs (c2 * xroot(n)) +
     &                 abs (c1))
        if (abs (frres) .gt. frerr) itrun = 2
        if (abs (fires) .gt. fierr) itrun = 2
  710 continue                        ! End of loop over roots.

c.... Reconstruct the coefficients.

      kbad = 0
      if (nroots .eq. 1) then
        if (atype(1) .eq. 'single') then
          c0p = -xroot(1) * (xroot(2) * xroot(3) + yroot(2)**2)
          c1p =  xroot(1) * (xroot(2) + xroot(3)) +
     &           xroot(2) *  xroot(3) + yroot(2)**2
          c2p = -(xroot(1) + xroot(2) + xroot(3))
          c0p = -xroot(1)**3
          c1p =  3.0 * xroot(1)**2
          c2p = -3.0 * xroot(1)
      elseif (nroots .eq. 2) then
        if (atype(1) .eq. 'single') then
          c0p = -xroot(1) * xroot(2)**2
          c1p = 2.0 * xroot(1) * xroot(2) + xroot(2)**2
          c2p = -(xroot(1) + 2.0 * xroot(2))
          c0p = -xroot(2) * xroot(1)**2
          c1p = 2.0 * xroot(1) * xroot(2) + xroot(1)**2
          c2p = -(xroot(2) + 2.0 * xroot(1))
      elseif (nroots .eq. 3) then
        c0p = -xroot(1) * xroot(2) * xroot(3)
        c1p = xroot(1) * (xroot(2) + xroot(3)) + xroot(2) * xroot(3)
        c2p = -(xroot(1) + xroot(2) + xroot(3))

      if (abs (c0 - c0p) .gt. tol * (abs (c0) + abs (c0p))) kbad = 1
      if (abs (c1 - c1p) .gt. tol * (abs (c1) + abs (c1p))) kbad = 1
      if (abs (c2 - c2p) .gt. tol * (abs (c2) + abs (c2p))) kbad = 1

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9930 format ('  c0,c1,c2(in)',1p3e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        '  c0,c1,c2(re)',1p3e22.14 )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9930) c0, c1, c2, c0p, c1p, c2p
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9920 format (/ 'aptcubs results.  nroots=',i2)
cbug      write ( 3, 9920) nroots
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 990 n = 1, 3
        if (atype(n) .eq. 'unknown') go to 990

        frres = xroot(n)**3 + c2 * xroot(n)**2 + c1 * xroot(n) + c0 -
     &          yroot(n)**2 * (3.0 * xroot(n) + c2)
        frerr = tol * (abs (xroot(n)**3) + abs (c2) * xroot(n)**2 +
     &                 abs (c1 * xroot(n)) + abs (c0) +
     &          yroot(n)**2 * (3.0 * abs (xroot(n)) + abs (c2)))

        fires = yroot(n) * (3.0 * xroot(n)**2 - yroot(n)**2 +
     &          2.0 * c2 * xroot(n) + c1)
        fierr = tol * (abs (yroot(n)) * (3.0 * xroot(n)**2) +
     &                 yroot(n)**2 + 2.0 * abs (c2 * xroot(n)) +
     &                 abs (c1))

        if (abs (frres) .gt. frerr) kbad = 1
        if (abs (fires) .gt. fierr) kbad = 1
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9921 format ('  Root ',i1,'  r,i=',1p2e22.14, 2x,a8 /
cbug     &        '    cubic r,i=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &        '    allow r,i=',1p2e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9921) n, xroot(n), yroot(n), atype(n), frres, fires,
cbug     &  frerr, fierr
cbugc***DEBUG ends.
  990 continue

      if ((kbad .eq. 0) .and. (itrun .eq. 2)) itrun = 1
      if ((kbad .eq. 1) .and. (itrun .eq. 0)) itrun = 1
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9940 format (/ '  itrun=',i2 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9940) itrun
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptcubs.      (+1 line.)
