subroutine aptdeld (ks, atab, nrows, ncols, nrowmx, ncomp, ncomps,
     &                    nreds, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTDELD
c     call aptdeld (ks, atab, nrows, ncols, nrowmx, ncomp, ncomps,
c    &              nreds, nerr)
c     Version:  aptdeld  Updated    1991 October 7 13:00.
c               aptdeld  Originated 1990 October 7 13:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To delete all rows (first subscript, dimension nrowmx) of the
c               2-D array atab, which has ncols columns (second subscript) and
c               nrows rows, for which column(s) ncomp(n) (n = 1, ncomps) are
c               each duplicates of the same column(s) in any preceding row
c               (ks = 0), or in the immediately preceding row only (ks = 1).
c               Flag nerr indicates any input errors.
c     Note:     Use aptdels to find unique values in a 1-D array which
c               has been previously sorted.
c     Input:    ks, atab, nrows, ncols, nrowmx, ncomp, ncomps.
c     Output:   atab, nreds, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     atab      In/Out   A two-dimensional array, with nrows rows and ncols
c                          columns.  Memory size is atab(nrowmx,ncolmx), where
c                          nrowmx is no less than nrows, and ncolmx is no less
c                          than ncols.  Final number of rows will be nreds.
c     ks        Input    Indicates the tests for duplicate column values will be
c                          done in all preceding unique rows (ks = 0), or only
c                          in the immediately preceding unique row (ks = 1).
c                          If table atab has been previously sequentially sorted
c                          in columns ncomp(n) (n = 1, ncomps), so that all rows
c                          that are duplicates in those columns are adjacent,
c                          the later option (ks = 1) will be much faster.
c     ncols     Input    Number of columns in atab.
c                          Must be at least 1.
c     ncomp     Input    Indices of columns to be tested for duplicates.
c                          Size = ncomps.
c                          Must be in the range from 1 to ncols.
c     ncomps    Input    Number of columns to be tested for duplicates.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0:
c                          1 if nrows is less than 1, or more than nrowmx.
c                          2 if ncols is less than 1.
c                          3 if ncomps is less than 1 or greater than ncols.
c                          4 if any ncomp is less than 1 or more than ncols.
c     nreds     Output   Final number of rows in reduced array atab.
c     nrowmx    Input    First dimension in size specification of array atab.
c                          The increment between successive memory locations of
c                          two adjacent column values in the same row of atab.
c     nrows     Input    Initial number of rows in atab.
c                          Must be in the range from 1 to nrowmx.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      dimension atab  (nrowmx,1)     ! Table to be reduced.
      dimension ncomp   (1)          ! Column(s) to be tested.

c.... Local variables.

      common /laptdeld/ n            ! Index in array ncomp.
      common /laptdeld/ nbeg         ! Starting index for row tests.
      common /laptdeld/ ncol         ! Index of an atab column.
      common /laptdeld/ nred         ! Index of a final atab row.
      common /laptdeld/ nrow         ! Index of an initial atab row.
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      common /ltsor/ aformr(10)
cbug      common /ltsor/ ncolxx
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptdeld removing duplicates from table.' /
cbug     &  '  nrows=',i5,' ncols=',i3,' nrowmx=',i5)
cbug 9902 format ('  ncomp=',20i3)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nrows, ncols, nrowmx
cbug      if ((ncomps .ge. 1) .and. (ncomps .le. ncols)) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) (ncomp(n), n = 1, ncomps)
cbug      endif
cbug      if ((nrows .ge. 1) .and. (nrows .le. nrowmx)) then
cbug        do 981 nrow = 1, nrows
cbug          write ( 3, aformr) (atab(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, ncolxx)
cbug 981    continue
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr = 0

      if ((nrows .lt. 1) .or. (nrows .gt. nrowmx)) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (ncols .lt. 1) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if ((ncomps .lt. 1) .or. (ncomps .gt. ncols)) then
        nerr = 3
        go to 210

      do 110 n = 1, ncomps
        if ((ncomp(n) .gt. ncols) .or. (ncomp(n) .le. 0)) then
          nerr = 4
          go to 210
  110 continue

c.... Delete rows with duplicates in table columns ncomp(n) (n = 1, ncomps).

      nreds = 1                      ! Keep row 1.
      if (nrows .eq. 1) go to 210

      nbeg = 1

      do 150 nrow = 2, nrows         ! Loop over rest of initial rows.

        do 130 nred = nbeg, nreds    ! Loop over reduced rows.

          do 120 n = 1, ncomps       ! Loop over test columns.
            ncol = ncomp(n)
            if (atab(nrow,ncol) .ne. atab(nred,ncol)) go to 130  ! Different.
  120     continue                   ! End of loop over test columns.

          go to 150                  ! Test columns same.  Delete row.

  130   continue                     ! End of loop over reduced rows.

        nreds = nreds + 1            ! Test columns different.  Keep row.
        if (ks .ne. 0) nbeg = nreds

        do 140 ncol = 1, ncols       ! Loop over columns.
          atab(nreds,ncol) = atab(nrow,ncol)
  140   continue                     ! End of loop over columns.

  150 continue                       ! End of loop over initial rows.
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9904 format (/ 'aptdeld results:')
cbug      write ( 3, 9904)
cbug      do 982 nrow = 1, nreds
cbug        write ( 3, aformr) (atab(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, ncolxx)
cbug 982  continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

  210 return

c.... End of subroutine aptdeld.      (+1 line.)
