subroutine aptdirt (ax, ay, az, npa, bx, by, bz, npb, tol,
     &                    ux, uy, uz, dab, ndir, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTDIRT
c     call aptdirt (ax, ay, az, npa, bx, by, bz, npb, tol,
c    &              ux, uy, uz, dab, ndir, nerr)
c     Version:  aptdirt  Updated    2003 June 10 12:00.
c               aptdirt  Originated 2003 May 21 17:30.
c     Authors:  Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find all unique direction vectors from each point
c               a(na) = (ax(na), ay(na), az(na)), na = 1, npa, to each point
c               b(nb) = (bx(nb), by(nb), bz(nb)), nb = 1, npb, within precision
c               tol, and return them as unit direction vectors
c               v(nab) = (vx(nab), vy(nab), vz(nab)), with minimum distances
c               dab(nab), nab = 1, ndir, sorted in order of increasing distance.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    ax, ay, az, npa, bx, by, bz, npb, tol
c     Output:   ux, uy, uz, dab, ndir, nerr
c     Calls: aptdist, aptvaxb 
c     Glossary:
c     ax,ay,az  Input    The x, y and z coordinates of each point
c                          a(na) = (ax(na), ay(na), az(na)), na = 1, npa.
c                          Size npa or greater.
c                          If array b is sufficiently regular, all unique
c                          directions in b may be found by using only one
c                          or two points in b as array a.
c     bx,by,bz  Input    The x, y and z coordinates of each point
c                          b(nb) = (bx(nb), by(nb), bz(nb)), nb = 1, npb.
c                          Size npb or greater,
c     dab(nab)  Output   The minimum distance between pairs of points for each
c                          unique direction vector u(nab), nab = 1, ndir.
c                          Size npa * npb is sufficient, but see ndir.
c     ndir      Output   The number of unique unit direction vectors u(nab),
c                          n = 1, ndir, connecting pairs of points.
c                          The maximum possible value of ndir is npa * npb.
c                          For a rectangular array of nx points in the
c                          x direction and ny <= nx points in the y direction,
c                          the maximum possible value of ndir is ndir(max) =
c                          2 * nx * ny - 2 * nx - 4 * ny + 8.
c                          The minimum possible value is about F * ndir(max),
c                          where F is given by the product of all the terms
c                          (1 - 1/n**2), where n ranges over all of the prime
c                          numbers from 2 to the largest possible common prime
c                          factor of na and nb.
c                          For very large nx and ny, F = 0.607927565940.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not zero:
c                          1 if npa is less than 1.
c                          2 if npb is less than 1.
c     npa       Input    The number of points a(na) = (ax(na), ay(na), az(na)).
c     npb       Input    The number of points b(nb) = (bx(nb), by(nb), bz(nb)).
c     tol       Input    Numerical precision limit.  Used to determine if
c                          points are coincident, or if components of vectors
c                          are zero.
c                          For 64-bit real numbers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c     ux,uy,uz  Output   The x, y and z components of each unique unit direction
c                          vector u(nab) = (ux(nab), uy(nab), uz(nab),
c                          nab = 1, ndir, connecting any point "a" to any point
c                          "b".
c                          The components ux, uy and ux  are the cosines of the
c                          angles between the direction vectors and the positive
c                          x, y and z axes, respectively.  The sign of each
c                          vector is arbitrary chosen to make the last
c                          non-zero component of ux, uy, uz positive.
c                          Size npa * npb is sufficient, but see ndir.

c.... Declarations for arguments.

      dimension ax(1)                 ! Coordinate x of point a.
      dimension ay(1)                 ! Coordinate y of point a.
      dimension az(1)                 ! Coordinate z of point a.
      dimension bx(1)                 ! Coordinate x of point b.
      dimension by(1)                 ! Coordinate y of point b.
      dimension bz(1)                 ! Coordinate z of point b.
      dimension ux(1)                 ! Component x of unit direction vector u.
      dimension uy(1)                 ! Component y of unit direction vector u.
      dimension uz(1)                 ! Component z of unit direction vector u.
      dimension dab(1)                ! Minimum distance between points.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptdirt finding unique directions between points.',
cbug     &  '  npa =',i8,', npb =',i8,'.')
cbug 9902 format (/ ('n,ax,ay,az=',i6,1p3e20.12))
cbug 9912 format (/ ('n,bx,by,bz=',i6,1p3e20.12))
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) npa, npb
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) (n, ax(n), ay(n), az(n), n = 1, npa)
cbug      write ( 3, 9912) (n, bx(n), by(n), bz(n), n = 1, npb)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      ndir  = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr  = 0

      if (npa .lt. 1) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (npb .le. 1) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Find the unique unit direction vectors between points.

      do 140 na = 1, npa              ! Loop over the first point.
        do 130 nb = 1, npb            ! Loop over the second point.

c....     Find the unit direction vector and distance between the two points.

          call aptdist (0, 1, ax(na), ay(na), az(na),
     &                        bx(nb), by(nb), bz(nb), 1, tol,
     &                        abx, aby, abz, dabt, nerr)

          if (dabt .eq. 0.0) go to 130  ! Points are coincident.
          if (ndir .eq. 0) go to 120

          do 110 nd = 1, ndir         ! Loop over unique directions.

c....       See if directions are the same (cross product zero).

            call aptvaxb (abx, aby, abz, ux(nd), uy(nd), uz(nd), 1, tol,
     &                    cx, cy, cz, vlen, nerr)

            if (vlen .eq. 0.0) then   ! Directions are the same.

c....         See if the new distance is shorter.

              if (dabt .lt. dab(nd)) then  ! New distance is shorter.

                dab(nd) = dabt

              endif                   ! New distance is shorter.
              go to 130
            endif                     ! Directions are the same.

  110     continue                    ! End of loop over unique directions.

c....     Found a new direction.

  120     ndir      = ndir + 1
          ux(ndir)  = abx
          uy(ndir)  = aby
          uz(ndir)  = abz
          dab(ndir) = dabt
c....     Reverse direction if last non-zero component of ux, uy, uz is < 0.

          if ((uz(ndir) .lt. 0.0)    .or.
     &       ((uz(ndir) .eq. 0.0)    .and.
     &        (uy(ndir) .lt. 0.0))   .or.
     &       ((uz(ndir) .eq. 0.0)    .and.
     &        (uy(ndir) .eq. 0.0)    .and.
     &        (ux(ndir) .lt. 0.0)))  then
            ux(ndir) = -ux(ndir)
            uy(ndir) = -uy(ndir)
            uz(ndir) = -uz(ndir)

  130 continue                        ! End of loop over the first point.
  140 continue                        ! End of loop over the second point.

c.... Reorder in order of increasing minimum distance between points,
c....   or if that distance is the same, in order of increasing angle from the
c....   positive z direction, or if that angle is zero, in order of increasing
c....   angle from the positive y direction.

      do 160 ns1 = 1, ndir - 1        ! Loop over directions.
        do 150 ns2 = ns1 + 1, ndir    ! Loop over rest of directions.

          if ( (dab(ns2) .lt. dab(ns1))   .or.
     &        ((dab(ns2) .eq. dab(ns1))   .and.
     &        ((uz(ns2)  .gt. uz(ns1) )   .or.
     &        ((uz(ns2)  .eq. uz(ns1) )   .and.
     &         (uy(ns2)  .gt. uy(ns1) ))))) then

            uxsave   = ux(ns1)
            uysave   = uy(ns1)
            uzsave   = uz(ns1)
            dabsave  = dab(ns1)
            ux(ns1)  = ux(ns2)
            uy(ns1)  = uy(ns2)
            uz(ns1)  = uz(ns2)
            dab(ns1) = dab(ns2)

            ux(ns2)  = uxsave
            uy(ns2)  = uysave
            uz(ns2)  = uzsave
            dab(ns2) = dabsave


  150   continue                      ! End of loop over directions.
  160 continue                        ! End of loop over rest of directions.

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/ 'aptdirt results:  ndir=',i6,
cbug     &  ', nerr=',i2,'.' / )
cbug 9904 format ('n,ux,y,z,dab=',i6,1p4e15.7)
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) ndir, nerr
cbug      if (ndir .gt. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9904) (n, ux(n), uy(n), uz(n), dab(n), n = 1, ndir)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of subroutine aptdirt.      (+1 line.)
