subroutine apteqxn (x, pl, pr, nbins, nep, xep, pmin, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTEQXN
c     call apteqxn (x, pl, pr, nbins, nep, xep, pmin, nerr)
c     Version:  apteqxn  Updated    1990 August 13 13:50.
c               apteqxn  Originated 1990 August 13 13:50.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find the nep equal probability (EP) bins, each bounded by
c               xep(n) on the left and xep(n+1) on the right, corresponding to
c               the nbins probability distribution function (PDF) bins, each
c               with relative probability pl(n) at x(n) on the left, and
c               relative probability pr(n) at x(n+1) on the right, varying
c               linearly.  For a histogram PDF, pl(n) = pr(n).  Also, to find
c               the minimum normalized probability pmin of any PDF bin.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c               Random sampling of the random variable x is done as follows:
c                 n = 1 + ranf( ) * nep
c                 x = xep(n) + ranf( ) * (xep(n+1) - xep(n))
c     Input:    x, pl, pr, nbins, nep.
c     Output:   xep, pmin, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     nbins     Input    Number of input PDF bins or intervals.
c     nep       Output   Number of output EP bins.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if nbins is not positive.
c                          2 if nep is not positive.
c                          3 if any pl(n) or pr(n) is negative.
c                          4 if any x(n+1) is less than x(n).
c     pl        Input    For the PDF bin n, the unnormalized relative
c                          probability of x(n), per unit x interval.
c                          Size nbins.  May not be negative for any n.
c                          If the PDF is a histogram, pl(n) = pr(n).
c                          If the PDF is continuous, pl(n) = pr(n-1), for
c                          n = 2, nbins.
c     pmin      Output   The minimum normalized probability of any of the
c                          nbins PDF bins.  The reciprocal of pmin is the
c                          minimum value of nep needed to guarantee that no
c                          EP bin contains more than one PDF bin boundary.
c     pr        Input    For the PDF bin n, the unnormalized relative
c                          probability of x(n+1), per unit x interval.
c                          Size nbins.  May not be negative for any n.
c                          If the PDF is a histogram, pr(n) = pl(n).
c                          If the PDF is continuous, pr(n) = pl(n+1), for
c                          n = 1, nbins - 1.
c     x         Input    The input PDF bin with index n is bounded at the left
c                          by x(n) and at the right by x(n+1).  Size nbins + 1.
c                          For any n, x(n) must not be greater than x(n+1).
c     xep       Output   The output EP bin with index n is bounded at the left
c                          by xep(n) and at the right by xep(n+1).
c                          Size nep + 1.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Left-hand probability in PDF bin.
      dimension pl      (1)
c---- Right-hand probability in PDF bin.
      dimension pr      (1)
c---- Bounding value of x in PDF bin.
      dimension x       (1)
c---- Bounding value of x in EP bin.
      dimension xep     (1)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugc---- Final PDF bin used by EP bin.
cbug      dimension nbep    (1000)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Local variables.

c---- Probability increment in EP bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ dpcum

c---- A very small number.
      common /lapteqxn/ fuz

c---- Index of PDF or EP bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ n
c---- Index of a PDF bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ nbin
c---- Relative probability of a PDF bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ pbin
c---- Cumulative relative probability.
      common /lapteqxn/ pcum
c---- Cum rel prob at left of PDF bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ pcuml
c---- Cum rel prob at left of EP bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ pcumle
c---- Maximum of pcuml, pcumle.
      common /lapteqxn/ pcumll
c---- Cum rel prob at right of PDF bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ pcumr
c---- Cum rel prob at right of EP bin.
      common /lapteqxn/ pcumre
c---- Relative probability at xll.
      common /lapteqxn/ pll
c---- Slope (pr - pl) / (xR - xL).
      common /lapteqxn/ slope
c---- Maximum of left-side x, xep.
      common /lapteqxn/ xll

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugc---- Minimum nep needed.
cbug      common /lapteqxn/ nepneed
cbug 9901 format (/ 'apteqxn finding equal-probability bins.',
cbug     &  ' nep=',i5)
cbug 9902 format (i5,'  xL,xR=',1p2e22.14 / '       pl,pr=',1p2e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nep
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) (n, x(n), x(n+1), pl(n), pr(n), n = 1, nbins)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... initialize.

c---- A very small number.
      fuz = 1.e-99

      nerr = 0

c.... Test for errors in scalar input.

      if (nbins .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (nep .le. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Test for errors in input arrays, and find total unnormalized probability.

      pcum = 0.0

c---- Loop over input PDF bins.
      do 120 n = 1, nbins

        if ((pl(n) .lt. 0.0) .or. (pr(n) .lt. 0.0)) then
          nerr = 3
          go to 210

        if (x(n+1) .lt. x(n)) then
          nerr = 4
          go to 210

        pbin = 0.5 * (pl(n) + pr(n)) * (x(n+1) - x(n))
        pcum = pcum + pbin

        if (n .eq. 1) then
          pmin = pbin
          pmin = amin1 (pmin, pbin)

c---- End of loop over input PDF bins.
  120 continue

      pmin = pmin / pcum

c.... Integrate over input PDF bins to find output EP bins.

      nbin   = 0
      pcumr  = 0.0
      pcumre = 0.0
      xep(1) = x(1)

c---- Loop over output EP bins.
      do 140 n = 1, nep

        pcumle = pcumre
        pcumre = n * pcum / nep

c---- Add one or more input PDF bins.
  130   if (pcumre .gt. pcumr) then

c---- Reached end of input PDF table.
          if (nbin .eq. nbins) then
            xep(n+1) = x(nbins+1)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug            nbep(n) = nbins
cbugc***DEBUG ends.
            go to 140

          nbin = nbin + 1

          pcuml = pcumr
          pbin  = 0.5 * (pl(nbin) + pr(nbin)) * (x(nbin+1) - x(nbin))
          pcumr = pcuml + pbin

          go to 130

c---- Tested current input PDF bin.

c....   Right side of output EP bin is in this input PDF bin.

        slope    = (pr(nbin) - pl(nbin)) / (x(nbin+1) - x(nbin) + fuz)
        pcumll   = amax1 (pcuml, pcumle)
        dpcum    = pcumre - pcumll
        xll      = amax1 (x(nbin), xep(n))
        pll      = pl(nbin) + slope * (xll - x(nbin))
        xep(n+1) = xll + 2.0 * dpcum /
     &            (pll + sqrt (pll**2 + 2.0 * slope * dpcum))
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug        nbep(n)  = nbin
cbugc###fx01  format ('  n=   ',i5,' xepL=  ',1pe22.14,' xepR=  ',1pe22.14 /
cbugc###     &  13x,'pcumle=',1pe22.14,' pcumre=',1pe22.14 /
cbugc###     &  13x,'dpcum= ',1pe22.14,' xll=   ',1pe22.14)
cbugc###fx02  format ('  nbin=',i5,' xL=    ',1pe22.14,' xR=    ',1pe22.14 /
cbugc###     &  13x,'pcuml= ',1pe22.14,' pcumr= ',1pe22.14)
cbugc###      write ( 3, fx01) n, xep(n), xep(n+1), pcumle, pcumre, dpcum, xll
cbugc###      write ( 3, fx02) nbin, x(nbin), x(nbin+1), pcuml, pcumr
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c---- End of loop over output EP bins.
  140 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/ 'apteqxn results.  pmin=',1pe22.14,' nepneed=',i5)
cbug 9904 format (i5,' xepL=',1pe22.14)
cbug 9905 format (i5,' xepR=',1pe22.14,' pcumre=',1pe22.14)
cbug      nepneed = 1.0 / (pmin + fuz)
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) pmin, nepneed
cbug      n = 1
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) n, xep(n)
cbug      do 170 n = 1, nep
cbug        pcumre = n * pcum / nep
cbug        write ( 3, 9905) n, xep(n+1), pcumre
cbug  170 continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

  210 return

c.... End of subroutine apteqxn.      (+1 line.)
