subroutine aptetrn (px, py, pz, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz,
     &                    cx, cy, cz, dx, dy, dz, np, tol, kloc,
     &                    pabc, pbcd, pcda, pdab, pmin,
     &                    wa, wb, wc, wd, nloc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTETRN
c     call aptetrn (px, py, pz, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz,
c    &              cx, cy, cz, dx, dy, dz, np, tol, kloc,
c    &              pabc, pbcd, pcda, pdab, pmin,
c    &              wa, wb, wc, wd, nloc, nerr)
c     Version:  aptetrn  Updated    1990 November 27 14:00.
c               aptetrn  Originated 1990 May 16 10:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find, for each of np points p = (px, py, pz), the distances
c               pabc, pbcd, pcda, pdab of the point "p" from the triangular
c               faces "abc", "bcd", "cda" and "dab" of the tetrahedron with
c               vertices a = (ax, ay, az), b = (bx, by, bz), c = (cx, cy, cz)
c               and d = (dx, dy, dz) in 3-D space; the minimum of those
c               distances, pmin; and the flag nloc indicating whether or not
c               the point "p" is inside the tetrahedron.  Optionally (kloc = 1),
c               to return the local tetrahedral coordinates (vertex weights) of
c               point "p", wa, wb, wc and wd:
c                 p = wa * a + wb * b + wc * c + wd * d
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    px, py, pz, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, dx, dy, dz,
c               np, tol.
c     Output:   pabc, pbcd, pcda, pdab, pmin, nloc, nerr.
c     Calls: aptfdav, aptript 
c     Glossary:
c     ax,ay,az  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of tetrahedron vertex "a".
c                          Size np.
c     bx,by,bz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of tetrahedron vertex "b".
c                          Size np.
c     cx,cy,cz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of tetrahedron vertex "c".
c                          Size np.
c     dx,dy,dz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of tetrahedron vertex "d".
c                          Size np.
c     kloc      Input    Indicates, if 1, that the local tetrahedral coordinates
c                          wa, wb, wc and wd are to be returned.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if np is not positive.
c                          2 if kloc is not 0 or 1.
c     nloc      Output   Indicates the location of point "p" relative to the
c                          tetrahedron "abcd":
c                          -1 if the tetrahedron has zero volume.
c                           0 if point "p" is outside the tetrahedron "abcd".
c                             (one or more of pabc, pbcd, pcda or pdab are
c                             negative).
c                           1 if point "p" is inside the tetrahedron "abcd"
c                             (all four distances pabc, pbcd, pcda and
c                             pdab are non-negative).
c                          Size np.
c     np        Input    Size of arrays px, py, pz, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz,
c                          cx, cy, cz, dx, dy, dz, pabc, pbcd, pcda, pdab,
c                          pmin, and nloc.
c     pabc      Output   Distance of point "p" from triangular face "abc" of
c                          tetrahedron "abcd".  Size np.  See wd.
c     pbcd      Output   Distance of point "p" from triangular face "bcd" of
c                          tetrahedron "abcd".  Size np.  See wa.
c     pcda      Output   Distance of point "p" from triangular face "cda" of
c                          tetrahedron "abcd".  Size np.  See wb.
c     pdab      Output   Distance of point "p" from triangular face "dab" of
c                          tetrahedron "abcd".  Size np.  See wc.
c     pmin      Output   Minimum of distances pabc, pbcd, pcda, pdab.
c                          Size np.
c     px,py,pz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of point "p".  Size np.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c                          Used to adjust values of distances for which local
c                          coordinates are within tol of 0.0 or 1.0.
c     wa        Output   Fractional distance of point "p" from triangular face
c                          "bcd" to vertex "a".  Size np, if kloc = 1.
c                          Values within tol of 0.0 or 1.0 will be adjusted
c                          to tol or 1.0 - tol, respectively.
c     wb        Output   Fractional distance of point "p" from triangular face
c                          "cda" to vertex "b".  Size np, if kloc = 1.
c                          Values within tol of 0.0 or 1.0 will be adjusted
c                          to tol or 1.0 - tol, respectively.
c     wc        Output   Fractional distance of point "p" from triangular face
c                          "dab" to vertex "c".  Size np, if kloc = 1.
c                          Values within tol of 0.0 or 1.0 will be adjusted
c                          to tol or 1.0 - tol, respectively.
c     wd        Output   Fractional distance of point "p" from triangular face
c                          "abc" to vertex "d".  Size np, if kloc = 1.
c                          Values within tol of 0.0 or 1.0 will be adjusted
c                          to tol or 1.0 - tol, respectively.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Coordinate x of point "a".
      dimension ax      (1)
c---- Coordinate y of point "a".
      dimension ay      (1)
c---- Coordinate z of point "a".
      dimension az      (1)
c---- Coordinate x of point "b".
      dimension bx      (1)
c---- Coordinate y of point "b".
      dimension by      (1)
c---- Coordinate z of point "b".
      dimension bz      (1)
c---- Coordinate x of point "c".
      dimension cx      (1)
c---- Coordinate y of point "c".
      dimension cy      (1)
c---- Coordinate z of point "c".
      dimension cz      (1)
c---- Coordinate x of point "d".
      dimension dx      (1)
c---- Coordinate y of point "d".
      dimension dy      (1)
c---- Coordinate z of point "d".
      dimension dz      (1)
c---- 1 if point "p" is inside tetrahedron.
      dimension nloc    (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to face "abc".
      dimension pabc    (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to face "bcd".
      dimension pbcd    (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to face "cda".
      dimension pcda    (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to face "dab".
      dimension pdab    (1)
c---- Min. dist. from point "p" to a face.
      dimension pmin    (1)
c---- Coordinate x of point "p".
      dimension px      (1)
c---- Coordinate y of point "p".
      dimension py      (1)
c---- Coordinate z of point "p".
      dimension pz      (1)
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "bcd" to "a".
      dimension wa      (1)
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "cda" to "b".
      dimension wb      (1)
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "dab" to "c".
      dimension wc      (1)
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "abc" to "d".
      dimension wd      (1)

c.... Local variables.

c---- Distance from "bcd" to vertex "a".
      common /laptetrn/ dista   (64)
c---- Distance from "cda" to vertex "b".
      common /laptetrn/ distb   (64)
c---- Distance from "dab" to vertex "c".
      common /laptetrn/ distc   (64)
c---- Distance from "abc" to vertex "d".
      common /laptetrn/ distd   (64)

c---- A very small number.
      common /laptetrn/ fuz

c---- Index in local array.
      common /laptetrn/ n
c---- First index of subset of data.
      common /laptetrn/ n1
c---- Last index of subset of data.
      common /laptetrn/ n2
c---- 1 if local coordinated adjusted.
      common /laptetrn/ nlim    (64)
c---- Index in external array.
      common /laptetrn/ nn
c---- Size of current subset of data.
      common /laptetrn/ ns
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "bcd" to "a".
      common /laptetrn/ wal     (64)
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "cda" to "b".
      common /laptetrn/ wbl     (64)
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "dab" to "c".
      common /laptetrn/ wcl     (64)
c---- Fract. dist. of "p" from "abc" to "d".
      common /laptetrn/ wdl     (64)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptetrn finding distances in a tetrahedron.',
cbug     &  '  np=',i3 /
cbug     &  (i3,' px,py,pz=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    ax,ay,az=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    bx,by,bz=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    cx,cy,cz=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    dx,dy,dz=',1p3e22.14))
cbug      write (3, 9901) np, (n, px(n), py(n), pz(n), ax(n), ay(n), az(n),
cbug     &  bx(n), by(n), bz(n), cx(n), cy(n), cz(n), dx(n), dy(n), dz(n),
cbug     &  n = 1, np)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... initialize.

c---- A very small number.
      fuz = 1.e-99

      nerr = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (np .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if ((kloc .lt. 0) .or. (kloc .gt. 1)) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Set up the indices of the first subset of data.

      n1 = 1
      n2 = min (np, 64)

c.... Loop over the data subsets.

  110 ns = n2 - n1 + 1

c.... Find the distances of the tetrahedron vertices from the opposite faces.

      call aptript (ax(n1), ay(n1), az(n1), bx(n1), by(n1), bz(n1),
     &              cx(n1), cy(n1), cz(n1), dx(n1), dy(n1), dz(n1),
     &              ns, tol, dista, nerr)

      call aptript (bx(n1), by(n1), bz(n1), cx(n1), cy(n1), cz(n1),
     &              dx(n1), dy(n1), dz(n1), ax(n1), ay(n1), az(n1),
     &              ns, tol, distb, nerr)

      call aptript (cx(n1), cy(n1), cz(n1), dx(n1), dy(n1), dz(n1),
     &              ax(n1), ay(n1), az(n1), bx(n1), by(n1), bz(n1),
     &              ns, tol, distc, nerr)

      call aptript (dx(n1), dy(n1), dz(n1), ax(n1), ay(n1), az(n1),
     &              bx(n1), by(n1), bz(n1), cx(n1), cy(n1), cz(n1),
     &              ns, tol, distd, nerr)

c.... Find the distances of point "p" from the tetrahedron triangular faces.

      call aptript (px(n1), py(n1), pz(n1), bx(n1), by(n1), bz(n1),
     &              cx(n1), cy(n1), cz(n1), dx(n1), dy(n1), dz(n1),
     &              ns, tol, pbcd(n1), nerr)

      call aptript (px(n1), py(n1), pz(n1), cx(n1), cy(n1), cz(n1),
     &              dx(n1), dy(n1), dz(n1), ax(n1), ay(n1), az(n1),
     &              ns, tol, pcda(n1), nerr)

      call aptript (px(n1), py(n1), pz(n1), dx(n1), dy(n1), dz(n1),
     &              ax(n1), ay(n1), az(n1), bx(n1), by(n1), bz(n1),
     &              ns, tol, pdab(n1), nerr)

      call aptript (px(n1), py(n1), pz(n1), ax(n1), ay(n1), az(n1),
     &              bx(n1), by(n1), bz(n1), cx(n1), cy(n1), cz(n1),
     &              ns, tol, pabc(n1), nerr)

c.... Find the local tetrahedral coordinates (vertex weights) of point "p".

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 120 n = 1, ns

        nn     = n + n1 - 1

        wal(n) = pbcd(nn) / (dista(n) + fuz)
        wbl(n) = pcda(nn) / (distb(n) + fuz)
        wcl(n) = pdab(nn) / (distc(n) + fuz)
        wdl(n) = pabc(nn) / (distd(n) + fuz)

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  120 continue

c.... See if the local tetrahedral coordinates should be adjusted.

c---- Adjust the local coordinates.
      if (tol .gt. 0.0) then

        call aptfdav (wal, ns, 1, tol, nlim, nerr)
        call aptfdav (wbl, ns, 1, tol, nlim, nerr)
        call aptfdav (wcl, ns, 1, tol, nlim, nerr)
        call aptfdav (wdl, ns, 1, tol, nlim, nerr)

c---- Tested tol.

c.... Find the (signed) distances of point "p" from the triangular faces,
c....   the minimum distance, and whether point "p" is in the tetrahedron.

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 130 n = 1, ns

        nn     = n + n1 - 1

        pabc(nn) = sign (pabc(nn), wdl(n))
        pbcd(nn) = sign (pbcd(nn), wal(n))
        pcda(nn) = sign (pcda(nn), wbl(n))
        pdab(nn) = sign (pdab(nn), wcl(n))

        pmin(nn) = amin1 (pabc(nn), pbcd(nn), pcda(nn), pdab(nn))

        if (pmin(nn) .ge. 0.0) then
          nloc(nn) = 1
          nloc(nn) = 0

        if ((dista(n) .eq. 0.0) .or.
     &      (distb(n) .eq. 0.0) .or.
     &      (distc(n) .eq. 0.0) .or.
     &      (distd(n) .eq. 0.0)      ) then
          nloc(nn) = -1

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  130 continue

c.... See if the local tetrahedral coordinates are to be returned.

c---- Return local coordinates.
      if (kloc .eq. 1) then

c---- Loop over subset of data.
        do 140 n = 1, ns

          nn     = n + n1 - 1

          wa(nn) = wal(n)
          wb(nn) = wbl(n)
          wc(nn) = wcl(n)
          wd(nn) = wdl(n)

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  140   continue

c---- Tested kloc.

c.... See if all data subsets are done.

c---- Do another subset of data.
      if (n2 .lt. np) then
        n1 = n2 + 1
        n2 = min (np, n1 + 63)
        go to 110
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9902 format (/ 'aptetrn results:' /
cbug     &  (i3,' pmin=     ',1pe22.14,' nloc=',i2 /
cbug     &  '    pabc,pbcd=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    pcda,pdab=',1p2e22.14))
cbug 9903 format (/ 'aptetrn results:  wa, wb, wc, wd' /
cbug     &  (i3,' wa,wb=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    wc,wd=',1p2e22.14))
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) (n, pmin(n), nloc(n), pabc(n), pbcd(n),
cbug     &  pcda(n), pdab(n), n = 1, np)
cbug      if (kloc .eq. 1) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9903) (n, wa(n), wb(n), wc(n), wd(n), n = 1, np)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

  210 return

c.... End of subroutine aptetrn.      (+1 line.)
