subroutine apthexd (asrce, isrce, nchar, iamax, idmax, iemax,
     &                    aword, iword, fword, mtype, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTHEXD
c     call apthexd (asrce, isrce, nchar, iamax, idmax, iemax,
c    &              aword, iword, fword, mtype, nerr)
c     Version:  apthexd  Updated    1997 August 4 11:20.
c               apthexd  Originated 1993 February 16 11:50.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To translate a hexadecimal character string to a decimal
c               integer or floating point number, if possible.
c               The string is in array asrce, starting at character position
c               isrce, and has a length of nchar characters.
c               The word length in character array aword is iamax characters.
c               Integers may have up to idmax hexadecimal digits.
c               Floating point numbers may have exponents up to iemax
c               hexadecimal digits.
c               The results are stored in the character array aword, the
c               decimal integer word iword, and/or the floating point word
c               fword, depending on the data type of the string, mtype.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input or result error.
c     Note:     Do not convert this source file to all upper or lower case.
c               It contains both upper and lower case character variables.
c     Input:    asrce, isrce, nchar, idmax, iemax.
c     Output:   aword, iword, fword, mtype, nerr.
c               Note:  do not equivalence fword and iword.
c     Glossary:
c     asrce     Input    A character array, containing the character string to
c                          be translated, starting in character position isrce,
c                          with a length of nchar characters.
c     aword     Output   A character array containing iamax characters per word,
c                          compatible with a calling routine argument of type
c                          character*iamax, or iamax words of type character*1,
c                          etc.  Always filled with up to iamax characters of
c                          the character string, and right-filled with blanks
c                          as necessary.
c     fword     Output   A decimal floating point number, initialized to zero.
c                          The maximum allowable exponent is iemax.
c                          If the string is translated into an integer
c                          (mtype = 2) or into a decimal floating point number
c                          (mtype = 3), its floating point value will be
c                          returned in fword.  If the string is formatted as an
c                          integer, but contains more than idmax digits after
c                          any leading zeros, it will be translated into a
c                          floating point number, and returned in fword.
c                          The character string may have leading or trailing
c                          blanks.  The first non-blank character may be a "+"
c                          or "-".  The mantissa may contain any positive number
c                          of digits, but no more than one decimal point, and
c                          may have trailing blanks.  If an exponent is given,
c                          it must begin with "h", "H", "+" or "-".
c                          An initial "h" or "H", may be followed by
c                          a "+" or "-".  The digits of the exponent may have
c                          leading and trailing blanks, but no additional
c                          characters following any trailing blanks.
c                          Note:  do not equivalence iword to fword.
c     iamax     Input    Number of characters in each word of type character
c                          array aword.
c     idmax     Input    Maximum number of digits in an integer.  Depends on
c                          the machine.
c                          Must be positive.
c     iemax     Input    Maximum size (positive or negative) of the exponent
c                          of a floating point number.  Depends on the machine.
c                          Approximately 308 on a 64-bit floating point machine.
c                          Must be positive.
c     isrce     Input    The character position in array asrec of the first
c                          character of the string.  E. g., isrce = 1 means
c                          the leftmost character of asrce(1).
c                          Must be positive.
c     iword     Output   An integer.  Initialized to zero.  The maximum number
c                          of digits is idmax.  If the character string is
c                          translated into an integer (mtype = 2), iword will
c                          contain its decimal integer value, and fword will
c                          contain its decimal floating point value.
c                          Note:  do not equivalence fword and iword.
c                          The character string may have leading or trailing
c                          blanks.  For a hexadecimal number, the first
c                          non-blank character may be a "+" or "-".
c                          All other characters must be hexadecimal digits,
c                          with no more than idmax digits following any leading
c                          zeros.
c     mtype     Output   An integer.  Indicates the data type of the character
c                          string, and which results are returned:
c                          0:  Not recognizable as a hexadecimal integer or
c                              floating point number, and longer than iamax
c                              characters (nerr = 0), or a hexadecimal
c                              floating point number whose exponent exceeds the
c                              limit iemax (nerr = 5).
c                              Returned in aword.
c                          1:  Not recognizable as a hexadecimal integer or
c                              floating point number.  String has 1 to iamax
c                              characters.
c                              Returned in aword, left-adjusted, right-filled
c                              with blanks, as necessary.
c                          2:  Character string translated into decimal integer
c                              mode.  The integer value is returned in iword,
c                              and the decimal floating point value is returned
c                              in fword.
c                              Also returned in aword, as for mtype = 1.
c                          3:  Character string translated into decimal
c                              floating point mode, and returned in fword.
c                              The integer value can not be stored in iword,
c                              because of the possibility of overflow of numbers
c                              with large exponents.  If nerr = 4, the character
c                              string was an integer with more than idmax
c                              digits.
c                              Also returned in aword, as for mtype = 1.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input or result error, if not zero.
c                          1 if nchar is not positive.
c                          2 if isrce is not positive.
c                          3 if iamax, idmax or iemax is not positive.
c                          4 if an integer exceeds idmax characters.  If so,
c                            a floating point result is returned in fword,
c                            with mtype = 3.
c                          5 if a floating point exponent exceeds iemax.
c                            If so, a character string is returned in aword,
c                            with mtype = 0.
c     nchar     Input    The number of characters in the character string.

c.... Declarations for arguments.

      dimension asrce  (1)           ! Array of characters.
      character*1 asrce              ! Array of characters.

      dimension aword  (1)           ! Character interpretation of string.
      character*1 aword              ! Character interpretation of string.

c.... Local variables.

      common /lapthexd/ fintadd      ! Floating point idig - 1.
      common /lapthexd/ fintval      ! Floating point mantissa value.
      common /lapthexd/ fsign        ! Indicates sign of mantissa.
      common /lapthexd/ icharm       ! Index in aword.
      common /lapthexd/ idig         ! Index in array adigit or bdigit.
      common /lapthexd/ intval       ! Integer mantissa value.
      common /lapthexd/ ipt          ! Indicates position of decimal point.
      common /lapthexd/ isign        ! Indicates sign of mantissa.
      common /lapthexd/ kdigit       ! Number of exponent digits.
      common /lapthexd/ kexp         ! Integer exponent value.
      common /lapthexd/ ksign        ! Indicates sign of exponent.
      common /lapthexd/ nbeg         ! Index in the string.
      common /lapthexd/ nc           ! Index in the string.
      common /lapthexd/ ndigall      ! Number of mantissa digits.
      common /lapthexd/ ndigit       ! Number of significant digits.
      common /lapthexd/ nzeros       ! Number of zeroes to insert.

      common /capthexd/ achar        ! A single character in string.
      character*1 achar

      dimension adigit(16)           ! Integer digits from 0 to F.
      character*1 adigit
      data adigit / '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
     &              'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' /

      dimension bdigit(16)           ! Integer digits from 0 to f.
      character*1 bdigit
      data bdigit / '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
     &              'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' /
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      common /lapthexd/ nmaxa        ! # of characters of asrce to write.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'apthexd translating an ASCII word.' /
cbug     &  '  isrce=',i6,'  nchar=',i6,
cbug     &  '  iamax=',i3,'  idmax=',i3,'  iemax=',i6)
cbug 9902 format ('  asrce=',64a1)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) isrce, nchar, iamax, idmax, iemax
cbug      nmaxa = 8 * (1 + (isrce + nchar - 2) / 8)
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) (asrce(nc), nc = 1, nmaxa)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize the output.

      nerr   = 0
      mtype  = 1
      iword  = 0
      fword  = 0.0

      do 105 nc = 1, iamax           ! Loop over output characters.
        aword(nc) = ' '
  105 continue                       ! End of loop over output characters.

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (nchar .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (isrce .le. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if ((iamax .le. 0) .or. (idmax .le. 0) .or. (iemax .le. 0)) then
        nerr = 3
        go to 210

c.... Put up to iamax characters of string into aword.

      icharm = nchar
      if (icharm .gt. iamax) then
        mtype  = 0                   ! Type character (>iamax) or bad f-p.
        icharm = iamax

      do 110 nc = 1, icharm          ! Loop over output characters.
        aword(nc) = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
  110 continue                       ! End of loop over output characters.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9701 format ('aword= ',24a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9701) (aword(nc), nc = 1, 24)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Look for the beginning of the mantissa field for integers and
c....   floating point numbers.  Find the first non-blank character.

      do 115 nc = 1, nchar           ! Loop over character string.
        achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
        if (achar .ne. ' ') go to 120
  115 continue                       ! End of loop over character string.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9702 format ('asrce all blank.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9702)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      go to 210                      ! All characters are blank.

c.... See if the first non-blank character is "+" or "-".

  120 if (achar .eq. '-') then
        nc    = nc + 1
        isign = -1
        fsign = -1.0
      elseif (achar .eq. '+') then
        nc    = nc + 1
        isign = 1
        fsign = 1.0
        isign = 1
        fsign = 1.0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9703 format ('nc=',i3,'  isign=',i3,'  fsign=',1pe22.14)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9703) nc, isign, fsign
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... See if the only non-blank character in string is "+" or "-".

      if (nc .gt. nchar) go to 210   ! All characters are blank, "+" or "-".

c.... See if the first character after any sign and/or decimal point is not an
c....   integer.  If so, word can not be an integer or a floating point number.

      achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
      if (achar .eq. '.') achar = asrce(isrce+nc)
      do 121 idig = 1, 16
        if (achar .eq. adigit(idig)) go to 122
        if (achar .eq. bdigit(idig)) go to 122
  121 continue
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9704 format ('Unacceptable character after +-. =',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9704) achar
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
      go to 210

  122 continue


c.... Found the beginning of the mantissa.  Initialize counters.

      intval  = 0
      ipt     = -1000000
      ndigall = 0
      ndigit  = 0
      nzeros  = 0

c.... Scan the remainder of the the mantissa and translate.

      nbeg = nc
      do 140 nc = nbeg, nchar        ! Loop over rest of string.
        achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9705 format ('nc=',i3,'  achar= ',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9705) nc, achar
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....   Test for any trailing blanks after the mantissa.

        if (achar .eq. ' ') go to 145  ! Blank ends mantissa.

c....   Scan for a digit or decimal point (which are part of mantissa).

        do 125 idig = 1, 16          ! Loop over digits.
          if (achar .eq. adigit(idig)) go to 130
          if (achar .eq. bdigit(idig)) go to 130
  125   continue                     ! End of loop over digits.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9706 format ('Not a digit.  achar= ',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9706) achar
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....   Not a digit.  Test for first decimal point (only allow 1).

        if ((ipt .ge. 0) .or. (achar .ne. '.')) go to 160  ! End of mantissa.

        ipt = 0                      ! Found first decimal point.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9707 format ('A decimal point.  achar= ',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9707) achar
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        go to 140

c....   Found a digit.  See if zero or non-zero, if after a decimal point.

  130   if (ipt .ge. 0) then         ! String has a decimal point.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9708 format ('String has a decimal point.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9708)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....     Save number of zeros following the decimal point.

          if (idig .eq. 1) then      ! Save zeros.
            nzeros = nzeros + 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9709 format ('nzeros=',i3)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9709) nzeros
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            go to 140

c....     Non-zero digit found.  Include effect of zeros after decimal point.

  135     if (nzeros .gt. 0) then    ! String has zeros after decimal.

c....       Only allow exponents up to iemax.

            if (ndigit .gt. (iemax + ipt)) then  ! Exponent overflows.
              nerr  = 5
              if (nchar .le. iamax) then
                mtype = 1
                mtype = 0
              go to 210

c....       Only allow integers with up to idmax digits.

            if (ndigit .lt. idmax) then
              intval = 16 * intval
            elseif (ndigit .eq. idmax) then
              fintval = intval
              fintval = 16.0 * fintval
            else                     ! More than idmax digits.
              fintval = 16.0 * fintval

c....       Insert zeroes before next number.

            ipt     = ipt + 1
            nzeros  = nzeros - 1
            ndigit  = ndigit + 1
            ndigall = ndigall + 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9710 format ('ipt=',i3,'  nzeros=',i3,'  ndigit=',i3,'  ndigall=',i3)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9710) ipt, nzeros, ndigit, ndigall
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            go to 135

          endif                      ! Tested nzeros.

        endif                        ! Tested ipt.

c....   Found a digit.

        ndigall = ndigall + 1

c....   Ignore leading zeros.

        if ((ndigit .eq. 0) .and. (ipt .lt. 0) .and.
     &      (idig .eq. 1)) go to 140

c....   Update the mantissa.

c....   Only allow exponents up to iemax.

        if (ndigit .gt. (iemax + max (0, ipt))) then  ! Exponent overflows.
          nerr  = 5
          if (nchar .le. iamax) then
            mtype = 1
            mtype = 0
          go to 210

c....   Only allow integers with up to idmax digits.

        if (ndigit .lt. idmax) then
          intval = 16 * intval + (idig - 1)
        elseif (ndigit .eq. idmax) then  ! Start floating point equivalent.
          fintadd = idig - 1
          fintval = intval
          fintval = 16.0 * fintval + fintadd
        else                         ! More than idmax digits.
          fintadd = idig - 1
          fintval = 16.0 * fintval + fintadd

        ipt    = ipt + 1
        ndigit = ndigit + 1

  140 continue                       ! End of loop over rest of string.

      go to 155


c.... The mantissa ended with a blank.  Look for next non-blank character.

  145 nbeg = nc

      do 150 nc = nbeg, nchar        ! Loop over rest of string.
        achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
        if (achar .ne. ' ') go to 160
  150 continue                       ! End of loop over rest of string.


c.... Found the end of the mantissa, with no exponent field.

c.... Return a character string if no digits were found.

  155 if ((ndigall .le. 0) .and. (nzeros .le. 0)) go to 210

c.... See if a decimal point was found.

      if (ipt .lt. 0) then           ! No decimal point.

c....   Assume floating point if over idmax digits.

        if (ndigit .le. idmax) then  ! Return integer and floating point.
          mtype = 2                  ! Type integer.
          iword = isign * intval
          fword = iword
        else                         ! Return only floating point.
          mtype = 3                  ! Type integer, but too many digits.
          fword = fsign * fintval
          nerr  = 4

      else                           ! A decimal point was found.

        mtype = 3                    ! Type floating point.
        if (ndigit .le. idmax) then
          fword = isign * intval
        else                         ! Return only floating point.
          fword = fsign * fintval

  158   if (ipt .gt. 80) then
          fword = fword / 16.0**80.0
          ipt = ipt - 80
          go to 158

        if (ipt .gt. 0) then
          fword = fword / 16.0**ipt

      endif                          ! Tested ipt.

      go to 210


c.... Found the end of the mantissa.  Look for the beginning of the exponent.
c....   The exponent may start with "h", "H", "+", or "-".

  160 ksign = 0

      if ((achar .eq. 'h') .or. (achar .eq. 'H')) then
        nc    = nc + 1
        achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
        ksign = 1                    ! Assume positive exponent.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9711 format ('Exponent begins.  nc=',i3,'  achar= ',a1,'  ksign=',i3)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9711) nc, achar, ksign
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if (achar .eq. '+') then       ! Exponent is positive.
        nc    = nc + 1
        ksign = 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9711) nc, achar, ksign
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
      elseif (achar .eq. '-') then   ! Exponent is negative.
        nc    = nc + 1
        ksign = -1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9711) nc, achar, ksign
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if ((nc .gt. nchar) .or. (ksign .eq. 0)) go to 210  ! Not an exponent.


c.... Found the beginning of the exponent.  Find the next non-blank character.

      nbeg = nc
      do 165 nc = nbeg, nchar        ! Loop over rest of string.
        achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
        if (achar .ne. ' ') go to 170
  165 continue                       ! End of loop over rest of string.

      go to 210                      ! No digits in exponent.

  170 kexp   = 0
      kdigit = 0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9712 format ('Exponent contents.  nc=',i3,'  achar= ',a1,'  ksign=',i3)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9712) nc, achar, ksign
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      nbeg = nc
      do 180 nc = nbeg, nchar        ! Loop over rest of string.
        achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9712) nc, achar, ksign
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        if (achar .eq. ' ') go to 185  ! Imbedded blank ends exponent.

        do 175 idig = 1, 16          ! Loop over digits.
          if ((achar .eq. adigit(idig))  .or.
     &        (achar .eq. bdigit(idig))) then
            kexp   = 16 * kexp + (idig - 1)
            kdigit = kdigit + 1
            go to 180
  175   continue                     ! End of loop over digits.

        go to 210                    ! Not a digit.  Return character string.
  180 continue                       ! End of loop over rest of string.

      go to 195


c.... Found imbedded blank in exponent.  The rest of the string must be blank.

  185 nbeg = nc
      do 190 nc = nbeg, nchar        ! Loop over rest of string.
        achar = asrce(isrce+nc-1)
        if (achar .ne. ' ') go to 210  ! Illegal character in exponent field.
  190 continue                       ! End of loop over rest of string.


c.... Found the end of the exponent.

c.... Return a character string if no digits were found in exponent field.

  195 if (kdigit .le. 0) go to 210

c.... Translate the mantissa to floating point.

      mtype = 3                      ! Type real, or integer > idmax.

      if (ndigit .le. idmax) then
        fword = isign * intval
        fword = fsign * fintval

c.... Find the exponent.

      kexp = ksign * kexp
      if (ipt .gt. 0) kexp = kexp - ipt

      if (abs (kexp + ndigit - 1) .gt. iemax) then
        nerr  = 5                    ! Exceeded maximum exponent.
        if (nchar .le. iamax) then
          mtype = 1
          mtype = 0
        fword = 0.0
        go to 210

c.... Find the floating point result, including the exponent.

      if (kexp .lt. 0) then          ! Negative exponent.

        kexp = -kexp
  200   if (kexp .gt. 80) then
          fword = fword / 16.0**80.0
          kexp  = kexp - 80
          go to 200

        if (kexp .ne. 0) then
          fword = fword / 16.0**kexp

      elseif (kexp .gt. 0) then      ! Positive exponent.

  205   if (kexp .gt. 80) then
          fword = fword * 16.0**80.0
          kexp  = kexp - 80
          go to 205

        if (kexp .ne. 0) then
          fword = fword * 16.0**kexp

      endif                          ! Tested kexp.

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/ 'apthexd results:  mtype=',i3,'  nerr=',i3)
cbug 9904 format ('  aword=',80a1 / '  iword=',i16,'  fword=',1pe22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) mtype, nerr
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) (aword(nc), nc = 1, 80), iword, fword
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of subroutine apthexd.      (+1 line.)
