subroutine aptil20 (levmax, ibeg, iend, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz,
     &                    cx, cy, cz, lev,
     &                    nedges, ex1, ey1, ez1, ex2, ey2, ez2, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTIL20
c     call aptil20 (levmax, ibeg, iend, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz,
c    &              cx, cy, cz, lev,
c    &              nedges, ex1, ey1, ez1, ex2, ey2, ez2, nerr)
c     Version:  aptil20  Updated    1989 December 27 15:50.
c               aptil20  Originated 1989 November 2 14:10.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To tile a unit sphere with planar triangles,
c               based on an initial regular icosahedron, with 20 triangles.
c               Each additional level has 4 times as many triangles.
c               All triangle vertices are in the surface of the unit sphere.
c               For level 2 tiling and higher, a table of unique edges is
c               returned, for plotting.  For level 1, plot the first two
c               edges of each triangle, plus the third edge of triangle 20.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error, if not zero.
c     Input:    levmax
c     Output:   ibeg, iend, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, lev,
c               nedges, ex1, ey1, ez1, ex2, ey2, ez2, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     ax,ay,az  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of vertex "a" of a triangle.
c                          Size 20 * (4**levmax / 3) (integer arithmatic).
c     bx,by,bz  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of vertex "b" of a triangle.
c                          Size 20 * (4**levmax / 3) (integer arithmatic).
c     cx,cy,cz  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of vertex "c" of a triangle.
c                          Size 20 * (4**levmax / 3) (integer arithmatic).
c     ex1, ex2  Output   The x coordinates of the beginning and end of edge n.
c                          Size 30 * 4**(levmax - 1).
c     ey1, ey2  Output   The y coordinates of the beginning and end of edge n.
c                          Size 30 * 4**(levmax - 1).
c     ez1, ez2  Output   The z coordinates of the beginning and end of edge n.
c                          Size 30 * 4**(levmax - 1).
c     ibeg      Output   The first index of final level.
c     iend      Output   Last index of final level.
c     lev       Output   Level of tiling of triangle n.
c                          Size 20 * (4**levmax / 3) (integer arithmatic).
c     levmax    Input    Max level of tiling.  Number of triangles
c                          is 20 * 4**(levmax - 1).
c     nedges    Output   Number of edges = 30 * 4**(levmax - 1).
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if levmax is less than 1.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Coordinate x of vertex a of triangle.
      dimension ax      (20)
c---- Coordinate y of vertex a of triangle.
      dimension ay      (20)
c---- Coordinate z of vertex a of triangle.
      dimension az      (20)
c---- Coordinate x of vertex b of triangle.
      dimension bx      (20)
c---- Coordinate y of vertex b of triangle.
      dimension by      (20)
c---- Coordinate z of vertex b of triangle.
      dimension bz      (20)
c---- Coordinate x of vertex c of triangle.
      dimension cx      (20)
c---- Coordinate y of vertex c of triangle.
      dimension cy      (20)
c---- Coordinate z of vertex c of triangle.
      dimension cz      (20)
c---- Coordinate x of beginning of edge.
      dimension ex1     (1)
c---- Coordinate x of end of edge.
      dimension ex2     (1)
c---- Coordinate y of beginning of edge.
      dimension ey1     (1)
c---- Coordinate y of end of edge.
      dimension ey2     (1)
c---- Coordinate z of beginning of edge.
      dimension ez1     (1)
c---- Coordinate z of end of edge.
      dimension ez2     (1)
c---- Level of tiling of triangle.
      dimension lev     (1)

c.... Local variables.

c---- Cosine of central angle of icosa edge.
      common /laptil20/ cosph
c---- Index of triangle being quartered.
      common /laptil20/ n
c---- Index of triangle being formed.
      common /laptil20/ nn
c---- Last index of penultimate level.
      common /laptil20/ nmax

c---- Mathematical constant, pi.
      common /laptil20/ pi

c---- Sine of central angle of edge.
      common /laptil20/ sinph
c---- Radius of a vertex.
      common /laptil20/ vrad
c---- Coordinate x of icosahedron vertex.
      common /laptil20/ vx      (12)
c---- Coordinate y of icosahedron vertex.
      common /laptil20/ vy      (12)
c---- Coordinate z of icosahedron vertex.
      common /laptil20/ vz      (12)

c.... Initialize.

c---- Mathematical constant, pi.
      pi = 3.14159265358979323

      nedges = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr = 0
      if (levmax .lt. 1) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

c.... Generate the 12 vertices of the regular icosahedron, on a unit sphere.

      cosph = 1.0 / sqrt (5.0)
      sinph = 2.0 / sqrt (5.0)

      vx( 1) =  0.0
      vy( 1) =  0.0
      vz( 1) =  1.0

      vx( 2) =  sinph
      vy( 2) =  vy(1)
      vz( 2) =  cosph

      vx( 3) =  sinph * cos (0.4 * pi)
      vy( 3) =  sinph * sin (0.4 * pi)
      vz( 3) =  vz(2)

      vx( 4) =  sinph * cos (0.8 * pi)
      vy( 4) =  sinph * sin (0.8 * pi)
      vz( 4) =  vz(2)

      vx( 5) =  vx(4)
      vy( 5) = -vy(4)
      vz( 5) =  vz(2)

      vx( 6) =  vx(3)
      vy( 6) = -vy(3)
      vz( 6) =  vz(2)

      vx( 7) = -vx(4)
      vy( 7) =  vy(4)
      vz( 7) = -vz(2)

      vx( 8) = -vx(3)
      vy( 8) =  vy(3)
      vz( 8) = -vz(2)

      vx( 9) = -vx(2)
      vy( 9) =  vy(2)
      vz( 9) = -vz(2)

      vx(10) = -vx(3)
      vy(10) = -vy(3)
      vz(10) = -vz(2)

      vx(11) = -vx(4)
      vy(11) = -vy(4)
      vz(11) = -vz(2)

      vx(12) =  vx(1)
      vy(12) =  vy(1)
      vz(12) = -vz(1)

c.... Generate the first 20 equilateral triangles (level 1).

      do 110 n = 1, 20
        lev(n) = 1
  110 continue

      ax(1) = vx(1)
      ay(1) = vy(1)
      az(1) = vz(1)
      bx(1) = vx(2)
      by(1) = vy(2)
      bz(1) = vz(2)
      cx(1) = vx(3)
      cy(1) = vy(3)
      cz(1) = vz(3)

      ax(2) = vx(1)
      ay(2) = vy(1)
      az(2) = vz(1)
      bx(2) = vx(3)
      by(2) = vy(3)
      bz(2) = vz(3)
      cx(2) = vx(4)
      cy(2) = vy(4)
      cz(2) = vz(4)

      ax(3) = vx(1)
      ay(3) = vy(1)
      az(3) = vz(1)
      bx(3) = vx(4)
      by(3) = vy(4)
      bz(3) = vz(4)
      cx(3) = vx(5)
      cy(3) = vy(5)
      cz(3) = vz(5)

      ax(4) = vx(1)
      ay(4) = vy(1)
      az(4) = vz(1)
      bx(4) = vx(5)
      by(4) = vy(5)
      bz(4) = vz(5)
      cx(4) = vx(6)
      cy(4) = vy(6)
      cz(4) = vz(6)

      ax(5) = vx(1)
      ay(5) = vy(1)
      az(5) = vz(1)
      bx(5) = vx(6)
      by(5) = vy(6)
      bz(5) = vz(6)
      cx(5) = vx(2)
      cy(5) = vy(2)
      cz(5) = vz(2)

      ax(6) = vx(2)
      ay(6) = vy(2)
      az(6) = vz(2)
      bx(6) = vx(7)
      by(6) = vy(7)
      bz(6) = vz(7)
      cx(6) = vx(3)
      cy(6) = vy(3)
      cz(6) = vz(3)

      ax(7) = vx(3)
      ay(7) = vy(3)
      az(7) = vz(3)
      bx(7) = vx(7)
      by(7) = vy(7)
      bz(7) = vz(7)
      cx(7) = vx(8)
      cy(7) = vy(8)
      cz(7) = vz(8)

      ax(8) = vx(3)
      ay(8) = vy(3)
      az(8) = vz(3)
      bx(8) = vx(8)
      by(8) = vy(8)
      bz(8) = vz(8)
      cx(8) = vx(4)
      cy(8) = vy(4)
      cz(8) = vz(4)

      ax(9) = vx(4)
      ay(9) = vy(4)
      az(9) = vz(4)
      bx(9) = vx(8)
      by(9) = vy(8)
      bz(9) = vz(8)
      cx(9) = vx(9)
      cy(9) = vy(9)
      cz(9) = vz(9)

      ax(10) = vx(4)
      ay(10) = vy(4)
      az(10) = vz(4)
      bx(10) = vx(9)
      by(10) = vy(9)
      bz(10) = vz(9)
      cx(10) = vx(5)
      cy(10) = vy(5)
      cz(10) = vz(5)

      ax(11) = vx(5)
      ay(11) = vy(5)
      az(11) = vz(5)
      bx(11) = vx(9)
      by(11) = vy(9)
      bz(11) = vz(9)
      cx(11) = vx(10)
      cy(11) = vy(10)
      cz(11) = vz(10)

      ax(12) = vx(5)
      ay(12) = vy(5)
      az(12) = vz(5)
      bx(12) = vx(10)
      by(12) = vy(10)
      bz(12) = vz(10)
      cx(12) = vx(6)
      cy(12) = vy(6)
      cz(12) = vz(6)

      ax(13) = vx(6)
      ay(13) = vy(6)
      az(13) = vz(6)
      bx(13) = vx(10)
      by(13) = vy(10)
      bz(13) = vz(10)
      cx(13) = vx(11)
      cy(13) = vy(11)
      cz(13) = vz(11)

      ax(14) = vx(6)
      ay(14) = vy(6)
      az(14) = vz(6)
      bx(14) = vx(11)
      by(14) = vy(11)
      bz(14) = vz(11)
      cx(14) = vx(2)
      cy(14) = vy(2)
      cz(14) = vz(2)

      ax(15) = vx(2)
      ay(15) = vy(2)
      az(15) = vz(2)
      bx(15) = vx(11)
      by(15) = vy(11)
      bz(15) = vz(11)
      cx(15) = vx(7)
      cy(15) = vy(7)
      cz(15) = vz(7)

      ax(16) = vx(7)
      ay(16) = vy(7)
      az(16) = vz(7)
      bx(16) = vx(12)
      by(16) = vy(12)
      bz(16) = vz(12)
      cx(16) = vx(8)
      cy(16) = vy(8)
      cz(16) = vz(8)

      ax(17) = vx(8)
      ay(17) = vy(8)
      az(17) = vz(8)
      bx(17) = vx(12)
      by(17) = vy(12)
      bz(17) = vz(12)
      cx(17) = vx(9)
      cy(17) = vy(9)
      cz(17) = vz(9)

      ax(18) = vx(9)
      ay(18) = vy(9)
      az(18) = vz(9)
      bx(18) = vx(12)
      by(18) = vy(12)
      bz(18) = vz(12)
      cx(18) = vx(10)
      cy(18) = vy(10)
      cz(18) = vz(10)

      ax(19) = vx(10)
      ay(19) = vy(10)
      az(19) = vz(10)
      bx(19) = vx(12)
      by(19) = vy(12)
      bz(19) = vz(12)
      cx(19) = vx(11)
      cy(19) = vy(11)
      cz(19) = vz(11)

      ax(20) = vx(11)
      ay(20) = vy(11)
      az(20) = vz(11)
      bx(20) = vx(12)
      by(20) = vy(12)
      bz(20) = vz(12)
      cx(20) = vx(7)
      cy(20) = vy(7)
      cz(20) = vz(7)

c.... Generate triangles in all remaining levels.

c++++ Last index of penultimate level.
      nmax = 20 * (4**(levmax - 1) / 3)
c---- First index of final level.
      ibeg = nmax + 1
c---- Last index of final level.
      iend = 20 * (4**levmax / 3)

      if (nmax .eq. 0) go to 210

      nn = 20
c---- Loop over pre-levmax triangles.
      do 120 n = 1, nmax

c....   Move the midpoints of the triangle edges to the sphere surface,
c....     and join to make a new triangle.

        nn = nn + 1
        lev(nn) = lev(n) + 1
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      if (lev(nn) .gt. lev(nn-1)) then
cbug        nedges   = 0
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

        ax(nn) = 0.5 * (ax(n) + bx(n))
        ay(nn) = 0.5 * (ay(n) + by(n))
        az(nn) = 0.5 * (az(n) + bz(n))
        vrad   = sqrt (ax(nn)**2 + ay(nn)**2 + az(nn)**2)
        ax(nn) = ax(nn) / vrad
        ay(nn) = ay(nn) / vrad
        az(nn) = az(nn) / vrad

        bx(nn) = 0.5 * (bx(n) + cx(n))
        by(nn) = 0.5 * (by(n) + cy(n))
        bz(nn) = 0.5 * (bz(n) + cz(n))
        vrad   = sqrt (bx(nn)**2 + by(nn)**2 + bz(nn)**2)
        bx(nn) = bx(nn) / vrad
        by(nn) = by(nn) / vrad
        bz(nn) = bz(nn) / vrad

        cx(nn) = 0.5 * (ax(n) + cx(n))
        cy(nn) = 0.5 * (ay(n) + cy(n))
        cz(nn) = 0.5 * (az(n) + cz(n))
        vrad   = sqrt (cx(nn)**2 + cy(nn)**2 + cz(nn)**2)
        cx(nn) = cx(nn) / vrad
        cy(nn) = cy(nn) / vrad
        cz(nn) = cz(nn) / vrad

        nedges = nedges + 1

        ex1(nedges) = ax(nn)
        ey1(nedges) = ay(nn)
        ez1(nedges) = az(nn)
        ex2(nedges) = bx(nn)
        ey2(nedges) = by(nn)
        ez2(nedges) = bz(nn)

        nedges = nedges + 1

        ex1(nedges) = bx(nn)
        ey1(nedges) = by(nn)
        ez1(nedges) = bz(nn)
        ex2(nedges) = cx(nn)
        ey2(nedges) = cy(nn)
        ez2(nedges) = cz(nn)

        nedges = nedges + 1

        ex1(nedges) = cx(nn)
        ey1(nedges) = cy(nn)
        ez1(nedges) = cz(nn)
        ex2(nedges) = ax(nn)
        ey2(nedges) = ay(nn)
        ez2(nedges) = az(nn)

c....   Connect initial vertex a to the adjacent new vertices.

        nn = nn + 1
        lev(nn) = lev(n) + 1

        ax(nn) = ax(n)
        ay(nn) = ay(n)
        az(nn) = az(n)

        bx(nn) = ax(nn-1)
        by(nn) = ay(nn-1)
        bz(nn) = az(nn-1)

        cx(nn) = cx(nn-1)
        cy(nn) = cy(nn-1)
        cz(nn) = cz(nn-1)

        nedges = nedges + 1

        ex1(nedges) = ax(nn)
        ey1(nedges) = ay(nn)
        ez1(nedges) = az(nn)
        ex2(nedges) = bx(nn)
        ey2(nedges) = by(nn)
        ez2(nedges) = bz(nn)

c....   Connect initial vertex b to the adjacent new vertices.

        nn = nn + 1
        lev(nn) = lev(n) + 1

        ax(nn) = bx(n)
        ay(nn) = by(n)
        az(nn) = bz(n)

        bx(nn) = bx(nn-2)
        by(nn) = by(nn-2)
        bz(nn) = bz(nn-2)

        cx(nn) = ax(nn-2)
        cy(nn) = ay(nn-2)
        cz(nn) = az(nn-2)

        nedges = nedges + 1

        ex1(nedges) = ax(nn)
        ey1(nedges) = ay(nn)
        ez1(nedges) = az(nn)
        ex2(nedges) = bx(nn)
        ey2(nedges) = by(nn)
        ez2(nedges) = bz(nn)

c....   Connect initial vertex c to the adjacent new vertices.

        nn = nn + 1
        lev(nn) = lev(n) + 1

        ax(nn) = cx(n)
        ay(nn) = cy(n)
        az(nn) = cz(n)

        bx(nn) = cx(nn-3)
        by(nn) = cy(nn-3)
        bz(nn) = cz(nn-3)

        cx(nn) = bx(nn-3)
        cy(nn) = by(nn-3)
        cz(nn) = bz(nn-3)

        nedges = nedges + 1

        ex1(nedges) = ax(nn)
        ey1(nedges) = ay(nn)
        ez1(nedges) = az(nn)
        ex2(nedges) = bx(nn)
        ey2(nedges) = by(nn)
        ez2(nedges) = bz(nn)

c---- End of loop over pre-levmax triangles.
  120 continue

  210 return

c.... End of subroutine aptil20.      (+1 line.)
