subroutine aptiris (x, ncmax, tol, kc, xc, nc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTIRIS
c     call aptiris (x, ncmax, tol, kc, xc, nc, nerr)
c     Version:  aptiris  Updated    2002 June 4 14:40.
c               aptiris  Originated 2000 October 16 12:40.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find the first nc <= ncmax coefficients kc of the
c               equivalent of x expressed as an integer plus the sum of
c               reciprocals of integers:
c                 x = kc(1) + 1/kc(2) + 1/kc(3) + 1/kc(4) + ...
c               with a relative accuracy of tol or better,
c               and the partial sums xc(n), for n = 1, nc:
c                 xc(n) = kc(1) + 1/kc(2) + 1/kc(3) + ... + 1 / kc(n).
c               The coefficients kc are obtained by starting with the integer
c               nearest x, finding the remainder, then finding the integer
c               nearest the reciprocal of the remainder, etc.
c     Input:    x, ncmax, tol.
c     Output:   kc, xc, nc, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     kc(n)     Output   The n'th integer coefficient of the sum of fractions
c                          equal to x, n = 1, nc <= ncmax.
c     nc        Output   The actual number of coefficients kc and partial sums
c                        xc calculated.
c     ncmax     Input    The maximum number of coefficients kc to be calculated.
c                          Fewer (nc) will be calculated if additional
c                          coefficients would not make the accuracy any better
c                          than tol, or if the sum of fractions terminates.
c                          Arrays kc and xc must be sized at least as big as
c                          ncmax.
c     nerr      Output   Error indicator.  0 if no errors.
c                          1 if ncmax is not positive.
c                          2 if x exceeds the largest integer.
c                          3 if any kc exceeds the largest integer.
c     tol       Input    The estimated relative error in floating point numbers
c                          on the machine in use.  Approximately 1.e-15 for
c                          64-bit floating point numbers.
c     x         Input    The value of the sum of fractions
c                          kc(1) + 1 / kc(2) + 1 / kc(3) + ... + 1 / kc(nc).
c     xc(n)     Output   The n'th partial sum of the sum of fractions
c                          kc(1) + 1 / kc(2) + 1 / kc(3) + ... + 1 / kc(n).

      implicit none

c.... Arguments.

      integer  kc(1)                  ! Coeffficients of sum of fractions.
      integer  nc                     ! Number of calculated coefficients.
      integer  ncmax                  ! Max number of calculated coefficients.
      integer  nerr                   ! Error flag.

      real     tol                    ! Floating point precision.
      real     x                      ! Value of sum of fractions.
      real     xc(1)                  ! Partial sum of sum of fractions.

c.... Local variables.

      integer  n                      ! Index in arrays kc, xc.
      integer  ngood                  ! Index of current coefficient.

      real     rem                    ! Difference between x and xc(n).
      real     rint                   ! The nearest integer to rinv.
      real     rinv                   ! Inverse of reminder rem.
      real     xint                   ! The nearest integer to x.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptiris finding coeffs of sum of fractions.' /
cbug     &  ' x     =',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' ncmax =',i3 /
cbug     &  ' tol   =',1pe22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) x, ncmax, tol
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr  = 0
      ngood = 0

      do 110 n = 1, ncmax
        kc(n) = -1000000000000000
        xc(n) = -1.e99
  110 continue

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (ncmax .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      xint = nint (x)
      if (abs (x - xint) .ge. 1.0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Find the coefficient kc(1), and the first partial sum xc(1).

      nc    = 1
      kc(1) = xint
      xc(1) = xint
      rem   = x - xc(1)
      if (abs (rem) .le. tol * abs (x)) then
        ngood = 1
        go to 210

      rinv  = 1.0 / rem
      rint  = nint (rinv)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9700 format ('        rinv=',1pe22.14,'  xint=',1pe22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        '        rem= ',1pe22.14)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9903) nc, kc(nc), xc(nc)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9700) rinv, xint, rem
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
      if (abs (rinv - rint) .ge. 1.0) then
        if (kc(1) .eq. 0) then
          nerr = 3
          ngood = nc
        go to 210

c.... Find all significant coefficients kc(2) to kc(nc) in the sum or
c....   fractions expression for x, and the partial sums xc(n) to xc(nc).

      do 120 nc = 2, ncmax

        kc(nc) = rint
        xc(nc) = xc(nc-1) + 1.0 / rint
        rem    = x - xc(nc)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9701 format ('        rinv=',1pe22.14,'  rint=',1pe22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        '        rem= ',1pe22.14)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9903) nc, kc(nc), xc(nc)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9701) rinv, rint, rem
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        if (abs (rem) .le. tol * abs (x)) then
          ngood = nc
          go to 210

        rinv = 1.0 / rem
        rint = nint (rinv)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9903) nc, kc(nc), xc(nc)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9701) rinv, rint, rem
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        if (abs (rinv - rint) .ge. 1.0) then
          ngood = nc
          go to 210

  120 continue

      ngood = ncmax


  210 nc = ngood

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9902 format (/ 'aptiris results:  nerr = ',i3,'  nc = ',i3 )
cbug 9903 format (' n, kc(n)    =',i3,i22,'  xc=',1pe22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) nerr, nc
cbug      if (nc .gt. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9903) (n, kc(n), xc(n), n = 1, nc)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptiris.      (+1 line.)
