subroutine aptnint (x, dx, tola, tolr, nrnd, xr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTNINT
c     call aptnint (x, dx, tola, tolr, nrnd, xr)
c     Version:  aptnint  Updated    2000 August 28 17:20.
c               aptnint  Originated 2000 August 22 15:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To round off x to the nearest integer multiple of dx,
c               if x is within tola + tolr * abs (x) of that multiple,
c               if dx is not zero, if abs (x / dx) does not exceed the
c               largest machine integer or rmax, where rmax is the largest
c               exact real number.
c               Flag nrnd indicates the meaning of the result xr:  -1 if dx = 0
c               or x / dx exceeds the largest machine integer or rmax,
c               and xr = x; 0 if no roundoff occurred and xr = x;
c               and 1 if roundoff occurred and xr = dx * nint (x / dx).
c               For example, to round off x to the nearest integer, if that
c               integer is within 1.e-11 * x of x, set dx = 1.0, tola = 0, and
c               tolr = 1.e-11.  If nrnd = 1, xr will be a real number with an
c               integer value.  If nrnd = -1, x exceeds the largest machine
c               integer.
c               For example, to always round off x to the nearest 1/12, set
c               dx = 1 / 12 = 0.0833333333333333..., tola = 1.0 (anything larger
c               than 1 / 24), tolr = 0.0.  If nrnd = 1, xr will be an integer
c               multiple of 1/12.  If nrnd = -1, 12 * x exceeds the largest
c               machine integer.
c     Input:    x, dx, tola, tolr.
c     Output:   nrnd, xr.
c     Glossary:
c     dx        Input    If nrnd = 1, xr will be an integer multiple of dx.
c                          If dx is zero, no roundoff will occur.
c     nrnd      Output   Result indicator:
c                         -1 if no roundoff occurred, xr = x, and dx = 0 or
c                            abs (x / dx) exceeded the largest machine integer
c                            or rmax.
c                          0 if no roundoff occurred, and xr = x.
c                          1 if roundoff occured, and xr = dx * nint (x / dx).
c     rmax      local    The largest exact real number.  About 1.0e16 on a
c                          DEC machine with 64-bit real numbers.
c     tola      Input    Absolute limit:  round off if
c                          abs (xr - x) < tola + tolr * abs (x).
c     tolr      Input    Relative limit:  round off if
c                          abs (xr - x) < tola + tolr * abs (x).
c     x         Input    Value to be rounded to an integer multiple of dx,
c                          if within tola + tolr * abs (x) of that multiple,
c                          if dx is not zero, and if x / dx does not exceed the
c                          largest machine integer.

      implicit none

c.... Arguments.

      integer  nrnd                   ! Result flag, 1 if x rounded off.

      real     dx                     ! Increment between rounded values.
      real     tola                   ! Absolute error factor.
      real     tolr                   ! Relative error factor.
      real     x                      ! Input value.
      real     xr                     ! Output value, x or dx * nint (x / dx).

c.... Local variables.

      real     diffx                  ! Difference between xtry and x.
      real     diffi                  ! Difference between nint (x/dx) and x/dx.
      real     emax                   ! Maximum abs (xr - x).
      real     rmax                   ! Largest exact real number.
      real     xtry                   ! Value dx * nint (x / dx) or -1.e99.
      real     xodx                   ! Value x / dx.
      real     xodxi                  ! Value nint (x / dx).

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptnint rounding off.' /
cbug     &  ' x,dx  =',1p2e28.20 /
cbug     &  ' tola,r=',1p2e28.20 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) x, dx, tola, tolr
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nrnd  = 0
      emax  = abs (tola) + abs (tolr * x)
      rmax  = 1.0e16                  ! Largest exact real number.
      xr    = x
      xtry  = -1.e99

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (dx .eq. 0.0) then
        nrnd = -1
        go to 210

c.... Find rounded value.

      xodx  = x / dx
      xodxi = nint (xodx)
      xtry  = xodxi * dx
      diffi = xodxi - xodx
      diffx = diffi * dx

c.... See if x is close enough to rounded value.

      if (abs (xodx) .gt. rmax) then
        nrnd = -1
      elseif (abs (diffi) .gt. 0.5) then
        nrnd = -1
      elseif (abs (diffx) .le. emax) then
        nrnd = 1
        xr   = xtry

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9902 format (/ 'aptnint results:  nrnd = ',i3 /
cbug     &  ' x     = ',1pe28.20 /
cbug     &  ' xtry  = ',1pe28.20 /
cbug     &  ' diffx = ',1pe28.20 /
cbug     &  ' emax  = ',1pe28.20 /
cbug     &  ' xr    = ',1pe28.20 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) nrnd, x, xtry, diffx, emax, xr
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptnint.      (+1 line.)
