subroutine aptpart (ptx, pty, ptz, time, np, tol,
     &                    px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, vlenv,
     &                    ax, ay, az, vlena, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTPART
c     call aptpart (ptx, pty, ptz, time, np, tol,
c                   px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, vlenv,
c                   ax, ay, az, vlena, nerr)
c     Version:  aptpart  Updated    1997 April 15 15:30.
c               aptpart  Originated 1997 April 14 17:30.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  For the particle with the specified coordinates
c               pt(n) = (ptx(n), pty(n), ptz(n)) at times time(n), n = 1, np
c               (np = 1, 2 or 3), on a uniformly accelerated parabolic
c               trajectory, find the initial coordinates p = (px, py, pz)
c               and velocity v = (vx, vy, vz) (zero if np = 1) at time zero,
c               and the constant acceleration a = (ax, ay, az) (zero if
c               np = 1 or 2), and the magnitudes of the velocity and
c               acceleration vectors.
c               Flag nerr indicates an input error, if nonzero.
c               The particle coordinates are given by:
c                 pt(n) = p + v * t(n) + 0.5 * a * t(n)**2.
c               These equations may be solved for the 1, 2 or 3 input
c               points and times, to find p, v and a.
c     History:
c     Input:    ptx, pty, ptz, time, np, tol.
c     Output:   px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, vlen, ax, ay, az, vlena, nerr
c     Calls: aptvunb 
c     Glossary:
c     ax,ay,az  Output   The x, y and z components of the constant acceleration
c                          vector a (zero if np = 1 or 2).
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if positive.
c                          1 if np < 1 or np > 3.
c                          2 if any two times are the same.
c     np        Input    The number of points and times specified on the
c                          parabolic trajectory of the uniformly accelerated
c                          particle.  Must be 2 or 3.  If 2, the uniform
c                          acceleration is zero, and the velocity is constant.
c     ptx,...   Output   The x, y and z coordinates of the particle at times
c                          time(n), n = 1, np.  Size 2 or 3.
c     pz,py,pz  Output   The x, y and z coordinates of the particle at time
c                          zero.
c     time      Input    The times corresponding to points pt(n), n = 1, np.
c                          Size 2 or 3.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c     vlena     Output   The magnitude of the constant acceleration vector.
c     vlenv     Output   The magnitude of the initial velocity vector.
c     vx,vy,vz  Output   The x, y and z components of the initial particle
c                          velocity (zero if np = 1).

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      dimension ptx(3)                ! Coordinate x of a particle position.
      dimension pty(3)                ! Coordinate y of a particle position.
      dimension ptz(3)                ! Coordinate z of a particle position.
      dimension time(3)               ! Time of a particle position.
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptpart finding initial particle position',
cbug     &  ' and velocity' /
cbug     &  '   and constant acceleration.  tol=',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  '  Particle positions and times:' )
cbug 9902 format ('  ptx,pty,ptz=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &        '  t=          ',1pe22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) tol
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) (ptx(n), pty(n), ptz(n), time(n), n = 1, np)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr = 0

      px    = -1.e99
      py    = -1.e99
      pz    = -1.e99
      vx    = -1.e99
      vy    = -1.e99
      vz    = -1.e99
      vlenv = -1.e99
      ax    = -1.e99
      ay    = -1.e99
      az    = -1.e99
      vlenz = -1.e99

      if ((np .lt. 1) .or. (np .gt. 3)) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 999

      if (np .eq. 1) then             ! One point.  No velocity or acceleration.

        px    = ptx(1)
        py    = pty(1)
        pz    = ptz(1)
        vx    = 0.0
        vy    = 0.0
        vy    = 0.0
        vlenv = 0.0
        ax    = 0.0
        ay    = 0.0
        ay    = 0.0
        vlena = 0.0

      elseif (np .eq. 2) then         ! Two points.  No acceleration.

        x1 = ptx(1)
        y1 = pty(1)
        z1 = ptz(1)
        t1 = time(1)

        x2 = ptx(2)
        y2 = pty(2)
        z2 = ptz(2)
        t2 = time(2)

        dt12 = t2 - t1
        e12  = tol * (abs (t1) + abs (t2))
        if (abs (dt12) .le. e12) dt12 = 0.0

        if (dt12 .eq. 0.0) then
          nerr = 2
          go to 999

        if (nerr .ne. 0) go to 999

c....   Find the position at time zero.

        px = (t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) / dt12
        ex = tol  *  (abs (t2 * x1) + abs (t1 * x2)) / abs (dt12)
        if (abs (px) .le. ex) px = 0.0

        py = (t2  *  y1 - t1  *  y2) / dt12
        ey = tol  *  (abs (t2 * y1) + abs (t1 * y2)) / abs (dt12)
        if (abs (py) .le. ey) py = 0.0

        pz = (t2  *  z1 - t1  *  z2) / dt12
        ez = tol  *  (abs (t2 * z1) + abs (t1 * z2)) / abs (dt12)
        if (abs (pz) .le. ez) pz = 0.0

c....   Find the velocity at time zero.

        vx = (x2 - x1) / dt12
        ex = tol * (abs (x2) + abs (x1)) / dt12
        if (abs (vx) .le. ex) vx = 0.0

        vy = (y2 - y1) / dt12
        ey = tol * (abs (y2) + abs (y1)) / dt12
        if (abs (vy) .le. ey) vy = 0.0

        vz = (z2 - z1) / dt12
        ez = tol * (abs (z2) + abs (z1)) / dt12
        if (abs (vz) .le. ez) vz = 0.0

        call aptvunb (vx, vy, vz, 1, tol,
     &                ux, uy, uz, vlenv, nerra)

c....   Find the acceleration.

        ax = 0.0
        ay = 0.0
        az = 0.0

        vlena = 0.0

      elseif (np .eq. 3) then         ! Three points.

        x1 = ptx(1)
        y1 = pty(1)
        z1 = ptz(1)
        t1 = time(1)

        x2 = ptx(2)
        y2 = pty(2)
        z2 = ptz(2)
        t2 = time(2)

        x3 = ptx(3)
        y3 = pty(3)
        z3 = ptz(3)
        t3 = time(3)

        dt12 = t2 - t1
        e12  = tol * (abs (t1) + abs (t2))
        if (abs (dt12) .le. e12) dt12 = 0.0

        dt23 = t3 - t2
        e23  = tol * (abs (t2) + abs (t3))
        if (abs (dt23) .le. e23) dt23 = 0.0
        dt31 = t1 - t3
        e31  = tol * (abs (t3) + abs (t1))
        if (abs (dt31) .le. e31) dt31 = 0.0

        if ((dt12 .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &      (dt23 .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &      (dt31 .eq. 0.0)) then
          nerr = 2
          go to 999

c....   Find the particle position at time zero.

        c1   = -t2 * t3 / (dt31 * dt12)
        c2   = -t3 * t1 / (dt12 * dt23)
        c3   = -t1 * t2 / (dt23 * dt31)

        px = (c1 * x1 + c2 * x2 + c3 * x3)
        ex = tol * (abs (c1 * x1) + abs (c2 * x2) + abs (c3 * x3))
        if (abs (px) .le. ex) px = 0.0

        py = (c1 * y1 + c2 * y2 + c3 * y3)
        ey = tol * (abs (c1 * y1) + abs (c2 * y2) + abs (c3 * y3))
        if (abs (py) .le. ey) py = 0.0

        pz = (c1 * z1 + c2 * z2 + c3 * z3)
        ez = tol * (abs (c1 * z1) + abs (c2 * z2) + abs (c3 * z3))
        if (abs (pz) .le. ez) pz = 0.0

c....   Find the velocity at time zero.

        c1 = (t2 + t3) / (dt31 * dt12)
        e1 = tol * (abs (t2) + abs (t3)) / (dt12 * dt31)
        if (abs (c1) .le. e1) c1 = 0.0

        c2 = (t3 + t1) / (dt12 * dt23)
        e2 = tol * (abs (t3) + abs (t1)) / (dt23 * dt12)
        if (abs (c2) .le. e2) c2 = 0.0

        c3 = (t1 + t2) / (dt23 * dt31)
        e3 = tol * (abs (t1) + abs (t2)) / (dt31 * dt23)
        if (abs (c3) .le. e3) c3 = 0.0

        vx = c1 * x1 + c2 * x2 + c3 * x3
        ex = tol * (abs (c1 * x1) + abs (c2 * x2) + abs (c3 * x3))
        if (abs (vx) .le. ex) vx = 0.0

        vy = c1 * y1 + c2 * y2 + c3 * y3
        ey = tol * (abs (c1 * y1) + abs (c2 * y2) + abs (c3 * y3))
        if (abs (vy) .le. ey) vy = 0.0

        vz = c1 * z1 + c2 * z2 + c3 * z3
        ez = tol * (abs (c1 * z1) + abs (c2 * z2) + abs (c3 * z3))
        if (abs (vz) .le. ez) vz = 0.0

        call aptvunb (vx, vy, vz, 1, tol,
     &                ux, uy, uz, vlenv, nerra)

c....   Find the constant acceleration.

        c1 = -2.0 / (dt31 * dt12)
        c2 = -2.0 / (dt12 * dt23)
        c3 = -2.0 / (dt23 * dt31)

        ax = c1 * x1 + c2 * x2 + c3 * x3
        ex = tol * (abs (c1 * x1) + abs (c2 * x2) + abs (c3 * x3))
        if (abs (ax) .le. ex) ax = 0.0

        ay = c1 * y1 + c2 * y2 + c3 * y3
        ey = tol * (abs (c1 * y1) + abs (c2 * y2) + abs (c3 * y3))
        if (abs (ay) .le. ey) ay = 0.0

        az = c1 * z1 + c2 * z2 + c3 * z3
        ez = tol * (abs (c1 * z1) + abs (c2 * z2) + abs (c3 * z3))
        if (abs (az) .le. ez) az = 0.0

        call aptvunb (ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &                ux, uy, uz, vlena, nerra)

      endif                           ! Tested number of points.

  999 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/ 'aptpart results:  nerr=',i2 /
cbug     &  '  p(x,y,z)=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  v(x,y,z)=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  vlenv=      ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  '  a(x,y,z)=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  vlena=      ',1pe22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) nerr, px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, vlenv,
cbug     &  ax, ay, az, vlena
cbug  140 continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptpart.      (+1 line.)
