subroutine aptplqu (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, qc, qx, qy, qz,
     &                    qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz, tol,
     &                    nqtype, px, py, pz, qcenx, qceny, qcenz,
     &                    dplqu, dpx, dpy, dpz, nextr, ex, ey, ez,
     &                    dplex, pex, pey, pez, dpex, dpey, dpez,
     &                    actype, nlen, alen, dlen,
     &                    npin, apin, pinx, piny, pinz,
     &                    nvin, avin, vinx, viny, vinz,
     &                    sc, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx, sxx, syy, szz,
     &                    nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTPLQU
c     call aptplqu (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, qc, qx, qy, qz,
c    &              qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz, tol,
c    &              nqtype, px, py, pz, qcenx, qceny, qcenz,
c    &              dplqu, dpx, dpy, dpz, nextr, ex, ey, ez,
c    &              dplex, pex, pey, pez, dpex, dpey, dpez,
c    &              actype, nlen, alen, dlen,
c    &              npin, apin, pinx, piny, pinz,
c    &              nvin, avin, vinx, viny, vinz,
c    &              sc, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx, sxx, syy, szz,
c    &              nerr)
c     Version:  aptplqu  Updated    1995 February 2 17:40.
c               aptplqu  Originated 1995 January 25 13:30.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  For the plane through the point a = (ax, ay, az) with normal
c               vector b = (bx, by, bz), and the quadric surface specified
c               by the implicit quadric equation coefficients qc, ..., qzz,
c               to find the distances of separation or overlap between the
c               plane and the quadric surface, any proximal points or lines
c               on the plane and the quadric surface, and the nature of and
c               properties of any point or quadric curve of intersection.
c               Center of quadric surface:  to find the type nqtype of quadric
c               surface, the point p = (px, py, pz) on the plane nearest the
c               center qcen = (qcenx, qceny, qcenz) of the quadric surface;
c               the distance dplqu between points "p" and "qcen", and
c               the vector "dp" = (dpx, dpy, dpz) between those two points.
c               Proximal and distal points:  to find the number nextr of
c               extreme points on the quadric surface in the direction of
c               vector "b", the coordinates e = (ex, ey, ez) of any such
c               extreme points, the distances dplex of these extreme points
c               from the plane, the coordinates pe = (pex, pey, pez) of the
c               corresponding nearest points on the plane, and the vectors
c               dpe = (dpex, dpey, dpez) from those planar points to the
c               extreme points on the quadric surface.
c               Intersection between plane and quadric surface:  to find the
c               type actype of any quadric curve of intersection;
c               nlen (up to 5) distances, lengths or radii associated with the
c               intersection, of type alen, value dlen;
c               npin (up to 11) points associated with the intersection, of
c               type apin, coordinates pin = (pinx, piny, pinz);
c               nvin (up to 2) vectors associated with the intersection, of
c               type avin, components vin = (vinx, viny, vinz);
c               and the coefficients sc, ..., szz of the implicit quadric
c               equation for the cylindrical quadric surface perpendicular t
c               the plane and through any curve of intersection.
c               If the plane is defined only by its implicit quadric equation,
c               f(x,y,z) = qc1 + qx1 * x + qy1 * y + qz1 * z = 0,
c               a point "a" and the normal vector "b" may be found from:
c               b = (bx, by, bz) = (qx1, qy1, qz1)
c               b**2 = qx1**2 + qy1**2 + qz1**2
c               a = (ax, ay, az) = -(qc1 / b**2) * (qx1, qy1, qz1)
c               Any input error will be indicated by a nonzero value of nerr.
c     Input:    ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, qc, qx, qy, qz, qxy, qyz, qzx,
c               qxx, qyy, qzz, tol.
c     Output:   nqtype, px, py, pz, qcenx, qceny, qcenz,
c               dplqu, dpx, dpy, dpz, nextr, ex, ey, ez,
c               dplex, pex, pey, pez, dpex, dpey, dpez, actype,
c               nlen, alen, dlen, npin, apin, pinx, piny, pinz,
c               nvin, avin, vinx, viny, vinz,
c               sc, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx, sxx, syy, szz, nerr)
c     Calls: aptaxis, aptmopv, aptplis, aptptpl, aptqexv, 
c               aptrois, aptrotv, apttran, aptvdis, aptvuna 
c     Glossary:
c     alen      Output   A 16-character ASCII word describing a distance,
c                          length, or radius associated with an intersection:
c                          'Radius',               'Eccentricity',
c                          'Center to vertex',     'Center to focus',
c                          'Major semiaxis',       'Minor semiaxis',
c                          'Trans semiaxis',       'Conj  semiaxis',
c                          'Latus rectum',         'Half-angle deg',
c                          or blank, if nlen = 0.  Array size = 6.
c                          The corresponding value is dlen.
c     apin      Output   A 16-character ASCII word describing a point associated
c                          with an intersection:
c                          'Center pt  (xyz)',     'Circle pt 1(xyz)',
c                          'Circle pt 2(xyz)',     'Circle pt 3(xyz)',
c                          'Circle pt 4(xyz)',     'Focus point(xyz)',
c                          'Focus pt 1 (xyz)',     'Focus pt 2 (xyz)',
c                          'Lat rect 1 (xyz)',     'Lat rect 1a(xyz)',
c                          'Lat rect 1b(xyz)',     'Lat rect 2 (xyz)',
c                          'Lat rect 2a(xyz)',     'Lat rect 2b(xyz)',
c                          'Line 1 pt  (xyz)',     'Line 2 pt  (xyz)',
c                          'Line point (xyz)',     'Maj axis 1 (xyz)',
c                          'Maj axis 2 (xyz)',     'Min axis 1 (xyz)',
c                          'Min axis 2 (xyz)',     'Tangent pt (xyz)',
c                          'Vertex pt  (xyz)',     'Vertex pt 1(xyz)',
c                          'Vertex pt 2(xyz)',
c                          or blank if npin = 0.  Array size = 11.
c     actype     Output   A 24-character ASCII word describing a quadric curve
c                          of intersection of the plane and the quadric surface:
c                          'vertex of cone',       'point, tangent',
c                          'line, simple',         'lines, coincident',
c                          'lines, parallel',      'lines, intersecting',
c                          'parabola',             'hyperbola',
c                          'ellipse',              'circle',
c                          or blank if no intersection is found.
c     avin      Output   A 16-character ASCII word describing a vector
c                          associated with an intersection:
c                          'Axis vector(xyz)',     'Line vector(xyz)',
c                          'Line 1 vect(xyz)',     'Line 2 vect(xyz)',
c                          'Maj axis   (xyz)',     'Min axis   (xyz)',
c                          'Normal vect(xyz)',
c                          or blank if nvin = 0.  Array size 2.
c     ax,ay,az  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of point "a" in the plane.
c     bx,by,bz  Input    The x, y, z components of the normal vector "b" of the
c                          plane.
c     dlen      Output   A distance, length or radius associated with an
c                          intersection, of type alen.  Array size = 6.
c     dpex,y,z  Output   The x, y, z components of the vectors from proximal
c                          points "pe" in the plane to the corresponding extreme
c                          points "e" in the quadric surface.  Array size = 2.
c                          Always parallel or antiparallel to vector "b".
c     dplex     Output   The perpendicular distances from the plane (point "p")
c                          to the extreme points "e" on the quadric surface.
c                          Positive if in the same direction as vector "b",
c                          otherwise negative,  or zero if the plane is tangent
c                          to the quadric surface at point "p" = "e".
c                          If nextr = 2, the minimum absolute value of the two
c                          dplex values indicates a proximal point, and the
c                          other a distal point on the quadric surface.
c                          Array size = 2.
c     dplqu     Output   The minimum distance from the plane (point "p") to the
c                          center of the quadric surface (point "qcen").
c                          Zero if the plane passes through point "qcen".
c     dpx,y,z   Output   The x, y, z components of the vector "dp" from point
c                          "p" on the plane to the center of the quadric
c                          surface, point "qcen".
c                          Always parallel or antiparallel to vector "b".
c     ex,ey,ez  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of extreme points "e" on the
c                          quadric surface, at minimum or maximum distances from
c                          the plane.  Array size = 2.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not zero:
c                          1 if the normal vector "b" of the plane is null.
c                          2 if the coefficients qc, ..., qzz do not define
c                            a real quadric surface.
c     nextr     Output   The number of extreme points "e" on the quadric surface
c                          in the direction perpendicular to the plane,
c                          vector "b".
c     nqtype    Output   The type of quadric surface represented by the
c                          coefficients qc, ..., qzz:
c                           0 = A simple plane, 1 = Coincident planes,
c                           2 = Parallel planes, 3 = Intersecting planes,
c                           4 = Parabolic cylinder, 5 = Hyperbolic cylinder,
c                           6 = Elliptic cylinder, 7 = Circular cylinder,
c                           8 = Hyperbolic paraboloid, 9 = Elliptic paraboloid,
c                          10 = Circular paraboloid, 11 = Elliptic cone,
c                          12 = Circular cone, 13 = Hyperboloid of 1 sheet,
c                          14 = Hyperboloid of 2 sheets, 15 = Ellipsoid,
c                          16 = Sphere, 17 to 24 = Imaginary.
c     pe,pe,pe  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of points "pe" in the plane,
c                          nearest the extreme points "e" in the quadric
c                          surface.  Array size = 2.
c     pinx,y,z  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of points associated with an
c                          intersection, of type apin.  Array size = 11.
c                          Always in the plane.
c     px,py,pz  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of point "p" in the plane,
c                          nearest the center "qcen" of the quadric surface.
c     qc, ...   Input    Coefficients of the implicit equation for the quadric
c                          surface:
c                          qc + qx  * x     + qy  * y     + qz  * z +
c                               qxy * x * y + qyz * y * z + qzx * z * x +
c                               qxx * x**2  + qyy * y**2  + qxx * z**2 = 0
c     qcenx,y,z Output   The x, y, z coordinates of point "qcen", the center of
c                          the quadric surface.
c     sc, ...   Output   Coefficients of the implicit equation for the
c                          cylindrical quadric surface perpendicular to the
c                          plane and through any intersection curve:
c                          sc + sx  * x     + sy  * y     + sz  * z +
c                               sxy * x * y + syz * y * z + szx * z * x +
c                               sxx * x**2  + syy * y**2  + sxx * z**2 = 0
c     vinx,y,z  Output   The x, y, z components of vectors associated with an
c                          intersection, of type avin.  Array size = 2.
c                          Always in the plane, and perpendicular to vector "b".
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.  With 64-bit floating point
c                          numbers, 1.e-5 to 1.e-11 is recommended.

c.... Type character arguments.

      character*24 actype             ! Type of intersection curve.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      dimension ex(2)                 ! Coordinate x of an extreme point "e".
      dimension ey(2)                 ! Coordinate y of an extreme point "e".
      dimension ez(2)                 ! Coordinate z of an extreme point "e".

      dimension pex(2)                ! Coordinate x of planar pt prox to "e".
      dimension pey(2)                ! Coordinate y of planar pt prox to "e".
      dimension pez(2)                ! Coordinate z of planar pt prox to "e".

      dimension dpex(2)               ! Component x of vector from "pe" to "e".
      dimension dpey(2)               ! Component y of vector from "pe" to "e".
      dimension dpez(2)               ! Component z of vector from "pe" to "e".

      dimension dplex(2)              ! Distance from point "pe" to point "e".

      dimension alen(6)               ! Type of int radius, length or distance.
      character*16 alen               ! Type of int radius, length or distance.
      dimension dlen(6)               ! Radius, length or distance.

      dimension apin(11)              ! Type of intersection point.
      character*16 apin               ! Type of intersection point.
      dimension pinx(11)              ! Coordinate x of an intersection point.
      dimension piny(11)              ! Coordinate y of an intersection point.
      dimension pinz(11)              ! Coordinate z of an intersection point.

      dimension avin(2)               ! Type of intersection vector.
      character*16 avin               ! Type of intersection vector.
      dimension vinx(2)               ! Component x of an intersection vector.
      dimension viny(2)               ! Component y of an intersection vector.
      dimension vinz(2)               ! Component z of an intersection vector.

c.... Local arrays.

      common /laptplqu/ adir(2)       ! Type of extreme point.
      character*8       adir          ! Type of extreme point.

      common /laptplqu/ prot(3,3)     ! Rotation tensor, normal to z axis.
      common /laptplqu/ trot(3,3)     ! Rotation tensor of intersection curve.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptplqu finding distance between plane and',
cbug     &  ' quadric surface.',
cbug     &  '  tol=',1pe13.5)
cbug 9902 format (
cbug     &  '  ax, ay, az= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  bx, by, bz= ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug 9903 format (
cbug     &  '  Quadric  qc=',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  '  qx,qy,qz=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  qxy,qyz,qzx=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  qxx,qyy,qzz=',1p3e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) tol
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) qc, qx, qy, qz, qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nextr = 0
      nlen  = 0
      npin  = 0
      nvin  = 0

      dplqu = -1.e99
      px    = -1.e99
      py    = -1.e99
      pz    = -1.e99
      dpx   = -1.e99
      dpy   = -1.e99
      dpz   = -1.e99

      actype = ' '

      do 115 n = 1, 6
        alen(n) = ' '
        dlen(n) = -1.e99
  115 continue

      do 120 n = 1, 11
        apin(n)  = ' '
        pinx(n)  = -1.e99
        piny(n)  = -1.e99
        pinz(n)  = -1.e99
  120 continue

      do 150 n = 1, 2
        dplex(n) = -1.e99
        pex(n)   = -1.e99
        pey(n)   = -1.e99
        pez(n)   = -1.e99
        dpex(n)  = -1.e99
        dpey(n)  = -1.e99
        dpez(n)  = -1.e99
  150 continue

      do 110 n = 1, 2
        ex(n)    = -1.e99
        ey(n)    = -1.e99
        ez(n)    = -1.e99
        avin(n)  = '                '
        vinx(n)  = -1.e99
        viny(n)  = -1.e99
        vinz(n)  = -1.e99
  110 continue

      sc  = -1.e99
      sx  = -1.e99
      sy  = -1.e99
      sz  = -1.e99
      sxy = -1.e99
      syz = -1.e99
      szx = -1.e99
      sxx = -1.e99
      syy = -1.e99
      szz = -1.e99


c.... Find the center of the quadric surface.
c....   Coefficients tc, ..., tzz and tensor trot are temporary, and
c....   will be used again later with different definitions.

      tc  = qc
      tx  = qx
      ty  = qy
      tz  = qz
      txy = qxy
      tyz = qyz
      tzx = qzx
      txx = qxx
      tyy = qyy
      tzz = qzz

      call aptaxis (tc, tx, ty, tz, txy, tyz, tzx, txx, tyy, tzz, tol,
     &              qcenx, qceny, qcenz, trot, nqtype, nerra)

      if (nerra .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 999

c.... Find the distance dplqu from the plane to the center of the quadric
c....   surface, and the proximal point p = (px, py, pz) on the plane.

      call aptptpl (qcenx, qceny, qcenz, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &              dplqu, px, py, pz, itrun, nerra)

      if (nerra .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 999

c.... Find the vector dp = (dpx, dpy, dpz) from the plane to the center of the
c....   quadric surface.

      call aptvdis (px, py, pz, qcenx, qceny, qcenz, 1, tol,
     &              dpx, dpy, dpz, dplqu, nerra)

      if ((dplqu .eq. 0.0) .and.
     &    ((nqtype .eq. 11) .or. (nqtype .eq. 12))) then

        actype  = 'vertex of cone'

        nlen    = 0
        npin    = 1
        nvin    = 0

        apin(1) = 'Vertex pt  (xyz)'
        pinx(1) = qcenx
        piny(1) = qceny
        pinz(1) = qcenz



c.... Find any extrema on the quadric surface in the direction of the normal
c....   vector of the plane.

      call aptqexv (bx, by, bz, qc, qx, qy, qz,
     &              qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz, tol,
     &              nextr, ex, ey, ez, adir, nerr)

c.... Find any proximal points on the plane, and the distances and vectors to
c....   any extrema on the quadric surface.

      if (nextr .gt. 0) then          ! Tangent or proximal points exist.

        do 210 n = 1, nextr           ! Loop over extrema.

c....   Find the point on the plane proximal to the quadric extremum.

          call aptptpl (ex(n), ey(n), ez(n),
     &                  ax, ay, az,
     &                  bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &                  dplex(n), pex(n), pey(n), pez(n), itrun, nerra)

c....   Find the distance and vector from the plane to the quadric extremum.

          call aptvdis (pex(n), pey(n), pez(n), ex(n), ey(n), ez(n),
     &                  1, tol, dpex(n), dpey(n), dpez(n), dplex(n),
     &                  nerra)

          if (dplex(n) .eq. 0.0) then

            actype  = 'point, tangent'
            nlen    = 0
            npin    = 1
            nvin    = 0
            apin(1) = 'Tangent pt (xyz)'
            pinx(1) = pex(n)
            piny(1) = pey(n)
            pinz(1) = pez(n)


  210   continue                      ! End of loop over extrema.

      endif                           ! Tested for tangent or proximal points.


c.... Find any curve of intersection of the plane and the quadric surface.

c.... Find the rotation tensor to point the normal vector of the plane in
c....   the z direction.

      call aptrotv (bx, by, bz, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tol,
     &              prot, nerra)

      if (nerra .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 999
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9210 format ('Rotation tensor prot to make plane a z plane.' /
cbugcbug     &  '  op11,op12,op13  ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  op21,op22,op23  ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  op31,op32,op33  ',1p3e20.12)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9210) ((prot(i,j), j = 1, 3), i = 1, 3)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Rotate the quadric surface around the center of the plane, point "a",
c.....  with tensor prot, to get quadric "g".

      gc  = qc
      gx  = qx
      gy  = qy
      gz  = qz
      gxy = qxy
      gyz = qyz
      gzx = qzx
      gxx = qxx
      gyy = qyy
      gzz = qzz

      call aptrois (prot, 0, ax, ay, az,
     &              gc, gx, gy, gz, gxy, gyz, gzx, gxx, gyy, gzz, tol,
     &              nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9211 format ('Quadric rotated with prot to make plane a z plane.' /
cbugcbug     &  '  gc              ',1pe20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  gx, gy, gz      ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  gxy, gyz, gzx   ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  gxx, gyy, gzz   ',1p3e20.12)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9211) gc, gx, gy, gz, gxy, gyz, gzx, gxx, gyy, gzz
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Find the intersection of the plane z = az with the rotated quadric.
c....   The result is quadric "s",  a z-axis cylinder through the intersection
c....   curve.  Quadric "s" must be rotated around point "a" by the inverse of
c....   tensor prot, to get the original coordinates.

      call aptplis (3, az,
     &              gc, gx, gy, gz, gxy, gyz, gzx, gxx, gyy, gzz,
     &              1, tol,
     &              sc, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx, sxx, syy, szz, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9214 format ('Intersection of plane z = az with rotated',
cbugcbug     &  ' quadric.' /
cbugcbug     &  '  sc              ',1pe20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  sx, sy, sz      ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  sxy, syz, szx   ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  sxx, syy, szz   ',1p3e20.12)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9214) sc, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx, sxx, syy, szz
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Find quadric "t", the standard form of the intersection quadric, its type,
c....   its center and its rotation matrix.  Quadric "t" must be rotated around
c....   the origin by the inverse of trot, translated by (tcenx, tceny, tcenz),
c....   then rotated around point "a" by the inverse of tensor prot, to get the
c....   original coordinates.

      tc  = sc
      tx  = sx
      ty  = sy
      tz  = sz
      txy = sxy
      tyz = syz
      tzx = szx
      txx = sxx
      tyy = syy
      tzz = szz

      call aptaxis (tc, tx, ty, tz, txy, tyz, tzx, txx, tyy, tzz, tol,
     &              tcenx, tceny, tcenz, trot, ntype, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9212 format ('Rotation tensor trot to make rotated intersection',
cbugcbug     &  ' quadric standard.' /
cbugcbug     &  '  op11,op12,op13  ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  op21,op22,op23  ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  op31,op32,op33  ',1p3e20.12)
cbugcbug 9222 format ('Center of non-standard rotated intersection quadric.' /
cbugcbug     &  '  tcenx,y,z       ',1p3e20.12)
cbugcbug 9213 format ('Quadric translated with tcen, and rotated to standard',
cbugcbug     &  ' form with trot.' /
cbugcbug     &  '  tc              ',1pe20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  tx, ty, tz      ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  txy, tyz, tzx   ',1p3e20.12 /
cbugcbug     &  '  txx, tyy, tzz   ',1p3e20.12)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9212) ((trot(i,j), j = 1, 3), i = 1, 3)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9222) tcenx, tceny, tcenz
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9213) tc, tx, ty, tz, txy, tyz, tzx, txx, tyy, tzz
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if (nerra .gt. 0) ntype = 999

      if (ntype .gt. 7) then
        go to 999

c.... Find the intersection curve for each type of curve.

      tranx = -tcenx
      trany = -tceny
      tranz = -tcenz

      go to (300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370), ntype + 1


c.... Line x = 0.

  300 actype  = 'line, simple'

      nlen    = 0
      npin    = 1
      nvin    = 1

      apin(1) = 'Line point (xyz)'
      pinx(1) = 0.0
      piny(1) = 0.0
      pinz(1) = az

      avin(1) = 'Line vector(xyz)'
      vinx(1) = 0.0
      viny(1) = 1.0
      vinz(1) = 0.0

      go to 400


c.... Coincident lines x**2 = 0.

  310 actype  = 'lines, coincident'

      nlen    = 0
      npin    = 1
      nvin    = 1

      apin(1) = 'Line point (xyz)'
      pinx(1) = 0.0
      piny(1) = 0.0
      pinz(1) = az

      avin(1) = 'Line vector(xyz)'
      vinx(1) = 0.0
      viny(1) = 1.0
      vinz(1) = 0.0

      go to 400


c.... Parallel lines tc + txx * x**2 = 0 (tc / txx < 0)

  320 actype  = 'lines, parallel'

      nlen    = 1
      npin    = 2
      nvin    = 2

      alen(1) = 'Trans semiaxis'
      dlen(1) = sqrt (-tc / txx)

      apin(1) = 'Line 1 pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(1) = -dlen(1)
      piny(1) = 0.0
      pinz(1) = az

      avin(1) = 'Line 1 vect(xyz)'
      vinx(1) = 0.0
      viny(1) = 1.0
      vinz(1) = 0.0

      apin(2) = 'Line 2 pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(2) = dlen(1)
      piny(2) = 0.0
      pinz(2) = az

      avin(2) = 'Line 2 vect(xyz)'
      vinx(2) = 0.0
      viny(2) = 1.0
      vinz(2) = 0.0

      go to 400


c.... Intersecting lines txx * x**2 + tyy * y**2 = 0 (txx/tyy < 0).

  330 actype  = 'lines, intersecting'

      nlen    = 1
      npin    = 3
      nvin    = 2

      alen(1) = 'Half-angle deg'
      fact = 180.0 / acos (-1.0)

      dlenxy  = fact * atan (sqrt (-txx / tyy))
      dlenyx  = fact * atan (sqrt (-tyy / txx))
      if (abs (dlenxy) .le. abs (dlenyx)) then
        dlen(1) = dlenxy
        dlen(1) = dlenyx

      apin(1) = 'Vertex pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(1) = 0.0
      piny(1) = 0.0
      pinz(1) = az

      apin(2) = 'Line 1 pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(2) = 1.0
      piny(2) = sqrt (-txx / tyy)
      pinz(2) = az

      apin(3) = 'Line 2 pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(3) = 1.0
      piny(3) = -piny(2)
      pinz(3) = az

      avin(1) = 'Line 1 vect(xyz)'
      vinx(1) = 1.0
      viny(1) = piny(2)
      vinz(1) = 0.0

      call aptvuna (vinx(1), viny(1), vinz(1), 1, tol, vlen, nerra)

      avin(2) = 'Line 2 vect(xyz)'
      vinx(2) = vinx(1)
      viny(2) = -viny(1)
      vinz(2) = 0.0

      go to 400


c.... Parabola ty * y + txx * x**2 = 0.

  340 actype  = 'parabola'

      nlen    = 2
      npin    = 4
      nvin    = 1

      alen(1) = 'Center to focus'
      dlen(1) = 0.25 * abs (ty / txx)

      alen(2) = 'Latus rectum'
      dlen(2) = 4.0 * dlen(1)

      apin(1) = 'Vertex pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(1) = 0.0
      piny(1) = 0.0
      pinz(1) = az

      apin(2) = 'Focus point(xyz)'
      pinx(2) = 0.0
      piny(2) = -0.25 * ty / txx
      pinz(2) = az

      apin(3) = 'Lat rect 1 (xyz)'
      pinx(3) = -0.5 * dlen(2)
      piny(3) = piny(2)
      pinz(3) = az

      apin(4) = 'Lat rect 2 (xyz)'
      pinx(4) = -pinx(3)
      piny(4) = piny(2)
      pinz(4) = az

      avin(1) = 'Axis vector(xyz)'
      vinx(1) = 0.0
      viny(1) = sign (1.0, ty)
      vinz(1) = 0.0

      go to 400


c.... Hyperbola tc + txx * x**2 + tyy * y**2 = 0 (txx > 0, tyy < 0).

  350 actype  = 'hyperbola'

      nlen    = 6
      npin    = 9
      nvin    = 1

      if (tc .gt. 0.0) then           ! Axis is y axis.

        alen(1) = 'Trans semiaxis'
        dlen(1) = sqrt (-tc / tyy)
        alen(2) = 'Conj  semiaxis'
        dlen(2) = sqrt ( tc / txx)

        alen(3) = 'Center to focus'
        dlen(3) = sqrt (dlen(1)**2 + dlen(2)**2)
        alen(4) = 'Latus rectum'
        dlen(4) = 2.0 * dlen(2)**2 / dlen(1)
        alen(5) = 'Half-angle deg'
        fact = 180.0 / acos (-1.0)

        dlenxy  = fact * atan (sqrt (-txx / tyy))
        dlenyx  = fact * atan (sqrt (-tyy / txx))
        if (abs (dlenxy) .le. abs (dlenyx)) then
          dlen(5) = dlenxy
          dlen(5) = dlenyx
        alen(6) = 'Eccentricity'
        dlen(6) = sqrt (1.0 + (dlen(2) / dlen(1))**2)
        apin(1) = 'Center pt  (xyz)'
        pinx(1) = 0.0
        piny(1) = 0.0
        pinz(1) = az
        apin(2) = 'Vertex pt 1(xyz)'
        pinx(2) = 0.0
        piny(2) = -dlen(1)
        pinz(2) = az
        apin(3) = 'Focus pt 1 (xyz)'
        pinx(3) = 0.0
        piny(3) = -dlen(3)
        pinz(3) = az
        apin(4) = 'Lat rect 1a(xyz)'
        pinx(4) = -0.5 * dlen(4)
        piny(4) = -dlen(3)
        pinz(4) = az
        apin(5) = 'Lat rect 1b(xyz)'
        pinx(5) = 0.5 * dlen(4)
        piny(5) = piny(3)
        pinz(5) = az
        apin(6) = 'Vertex pt 2(xyz)'
        pinx(6) = 0.0
        piny(6) = dlen(1)
        pinz(6) = az
        apin(7) = 'Focus pt 2 (xyz)'
        pinx(7) = 0.0
        piny(7) = dlen(3)
        pinz(7) = az
        apin(8) = 'Lat rect 2a(xyz)'
        pinx(8) = -0.5 * dlen(4)
        piny(8) = dlen(3)
        pinz(8) = az
        apin(9) = 'Lat rect 2b(xyz)'
        pinx(9) = 0.5 * dlen(4)
        piny(9) = dlen(3)
        pinz(9) = az
        avin(1) = 'Axis vector(xyz)'
        vinx(1) = 0.0
        viny(1) = 1.0
        vinz(1) = 0.0

      else                            ! Axis is x axis.

        alen(1) = 'Trans semiaxis'
        dlen(1) = sqrt (-tc / txx)
        alen(2) = 'Conj  semiaxis'
        dlen(2) = sqrt ( tc / tyy)

        alen(3) = 'Center to focus'
        dlen(3) = sqrt (dlen(1)**2 + dlen(2)**2)
        alen(4) = 'Latus rectum'
        dlen(4) = 2.0 * dlen(2)**2 / dlen(1)
        alen(5) = 'Half-angle deg'
        fact = 180.0 / acos (-1.0)

        dlenxy  = fact * atan (sqrt (-txx / tyy))
        dlenyx  = fact * atan (sqrt (-tyy / txx))
        if (abs (dlenxy) .le. abs (dlenyx)) then
          dlen(5) = dlenxy
          dlen(5) = dlenyx
        alen(6) = 'Eccentricity'
        dlen(6) = sqrt (1.0 + (dlen(2) / dlen(1))**2)
        apin(1) = 'Center pt  (xyz)'
        pinx(1) = 0.0
        piny(1) = 0.0
        pinz(1) = az
        apin(2) = 'Vertex pt 1(xyz)'
        pinx(2) = -dlen(1)
        piny(2) = 0.0
        pinz(2) = az
        apin(3) = 'Focus pt 1 (xyz)'
        pinx(3) = -dlen(3)
        piny(3) = 0.0
        pinz(3) = az
        apin(4) = 'Lat rect 1a(xyz)'
        pinx(4) = -dlen(3)
        piny(4) = -0.5 * dlen(4)
        pinz(4) = az
        apin(5) = 'Lat rect 1b(xyz)'
        pinx(5) = -dlen(3)
        piny(5) = 0.5 * dlen(4)
        pinz(5) = az
        apin(6) = 'Vertex pt 2(xyz)'
        pinx(6) = dlen(1)
        piny(6) = 0.0
        pinz(6) = az
        apin(7) = 'Focus pt 2 (xyz)'
        pinx(7) = dlen(3)
        piny(7) = 0.0
        pinz(7) = az
        apin(8) = 'Lat rect 2a(xyz)'
        pinx(8) = dlen(3)
        piny(8) = -0.5 * dlen(4)
        pinz(8) = az
        apin(9) = 'Lat rect 2b(xyz)'
        pinx(9) = dlen(3)
        piny(9) = 0.5 * dlen(4)
        pinz(9) = az
        avin(1) = 'Axis vector(xyz)'
        vinx(1) = 0.0
        viny(1) = 1.0
        vinz(1) = 0.0

      endif                           ! Tested sign of tc.

      go to 400


c.... Ellipse tc + txx * x**2 + tyy * y**2 = 0 (tc < 0, txx > tyy > 0).

  360 actype  = 'ellipse'

      nlen    = 5
      npin    = 11
      nvin    = 2

      alen(1) = 'Major semiaxis'
      dlen(1) = sqrt (-tc / tyy)

      alen(2) = 'Minor semiaxis'
      dlen(2) = sqrt (-tc / txx)

      alen(3) = 'Center to focus'
      dlen(3) = sqrt (dlen(1)**2 - dlen(2)**2)
      alen(4) = 'Latus rectum'
      dlen(4) = 2.0 * dlen(2)**2 / dlen(1)

      alen(5) = 'Eccentricity'
      dlen(5) = sqrt (1.0 - (dlen(2) / dlen(1))**2)

      apin(1) = 'Center pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(1) = 0.0
      piny(1) = 0.0
      pinz(1) = az

      apin(2) = 'Focus pt 1 (xyz)'
      pinx(2) = 0.0
      piny(2) = -dlen(3)
      pinz(2) = az
      apin(3) = 'Lat rect 1a(xyz)'
      pinx(3) = -0.5 * dlen(4)
      piny(3) = -dlen(3)
      pinz(3) = az

      apin(4) = 'Lat rect 1b(xyz)'
      pinx(4) = 0.5 * dlen(4)
      piny(4) = -dlen(3)
      pinz(4) = az

      apin(5) = 'Focus pt 2 (xyz)'
      pinx(5) = 0.0
      piny(5) = dlen(3)
      pinz(5) = az
      apin(6) = 'Lat rect 2a(xyz)'
      pinx(6) = -0.5 * dlen(4)
      piny(6) = dlen(3)
      pinz(6) = az

      apin(7) = 'Lat rect 2b(xyz)'
      pinx(7) = 0.5 * dlen(4)
      piny(7) = dlen(3)
      pinz(7) = az

      apin(8) = 'Maj axis 1 (xyz)'
      pinx(8) = 0.0
      piny(8) = -dlen(1)
      pinz(8) = az

      apin(9) = 'Maj axis 2 (xyz)'
      pinx(9) = 0.0
      piny(9) = dlen(1)
      pinz(9) = az

      apin(10) = 'Min axis 1 (xyz)'
      pinx(10) = -dlen(2)
      piny(10) = 0.0
      pinz(10) = az

      apin(11) = 'Min axis 2 (xyz)'
      pinx(11) = dlen(2)
      piny(11) = 0.0
      pinz(11) = az

      avin(1) = 'Maj axis   (xyz)'
      vinx(1) = 0.0
      viny(1) = 1.0
      vinz(1) = 0.0

      avin(2) = 'Min axis   (xyz)'
      vinx(2) = 1.0
      viny(2) = 0.0
      vinz(2) = 0.0

      go to 400


c.... Circle tc + txx * x**2 + tyy * y**2 = 0 (tc < 0, txx = tyy > 0).

  370 actype  = 'circle'

      nlen    = 1
      npin    = 5
      nvin    = 1

      alen(1) = 'Radius'
      dlen(1) = sqrt (-tc / txx)

      apin(1) = 'Center pt  (xyz)'
      pinx(1) = 0.0
      piny(1) = 0.0
      pinz(1) = az

      apin(2) = 'Circle pt 1(xyz)'
      pinx(2) = 0.0
      piny(2) = -dlen(1)
      pinz(2) = az

      apin(3) = 'Circle pt 2(xyz)'
      pinx(3) = 0.0
      piny(3) = dlen(1)
      pinz(3) = az

      apin(4) = 'Circle pt 3(xyz)'
      pinx(4) = -dlen(1)
      piny(4) = 0.0
      pinz(4) = az

      apin(5) = 'Circle pt 4(xyz)'
      pinx(5) = dlen(1)
      piny(5) = 0.0
      pinz(5) = az

      avin(1) = 'Normal vect(xyz)'    
      vinx(1) = 0.0
      viny(1) = 0.0
      vinz(1) = 1.0

      go to 400


c.... Rotate and translate back to original coordinates.

  400 do 410 n = 1, npin

        call aptmopv (trot, 1, 0., 0., 0., pinx(n), piny(n), pinz(n),
     &                1, tol, nerra)

        call apttran (tranx, trany, tranz, pinx(n), piny(n), pinz(n),
     &                1, tol, nerra)

        call aptmopv (prot, 1, ax, ay, az,
     &                pinx(n), piny(n), pinz(n), 1, tol, nerra)

  410 continue

      do 420 n = 1, nvin

        call aptmopv (trot, 1, 0., 0., 0., vinx(n), viny(n), vinz(n),
     &                1, tol, nerra)
        call aptmopv (prot, 1, 0., 0., 0.,
     &                vinx(n), viny(n), vinz(n), 1, tol, nerra)

  420 continue

      call aptrois (prot, 1, ax, ay, az,
     &              sc, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx, sxx, syy, szz, tol,
     &              nerra)


  999 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9920 format ('aptplqu results.  nerr=',i2)
cbug      write ( 3, 9920) nerr
cbug 9935 format ('The quadric surface is type ',i3,'.')
cbug 9921 format ('The plane passes through the center of the',
cbug     &  ' quadric surface.' /
cbug     &  '  Center     (xyz)',1p3e20.12 )
cbug 9934 format ('The plane intersects the vertex of a cone.' )
cbug 9922 format ('The plane has a point proximal to the center of the',
cbug     &  ' quadric surface:' /
cbug     &  '  Point pl   (xyz)',1p3e20.12 /
cbug     &  '  Point q cen(xyz)',1p3e20.12 /
cbug     &  '  Distance pl to q',1pe20.12 /
cbug     &  '  Vector     (xyz)',1p3e20.12 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9935) nqtype
cbug      if (dplqu .eq. 0.0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9921) qcenx, qceny, qcenz
cbug        if ((nqtype .eq. 11) .or. (nqtype .eq. 12)) then
cbug          write ( 3, 9934)
cbug        endif
cbug      else
cbug        write ( 3, 9922) px, py, pz, qcenx, qceny, qcenz,
cbug     &    dplqu, dpx, dpy, dpz
cbug      endif
cbug 9923 format ('Number of extrema on the quadric, in the direction',
cbug     &  ' normal to the plane, is',i2,'.')
cbug 9924   format ('Extremum',i2,' is tangent to the plane:' /
cbug     &    '  Tangent pt (xyz)',1p3e20.12 )
cbug 9925   format ('Extremum',i2,' is proximal or distal to the plane:' )
cbug 9926   format ('Extremum',i2,' is proximal to the plane:' )
cbug 9927   format ('Extremum',i2,' is distal to the plane:' )
cbug 9928   format ('  Point pl   (xyz)',1p3e20.12 /
cbug     &          '  Point q ex (xyz)',1p3e20.12 /
cbug     &          '  Distance pl to q',1pe20.12  /
cbug     &          '  Vector     (xyz)',1p3e20.12 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9923) nextr
cbug        do 215 n = 1, nextr           ! Loop over extrema.
cbugc....     See if the plane is tangent to the quadric surface or not.
cbug          if (dplex(n) .eq. 0.0) then  ! Tangent.         
cbug            write ( 3, 9924) n, ex(n), ey(n), ez(n)
cbug          else                        ! See if proximal or distal.
cbug            if (nextr .eq. 1) then    ! Indeterminate.
cbug              write ( 3, 9925) n
cbug            elseif (abs (dplex(n)) .lt. abs (dplex(3-n))) then  ! Proximal.
cbug              write ( 3, 9926) n
cbug            else                      ! Distal.
cbug              write ( 3, 9927) n
cbug            endif
cbug            write ( 3, 9928) pex(n), pey(n), pez(n),
cbug     &        ex(n), ey(n), ez(n), dplex(n), dpex(n), dpey(n), dpez(n)
cbug          endif
cbug  215   continue                      ! End of loop over extrema.
cbug 9930 format ('There is no intersection curve.')
cbug      if (ntype .gt. 7) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9930)
cbug      endif
cbug 9931 format ('Type of intersection:  ',a24)
cbug 9932 format (2x,a16,1pe20.12)
cbug 9933 format (2x,a16,1p3e20.12 )
cbug 9940 format ('Quadric cylinder perpendicular to intersection curve:' /
cbug     &  '  Quadric  sc=    ',1pe20.12 /
cbug     &  '  sx,sy,sz=       ',1p3e20.12 /
cbug     &  '  sxy,syz,szx=    ',1p3e20.12 /
cbug     &  '  sxx,syy,szz=    ',1p3e20.12)
cbug      if (actype .ne. '') then
cbug        write ( 3, 9931) actype
cbug        write ( 3, 9932) (alen(n), dlen(n), n = 1, nlen)
cbug        write ( 3, 9933) (apin(n), pinx(n), piny(n), pinz(n),
cbug     &    n = 1, npin)
cbug        write ( 3, 9933) (avin(n), vinx(n), viny(n), vinz(n),
cbug     &    n = 1, nvin)
cbug        write ( 3, 9940) sc, sx, sy, sz, sxy, syz, szx, sxx, syy, szz
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptplqu.      (+1 line)
