subroutine aptpole (x, nx, a, na, tol, pa, pb, pc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTPOLE
c     call aptpole (x, nx, a, na, tol, pa, pb, pc, nerr)
c     Version:  aptpole  Updated    1997 August 12 14:20.
c               aptpole  Originated 1997 August 12 14:20.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find, for the arguments x(m), m = 1, nx, the values of the
c               polynomial equation in x, P(x) = SUM {a(n)*x**n}, (n = 0, na),
c               and its first and second derivatives P'(x) and P''(x),
c               returned as the arrays pa, pb and pc, respectively.
c               Flag nerr, if non-zero, indicates an input error.
c     Method:   The first derivative P'(x) = sum (b(n)*x**n, (n = 0, nb),
c               where b(n) = (n + 1) * a(n+1), n = 0, nb, where nb = na -1.
c               The second derivative P''(x) = sum (c(n)*x**n, (n = 0, nc),
c               where c(n) = (n + 1) * b(n+1), n = 0, nc, where nc = nb -1.
c     Input:    x, nx, a, na, tol.
c     Output:   pa, pb, pc, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     a         Input    The array of coefficients of the polynomial equation
c                          in x of degree na:
c                          P(x) = SUM {a(n) * x**n} (n = 0, na).
c                          Must be dimensioned a(0:na) or larger.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates no input errors were found, if zero.
c                          Otherwise:
c                           1  nx was not positive.
c                           2  na was not positive.
c     na        Input    The largest exponent of x in the polynomial equation
c                          P(x), for which the coefficient is non-zero.
c                          Must be positive.
c     nx        Input    The size of array x.
c     pa        Output   The value of P(x).  Size nx or larger.
c     pb        Output   The value of P'(x).  Size nx or larger.
c     pc        Output   The value of P''(x).  Size nx or larger.
c     tol       Input    Numerical precision control.
c                          If using 64-bit floating point numbers, a value
c                          between 1.e-11 and 1.e-14 is recommended.
c                          Values of pa, pb and pc less than the relative
c                          error in their calculation, based on tol, are
c                          truncated to zero.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      dimension a(0:1)                ! The coefficients of x**n in P(x).
      dimension x(1)                  ! Arguments of P(x), P'(x) and P''(x).
      dimension pa(1)                 ! Value of P(x).
      dimension pb(1)                 ! Value of P'(x).
      dimension pc(1)                 ! Value of P''(x).

c.... Local variables.

      dimension b(0:64)               ! The coefficients of x**n in P'(x).
      dimension c(0:64)               ! The coefficients of x**n in P''(x).

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptpole finding values of P(x), P''(x), P''''(x)')
cbug 9902 format ('tol=',1pe22.14,'  nx=',i5,'  na=',i5)
cbug 9903 format ('n=',i5,'  x=',1pe22.14)
cbug 9904 format ('n=',i5,'  a=',1pe22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901)
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) tol, nx, na
cbug      if (nx .gt. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9903) (n, x(n), n = 1, nx)
cbug      endif
cbug      if (na .gt. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9904) (n, a(n), n = 0, na)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr = 0

      if (nx .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (na .le. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Find the coefficients of P'(x).

      nb = na - 1
      if (nb .ge. 0) then
        do 120 n = 0, nb
          b(n) = (n + 1) * a(n+1)
  120   continue
      b(na) = 0.0

c.... Find the coefficients of P''(x).

      nc = nb - 1
      if (nc .ge. 0) then
        do 130 n = 0, nc
          c(n) = (n + 1) * b(n+1)
  130   continue
      c(nb) = 0.0
      c(na) = 0.0

c.... Find the values of P(x), P'(x) and P''(x) at each value of x.

      do 150 n = 1, nx                ! Loop over x array.

        pa(n) = a(0)                  ! Value of P(x).
        pb(n) = b(0)                  ! Value of P'(x).
        pc(n) = c(0)                  ! Value of P''(x).
        perra = 0.0                   ! Error in P(x).
        perrb = 0.0                   ! Error in P'(x).
        perrc = 0.0                   ! Error in P''(x).
        xperr = 0.0                   ! Error in x**n.
        xpow  = 1.0                   ! Initial value of x**n.

        do 140 nn = 1, na             ! Loop over remaining coefficients.
          xperr = abs (x(n)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          xpow  = xpow * x(n)
          pa(n) = pa(n) + a(nn) * xpow
          pb(n) = pb(n) + b(nn) * xpow
          pc(n) = pc(n) + c(nn) * xpow
          perra = perra + abs (a(nn)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          perrb = perrb + abs (b(nn)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          perrc = perrc + abs (c(nn)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
  140   continue                      ! End of loop over coefficients.

c....   Truncate small values to zero.

        if (abs (pa(n)) .le. perra) pa(n) = 0.0
        if (abs (pb(n)) .le. perrb) pb(n) = 0.0
        if (abs (pc(n)) .le. perrc) pc(n) = 0.0

  150 continue                        ! End of loop over x array.

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9905 format ('aptpole results.  nerr=',i3)
cbug 9906 format ('n,x,pa,pb,pc=',i3,1p4e16.8)
cbug      write ( 3, 9905) nerr
cbug      if (nerr .eq. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9906) (n, x(n), pa(n), pb(n), pc(n), n = 1, nx)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptpole.      (+1 line)
