subroutine aptpolr (xmin, dx, xmax, nitmax, a, na, nxmax, tol,
     &                    nx, xpoly, atype, pa, pb, pc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTPOLR
c     call aptpolr (xmin, dx, xmax, nitmax, a, na, nxmax, tol,
c                   nx, xpoly, atype, pa, pb, pc, nerr)
c     Version:  aptpolr  Updated    1997 August 25 15:45.
c               aptpolr  Originated 1997 August 13 12:40.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To search for the real roots, extrema and inflection points of
c               the polynomial equation with real coefficients a(n), n = 0, na:
c               P(x) = sum (n=0,na) {a(n) * x**n}, and the values pa, pb and pc
c               of P(x), P'(x) and P''(x), respectively, at those points.
c               The search starts with the trial values xmin (dx) xmax. 
c               The number nx of roots, extrema and inflection points found is
c               limited to nxmax.  The type of event is returned in atype.
c               Flag nerr, if non-zero, indicates an input error.
c     Method:   For each trial value of x, the values of P(x), P'(x) and
c               (if na is 3 or more) P''(x), are found.  If any are zero, the
c               value of x is saved in xpoly.  If any changes sign from the
c               preceding trial value of x, a Newtonian iteration is used at an
c               interpolated value of x, with a maximum of nitmax iterations,
c               and convergence determined by tol, to try to find a root, an
c               extremum or (if na is 3 or more) an inflection point,
c               respectively, in the interval between the preceding and
c               following trial values.  In addition, if the value of P'(x) is
c               zero or changes sign, Newtonian iteration is used to try to find
c               a root.
c     Input:    xmin, dx, xmax, nitmax, a, na, nxmax, tol.
c     Output:   nx, xpoly, atype, pa, pb, pc, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     a         Input    The array of coefficients of the polynomial equation
c                          in x of degree na:
c                          P(x) = SUM {a(n) * x**n} (n = 0, na).
c                          Must be dimensioned a(0:na) or larger.
c                          Final coefficients of zero will be ignored.
c                          Each leading coefficient of zero represents a root
c                          at x = 0.  Unless the slopes and inflection points
c                          of the original polynomial equation are of interest,
c                          leading coefficients of zero should not be specified.
c     atype     Output   A type character*8 array, indicating the type of event
c                          at point x = xpoly.
c                          Roots, at which P(x) = 0:
c                            "single":    P(x)  = 0, P'(x) /= 0.
c                                         May also be an inflection point.
c                            "dbl max":   P(x)  = 0, P'(x)  = 0, P''(x) < 0.
c                            "dbl min":   P(x)  = 0, P'(x)  = 0, P''(x) > 0.
c                            "triple":    P(x)  = 0, P'(x)  = 0, P''(x) = 0.
c                                         May be of higher order than triple.
c                          Extrema, at which P'(x) = 0:
c                            "maximum":   P(x) /= 0, P'(x)  = 0, P''(x) < 0.
c                            "minimum":   P(x) /= 0, P'(x)  = 0, P''(x) > 0.  
c                            "min/max":   P(x) /= 0, P'(x)  = 0, P''(x) = 0.  
c                                         Is also an inflection point.
c                          Inflection points, at which P''(x) = 0:
c                            "inflectn":  P(x) /= 0, P'(x) /= 0, P''(x) = 0,
c                                         and na is 3 or more.
c                          Note:  "/= 0" means "does not equal zero".
c     dx        Input    The increment between successive initial trial values
c                          of x.  Must not be negative, and must not be zero
c                          unless xmin = xmax.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates no input errors were found, if zero.
c                          Otherwise:
c                          1  xmax < xmin.
c                          2  xmax = xmin and dx < 0.
c                          3  xmax > xmin and dx <= 0.
c                          4  nitmax <= 0.
c                          5  na < 1.
c                          6  nxmax < 3* (na - 1).
c                          7  nx tried to exceed nxmax.
c     na        Input    The largest exponent of x in the polynomial equation
c                          P(x).  Final coefficients of zero will be ignored.
c                          Must be positive.  Inflection points will be searched
c                          for if na is 3 or more.
c     nx        Output   The total number of values of xpoly found at roots,
c                          extrema and inflection points.  If nx = nxmax and
c                          nerr = 7, some points preceding the last point were
c                          not saved.
c     nxmax     Input    The maximum number of values of xpoly that may be
c                          returned (the array sizes of xpoly, atype, pa, pb
c                          and pc).
c                          The maximum possible numbers of real roots, extrema
c                          and inflection points are na, na - 1 and na - 2,
c                          respectively, for a total of 3 * (na - 1), so nxmax
c                          must be at least 3 * (na - 1).  However, because of
c                          numerical uncertainty, additional false values may be
c                          returned near real values, especially near higher
c                          order roots, where not only P(x) is zero, but one or
c                          more higher derivatives of P(x) are zero.
c                          If more than nxmax values of xpoly are found,
c                          nerr = 7, and only nxmax values of xpoly will be
c                          returned.
c     nitmax    Input    The maximum number of iterations to be used for the
c                          Newtonian iteration method.
c                          Should be at least -3.32 log (tol), or about 50
c                          for 64-bit floating point numbers.
c     pa        Output   The value of P(xpoly).  Must be size nxmax or larger.
c     pb        Output   The value of P'(xpoly).  Must be size nxmax or larger.
c     pc        Output   The value of P''(xpoly).  Must be size nxmax or larger.
c     tol       Input    Numerical precision control.
c                          If using 64-bit floating point numbers, a value
c                          between 1.e-11 and 1.e-14 is recommended.
c                          Values of xpoly, pa, pb and pc less than the relative
c                          error in their calculation, based on tol, are
c                          truncated to zero.
c     xpoly     Output   The values of x at which roots, extrema and inflection
c                          points were found, arranged in ascending order.
c                          All will either be zero, or between xmin and xmax.
c                          The type of event is indicated by type character*8
c                          array atype.  Must be size nxmax or larger.
c                          Note:  real roots must be separated by extrema, and
c                          extrema must be separated by inflection points or
c                          min/max points.
c     xmax      Input    The final and maximum trial value of x.
c                          Must not be less than xmin.
c     xmin      Input    The initial and minimum trial value of x.
c                          Must not exceed xmax.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

      dimension a(0:1)                ! Coefficients of polynomial equation.
      dimension xpoly(1)              ! Root, extrema, inflection point x.
      dimension atype(1)              ! Root, extrema, inflection point type.
      character*8 atype               ! Root, extrema, inflection point type.
      dimension pa(1)                 ! Value of P(x) at x.
      dimension pb(1)                 ! Value of P'(x) at x.
      dimension pc(1)                 ! Value of P''(x) at x.

c.... Local variables.

      dimension b(0:64)               ! Coefficients of 1st derivative equation.
      dimension c(0:64)               ! Coefficients of 2nd derivative equation.
      character*8 aft                 ! Root, extrema, inflection point type.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptpolr finding roots of a polynomial.  nitmax =',i3 /
cbug     &  'xmin,dx,xmax= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  'tol=          ',1pe22.14,'  nxmax=',i5 )
cbug 9902 format ('n=',i3,'  a(n)=',1pe22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) nitmax, xmin, dx, xmax, tol, nxmax
cbug      if (na .gt. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) (n, a(n), n = 0, na)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr = 0

      if (xmax .lt. xmin) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 999
      elseif ((xmax .eq. xmin) .and. (dx .lt. 0.0)) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 999
      elseif ((xmax .gt. xmin) .and. (dx .le. 0.0)) then
        nerr = 3
        go to 999

      if (nitmax .le. 0) then
        nerr = 4
        go to 999

      if (na .lt. 1) then
        nerr = 5
        go to 999

      if (nxmax .lt. 3 * (na - 1)) then
        nerr = 6
        go to 999

c.... Eliminate trailing zero coefficients.

      nar = na                        ! Index of last non-zero coefficient.
  110 if (a(nar) .eq. 0.0) then
        nar = nar - 1
        go to 110

c.... Initialize.

      ntota  = 0                      ! Total # of roots.
      ntotb  = 0                      ! Total # of extrema.
      ntotc  = 0                      ! Total # of inflection points.
      nx     = 0                      ! Total # of roots, extrema, infl. pts.
      xpolys = -1.e99                 ! Last saved value of xpoly.

      do 120 n = 0, nar
        a(n) = a(n)                   ! Coefficients of polynomial.
        b(n) = 0.0                    ! Coefficients of P'(x).
        c(n) = 0.0                    ! Coefficients of P''(x).
  120 continue

      do 130 n = 1, nxmax
        xpoly(n) = -1.e99
        atype(n) = 'unknown'
  130 continue

c.... Check for leading zero coefficient of the polynomial equation.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9971 format ('  x (root    )   =',1pe20.12)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if (a(0) .eq. 0.0) then         ! One root is zero.
        if (xpolys .ne. 0.0) then     ! Found a new root at zero.
          nx = nx + 1
          if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
            nerr = 7
            nx   = nxmax
          atype(nx) = 'root'
          xpoly(nx) = 0.0
          xpolys    = 0.0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      xpolya = 0.0
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9971) xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        endif                         ! Found a new root at zero.
      endif                           ! Tested for leading zero coefficient.

c.... Find the coefficients of the 1st derivative equation.

      nb = nar - 1
      if (nb .ge. 0) then
        do 160 n = 0, nb
          b(n) = (n + 1) * a(n+1)
  160   continue

c.... Check for leading zero coefficient of the 1st derivative equation.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9972 format ('  x (extremum)   =',1pe20.12)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if ((nb .ge. 1) .and. (b(0) .eq. 0.0)) then  ! Extremum at x = 0.
        if (xpolys .ne. 0.0) then     ! Found a new extremum at zero.
          nx = nx + 1
          if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
            nerr = 7
            nx = nxmax
          atype(nx) = 'extremum'
          xpoly(nx) = 0.0
          xpolys    = 0.0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      xpolyb = 0.0
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9972) xpolyb
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        endif                         ! Found a new extremum at zero.
      endif                           ! Tested for leading zero coefficient.

c.... Find the coefficients of the 2nd derivative equation.

      nc = nb - 1
      if (nc .ge. 0) then             ! Test order.
        do 170 n = 0, nc
          c(n) = (n + 1) * b(n+1)
  170   continue
      endif                           ! Order is 0 or more.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9973 format ('  n, a, b, c = ',i3,1p3e20.12)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9973) (n, a(n), b(n), c(n), n = 0, nar)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Check for leading zero coefficient of the 2nd derivative equation.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9974 format ('  x (inflectn)   =',1pe20.12)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      if ((nc .ge. 1) .and. (c(0) .eq. 0.0)) then  ! Inflection at x = 0.
        if (xpolys .ne. 0.0) then     ! Found a new inflection point at zero.
          nx = nx + 1
          if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
            nerr = 7
            nx = nxmax
          atype(nx) = 'inflectn'
          xpoly(nx) = 0.0
          xpolys    = 0.0
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      xpolyc = 0.0
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9974) xpolyc
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        endif                         ! Found a new inflection point at zero.
      endif                           ! Tested for leading zero coefficient.

c.... Find the number of trial values of x.

      if (dx .eq. 0.0) then
        ntry = 1
        ntry  = (xmax - xmin) / dx + 2.0

c.... Initialize for the loop over trial values of x.

      xtry  = xmin                    ! Trial value of x.
      xerr  = 0.0                     ! Error in calculating xtry.
      polda = 0.0                     ! Value of polynomial.
      poldb = 0.0                     ! Value of 1st derivative of polynomial.
      poldc = 0.0                     ! Value of 2nd derivative of polynomial.
      nmod  = 1 + (ntry - 1) / 32     ! Index interval between edits.

c.... Loop over the trial values of x.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9975 format (/ '  Trial',15x,'x',19x,'P(x)',9x,'P''(x)',8x,'P''''(x)')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9975)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 220 nt = 1, ntry             ! Loop over trial values of x.

c....   Find the value of the polynomial equation, its 1st derivative
c....     and 2nd derivative at xtry.

        ptrya = a(0)                  ! Value of polynomial.
        ptryb = b(0)                  ! Value of 1st derivative of polynomial.
        ptryc = c(0)                  ! Value of 2nd derivative of polynomial.
        perra = 0.0                   ! Error in polynomial value.
        perrb = 0.0                   ! Error in 1st derivative value.
        perrc = 0.0                   ! Error in 2nd derivative value.
        xperr = 0.0                   ! Error in x**n, n = 0, nar.
        xpow  = 1.0                   ! Value of x**n, n = 0, nar.

        do 210 n = 1, nar             ! Loop over remaining coefficients.
          xperr = abs (xtry) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          xpow  = xpow * xtry
          ptrya = ptrya + a(n) * xpow
          ptryb = ptryb + b(n) * xpow
          ptryc = ptryc + c(n) * xpow
          perra = perra + abs (a(n)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          perrb = perrb + abs (b(n)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          perrc = perrc + abs (c(n)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
  210   continue                      ! End of loop over coefficients.

        if (abs (ptrya) .le. perra) ptrya = 0.0
        if (abs (ptryb) .le. perrb) ptryb = 0.0
        if (abs (ptryc) .le. perrc) ptryc = 0.0

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbugc.... Display argument and function values up to 32 times.
cbugcbug 9976 format ('  x (trial)      =',1pe20.12,1p3e13.5)
cbugcbug      if ((mod (nt, nmod) .eq. 0) .or.
cbugcbug     &    (xtry .eq. xmin)       .or.
cbugcbug     &    (xtry .eq. xmax))      then
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9976) xtry, ptrya, ptryb, ptryc
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....   Find the search limits for this trial x.

        xmint = xtry - dx
        if (xmint .lt. xmin) xmint = xmin
        xmaxt = xtry + dx
        if (xmaxt .gt. xmax) xmaxt = xmax

c....   Try to find a root of the polynomial equation if the polynomial
c....     or the slope changes sign in the preceding interval,

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9977 format ('  x (root)       =',1pe20.12)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        if (ptrya .eq. 0.0) then      ! Root at xtry.

          xdiffe = tol * (abs (xtry) + abs (xpolys))
          if (abs (xtry - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New root at xtry.
            nx = nx + 1
            if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
              nerr = 7
              nx = nxmax
            atype(nx) = 'root'
            xpoly(nx) = xtry
            xpolys    = xtry
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9977) xtry
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          endif                       ! Found a new root at xtry.

        elseif (ptrya * polda .lt. 0.0) then  ! Polynomial changed sign.

          call aptnewt (a, nar, xtry, xmint, xmaxt, nitmax, tol,
     &                  xpolya, nerra)

          if (nerra .eq. 0) then

            xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolya) + abs (xpolys))
            if (abs (xpolya - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New root at xpolya.
              nx = nx + 1
              if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                nerr = 7
                nx = nxmax
              atype(nx) = 'root'
              xpoly(nx) = xpolya
              xpolys    = xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9977) xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            endif                     ! Found a new root at xpolya.

          if (xpolya .gt. xtry) then  ! Try an interpolated x value.

            xint = (xmint * ptrya - xtry * polda) / (ptrya -polda)
            if (xint .lt. xmint) xint = xmint
            if (xint .gt. xtry)  xint = xtry

            call aptnewt (a, nar, xint, xmint, xtry, nitmax, tol,
     &                    xpolya, nerra)

            if (nerra .eq. 0) then

              xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolya) + abs (xpolys))
              if (abs (xpolya - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New root at xpolya.
                nx = nx + 1
                if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                  nerr = 7
                  nx = nxmax
                atype(nx) = 'root'
                xpoly(nx) = xpolya
                xpolys    = xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9977) xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              endif                   ! Found a new root at xpolya.

          endif                       ! Tried an interpolated x value.

        elseif (ptryb * poldb .le. 0.0) then  ! Slope zero or changed sign.

          call aptnewt (a, nar, xtry, xmint, xmaxt, nitmax, tol,
     &                  xpolya, nerra)

          if (nerra .eq. 0) then

            xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolya) + abs (xpolys))
            if (abs (xpolya - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New root at xpolya.
              nx = nx + 1
              if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                nerr = 7
                nx = nxmax
              atype(nx) = 'root'
              xpoly(nx) = xpolya
              xpolys    = xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9977) xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            endif                     ! Found new root at xpolya.

          if (xpolya .gt. xtry) then  ! Try an interpolated x value.

            pdiffb = ptryb - poldb
            perrb  = tol * (abs (ptryb) + abs (poldb))
            if (abs (pdiffb) .le. perrb) pdiffb = 0.0

            if (pdiffb .ne. 0.0) then
              xint = (xmint * ptryb - xtry * poldb) / pdiffb
              xint = 0.5 * (xmint + xtry)
            if (xint .lt. xmint) xint = xmint
            if (xint .gt. xtry)  xint = xtry

            call aptnewt (a, nar, xint, xmint, xtry, nitmax, tol,
     &                    xpolya, nerra)

            if (nerra .eq. 0) then

              xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolya) + abs (xpolys))
              if (abs (xpolya - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New root at xpolya.
                nx = nx + 1
                if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                  nerr = 7
                  nx = nxmax
                atype(nx) = 'root'
                xpoly(nx) = xpolya
                xpolys    = xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9977) xpolya
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              endif                   ! Found new root at xpolya.

          endif                       ! Tried an interpolated x value.

        endif                         ! Tried to find a root.

c....   Try to find an extremum, if the slope changes sign in the
c....     preceding interval.

        if (ptryb .eq. 0.0) then

          xdiffe = tol * (abs (xtry) + abs (xpolys))
          if (abs (xtry - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New extremum at xtry.
            nx = nx + 1
            if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
              nerr = 7
              nx = nxmax
            atype(nx) = 'extremum'
            xpoly(nx) = xtry
            xpolys    = xtry
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9972) xtry
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          endif                       ! Found new root at xtrya.

        elseif (ptryb * poldb .lt. 0.0) then

          call aptnewt (b, nb, xtry, xmint, xmaxt, nitmax, tol,
     &                  xpolyb, nerrb)

          if (nerrb .eq. 0) then

            xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolyb) + abs (xpolys))
            if (abs (xpolyb - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New extr at xpolyb.
              nx = nx + 1
              if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                nerr = 7
                nx = nxmax
              atype(nx) = 'extremum'
              xpoly(nx) = xpolyb
              xpolys    = xpolyb
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9972) xpolyb
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            endif                     ! Found new extremum at xpolyb.

          if (xpolyb .gt. xtry) then  ! Try an interpolated x value.

            xint = (xmint * ptryb - xtry * poldb) / (ptryb -poldb)
            if (xint .lt. xmint) xint = xmint
            if (xint .gt. xtry)  xint = xtry

            call aptnewt (b, nb, xint, xmint, xtry, nitmax, tol,
     &                    xpolyb, nerrb)

            if (nerrb .eq. 0) then

              xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolyb) + abs (xpolys))
              if (abs (xpolyb - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New extr at xpolyb.
                nx = nx + 1
                if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                  nerr = 7
                  nx = nxmax
                atype(nx) = 'extremum'
                xpoly(nx) = xpolyb
                xpolys    = xpolyb
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9972) xpolyb
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              endif                   ! Found new extremum at xpolyb.

          endif                       ! Tried an interpolated x value.

        endif                         ! Tried to find an extremum.

c....   Try to find an inflection point, if the 2nd derivative changes
c....     sign in the preceding interval.

        if ((nar .ge. 3) .and. (ptryc .eq. 0.0)) then

          xdiffe = tol * (abs (xtry) + abs (xpolys))
          if (abs (xtry - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New infl point at xtry.
            nx = nx + 1
            if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
              nerr = 7
              nx = nxmax
            atype(nx) = 'inflectn'
            xpoly(nx) = xtry
            xpolys    = xtry
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9974) xtry
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          endif                       ! Found new inflection point at xtry.

        elseif (ptryc * poldc .lt. 0.0) then

          call aptnewt (c, nc, xtry, xmint, xmaxt, nitmax, tol,
     &                  xpolyc, nerrc)

          if (nerrc .eq. 0) then

            xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolyc) + abs (xpolys))
            if (abs (xpolyc - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New infl at xpolyc.
              nx = nx + 1
              if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                nerr = 7
                nx = nxmax
              atype(nx) = 'inflectn'
              xpoly(nx) = xpolyc
              xpolys    = xpolyc
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9974) xpolyc
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            endif                     ! Found new inflection point at xpolyc.

          if (xpolyc .gt. xtry) then  ! Try an interpolated x value.

            xint = (xmint * ptryc - xtry * poldc) / (ptryc -poldc)
            if (xint .lt. xmint) xint = xmint
            if (xint .gt. xtry)  xint = xtry

            call aptnewt (c, nc, xint, xmint, xtry, nitmax, tol,
     &                    xpolyc, nerrc)

            if (nerrc .eq. 0) then

              xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpolyc) + abs (xpolys))
              if (abs (xpolyc - xpolys) .gt. xdiffe) then  ! New infl at xpolyc.
                nx = nx + 1
                if (nx .gt. nxmax) then
                  nerr = 7
                  nx = nxmax
                atype(nx) = 'inflectn'
                xpoly(nx) = xpolyc
                xpolys    = xpolyc
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9974) xpolyc
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              endif                   ! Found new inflection point at xpolyc.

          endif                       ! Tried an interpolated x value.

        endif                         ! Tried to find an inflection point.

c....   Save old values of polynomial, 1st and 2nd derivatives.

        polda = ptrya
        poldb = ptryb
        poldc = ptryc

c....   See if maximum x value has been reached.

        if (xtry .eq. xmax) go to 310

c....   Find next x value.

        xtry = xtry + dx
        xerr = xerr + tol * (abs (xtry) + abs (dx))
        if (abs (xtry) .le. xerr) xtry = 0.0
        if (abs (xtry - xmax) .le. xerr) xtry = xmax
        if (xtry .gt. xmax) xtry = xmax

  220 continue                        ! End of loop over trial values of x.

  310 if (nx .eq. 0) go to 999

c.... Put all x values in ascending order.

      do 330 n = 1, nx - 1
        do 320 nn = n + 1, nx
          if (xpoly(nn) .lt. xpoly(n)) then
            xft       = xpoly(n)
            aft       = atype(n)
            xpoly(n)  = xpoly(nn)
            atype(n)  = atype(nn)
            xpoly(nn) = xft
            atype(nn) = aft
  320   continue
  330 continue

c.... Eliminate duplicate values of xpoly.

      nn = 1
      do 340 n = 2, nx
        xdiff  = xpoly(n) - xpoly(n-1)
        xdiffe = tol * (abs (xpoly(n)) + abs (xpoly(n-1)))
        if (abs (xdiff) .le. xdiffe) xdiff = 0.0
        if (xdiff .ne. 0.0) then
          nn        = nn + 1
          xpoly(nn) = xpoly(n)
          atype(nn) = atype(n)
  340 continue
      nx = nn

c.... Find values of polynomial, 1st derivative, 2nd derivative at x values.

      do 420 n = 1, nx                ! Loop over trial values of x.

        pa(n) = a(0)                  ! Value of polynomial.
        pb(n) = b(0)                  ! Value of 1st derivative of polynomial.
        pc(n) = c(0)                  ! Value of 2nd derivative of polynomial.
        perra = 0.0                   ! Error in polynomial value.
        perrb = 0.0                   ! Error in 1st derivative value.
        perrc = 0.0                   ! Error in 2nd derivative value.
        xperr = 0.0                   ! Error in x**n, n = 0, nar.
        xpow  = 1.0                   ! Value of x**n, n = 0, nar.

        do 410 nn = 1, nar            ! Loop over remaining coefficients.
          xperr = abs (xpoly(n)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          xpow  = xpow * xpoly(n)
          pa(n) = pa(n) + a(nn) * xpow
          pb(n) = pb(n) + b(nn) * xpow
          pc(n) = pc(n) + c(nn) * xpow
          perra = perra + abs (a(nn)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          perrb = perrb + abs (b(nn)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
          perrc = perrc + abs (c(nn)) * (xperr + tol * abs (xpow))
  410   continue                      ! End of loop over coefficients.

        if (abs (pa(n)) .le. perra) pa(n) = 0.0
        if (abs (pb(n)) .le. perrb) pb(n) = 0.0
        if (abs (pc(n)) .le. perrc) pc(n) = 0.0

        atype(n) = 'unknown'

        if ((nar .ge. 3) .and. (pc(n) .eq. 0.0)) then  ! Inflection point.
          ntotc    = ntotc + 1
          atype(n) = 'inflectn'

        if (pb(n) .eq. 0.0) then      ! Extremum.       
          ntotb = ntotb + 1
          if (pc(n) .lt. 0.0) then
            atype(n) = 'maximum'
          elseif (pc(n) .gt. 0.0) then
            atype(n) = 'minimum'
          elseif (pc(n) .eq. 0.0) then
            atype(n) = 'min/max'

        if (pa(n) .eq. 0.0) then      ! Root.  
          ntota    = ntota + 1
          if (atype(n) .eq. 'maximum') then
            atype(n) = 'dbl max'
          elseif (atype(n) .eq. 'minimum') then
            atype(n) = 'dbl min'
          elseif (atype(n) .eq. 'min/max') then
            atype(n) = 'triple'
            atype(n) = 'single'

  420 continue                        ! End of loop over trial values of x.

  999 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/ 'aptpolr results.  nerr=',i3 )
cbug 9904 format ('  # of roots =',i3,', extrema =',i3,
cbug     &  ', infl points =',i3,', all=',i4,'.')
cbug 9905 format (/ '  Event',15x,'x',19x,'P(x)',9x,'P''(x)',8x,'P''''(x)')
cbug 9906 format ('  x (',a8,')   =',1pe20.12,1p3e13.5)
cbug 9907 format ('Ran out of storage space for xpoly.')
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) nerr
cbug      if ((nerr .eq. 0) .or. (nerr .eq. 7)) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9904) ntota, ntotb, ntotc, nx
cbug        write ( 3, 9905)
cbug        write ( 3, 9906) (atype(n), xpoly(n), pa(n), pb(n), pc(n),
cbug     &    n = 1, nx)
cbug      endif
cbug      if (nx .eq. nxmax) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9907)
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptpolr.      (+1 line)
