subroutine aptqinc (ktype, ntype, au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv, du, dv,
     &                    pu, pv, np, tol,
     &                    pab, pbc, pcd, pda, dpmin, nloc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTQINC
c     call aptqinc (ktype, ntype, au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv, du, dv,
c    &              pu, pv, np, tol,
c    &              pab, pbc, pcd, pda, dpmin, nloc, nerr)
c     Version:  aptqinc  Updated    1990 November 29 15:30.
c               aptqinc  Originated 1990 February 21 16:40.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find, for each of the np sets of input data, the distances
c               pab, pbc, pcd and pda from the point p = (pu, pv) to the sides
c               of the quadrangle with vertices a = (au, av), b = (bu, bv),
c               c = (cu, cv), and d = (du, dv), in counterclockwise order in
c               the uv plane, the minimum dpmin of pab, pbc, pcd and pda, and
c               whether point "p" is inside the quadrangle or not (flag nloc).
c               Option kflag allows the quadrangle shape type to be ignored,
c               output, or input, and boomerangs and bowties to be tested.
c               The values of pab, pbc, pcd and pda will be truncated to zero,
c               if less than the estimated error in their calculation, based on
c               tol.  Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    ktype, ntype, au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv, du, dv, pu, pv, np, tol.
c     Output:   pab, pbc, pcd, pda, dpmin, nloc, nerr.
c     Calls: aptptlc, aptqvac 
c     Glossary:
c     au, av    Input    The u, v coordinates of vertex "a" of the quadrangle.
c                          Size np.
c     bu, bv    Input    The u, v coordinates of vertex "b" of the quadrangle.
c                          Size np.
c     cu, cv    Input    The u, v coordinates of vertex "c" of the quadrangle.
c                          Size np.
c     dpmin     Output   Minimum of distances pab, pbc, pcd, pda.  Size np.
c                          Minimum of absolute values of pab, pbc, pcd, pda,
c                          if point "p" is in a boomerang or bowtie, and
c                          ktype = 0, 1 or 2.  Negative if nloc = 0.
c     du, dv    Input    The u, v coordinates of vertex "d" of the quadrangle.
c                          Size np.
c     ktype     Input    Indicates whether ntype is input or output, and
c                          whether or not cases for which nloc is initially
c                          zero will be tested to see if the point is actually
c                          inside a boomerang or bowtie.
c                          -1 if ntype is not input, and is not to be returned.
c                             No tests will be made for boomerangs or bowties.
c                           0 if ntype is not input, and is not to be returned.
c                             Tests will be made for boomerangs and bowties.
c                           1 if ntype is not input, but will be returned.
c                             Tests will be made for boomerangs and bowties.
c                           2 if ntype is input.
c                             Tests will be made for boomerangs and bowties.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if np is not positive.
c                          2 if ktype is not -1, 0, 1 or 2.
c     nloc      Output   Indicates the location of point "p" relative to the
c                          quadrangle "abcd":
c                          -1 if all quadrangle vertices coincide.
c                           0 if point "p" is outside the quadrangle "abcd",
c                             or is inside, but the quadrangle vertices were
c                             specified in clockwise order,
c                             or if ktype = -1, is inside a bowtie or in
c                             certain areas inside a boomerang.
c                           1 if point "p" is inside the quadrangle "abcd",
c                             and either all four distances pab, pbc, pcd and
c                             pda are non-negative, or if ktype = 0, 1 or 2,
c                             the quadrangle is a boomerang or bowtie and the
c                             distances pass specific tests.
c                          Size np.
c     np        Input    Size of arrays pu, pv, au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv, du, dv,
c                          pab, pbc, pcd, pda.
c     ntype     I/O?     Shape type of quadrangle.  Input if ktype = 2.
c                          Output if ktype = 1.  Size np if ktype = 1 or 2.
c                           0 if quadrangle is convex.
c                          11-14 if quadrangle has just one concave vertex at
c                            point "a", "b", "c", or "d", resp. (a boomerang).
c                          21-24 if quadrangle has just two adjacent concave
c                            vertices at ends of sides "cd", "da", "ab", or
c                            "bc", respectively (a bowtie).
c     pab       Output   Distance from point "p" to quadrangle edge "ab".
c                          Truncated to zero, if less than the estimated error
c                          in its calculation, based on tol.
c                          Size np.
c     pbc       Output   Distance from point "p" to quadrangle edge "bc".
c                          Truncated to zero, if less than the estimated error
c                          in its calculation, based on tol.
c                          Size np.
c     pcd       Output   Distance from point "p" to quadrangle edge "cd".
c                          Truncated to zero, if less than the estimated error
c                          in its calculation, based on tol.
c                          Size np.
c     pda       Output   Distance from point "p" to quadrangle edge "da".
c                          Truncated to zero, if less than the estimated error
c                          in its calculation, based on tol.
c                          Size np.
c     pu, pv    Input    The u and v coordinates of point "p" in the uv plane.
c                          Size np.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Coordinate u of quadrangle vertex "a".
      dimension au      (1)
c---- Coordinate v of quadrangle vertex "a".
      dimension av      (1)
c---- Coordinate u of quadrangle vertex "b".
      dimension bu      (1)
c---- Coordinate v of quadrangle vertex "b".
      dimension bv      (1)
c---- Coordinate u of quadrangle vertex "c".
      dimension cu      (1)
c---- Coordinate v of quadrangle vertex "c".
      dimension cv      (1)
c---- Minimum of pab, pbc, pcd, pda.
      dimension dpmin   (1)
c---- Coordinate u of quadrangle vertex "d".
      dimension du      (1)
c---- Coordinate v of quadrangle vertex "d".
      dimension dv      (1)
c---- 1 if point "p" is in quadrangle.
      dimension nloc    (1)
c---- Shape type of quadrangle.
      dimension ntype   (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to edge "ab".
      dimension pab     (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to edge "bc".
      dimension pbc     (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to edge "cd".
      dimension pcd     (1)
c---- Distance from point "p" to edge "da".
      dimension pda     (1)
c---- Coordinate u of point "p".
      dimension pu      (1)
c---- Coordinate v of point "p".
      dimension pv      (1)

c.... Local variables.

c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ arpa
c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ arpb
c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ arpc
c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ arpd
c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ fdmin
c---- Truncation error indicator.
      common /laptqinc/ itrunab (64)
c---- Truncation error indicator.
      common /laptqinc/ itrunbc (64)
c---- Truncation error indicator.
      common /laptqinc/ itruncd (64)
c---- Truncation error indicator.
      common /laptqinc/ itrunda (64)
c---- Index in arrays.
      common /laptqinc/ n
c---- First index of subset of data.
      common /laptqinc/ n1
c---- Last index of subset of data.
      common /laptqinc/ n2
c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ nlim
c---- Index in external array.
      common /laptqinc/ nn
c---- Size of current subset of data.
      common /laptqinc/ ns
c---- Shape type of quadrangle.
      common /laptqinc/ ntypl   (64)
c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ qu
c---- Dummy argument.
      common /laptqinc/ qv
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptqinc finding if point in quadrangle.',
cbug     &  '  ktype=',i3)
cbug 9902 format (i3,' pu,pv=  ',1p2e22.14,' (point)' /
cbug     &  '    au,av=  ',1p2e22.14,' (vertices)' /
cbug     &  '    bu,bv=  ',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    cu,cv=  ',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    du,dv=  ',1p2e22.14)
cbug 9903 format ('    ntype=',i2)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) ktype
cbug      do 105 n = 1, np
cbug        write ( 3, 9902) n, pu(n), pv(n), au(n), av(n),
cbug     &    bu(n), bv(n), cu(n), cv(n), du(n), dv(n)
cbugc---- Input value of ntype.
cbug        if (ktype .eq. 2) then
cbug          write ( 3, 9903) ntype(n)
cbugc---- Tested for ktype = 2.
cbug        endif
cbug  105 continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (np .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if ((ktype .lt. -1) .or. (ktype .gt. 2)) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Set up the indices of the first subset of data.

      n1 = 1
      n2 = min (np, 64)

  110 ns = n2 - n1 + 1

c.... Find the distances from point "p" to the sides of the quadrangle "abcd".

      call aptptlc (pu(n1), pv(n1), au(n1), av(n1), bu(n1), bv(n1),
     &              ns, tol, -1, pab(n1), fdmin, nlim, itrunab, nerr)

      call aptptlc (pu(n1), pv(n1), bu(n1), bv(n1), cu(n1), cv(n1),
     &              ns, tol, -1, pbc(n1), fdmin, nlim, itrunbc, nerr)

      call aptptlc (pu(n1), pv(n1), cu(n1), cv(n1), du(n1), dv(n1),
     &              ns, tol, -1, pcd(n1), fdmin, nlim, itruncd, nerr)

      call aptptlc (pu(n1), pv(n1), du(n1), dv(n1), au(n1), av(n1),
     &              ns, tol, -1, pda(n1), fdmin, nlim, itrunda, nerr)

c.... Find if point "p" is inside the quadrangle "abcd".

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 120 n = 1, ns

        nn        = n + n1 - 1
        if ((pab(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &      (pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &      (pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &      (pda(nn) .ge. 0.0)       ) then
          nloc(nn) = 1
          nloc(nn) = 0

        if ((itrunab(n) .ne. -1) .or.
     &      (itrunbc(n) .ne. -1) .or.
     &      (itruncd(n) .ne. -1) .or.
     &      (itrunda(n) .ne. -1)       ) then
          nloc(nn) = -1

        dpmin(nn) = amin1 (pab(nn), pbc(nn), pcd(nn), pda(nn))

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  120 continue

c.... See if any further tests are to be done for boomerangs, bowties.

c---- Test boomerangs and bowties.
      if (ktype .ne. -1) then

c---- Find ntype.
      if (ktype .eq. 1) then

        call aptqvac (au(n1), av(n1), bu(n1), bv(n1),
     &                cu(n1), cv(n1), du(n1), dv(n1), ns, tol, 1,
     &                arpa, arpb, arpc, arpd,
     &                ntype(n1), qu, qv, nerr)

c---- Tested for ktype = 1.

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 130 n = 1, ns

        nn = n + n1 - 1

c---- See if boomerang or bowtie.
        if (nloc(nn) .eq. 0) then

c---- Find ntypl.
          if (ktype .eq. 0) then

            call aptqvac (au(nn), av(nn), bu(nn), bv(nn),
     &                    cu(nn), cv(nn), du(nn), dv(nn), 1, tol, 1,
     &                    arpa, arpb, arpc, arpd,
     &                    ntypl(n), qu, qv, nerr)

c---- Already know ntype.

            ntypl(n) = ntype(nn)

c---- Tested ktype.

c....     See if point "p" is inside a boomerang or a bowtie.

c++++ Boomerang at vertex "a".
          if     (ntypl(n) .eq. 11) then

            if ((pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          ((pda(nn) .ge. 0.0) .or. (pab(nn) .ge. 0.0))) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (abs (pab(nn)), pbc(nn),
     &                           pcd(nn), abs (pda(nn)))


c++++ Boomerang at vertex "b".
          elseif (ntypl(n) .eq. 12) then

            if ((pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pda(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          ((pab(nn) .ge. 0.0) .or. (pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0))) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (abs (pbc(nn)), pcd(nn),
     &                           pda(nn), abs (pab(nn)))


c++++ Boomerang at vertex "c".
          elseif (ntypl(n) .eq. 13) then

            if ((pda(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pab(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          ((pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0) .or. (pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0))) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (abs (pcd(nn)), pda(nn),
     &                           pab(nn), abs (pbc(nn)))


c++++ Boomerang at vertex "d".
          elseif (ntypl(n) .eq. 14) then

            if ((pab(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          ((pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0) .or. (pda(nn) .ge. 0.0))) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (abs (pda(nn)), pab(nn),
     &                           pbc(nn), abs (pcd(nn)))


c++++ Bowtie with good edge "ab".
          elseif (ntypl(n) .eq. 21) then

            if ((pda(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pab(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          (pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pcd(nn) .lt. 0.0)) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (pda(nn), pab(nn),
     &                           pbc(nn), abs (pcd(nn)))


c++++ Bowtie with good edge "bc".
          elseif (ntypl(n) .eq. 22) then

            if ((pab(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          (pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pda(nn) .lt. 0.0)) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (pab(nn), pbc(nn),
     &                           pcd(nn), abs (pda(nn)))


c++++ Bowtie with good edge "cd".
          elseif (ntypl(n) .eq. 23) then

            if ((pbc(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          (pda(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pab(nn) .lt. 0.0)) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (pbc(nn), pcd(nn),
     &                           pda(nn), abs (pab(nn)))


c++++ Bowtie with good edge "da".
          elseif (ntypl(n) .eq. 24) then

            if ((pcd(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pda(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and.
     &          (pab(nn) .ge. 0.0) .and. (pbc(nn) .lt. 0.0)) then

              nloc(nn)  = 1
              dpmin(nn) = amin1 (pcd(nn), pda(nn),
     &                           pab(nn), abs (pbc(nn)))


c---- Tested ntype.

c---- Tested nloc.

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  130 continue

c---- Tested for ktype = -1.

c.... See if all data subsets are done.

c---- Do another subset of data.
      if (n2 .lt. np) then
        n1 = n2 + 1
        n2 = min (np, n1 + 63)
        go to 110
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9904 format (/ 'aptqinc results:')
cbug 9905 format (i3,' nloc=',i2 /
cbug     &  '    pab,pbc=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    pcd,pda=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '    dpmin=  ',1pe22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9904)
cbug      do 205 n = 1, np
cbug        write ( 3, 9905) n, nloc(n), pab(n), pbc(n), pcd(n), pda(n),
cbug     &    dpmin(n)
cbugc---- Calculated ntype.
cbug        if (ktype .eq. 1) then
cbug          write ( 3, 9903) ntype(n)
cbugc---- Tested for kt
c****************missing lines***********ERROR*************.
cbug  205 continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

  210 return

c.... End of subroutine aptqinc.      (+1 line.)
