subroutine aptqrts (noptq, aa, bb, cc, qq, tol,
     &                    nroots, root1, root2, itrun)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTQRTS
c     call aptqrts (noptq, aa, bb, cc, qq, tol,
c    &              nroots, root1, root2, itrun)
c     Version:  aptqrts  Updated    1994 December 15 12:40.
c               aptqrts  Originated 1989 November 2 14:10.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find the real and complex roots of the quadratic equation:
c                    aa * x**2 + bb * x + cc = 0.
c               The method minimizes truncation error, and indicates when
c               truncation error may still be significant, based on tol.
c               Option noptq = 1 allows the user to specify the value of
c               qq = bb**2 - 4.0 * aa *cc, instead of using the value
c               calculated here. This allows any cancellation of terms.
c               For q = sqrt (qq), the roots are:
c                 (-bb + q) / (2 * aa) = 2 * cc / (-bb - q)
c                 (-bb - q) / (2 * aa) = 2 * cc / (-bb + q)
c               The most accurate form must be used, to minimize error.
c     Note:     aptqrtv is a vectorized version of aptqrts.
c     History:  1990 March 21 14:00.  Changed to truncate small positive values
c               of qq to zero.
c               1994 April 15 16:20.  Changed to put two roots in order of
c               increasing value.
c               1994 December 15 12:40.  Changed to return complex roots.
c     Input:    noptq, aa, bb, cc, qq, tol.
c     Output:   qq, nroots, root1, root2, itrun.
c     Glossary:
c     aa        Input    Coefficient of x**2 in a quadratic equation.
c     bb        Input    Coefficient of x    in a quadratic equation.
c     cc        Input    Coefficient of 1    in a quadratic equation.
c     itrun     Output   Truncation error indicator.  0 if insignificant.
c                          1 if the magnitude of qq is less than the estimated
c                            truncation error, based on tol.  This indicates
c                            that the roots are near a minimum or maximum, or
c                            that the quadratic is almost the square of a linear
c                            function.  The value of qq is truncated to zero.
c                          2 if the input value of qq (noptq = 1) differs from
c                            the calculated value by more than the estimated
c                            truncation error, based on tol.
c     noptq     Input    Option for getting value of qq = bb**2 - 4.0 * aa * cc:
c                          0 to calculate from the input values of aa, bb, cc.
c                            Any value other than 1 has this result.
c                          1 to use the (more accurate) input value of qq.
c                            A nonzero value of tol must be used with this
c                            option, for comparision of the input with the
c                            calculated value.
c     nroots    Output   Number of real roots:
c                         -1 if aa = 0 and bb = 0.
c                            Equation is null (cc = 0) or bad (cc is not 0).
c                          0 if qq < 0.  The two complex roots are
c                            root1 + i * root2 and root1 - i * root2.
c                          1 if aa = 0 and bb is not 0, or if qq = 0.
c                          2 if qq > 0.
c     qq        Input    If noptq = 1, qq = bb**2 - 4.0 * aa * cc, but
c                          calculated more accurately, due to cancellation of
c                          terms resulting from the composite nature of aa, bb,
c                          and/or cc.
c     qq        Output   If noptq is not 1, qq = bb**2 - 4.0 * aa * cc,
c                          calculated locally.
c     root1     Output   If nroots = 1, the only real root.
c                          If nroots = 2, the minimum real root.
c                          If nroots = 0, the two complex roots are
c                          root1 + i * root2 and root1 - i * root2.
c     root2     Output   If nroots is 2, the maximum real root, 
c                          If nroots = 0, the two complex roots are
c                          root1 + i * root2 and root1 - i * root2.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          Must not be zero if noptq = 1.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c.... (None.)

c.... Local variables.

c---- A very big number.
      common /laptqrts/ big
c---- Sqrt (qq), with the sign of bb.
      common /laptqrts/ q
c---- Truncation error in qqx.
      common /laptqrts/ qqerr
c---- Locally calculated value of qq.
      common /laptqrts/ qqx
c---- One of two roots.
      common /laptqrts/ rootx
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptqrts finding roots.  noptq=',i2,' qq=',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  '  aa,bb,cc=',1p3e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) noptq, qq, aa, bb, cc
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

c---- A very big number.
      big = 1.e+99

      itrun = 0
      root1 = -big
      root2 = -big

c.... Find any real roots.

c---- Equation is not a quadratic.
      if (aa .eq. 0.0) then

c---- Equation is null or wrong.  No roots.
        if (bb .eq. 0.0) then
          nroots = -1
c---- Equation is linear.  1 root exists.
          nroots = 1
          root1  = -cc / bb
c---- Branch on value of bb.

c---- Equation is quadratic.

        qqerr = 2.0 * tol * (bb**2 + 4.0 * abs (aa * cc))
        qqx   = bb**2 - 4.0 * aa * cc
c---- Calculate the value of qq.
        if (noptq .ne. 1) then
          qq = qqx
c++++ Truncation error significant.
          if (abs (qq) .lt. qqerr) then
            itrun = 1
            qq    = 0.0
c---- Use the input value of qq.
c++++ Bad input value of qq.
          if (abs (qq - qqx) .gt. qqerr) then
            itrun = 2

c---- Equation has no real roots.   Return real and imaginary parts.
        if (qq .lt. 0.0) then
          nroots = 0
          root1 = -0.5 * bb / aa
          root2 = 0.5 * sqrt (-qq) / abs (aa)
c---- Equation has one degenerate root.
        elseif (qq .eq. 0.0) then
          nroots = 1
          root1  = -0.5 * bb / aa
c---- Equation has two real roots.
          nroots = 2
          q      = sign (sqrt (qq), bb)
          root1  = -2.0 * cc / (q + bb)
          root2  = -0.5 * (q + bb) / aa
          if (root2 .lt. root1) then
            rootx = root1
            root1 = root2
            root2 = rootx
c---- Branch on value of qq.

c---- Branch on value of aa.
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9902 format ('aptqrts results.  nroots=',i2,' itrun=',i2 /
cbug     &  '  root1,root2=',1p2e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) nroots, itrun, root1, root2
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptqrts.      (+1 line.)
