subroutine aptqtan (ax, ay, az, anx, any, anz, bx, by, bz,
     &                    bnx, bny, bnz, cx, cy, cz, cnx, cny, cnz, tol,
     &                    qc, qx, qy, qz, qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz,
     &                    nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTQTAN
c     call aptqtan (ax, ay, az, anx, any, anz, bx, by, bz,
c    &              bnx, bny, bnz, cx, cy, cz, cnx, cny, cnz, tol,
c    &              qc, qx, qy, qz, qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz, nerr)
c     Version:  aptqtan  Updated    1999 March 18 12:00.
c               aptqtan  Originated 1999 February 23 17:45.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find the coefficients of the implicit equation of any unique
c               quadric surface tangent to three planes at
c               point a = (ax, ay, az) with normal vector an = (anx, any, anz),
c               point b = (bx, by, bz) with normal vector bn = (bnx, bny, bnz),
c               point c = (cx, cy, cz) with normal vector cn = (cnx, cny, cnz).
c               The equation of the quadric surface is:
c                 f(x, y, z) = qc + qx * x + qy * y + qz * z +
c                              qxy * x * y + qyz * y * z + qzx * z * x +
c                              qxx * x**2  + qyy * y**2  + qzz * z**2 = 0.
c               The normal vector is n(x, y, z) = (nx, ny,nz), where
c                 nx = qx + 2 * qxx * x +     qxy * y +     qzx * z
c                 ny = qy +     qxy * x + 2 * qyy * y +     qyz * z
c                 nz = qz +     qzx * x +     qyz * y + 2 * qzz * z
c               If any points coincide, or a quadric surface fit is impossible
c               or not unique, the method fails, and nerr = 1 is returned.
c     Input:    ax, ay, az, anx, any, anz, bx, by, bz, bnx, bny, bnz,
c               cx, cy, cz, cnx, cny, cnz, tol.
c     Output:   qc, qx, qy, qz, qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz, nerr.
c     Calls: aptsolv, apttris 
c     Glossary:
c     ax,ay,az  Input    The x, y and z coordinates of point "a".
c     anx,y,z   Input    The x, y and z components of the normal vector "an"
c                          at point "a".
c     bx,by,bz  Input    The x, y and z coordinates of point "b".
c     bnx,y,z   Input    The x, y and z components of the normal vector "bn"
c                          at point "b".
c     cx,cy,cz  Input    The x, y end z coordinates of point "c".
c     cnx,y,z   Input    The x, y anf z components of the normal vector "cn"
c                          at point "c".
c     nerr      Output   Error indicator.  0 if a good solution was obtained.
c                          1 if the matrix of coefficients "ele" is singular.
c                            The determinant of the matrix "ele" is zero.
c                            No unique solution exists.
c                          2 if any residual "dr" exceeds 1.e-6 times the
c                            maximum d value.  Results may be usable.
c                          3 if any residual "solr" exceeds 1.e-6 times the
c                            maximum sol value.  Results may be usable.
c     qc        In/Out   Constant term in the implicit surface equation.
c                          Zero only if the surface passes through the origin.
c     qx,qy,qz  In/Out   Coefficients of x, y, z in implicit surface equation.
c     q..       In/Out   Coefficients of the second-order terms in the implicit
c                          surface equation:  qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz.
c                          Coefficients of x*y, y*z, z*x, x**2, y**2, z**2,
c                          respectively.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On computers with 48-bit floating-point numbers,
c                          recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.

c.... Local variables.

      common /lhyperb/ ele(12,12)     ! Coefficients of equations (row, column).
      common /lhyperb/ ein(12,12)     ! Inverse of matrix ele     (row, column).
      common /lhyperb/ d(12)          ! Right-hand side constants.
      common /lhyperb/ dm(12)         ! Right-hand side constants check.
      common /lhyperb/ dr(12)         ! Right-hand side constants residuals.
      common /lhyperb/ work(12,13)    ! Working matrix.
      common /lhyperb/ sol(12)        ! Solution.
      common /lhyperb/ solm(12)       ! Solution check.
      common /lhyperb/ solr(12)       ! Solution residuals.

c***DEBUG begins.
 9901 format (/ 'aptqtan finding tangent quadric.  tol=',1pe13.5)
 9902 format (/ 'ax, ay, az=   ',1p3e22.14 /
     &          'anx,any,anz=  ',1p3e22.14 /
     &          'bx, by, bz=   ',1p3e22.14 /
     &          'bnx,bny,bnz=  ',1p3e22.14 /
     &          'cx, cy, cz=   ',1p3e22.14 /
     &          'cnx,cny,cnz=  ',1p3e22.14 )
      write ( 3, 9901) tol
      write ( 3, 9902) ax, ay, az, anx, any, anz,
     &                 bx, by, bz, bnx, bny, bnz,
     &                 cx, cy, cz, cnx, cny, cnz
c***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr  = 0

      qc    = -1.e99
      qx    = -1.e99
      qy    = -1.e99
      qz    = -1.e99
      qxy   = -1.e99
      qyz   = -1.e99
      qzx   = -1.e99
      qxx   = -1.e99
      qyy   = -1.e99
      qzz   = -1.e99

      bmult = -1.e99
      cmult = -1.e99

c.... See if the normal vectors have nonzero magnitudes.

      call aptvusz (anx, any, anz, tol, aux, auy, auz, vlena)
      call aptvusz (bnx, bny, bnz, tol, bux, buy, buz, vlenb)
      call aptvusz (cnx, cny, cnz, tol, cux, cuy, cuz, vlenc)

      if ((vlena .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &    (vlenb .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &    (vlenc .eq. 0.0)) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

c.... Terms 1-12 of each equation (second index) are coefficients of
c....   qc, qx, qy, qz, qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy and qzz, bmult and cmult,
c....   where na =  (anx, any, anz) * 1.0,
c....         nb = -(bnx, bny, bnz) * bmult,
c....         nc = -(cnx, cny, cnz) * cmult.


c.... Find the coefficients for point "a", equation 1.
c....   f(x, y, z) = qc + qx * x + qy * y + qz * z +
c....   qxy * x * y + qyz * y * z + qzx * z * x +
c....   qxx * x**2  + qyy * y**2  + qzz * z**2 = 0.

      ele(1,1)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(1,2)  = ax                  ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(1,3)  = ay                  ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(1,4)  = az                  ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(1,5)  = ax * ay             ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(1,6)  = ay * az             ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(1,7)  = az * ax             ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(1,8)  = ax**2               ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(1,9)  = ay**2               ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(1,10) = az**2               ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(1,11) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(1,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(1)      = 0.0                 ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "anx", equation 2.
c....   nx = qx + 2 * qxx * x + qxy * y + qzx * z = anx.

      ele(2,1)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(2,2)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(2,3)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(2,4)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(2,5)  = ay                  ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(2,6)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(2,7)  = az                  ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(2,8)  = 2.0 * ax            ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(2,9)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(2,10) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(2,11) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(2,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(2)      = anx                 ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "any", equation 3.
c....   ny = qy + qxy * x + 2 * qyy * y + qyz * z = any.

      ele(3,1)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(3,2)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(3,3)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(3,4)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(3,5)  = ax                  ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(3,6)  = az                  ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(3,7)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(3,8)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(3,9)  = 2.0 * ay            ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(3,10) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(3,11) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(3,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(3)      = any                 ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "anz", equation 4.
c....   nz = qz + qzx * x + qyz * y + 2 * qzz * z = anz.

      ele(4,1)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(4,2)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(4,3)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(4,4)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(4,5)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(4,6)  = ay                  ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(4,7)  = ax                  ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(4,8)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(4,9)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(4,10) = 2.0 * az            ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(4,11) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(4,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(4)      = anz                 ! Right side of equation.


c.... Find the coefficients for point "b", equation 5.
c....   f(x, y, z) = qc + qx * x + qy * y + qz * z +
c....   qxy * x * y + qyz * y * z + qzx * z * x +
c....   qxx * x**2  + qyy * y**2  + qzz * z**2 = 0.

      ele(5,1)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(5,2)  = bx                  ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(5,3)  = by                  ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(5,4)  = bz                  ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(5,5)  = bx * by             ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(5,6)  = by * bz             ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(5,7)  = bz * bx             ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(5,8)  = bx**2               ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(5,9)  = by**2               ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(5,10) = bz**2               ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(5,11) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(5,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(5)      = 0.0                 ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "bnx", equation 6.
c....   nx = qx + 2 * qxx * x + qxy * y + qzx * z + bmult * bnx = 0.0

      ele(6,1)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(6,2)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(6,3)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(6,4)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(6,5)  = by                  ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(6,6)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(6,7)  = bz                  ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(6,8)  = 2.0 * bx            ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(6,9)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(6,10) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(6,11) = bnx                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(6,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(6)      = 0.0                 ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "bny", equation 7.
c....   ny = qy + qxy * x + 2 * qyy * y + qyz * z + bmult * bny = 0.0

      ele(7,1)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(7,2)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(7,3)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(7,4)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(7,5)  = bx                  ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(7,6)  = bz                  ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(7,7)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(7,8)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(7,9)  = 2.0 * by            ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(7,10) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(7,11) = bny                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(7,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(7)      = 0.0                 ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "bnz", equation 8.
c....   ny = qy + qxy * x + 2 * qyy * y + qyz * z + bmult * bnz = 0.0

      ele(8,1)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(8,2)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(8,3)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(8,4)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(8,5)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(8,6)  = by                  ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(8,7)  = bx                  ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(8,8)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(8,9)  = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(8,10) = 2.0 * bz            ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(8,11) = bnz                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(8,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(8)      = 0.0                 ! Right side of equation.


c.... Find the coefficients for point "c", equation 9.
c....   f(x, y, z) = qc + qx * x + qy * y + qz * z +
c....   qxy * x * y + qyz * y * z + qzx * z * x +
c....   qxx * x**2  + qyy * y**2  + qzz * z**2 = 0.

      ele(9,1)  = 1.0                 ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(9,2)  = cx                  ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(9,3)  = cy                  ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(9,4)  = cz                  ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(9,5)  = cx * cy             ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(9,6)  = cy * cz             ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(9,7)  = cz * cx             ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(9,8)  = cx**2               ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(9,9)  = cy**2               ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(9,10) = cz**2               ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(9,11) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(9,12) = 0.0                 ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(9)      = 0.0                 ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "cnx", equation 10.
c....   nx = qx + 2 * qxx * x + qxy * y + qzx * z + cmult * cnx = 0.0

      ele(10,1)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(10,2)  = 1.0                ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(10,3)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(10,4)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(10,5)  = cy                 ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(10,6)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(10,7)  = cz                 ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(10,8)  = 2.0 * cx           ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(10,9)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(10,10) = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(10,11) = 0.0                ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(10,12) = cnx                ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(10)      = 0.0                ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "cny", equation 11.
c....   ny = qy + qxy * x + 2 * qyy * y + qyz * z + cmult * cny = 0.0

      ele(11,1)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(11,2)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(11,3)  = 1.0                ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(11,4)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(11,5)  = cx                 ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(11,6)  = cz                 ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(11,7)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(11,8)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(11,9)  = 2.0 * cy           ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(11,10) = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(11,11) = 0.0                ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(11,12) = cny                ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(11)      = 0.0                ! Right side of equation.

c.... Find the coefficients for normal vector component "cnz", equation 12.
c....   ny = qy + qxy * x + 2 * qyy * y + qyz * z + cmult * cnz = 0.0

      ele(12,1)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qc.
      ele(12,2)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qx.
      ele(12,3)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qy.
      ele(12,4)  = 1.0                ! Coefficient of qz.
      ele(12,5)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qxy.
      ele(12,6)  = cy                 ! Coefficient of qyz.
      ele(12,7)  = cx                 ! Coefficient of qzx.
      ele(12,8)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qxx.
      ele(12,9)  = 0.0                ! Coefficient of qyy.
      ele(12,10) = 2.0 * cz           ! Coefficient of qzz.
      ele(12,11) = 0.0                ! Coefficient of bmult.
      ele(12,12) = cnz                ! Coefficient of cmult.

      d(12)      = 0.0                ! Right side of equation.

c***DEBUG begins.
 9820 format (12f6.2)
      write ( 3, 9820) ((ele(mm,nn), nn = 1, 12), mm = 1, 12)
      write ( 3, 9820) (d(mm), mm = 1, 12)
c***DEBUG ends.

c.... Solve the 12 simultaneous equations.

      call aptsolv (ele, d, 12, work, 12, tol, sol, ein, solm, solr,
     &              dm, dr, nerr)

      if (nerr .eq. 1) then
        go to 210

c.... Store data for the quadric surface.

      qc    = sol(1)
      qx    = sol(2)
      qy    = sol(3)
      qz    = sol(4)
      qxy   = sol(5)
      qyz   = sol(6)
      qzx   = sol(7)
      qxx   = sol(8)
      qyy   = sol(9)
      qzz   = sol(10)
      bmult = sol(11)
      cmult = sol(12)

  210 continue
c***DEBUG begins.
 9910 format (/ 'aptqtan results.  nerr = ',i2)
 9911 format (/ 'nerr =',i2,'.  1 = singular matrix.',
     &  '  2 = large q residuals.  3 = large s residuals.')
 9912 format (/ 'unknowns  qc =',1pe22.14 /
     &          'qx,  qy,  qz =',1p3e22.14 /
     &          'qxy, qyz, qzx=',1p3e22.14 /
     &          'qxx, qyy, qzz=',1p3e22.14 )
 9913 format (/ 'bmult, cmult =',1p2e22.14 )
      write ( 3, 9910) nerr
      if (nerr .ne. 0) then
        write ( 3, 9911) nerr
      write ( 3, 9912) qc, qx, qy, qz, qxy, qyz, qzx, qxx, qyy, qzz
      write ( 3, 9913) bmult, cmult
c***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptqtan.      (+1 line.)
