subroutine aptsubb (astem, lstem, nsub, asub, lsub, iamax,
     &                    al, as, ar, asink, lsink, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTSUBB
c     call aptsubb (astem, lstem, nsub, asub, lsub, iamax,
c    &              al, as, ar, asink, lsink, nerr)
c     Version:  aptsubb  Updated    2005 March 1 17:20.
c               aptsubb  Originated 2004 November 17 14:00.
c     Authors:  Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To store ASCII stem astem of length lstem, and nsub ASCII
c               subscripts asub of length lsub, into an ASCII string asink,
c               of initial length iamax, which will initially be blank-filled.
c               The first subscript asub(1) will be preceded by character "al",
c               and the last subscript asub(nsub) will be followed by character
c               "ar".  Multiple subscripts will be separated by character "as".
c               The final length of asink is returned as lsink.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    astem, lstem, nsub, asub, lsub, iamax, al, as, ar.
c     Output:   asink, lsink, nerr.
c     Calls: aptchmv (in ~/work/apt/src on gps, toofast18llnlgov) 
c     Glossary:
c     al        Input    A character placed before the first subscript.
c     ar        Input    A character placed after the last subscript.
c     as        Input    A character to be placed between adjacent subscripts.
c     asink     Output   A character string with an initial length of iamax.
c     astem     Input    A character string with a length of lstem > 0.
c                          The character space for astem must be iamax.
c     asub      Input    The ASCII representation of a subscript.
c                          Array size must be at least nsub.
c                          The character space for each asub must be iamax.
c     iamax     Input    The actual memory space assigned to astem, to each
c                          asub, and to asink.  The latter will initially be
c                          blank-filled.  Must be large enough to contain the
c                          stem, subscripts and separators.
c     lsink     Output   The number of characters moved into asink, starting at
c                          the first (leftmost) character.  Any remaining
c                          characters to the right, up to a total of iamax.
c                          will be filled with blanks.  Will not exceed iamax.
c     lstem     Input    The number of characters in astem to be moved into
c                          asink, starting at the first (leftmost) character
c                          of asink.  Must be positive, but no more than iamax.
c     lsub      Input    The length of string asub, which must be positive, but
c                          no more than iamax.
c                          Array size must be at least nsub.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not zero:
c                          1 if iamax is not positive.
c                          2 if lstem is not positive.
c                          3 if lstem exceeds iamax.
c                          4 if nsub is not positive.
c                          5 if any lsub is not positive.
c                          6 if any lsub exceeds iamax.
c                          7 if iamax is not large enough to contain the
c                            stem, subscripts and separators.
c     nsub      Input     The number of ASCII subscripts asub.

c.... Declarations for arguments.

      character*1  al                 ! Separator to left  of first subscript.
      character*1  ar                 ! Separator to right of last  subscript.
      character*1  as                 ! Separator between adjacent  subscripts.
      character*1  asink(1)           ! String with stem, subscripts.
      character*1  astem(1)           ! First string to be stored in asink.
      character*1  asub(iamax,1)      ! An ASCII subscript.

      integer      iamax              ! The size in memory of asink.
      integer      nerr               ! Error flag.
      integer      lsink              ! The number of characters put into asink.
      integer      lstem              ! The number of characters in astem.
      integer      lsub(1)            ! The number of characters in asub.
      integer      nsub               ! The number of subscripts asub.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      character*1  aquote             ! A quotation mark.
cbug      aquote = '"'
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptsubb storing ASCII stem astem and ASCII',
cbug     &  ' subscripts', /
cbug     &  ' asub(n), n = 1, nsub into ASCII word asink, with initial',
cbug     &  ' length iamax.')
cbug 9902 format ('lstem =',i4,'.  astem = ',256a1)
cbug 9903 format ('nsub  =',i4,'.  iamax = ',i4,'.')
cbug 9904 format ('lsub  =',i4,'.  ',256a1 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901)
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) lstem, aquote, (astem(n), n = 1, lstem), aquote
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) nsub, iamax
cbug      if (nsub .gt. 0) then
cbug      do n = 1, nsub
cbug        write ( 3, 9904) lsub(n), aquote,
cbug     &    (asub(nn,n), nn = 1, lsub(n)), aquote
cbug      enddo
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

c.... Fill asink with blanks.

      if (iamax .gt. 0) then
        do 110 n = 1, iamax
          asink(n) = ' '
  110   continue

c.... Test for input errors.

      nerr  = 0
      lsink = 0

      if (iamax .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (lstem .le. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if (lstem .gt. iamax) then
        nerr = 3
        go to 210

      if (nsub .le. 0) then
        nerr = 4
        go to 210

      ltot = lstem + 2 + nsub - 1
      do n = 1, nsub
       if (lsub(n) .le. 0) then
         nerr = 5
         go to 210
       if (lsub(n) .gt. iamax) then
         nerr = 6
         go to 210
       ltot = ltot + lsub(n)

      if (ltot .gt. iamax) then
        nerr = 7
        go to 210

c.... Put stem astem into asink.

      lsink = 1
      call aptchmv (astem, 1, lstem, asink, lsink, nerr)
      lsink  = lsink + lstem

c.... Put left separator "al" into asink.

      call aptchmv (al, 1, 1, asink, lsink, nerr)
      lsink = lsink + 1

c.... Put ASCII subscripts into asink, followed by "as".

      do n = 1, nsub                  ! Loop over subscripts.

c....   Move ASCII subscript into asink.

        call aptchmv (asub(1,n), 1, lsub(n), asink, lsink, nerra)
        lsink  = lsink + lsub(n)

c....   Add "as" after subscript.

        call aptchmv (as, 1, 1, asink, lsink, nerr)
        lsink = lsink + 1

      enddo                           ! End of loop over subscripts.

c.... Replace last "as" with "ar".

      lsink = lsink - 1
      call aptchmv (ar, 1, 1, asink, lsink, nerr)

  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9905 format (/ 'aptsubb results:  nerr =',i2)
cbug 9906 format ('lsink =',i4,'.  asink = ',256a1)
cbug      write ( 3, 9905) nerr
cbug      write ( 3, 9906) lsink, aquote, (asink(n), n = 1, lsink), aquote
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptsubb.      (+1 line.)
