subroutine aptsubm (asrce, isrce, nchar, iamax, idmax, iemax,
     &                    al, as, ar, nsubm,
     &                    astem, istem, fstem, mstem, lstem,
     &                    nsub, asub, isub, fsub, msub, lsub, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTSUBM
c     call aptsubm (asrce, isrce, nchar, iamax, idmax, iemax, 
c    &              al, as, ar, nsubm,
c    &              astem, istem, fstem, mstem, lstem,
c    &              nsub, asub, isub, fsub, msub, lsub, nerr)
c     Version:  aptsubm  Updated    2004 October 1 13:20.
c               aptsubm  Originated 2004 October 1 13:20.
c     Authors:  Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To separate the character string in asrce, starting at position
c               isrce and with length nchar, into character strings representing
c               the stem, to the left of the character al, and the subscripts,
c               to the right of the character al, and to the left of the
c               character ar, and if more than one, separated by the character
c               as.  The separator characters al, as and ar may be any desired
c               characters, such as "(", "," and ")", or "[", ":" and "]".
c               For example, the character string "var(isub,jsub,ksub,...)"
c               would be separated into the stem "var", and the subscripts
c               "isub", "jsub", "ksub", ...  The subscripts may themselves
c               include the characters al and ar, in any position.
c               The stem is returned in string astem, with length lstem, and the
c               subscripts are returned in strings asub(n), with lengths
c               lsub(n), n = 1, nsub.
c               In addition, the stem is interpreted as an integer value istem
c               and/or a floating value fstem if possible, and the type
c               returned as mstem.
c               In addition, each subscript is interpreted as an integer value
c               isub(n) and/or a floating value fsub(n) if possible, and the
c               type returned as msub(n).
c               Leading and trailing blanks in stems and subscripts are removed.
c               The maximum allowed value of nchar, lstem or lsub is iamax.
c               The maximum number of digits in an integer is idmax.
c               The maximum exponent of a floating point number is iemax.
c               The maximum allowed value of nsub is nsubm.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    asrce, isrce, nchar, iamax, al, as, ar, nsubm.
c     Output:   astem, lstem, nsub, asub, lsub, nerr.
c     Calls: aptchtp (in ~/work/apt/src on gps01, toofast18llnlgov) 
c     Glossary:
c     al        Input    The character separating the stem from the first
c                          subcript, if any.  May not be blank.
c     ar        Input    The character following the last subcript, if any,
c                          and if present, the last non-blank character of
c                          the input string.  May not be blank.
c     as        Input    The character separating subscripts from each other,
c                          if there is more than one subscript.  May not be
c                          blank.
c     asrce     Input    A character array, containing a character string of
c                          length nchar, starting in character position isrce.
c                          Memory size must be at least isrce + nchar - 1.
c     astem     Output   A character string of type character, with length
c                          lstem <= iamax.  The first iamax characters are
c                          initially filled with blanks, and then the first
c                          lstem (<= nchar) characters are replaced by the
c                          initial characters of asrce preceding any character
c                          "al", after removing any leading or trailing blanks.
c                          Memory space must be iamax characters, e.g.
c                            character*M astem     M = iamax
c                            character*1 astem(M)  M = iamax
c     asub(n)   Output   A character string of type character, with a length of
c                          lsub(n) <= iamax.  The first iamax characters are
c                          initially filled with blanks, and then the first
c                          lsub(n) (<= nchar) characters are replaced by the
c                          subscript, after removing any leading or trailing
c                          blanks.  The first asub string must be preceded by
c                          "al" and followed by "as" or "ar".  The last asub
c                          string must be preceded by "al" or "as" and followed
c                          by "ar".  All other asub strings must be preceded and
c                          followed by "as".
c                          Memory space must be nsubm*iamax, e.g.
c                            character*M asub(N)    M = iamax, N = nsubm
c                            character*1 asub(M,N)  M = iamax, N = nsubm
c     fstem     Output   The floating point equivalent of string astem, if any.
c                          Initialized to zero.
c                          The maximum allowable exponent is iemax.
c                          If string astem is translated into an integer
c                          (mstem = 2) or into a floating point number
c                          (mstem = 3), its floating point value will be
c                          returned in fstem.  If the field is formatted as an
c                          integer, but contains more than idmax digits after
c                          any leading zeros, it will be translated into a
c                          floating point number, and returned in fstem.
c                          The first character may be a "+" or "-".
c                          The mantissa may contain any number of digits, but no
c                          more than one decimal point.  If an exponent follows,
c                          it must begin with "e", "E", "d", "D", "+" or "-".
c                          An initial "e", "E", "d" or "D" may be followed by
c                          a "+" or "-".
c                          Note:  do not equivalence istem to fstem.
c                          Note:  the largest 64-bit floating point value
c                          possible on DEC machines is approximately 1.e+308.
c     fsub(n)   Output   The floating point equivalent of string asub(n),
c                          if any.  Initialized to zero.
c                          The maximum allowable exponent is iemax.
c                          If string asub(n) is translated into an integer
c                          (msub(n) = 2) or into a floating point number
c                          (msub(n) = 3), its floating point value will be
c                          returned in fsub(n).  If the field is formatted as an
c                          integer, but contains more than idmax digits after
c                          any leading zeros, it will be translated into a
c                          floating point number, and returned in fsub.
c                          The first character may be a "+" or "-".
c                          The mantissa may contain any number of digits, but no
c                          more than one decimal point.  If an exponent follows,
c                          it must begin with "e", "E", "d", "D", "+" or "-".
c                          An initial "e", "E", "d" or "D" may be followed by
c                          a "+" or "-".
c                          Note:  do not equivalence isub(n) to fsub(n).
c                          Note:  the largest 64-bit floating point value
c                          possible on DEC machines is approximately 1.e+308.
c     iamax      Input    Number of characters in the memory space for strings
c                          astem and asub.  Maximum value of nchar, lstem and
c                          lsub.  Must be positive.  May not exceed 240.
c     idmax     Input    Maximum number of digits in an integer.  Depends on
c                          the machine.
c     iemax     Input    Maximum size (positive or negative) of the exponent
c                          of a floating point number.  Depends on the machine.
c     isrce     Input    The character position in array asrce of the first
c                          character of the string, of length nchar, to be
c                          analysed.  E. g., isrce = 1 means the leftmost
c                          character of asrce.  Must be positive.
c     istem     Output   The integer equivalent of string astem, if any.
c                          Initialized to zero.  If string astem
c                          is translated into an integer (mstem = 2), its
c                          integer value will be stored in istem, and its
c                          floating point value stored in fstem.  The maximum
c                          number of digits is idmax.  The first
c                          character may be a "+" or "-".  All other characters
c                          must be digits, with no more than idmax digits.
c                          Note:  do not equivalence istem to fstem.
c     isub(n)   Output   The integer equivalent of string asub(n), if any.
c                          Initialized to zero.  If string asub(n)
c                          is translated into an integer (msub(n) = 2), its
c                          integer value will be stored in isub(n), and its
c                          floating point value stored in fsub(n).  The maximum
c                          number of digits is idmax.  The first
c                          character may be a "+" or "-".  All other characters
c                          must be digits, with no more than idmax digits.
c                          Note:  do not equivalence isub(n) to fsub(n).
c     lstem     Output   The actual number of characters in string astem.
c                          Will not exceed iamax.  Zero if no stem is found,
c                          or if nerr is not zero.
c     lsub(n)   Output   The actual number of characters in string asub(n),
c                          n = 1, nsub.  Zero if no subscript is found.
c                          Memory space must be nsubm*iamax, e.g.
c                            character*M asub(N)    M = iamax, N = nsubm
c                            character*1 asub(M,N)  M = iamax, N = nsubm
c     mstem     Output   An integer, indicating the data type of string astem:
c                         -1:  No string astem found.  A blank word is returned
c                              in astem.  Zeros are returned in istem and fstem.
c                          0:  Not recognizable as an integer or floating point
c                              number, and longer than iamax characters
c                              (nerr = 14), or a floating point number whose
c                              exponent exceeds the limit iemax (nerr = 14).
c                              Returned in astem.
c                          1:  Not recognizable as an integer or floating point
c                              number.  Sting astem has from 1 to iamax
c                              characters.  Returned in astem, left-adjusted,
c                              right-filled with blanks, as necessary.
c                          2:  String astem translated into integer mode.
c                              The integer value is returned in istem, and the
c                              floating point value is returned in fstem.
c                              Also returned in astem, as for mstem = 1.
c                          3:  String astem translated into floating point
c                              mode, and returned in fstem.  The integer value
c                              can not be stored in istem, because of the
c                              possibility of overflow of numbers with large
c                              exponents.  If nerr = 14, the data field was
c                              an integer with more than idmax digits.
c                              Also returned in astem, as for mstem = 1.
c     msub      Output   An integer, indicating the data type of string asub:
c                         -1:  No string asub found.  A blank word is returned
c                              in asub.  Zeros are returned in isub and fsub.
c                          0:  Not recognizable as an integer or floating point
c                              number, and longer than iamax characters
c                              (nerr = 13), or a floating point number whose
c                              exponent exceeds the limit iemax (nerr = 13).
c                              Returned in asub.
c                          1:  Not recognizable as an integer or floating point
c                              number.  Sting asub has from 1 to iamax
c                              characters.  Returned in asub, left-adjusted,
c                              right-filled with blanks, as necessary.
c                          2:  String asub translated into integer mode.
c                              The integer value is returned in isub, and the
c                              floating point value is returned in fsub.
c                              Also returned in asub, as for msub = 1.
c                          3:  String asub translated into floating point
c                              mode, and returned in fsub.  The integer value
c                              can not be stored in isub, because of the
c                              possibility of overflow of numbers with large
c                              exponents.  If nerr = 13, the data field was
c                              an integer with more than idmax digits.
c                              Also returned in asub, as for msub = 1.
c     nchar     Input    The number of characters in the input string asrce
c                          to be analysed, beginning at character isrce and
c                          ending at character isrce + nchar - 1 <= iamax.
c                          Must be positive.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not zero.
c                          The last error found is indicated by:
c                          1 if isrce is not positive.
c                          2 if nchar is not positive.
c                          3 if iamax is not positive.
c                          4 if isrce + nchar - 1 exceeds iamax.
c                          5 if al, as or ar is blank.
c                          6 if the input string asrce is blank.
c                          7 if a blank character is within a stem or subscript.
c                          8 if the first separator is not "al".
c                          9 if separators, but last character not "ar".
c                         10 if unequal numbers of separators "al" and "ar".
c                         11 if any subscript is null (has zero length).
c                         12 if nsub exceeds nsubm.
c                         13 if the stem cannot be interpreted.
c                         14 if a subscript cannot be interpreted.
c     nsub      Output   The number of subscript strings asub(n) and lengths
c                          lsub(n), n = 1, nsub <= nsubm.  Zero if none are
c                          found, or if nerr is not zero.
c     nsubm     Input    Maximum value of nsub.

c.... Declarations for arguments.

      character*1  al                 ! Character to left of first subscript.
      character*1  ar                 ! Character to right of last subscript.
      character*1  as                 ! Character separating subscripts.
      character*1  asrce(1)           ! String containing input string.
      character*1  astem(iamax)       ! String preceding subscript.
      character*1  asub(iamax,1)      ! Subscript string.

      integer      iamax              ! Maximum size of asrce, astem, asub.
      integer      idmax              ! Maximum size of istem, isub.
      integer      iemax              ! Maximum size of fstem, fsub.
      integer      isrce              ! Number of initial character in asrce.
      integer      istem              ! Integer interpretation of astem.
      integer      isub(1)            ! Integer interpretation of asub.
      integer      lstem              ! Length of stem astem, <= iamax.
      integer      lsub(1)            ! Length of subscript string, <= iamax.
      integer      mstem              ! Data type of asub.
      integer      msub(1)            ! Data type of asub.
      integer      nchar              ! Length of input string, part of asrce.
      integer      nerr               ! Error flag.
      integer      nsub               ! Number of subscripts, <= nsubm.
      integer      nsubm              ! Maximum value of nsub.

      real         fstem              ! Floating point interpretation of astem.
      real         fsub(1)            ! Floating point interpretation of asub.

c.... Local variables.

      character*1  asep(240)          ! Separator characters.
      character*1  asrcex(240)        ! Input string with blanks removed.

      character*1  asubx(240)         ! Same as asub.
      character*1  astemx(240)        ! Same as astem.
      character*1  aquote             ! A quotation mark.

      integer      isep(240)          ! Index of separator character in asrcex.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      aquote = '"'
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptsubm finding a stem and subscripts.' /
cbug     &  '  isrce  =',i4,'  nchar =',i4,'  iamax =',i4,'  nsubm=',i4)
cbug 9902 format ('  ibeg1  =',i4,'  iend1 =',i4)
cbug 9903 format ('  asrce  =',2x,82a1)
cbug 9904 format ('  al = ',a1,'    as = ',a1,'    ar = ',a1)
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) isrce, nchar, iamax, nsubm
cbug      ibeg1 = isrce
cbug      iend1 = isrce + nchar - 1
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) ibeg1, iend1
cbug      if ((nchar .ge. 1) .and. (nchar .le. iamax) .and.
cbug     &    (isrce .ge. 1)) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9903) aquote, (asrce(n), n = ibeg1, iend1), aquote
cbug      endif
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) al, as, ar
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr  = 0

      ibeg  = 0
      iend  = 0
      do n = 1, 240
        asep(n)   = ' '
        asrcex(n) = ' '
        isep(n)   = 0

      lstem = 0
      istem = 0
      fstem = 0.0
      mstem = 1

      nsub = 0
      do ns = 1, nsubm
        isub(ns) = 0
        fsub(ns) = 0.0
        msub(ns) = 1
        lsub(ns) = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (isrce .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if (nchar .le. 0) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if ((iamax .le. 0) .or. (idmax .le. 0) .or. (iemax .le. 0))then
        nerr = 3
        go to 210

      if ((isrce + nchar - 1) .gt. iamax) then
        nerr = 4
        go to 210

      if ((al .eq. ' ') .or. (as .eq. ' ') .or. (ar .eq. ' ')) then
        nerr = 5
        go to 210

c.... Finish initializing.

      do n = 1, iamax
        astem(n)  = ' '
        do ns = 1, nsubm
          asub(n,ns) = ' '

c.... Remove leading and trailing blanks.

      ibeg1 = isrce
      iend1 = isrce + nchar - 1

      ibeg = iend1 + 1
      iend = 0
      do 110 n = ibeg1, iend1         ! Loop over original input string.
        if (asrce(n) .ne. ' ') then   ! Non-blank character.
          ibeg = min (ibeg, n)
          iend = max (iend, n)
  110 continue                        ! End of loop over original input string.

c.... Test for a blank input string.

      if (iend .lt. ibeg) then        ! The input string is blank.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9905 format ('  The input string is blank.')
cbugcbug      write (3, 9905)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nerr = 6
        go to 210

c.... Remove any internal blanks next to separators.  Store input in asrcx.

      ibeg1 = ibeg
      iend1 = iend

      ibeg  = iend
      iend  = 0

      nsep  = 0                       ! Number of separator characters.
      nal   = 0                       ! Number of characters al.
      nas   = 0                       ! Number of characters as.
      nar   = 0                       ! Number of characters ar.

      do 120 n = ibeg1, iend1         ! Loop over original input string.
        if (asrce(n) .ne. ' ') then   ! Non-blank character.
          ibeg  = 1
          iend  = iend + 1
          asrcex(iend) = asrce(n)
          if     (asrcex(iend) .eq. al) then
            nal  = nal + 1
            nsep = nsep + 1
            asep(nsep) = al
            isep(nsep) = iend
          elseif (asrcex(iend) .eq. as) then
            nas  = nas + 1
            nsep = nsep + 1
            asep(nsep) = as
            isep(nsep) = iend
          elseif (asrcex(iend) .eq. ar) then
            nar  = nar + 1
            nsep = nsep + 1
            asep(nsep) = ar
            isep(nsep) = iend
        else                          ! Blank character.
          if ((asrcex(iend) .eq. al) .or.
     &        (asrcex(iend) .eq. as) .or.
     &        (asrcex(iend) .eq. ar)) then
            go to 120
          if ((asrce(n+1) .eq. ' ') .or.
     &        (asrce(n+1) .eq. al)  .or.
     &        (asrce(n+1) .eq. as)  .or.
     &        (asrce(n+1) .eq. ar)) then
            go to 120
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9906 format ('  Blank character in stem or subscript:  ',i3)
cbugcbug      write (3, 9906) n
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          nerr = 7                    ! Blank character in stem or subscript.
          go to 210
        endif                         ! Tested for blank character.
  120 continue                        ! End of loop over original input string.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9909 format ('  ibeg =',i3,'  iend =',i3)
cbugcbug 9910 format ('  asrcex =',2x,82a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9909) ibeg, iend
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9910) aquote, (asrcex(n), n = ibeg, iend), aquote
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... See if stem is unsubscripted.

      if (nsep .eq. 0) then
        lstem = iend
        do n = 1, lstem
          astem(n) = asrcex(n)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9911 format ('  astem  =',2x,82a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9911) aquote, (astem(n), n = 1, lstem), aquote
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        go to 210
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9912 format ('  Separator ',i3,'  at character ',i3,' = ',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9912) (n, isep(n), asep(n), n = 1, nsep)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Test number and positions of separators.

      if (asep(1) .ne. al) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9913 format ('  First separator not al:  ',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9913) asep(1)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nerr = 8
        go to 210

      if (asrcex(iend) .ne. ar) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9914 format ('  Separators, but final character not ar:  ',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9914) asrcex(iend)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nerr = 9
        go to 210

      if (nal .ne. nar) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9915 format ('  Unequal numbers of separators al and ar:  ',2i3)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9915) nal, nar
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nerr = 10
        go to 210

c.... Store stem.

      if (asrcex(1) .eq. al) then     ! No stem.  
        lstem = 0
        lstem = isep(1) - 1
        do n = 1, lstem
          astem(n) = asrcex(n)

c.... Store subscripts.

      nsub = 1
      nn   = 0
      do n = isep(1) + 1, iend - 1
        if (asrcex(n) .ne. as) then
          nn = nn + 1
          asub(nn,nsub) = asrcex(n)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9918 format ('  n=',i3,'  asrcex(n)=',a1,'  nn=',i3,'  nsub=',i3,
cbugcbug     &  '  asub(nn,nsub)=',a1)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9918) n, asrcex(n), nn, nsub, asub(nn,nsub)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          lsub(nsub) = nn
          nsub = nsub + 1
          if (nsub .gt. nsubm) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9917 format ('  Number of subscripts exceeds nsubm:  ',2i5)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9917) nsub, nsubm
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            nerr = 12
            go to 210
          nn = 0
      lsub(nsub) = nn

c.... See if any subscript is null.

      do ns = 1, nsub
        if (lsub(ns) .eq. 0) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9916 format ('  A subscript is null:  ',i5)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9916) ns
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          nerr = 11
          go to 210

c.... Translate the stem into integer and/or floating point,
c....   if possible.

      call aptchtp (astem, 1, lstem, iamax, idmax, iemax,
     &              astemx, istem, fstem, mstem, nerrl)

      if (nerrl .ne. 0) then
        nerr = 13
        go to 210

c.... Translate the subscripts into integer and/or floating point,
c....   if possible.

      do ns = 1, nsub

        call aptchtp (asub(1,ns), 1, lsub(ns), iamax, idmax, iemax,
     &                asubx(ns), isub(ns), fsub(ns), msub(ns), nerrl)

        if (nerrl .ne. 0) then
          nerr = 14

  210 continue

      if (nerr .ne. 0) then

        istem = 0
        fstem = 0.0
        mstem = 1
        lstem = 0
        do n = 1, iamax
          astem(n)  = ' '

        nsub = 0
        do ns = 1, nsubm
          lsub(ns) = 0
          isub(ns) = 0
          fsub(ns) = 0.0
          msub(ns) = 1
          do n = 1, iamax
            asub(n,ns) = ' '

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9921 format (/ 'aptsubm results:  lstem    =',i4,'  nsub =',i4,
cbug     &  '  nerr =',i3)
cbug 9922 format ('  asrcex =',2x,82a1)
cbug 9923 format ('  astem  =',2x,82a1)
cbug 9924 format ('                  lstem    =',i4,'  mstem    =',i2)
cbug 9925 format ('  istem    =',i20,'  fstem    =',1pe20.12)
cbug 9928 format ('  asub   =',2x,82a1)
cbug 9929 format ('  ns     =',i4,'    lsub(ns) =',i4,'  msub(ns) =',i2)
cbug 9930 format ('  isub(ns) =',i20,'  fsub(ns) =',1pe20.12)
cbug      write ( 3, 9921) lstem, nsub, nerr
cbug      write ( 3, 9922) aquote, (asrcex(n), n = ibeg, iend), aquote
cbug      if (lstem .gt. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9924) lstem, mstem
cbug        write ( 3, 9923) aquote, (astem(n), n = 1, lstem), aquote
cbug        write ( 3, 9925) istem, fstem
cbug      endif
cbug      if (nsub .gt. 0) then
cbug        do ns = 1, nsub
cbug          write ( 3, 9929) ns, lsub(ns), msub(ns)
cbug          write ( 3, 9928) aquote, (asub(n,ns), n = 1, lsub(ns)), aquote
cbug          if (msub(ns) .ne. 1) then
cbug            write ( 3, 9930) isub(ns), fsub(ns)
cbug          endif
cbug        enddo
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of subroutine aptsubm.      (+1 line.)
