subroutine aptsudo (achars, acell, nchars, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTSUDO
c     call aptsudo (achars, acell, nchars, nerr)
c     Version:  aptsudo  Updated    2006 February 21 14:40.
c               aptsudo  Originated 2006 January 23 13:30.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find the solution to a Sudoku puzzle, consisting of a
c               9 x 9 grid of cells, subdivided into nine 3 x 3 boxes, with
c               each cell containing one of the nine unique characters achars(1)
c               to achars(9) (achars(0) represents an unassigned or blank cell)
c               and with no character appearing more than once in any row,
c               column or box, and with the character in 17 or more cells
c               initially specified.
c               Any solution remains a solution if the nine characters from
c               achars(1) to achars(9) are replaced with any arbitrary set of
c               nine unique symbols, including the characters from 1 o 9, but
c               in any other arbitrary order.  There are 9! = 362880 ways to
c               do this.
c               Any solution remains a solution if three bands or three
c               stacks of boxes are swapped, or if the 3 rows in a band
c               of boxes or the three columns in a stack of boxes are
c               swapped.  There are 6^8 = 1,679,616  ways to do all this.
c               Any solution remains a solution if the grid is rotated,
c               inverted, or reflected.  There are 16 ways to do this, but
c               all but 2 may be done by the permutations described above. (?)
c               Any solution may be transformed into another solution by the
c               preceding methods in 9! * 6^8 * 2 = 1,218,998,108,160 ways.
c               For row index NR = 1, 9, column index NC = 1, 9, cell index
c               J = 1, 81 and box index NB = 1, 9, the conversions are:
c                 J  = NC + 9 * (NR - 1)
c                 NR = 1 + ((J - 1) / 9)
c                 NC = 1 + mod (J - 1, 9)
c                 NB = 1 + 3 * ((NR - 1) / 3) + (NC - 1) / 3
c                 NB = 1 + (J - 1) / 3 - 3 * ((J - 1) / 9) + 3 * ((J - 1) / 27)
c                 NR = 1 + 3 * ((NB - 1) / 3)    to   3 + 3 * ((NB - 1) / 3)
c                 NC = 1 + 3 * mod (NB - 1, 3)   to   3 + 3 * mod (NB - 1, 3)
c     Input:    achars, acell.
c     Output:   acell, nchars, nerr.
c     Glossary:
c     acell     Input    Array acell(nrow,ncol).  If not achars(0), the
c                        initially assigned character in the cell located at
c                        row nrow, column ncol of the Sudoku grid.
c                        At least 17 cells must have an initially assigned
c                        character.  Some sets of initially assigned characters
c                        may have no solution, or may have two or more
c                        solutions, or may be indeterminate.
c     acell     Output   Uniquely determined character in each cell.
c                          Set to achars(0) if not found.
c     achars    Input    A set of 10 unique characters, with achars(0) used for
c                        an unassigned cell.
c     nchars    Output   The final number of cells with characters assigned.
c                        The puzzle is solved if nchars = 81.
c     nerr      Output   Error flag.  No error if zero.
c                          1 if any initially specified character is not one of
c                            the 10 unique characters of achars.
c                          2 if fewer than 17 cells are initially assigned.
c                          3 if a character used more than once in same row.
c                          4 if a character used more than once in same column.
c                          5 if a character used more than once in same box.
c                          6 if an empty cell permits no characters.
c                          7 if a character is assigned to 2 or more cells in
c                            the same row, column or box (aptsudx).
c                          8 if all 81 cells could not be assigned.
c                          9 if all 81 cells were assigned, but incorrectly.
c     kperm     Local    Array kperm(nrow,ncol,idig), idigs = 1, 9, is the
c                          status of character achars(idig) in the cell at
c                          row nrow, col ncol:
c                          0 if achars(idig) is not permitted,
c                          1 if achars(idig) is permitted, but not yet assigned.
c                          2 if achars(idig) as assigned to the cell.

      implicit none

c.... Arguments.

      character*1 achars(0:9)         ! Characters in Sudoku grid.
      character*1 acell(9,9)          ! Character assigned to a cell.
      integer nchars                  ! Number of characters assigned.
      integer nerr                    ! Error flag, 0, 1 or 2.

c.... Local variables.

      integer icell(9,9)              ! Index of character assigned to a cell.
      integer icells(9,9)             ! Index of character assigned to a cell.
      integer idig                    ! Index of character permitted in a cell.
      integer idigx                   ! Index of character permitted in a cell.
      integer icoltot(9)              ! Number of assigned cells in a column.
      integer iblock(9)               ! Nuber of characters to block.
      integer iboxtot(9)              ! Number of assigned cells in a box.
      integer idigs                   ! Index of character assigned to a cell.
      integer idigtot(9)              ! Number of cells for each character.
      integer irowtot(9)              ! Number of assigned cells in a row.
      integer jcell                   ! Cell index of a cell in a box.
      integer jcellx                  ! Cell index of a cell in a box.
      integer kcount(9)               ! Number of a particular character.
      integer kperm(9,9,9)            ! Status of row, col, character (0,1,2).
      integer kperms(9,9,9)           ! Status of row, col, character (0,1,2).
      integer n                       ! General index, from 1 to 9.
      integer npermit(9,9)            ! # of characters permitted in empty cell.
      integer nblock                  ! Number of characters to block.
      integer nblocked                ! Number of characters blocked.
      integer nbox                    ! Box index, 1 to 9.
      integer nchar                   ! Character index, 1 to 9.
      integer ncharss                 ! Initial number of assigned characters.
      integer ncol                    ! Column index, 1 to 9.
      integer ncold                   ! Column index of a duplicate character.
      integer ncolbeg                 ! Column index at start of box, 1 to 9.
      integer ncoldup(9)              ! Columns containing dup kperm in row.
      integer ncolend                 ! Column index at end of box, 1 to 9.
      integer ncolx                   ! Column index, 1 to 9.
      integer nrow                    ! Row index, 1 to 9.
      integer nrowd                   ! Row index of a duplicate character.
      integer nrowdup(9)              ! Rows containing dup kperm in column.
      integer nrowend                 ! Row index at end of box, 1 to 9.
      integer nrowbeg                 ! Row index at start of box, 1 to 9.
      integer nrowx                   ! Row index, 1 to 9.
      integer nrule                   ! Rule being applied to find character.
      integer ntests                  ! Number of tests made to find character.
      integer numcell                 ! # of characters permitted by a cell.

      integer idigg                   ! Index of character guessed for a cell.
      integer jguess                  ! Cell index of guessed character.
      integer ncolg                   ! Column index of guessed character.
      integer nrowg                   ! Row index of guessed character.

      character*1 acells(9,9)         ! Character assigned to a cell.
      character*1 adigs               ! Character in Sudoku grid.
      character*1 adup                ! Character duplicated in row, col, box.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      character*8 anot                ! Blank or 'not'.
cbug 9001 format (/ 'aptsudo solving a Sudoku puzzle.' //
cbug     &  'Rules:' //
cbug     &  '  Rule 1:  Assign a character to a cell if that character' /
cbug     &  '    is the only character permitted in that cell',
cbug     &  ' (a naked single).' //
cbug     &  '  Rule 2:  Assign a character to a cell if that character' /
cbug     &  '    is only permitted in one cell in a row',
cbug     &  ' (a hidden single).' //
cbug     &  '  Rule 3:  Assign a character to a cell if that character' /
cbug     &  '    is only permitted in one cell in a column',
cbug     &  ' (a hidden single).' //
cbug     &  '  Rule 4:  Assign a character to a cell if that character' /
cbug     &  '    is only permitted in one cell in a box',
cbug     &  ' (a hidden single).' //
cbug     &  '  Rule 5.  Block a character from a cell if that character' /
cbug     &  '    is one of N characters that are the only characters' /
cbug     &  '    permitted in N other cells in a row.' //
cbug     &  '  Rule 6.  Block a character from a cell if that character' /
cbug     &  '    is one of N characters that are the only characters' /
cbug     &  '    permitted in N other cells in a column.' //
cbug     &  '  Rule 7.  Block a character from a cell if that character' /
cbug     &  '    is one of N characters that are the only characters' /
cbug     &  '    permitted in N other cells in a box.' )
cbug      write ( 3, 9001)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Test for errors.

      nerr    = 0
      ntests  = 0
      nchars  = 0
      do nrow = 1, 9                  ! Loop over rows.
        do 110 ncol = 1, 9                ! Loop over columns.
          acells(nrow,ncol) = acell(nrow,ncol)
          icell(nrow,ncol) = -1
          do nchar = 0, 9             ! Loop over characters.
            if (acell(nrow,ncol) .eq. achars(nchar)) then
              icell(nrow,ncol)  = nchar
              icells(nrow,ncol) = nchar
              if (nchar .ne. 0) then
                nchars = nchars + 1
              go to 110
          enddo                       ! End of loop over characters
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9005 format (/ '  aptsudo ERROR.  acell(',i1,',',i1,') = "',a1,'"')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9005) nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          nerr = 1
          go to 210
  110   continue                      ! End of loop over columns.
      enddo                           ! End of loop over rows.

      ncharss = nchars
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9010 format (/ 'aptsudo looking for characters.   nerr =',i2 /
cbugcbug     &  'Initial  characters (',i2,'):' //
cbugcbug     &  ' |'23('-'),'|' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbugcbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' // )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9010) nerr, nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Test for duplicate characters in same row, column or box.

      call aptsudu (achars, acell, adup, nrowd, ncold, nerr)

      if (nerr .ne. 0) go to 210
coldc.... Test for duplicate characters in same row.
cold      do nrow = 1, 9
cold      do ncol = 1, 8
cold        do ncolx = ncol + 1, 9
cold          adigs = acell(nrow,ncol)
cold          if (adigs .ne. achars(0)) then
cold            if (adigs .eq. acell(nrow,ncolx)) then
cold              nerr = 3
coldcbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
coldcbugcbug 9020 format ('Duplicate characters in same row   .  nerr =',i2,
coldcbugcbug     &  ' nrow =',i2,' ncol =',i2,' adigs = "',a1,'"')
coldcbugcbug      write ( 3, 9020) nerr, nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol)
coldcbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
cold              go to 210
cold            endif
cold          endif
cold        enddo
cold      enddo
cold      enddo
coldc.... Test for duplicate characters in same column.
cold      do ncol = 1, 9
cold      do nrow = 1, 8
cold        do nrowx = nrow + 1, 9
cold          adigs = acell(nrow,ncol)
cold          if (adigs .ne. achars(0)) then
cold            if (adigs .eq. acell(nrowx,ncol)) then
cold              nerr = 4
coldcbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
coldcbugcbug 9025 format ('Duplicate characters in same column.  nerr =',i2,
coldcbugcbug     &  ' nrow =',i2,' ncol =',i2,' adigs = "',a1,'"')
coldcbugcbug      write ( 3, 9025) nerr, nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol)
coldcbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
cold              go to 210
cold            endif
cold          endif
cold        enddo
cold      enddo
cold      enddo
coldc.... Test for duplicate characters in same box.
cold      do nrow = 1, 7, 3
cold        do ncol = 1, 7, 3
cold          do idigs = 1, 9
cold            kcount(idigs) = 0
cold          enddo
cold          do nrowx = nrow, nrow + 2
cold            do ncolx = ncol, ncol + 2
cold              idigs = icell(nrowx,ncolx)
cold              if (idigs .ne. 0) then
cold                kcount(idigs) = kcount(idigs) + 1
cold              endif
cold            enddo
cold          enddo
cold          do idigs = 1, 9
cold            if (kcount(idigs) .gt. 1)  then
cold              nerr = 5
coldcbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
coldcbugcbug 9030 format ('Duplicate characters in same box   .  nerr =',i2,
coldcbugcbug     &  ' nrow =',i2,' ncol =',i2,' idigs = "',a1,'"')
coldcbugcbug      write ( 3, 9030) nerr, nrow, ncol, achars(idig)
coldcbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
cold            endif
cold          enddo
cold        enddo
cold      enddo

      if (nchars .lt. 17) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

      if (nerr .ne. 0) go to 210

      if (nchars .eq. 81) go to 210

c.... Initialize statuses, to permit all characters in each cell.

      do nrow = 1, 9
        do ncol = 1, 9
          do idigs = 1, 9
            kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 1
          npermit(nrow,ncol) = 9

c.... Find actual status of each of 9 characters in each cell.

      do nrow = 1, 9
        do ncol = 1, 9
          if (icell(nrow,ncol) .ne. 0) then  ! Found a specified character.

            idigs = icell(nrow,ncol)

c....       Do not permit same character in same row, column or box.

            call aptsudx (idigs, nrow, ncol, kperm, npermit, nerr)

            if (nerr .ne. 0) then
              nerr = 7
              go to 210

          endif                       ! Found init assigned character (IAD).

        enddo                         ! End of loop over columns.
      enddo                           ! End of loop over rows.

c.... Count assigned characters.

      nchars = 0
      do nrow = 1, 9
        do ncol = 1, 9
          if (acell(nrow,ncol) .ne. achars(0)) then
            nchars = nchars + 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9050 format (/ '  Row',i2,', column',i2,' is initially "',a1,'".')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9050) nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9055 format (/ '  Row',i2,', column',i2,' is initially blank.' /
cbugcbug     &  '    Digit:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' /
cbugcbug     &  '    Status: ',9i2 )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9055) nrow, ncol, (kperm(nrow,ncol,idig), idig = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.


      ntests = 0

c.... Return here after each new character is assigned.

  100 nchars = 0

c.... Initialize totals of assigned characters in grid, rows, columns, boxes.

      do n = 1, 9
        idigtot(n) = 0
        irowtot(n) = 0
        icoltot(n) = 0
        iboxtot(n) = 0

c.... Count assigned characters.

      do nrow = 1, 9
        do ncol = 1, 9
          npermit(nrow,ncol) = 0
          idigs   = icell(nrow,ncol)
          if (idigs .ne. 0) then
            nchars  = nchars + 1
            nbox    = 1 + 3 * ((nrow - 1) / 3) + (ncol - 1) / 3
c....       nrowbeg = 1 + (nbox - 1) / 3
c....       ncolbeg = 1 + 3 * mod ((nbox - 1), 3)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9060 format ('DEBUG nrow,ncol,nbox=',3i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9060) nrow, ncol, nbox
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
            idigtot(idigs) = idigtot(idigs) + 1
            irowtot(nrow)  = irowtot(nrow) + 1
            icoltot(ncol)  = icoltot(ncol) + 1
            iboxtot(nbox)  = iboxtot(nbox) + 1
            do idigs = 1, 9
              if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
                npermit(nrow,ncol) = npermit(nrow,ncol) + 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9930) nrow, ncol, (kperm(nrow,ncol,idig), idig = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  npermit(nrow,ncol)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        enddo                         ! End of loop over columns.
      enddo                           ! End of loop over rows.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9065 format (/ 'Digit totals:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' /
cbugcbug     & 14x,9i2)
cbugcbug 9070 format (/ 'Row   totals:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' /
cbugcbug     & 14x,9i2)
cbugcbug 9075 format (/ 'Col   totals:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' /
cbugcbug     & 14x,9i2)
cbugcbug 9080 format (/ 'Box   totals:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' /
cbugcbug     & 14x,9i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9065) (idigtot(idig), idig = 1, 9)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9070) (irowtot(nrow), nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9075) (icoltot(ncol), ncol = 1, 9)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9080) (iboxtot(nbox), nbox = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... See if solution has been found.

      if (nchars .eq. 81) go to 210

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      if (ntests .ge. 30000) then
cbugcbug        go to 210
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Rule 1:  Assign a character to a cell if that character is the
c....   only character permitted in that cell.

      nrule = 1
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9110 format (// 'Starting Rule',i2,'.')
cbugcbug 9120 format (/ 'Looking for cells with only one permitted character.' )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9110) nrule
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9120)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 180 nrow = 1, 9
        do 170 ncol = 1, 9
          if (icell(nrow,ncol) .ne. 0) go to 170
          ntests = ntests + 1
          numcell = 0
          idigs   = 0
          do 130 idig = 1, 9
            if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idig) .ne. 1) go to 130
              numcell = numcell + 1
              idigs   = idig
  130     continue                    ! End of loop over possible characters.
          if (numcell .ne. 1) go to 170
            icell(nrow,ncol) = idigs
            acell(nrow,ncol) = achars(idigs)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9140 format ('  Row',i2,', column',i2,' is assigned "',a1,'"',
cbugcbug     &  ', by Rule',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9140) nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol), nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....       Do not permit same character in same row, column or box.

            call aptsudx (idigs, nrow, ncol, kperm, npermit, nerr)

            if (nerr .ne. 0) then
              nerr = 7
              go to 210

            go to 100

  170   continue                      ! End of loop over columns.  Rule  1.
  180 continue                        ! End of loop over rows.  Rule 1.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9170 format (/ 'No characters were assigned in grid.' )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9170)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9180 format (/ 'aptsudo looking for characters.  nerr =',i2,'.' )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9180) nerr
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of Rule 1.


c....  Rule 2:  Assign a character to a cell if that character is only
c....    permitted in one cell in a row.

      nrule = 2
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9110) nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 260 nrow = 1, 9              ! Loop over rows.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9210 format (/ 'Looking for character permitted in only one cell',
cbugcbug     &  ' in row',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9210) nrow
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        do 240 idigs = 1, 9           ! Loop over possible characters.
c....     See if character is permitted in only one cell in this row.
          numcell = 0
          ncol    = 0
          do 220 ncolx = 1, 9         ! Loop over columns in this row.
            ntests = ntests + 1
            if (kperm(nrow,ncolx,idigs) .eq. 1) then
              numcell = numcell + 1
              ncol    = ncolx
  220     continue
          if (numcell .eq. 1) then     ! Found a required character in row.
            icell(nrow,ncol) = idigs
            acell(nrow,ncol) = achars(idigs)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9140) nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol), nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....       Do not permit same character in same row, column or box.

            call aptsudx (idigs, nrow, ncol, kperm, npermit, nerr)

            if (nerr .ne. 0) then
              nerr = 7
              go to 210

            go to 100

  240   continue                      ! End of loop over possible characters.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9240 format (/ 'No characters were assigned in row',i2,'.' )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9240) nrow
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
  260 continue                        ! End of loop over rows.  Rule 2.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9180) nerr
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of Rule 2.


c.... Rule 3:  Assign a character to a cell if that character is only
c....   permitted in one cell in a column.

      nrule = 3
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9110) nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 360 ncol = 1, 9              ! Loop over columns.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9320 format (/ 'Looking for character permitted in only one cell',
cbugcbug     &  ' in column',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9320) ncol
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        do 350 idigs = 1, 9           ! Loop over possible characters.
c....     See if character is permitted in only one cell in this column.
          numcell = 0
          nrow    = 0
          do 320 nrowx = 1, 9         ! Loop over rows in this column.
            ntests = ntests + 1
            if (kperm(nrowx,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
              numcell = numcell + 1
              nrow    = nrowx
  320     continue
          if (numcell .ne. 1) go to 350
            icell(nrow,ncol) = idigs
            acell(nrow,ncol) = achars(idigs)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9140) nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol), nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....       Do not permit same character in same row, column or box.

            call aptsudx (idigs, nrow, ncol, kperm, npermit, nerr)

            if (nerr .ne. 0) then
              nerr = 7
              go to 210

            go to 100

  350   continue                      ! End of loop over possible characters.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9350 format (/ 'No characters were assigned in column',i2,'.' )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9350) ncol
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
  360 continue                        ! End of loop over columns.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9180) nerr
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of Rule 3.


c.... Rule 4:  Assign a character to a cell if that character is only
c....   permitted in one cell in a box.

      nrule = 4
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9110) nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 480 nrowbeg = 1, 7, 3        ! Loop over rows beginning boxes.
        nrowend = nrowbeg + 2
        do 470 ncolbeg = 1, 7, 3      ! Loop over columns beginning boxes.
          ncolend = ncolbeg + 2
          nbox = 1 + 3 * ((nrowbeg - 1) / 3) + (ncolbeg - 1) / 3
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9410 format (/ 'Looking for character permitted in only one cell',
cbugcbug     &  ' in box',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9410) nbox
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
          do 460 idigs = 1, 9         ! Loop over characters.

c....       See if character is permitted in only one cell in this box.

            numcell = 0
            nrow    = 0
            ncol    = 0
            do 450 nrowx = nrowbeg, nrowend   ! Loop over rows in this box.
              do 440 ncolx = ncolbeg, ncolend ! Loop over columns in this box.
                ntests = ntests + 1
                if (kperm(nrowx,ncolx,idigs) .eq. 1) then
                  numcell = numcell + 1
                  nrow    = nrowx
                  ncol    = ncolx
  440         continue                ! End of row loop in this box.
  450       continue                  ! End of column loop in this box.

            if (numcell .ne. 1) go to 460
              icell(nrow,ncol) = idigs
              acell(nrow,ncol) = achars(idigs)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9140) nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol), nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....         Do not permit same character in same row, column or box.

              call aptsudx (idigs, nrow, ncol, kperm, npermit, nerr)

              if (nerr .ne. 0) then
                nerr = 7
                go to 210

              go to 100

  460     continue                    ! End of loop over possible characters.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9460 format (/ 'No characters were assigned in box',i2,'.' )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9460) nbox
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
  470   continue                      ! End of loop over rows in this box.
  480 continue                        ! End of loop over columns in this box.

c.... End of Rule 4.


c.... Rule 5.  Block a character from a cell if that character is one of 2
c....   characters that are the only characters permitted in 2 other cells
c....   in the same row.

      nrule = 5
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9110) nrule
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9220) ((npermit(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9), nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 580 nrow = 1, 9              ! Loop over rows.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9520 format (/ 'Looking for duplicate pairs in row',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9520) nrow
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....   Find any pairs of cells with only the same 2 characters permitted.

          do 550 ncol = 1, 8          ! Loop over columns in this row.
            if (npermit(nrow,ncol) .ne. 2) go to 550
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9530 format (/ 'Row',i2,' column',i2,' permits only 2 characters: ',
cbugcbug     &  9i2)
cbugcbug 9540 format (  'Row',i2,' column',i2,' permits only 2 characters: ',
cbugcbug     &  9i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9530) nrow, ncol, (kperm(nrow,ncol,n), n = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              nblock = 0
              ncoldup(1) = ncol
              do 540 ncolx = ncol + 1, 9  ! Loop over remaining columns.
                ntests = ntests + 1
                if (npermit(nrow,ncolx) .ne.
     &              npermit(nrow,ncol)) go to 530
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9540) nrow, ncolx, (kperm(nrow,ncolx,n), n = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
                  do 520 idigs = 1, 9 ! Loop over characters.
                    if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 0) go to 520
                      if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .ne.
     &                    kperm(nrow,ncolx,idigs)) then
                        go to 540
                        ncoldup(2) = ncolx
                        nblock = nblock + 1
                        iblock(nblock) = idigs
  520             continue            ! End of loop over characters.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      if (nblock .eq. 2) then
cbugcbug 9550 format (/ 'A  match exists for column',i2,'.')
cbugcbug 9555 format ('In all columns except',i2,' and',i2,
cbugcbug     &  ' block characters',i2,' and',i2,'.')
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9550) ncol
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9555) ncoldup(1), ncoldup(2), iblock(1), iblock(2)
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
  530           if (nblock .eq. 2) go to 555    ! NEW.
  540         continue                ! End of loop over remaining columns.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9560 format (/ 'No match exists for column',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      if (nblock .ne. 2) then
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9560) ncol
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

  550     continue                    ! End of loop over columns.

c....     Block the two characters in all other cells in the same row.

  555     nblocked = 0                ! NEW.

          if (nblock .eq. 2) then     ! Found pair of cells with same 2 permitted.
            do 560 ncol = 1, 9
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9570 format ('is col',i2,' either',i2,' or',i2,'?')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9570) ncol, ncoldup(1), ncoldup(2)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              if ((ncol .eq. ncoldup(1))  .or.
     &            (ncol .eq. ncoldup(2))) go to 560
                idigs = iblock(1)

                if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9580 format ('  Row',i2,', column',i2,' character',i2,
cbugcbug     &  ' is blocked    , by Rule',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9580) nrow, ncol, idigs, nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
                  nblocked = nblocked + 1
                  kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 0
                  npermit(nrow,ncol)      = npermit(nrow,ncol) - 1

                idigs = iblock(2)
                if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9580) nrow, ncol, idigs, nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
                  nblocked = nblocked + 1
                  kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 0
                  npermit(nrow,ncol)      = npermit(nrow,ncol) - 1

  560       continue
          endif                       ! 2 cells permit only same 2 characters.

          if (nblocked .gt. 0) go to 100

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9590 format (/ 'No characters were blocked in row',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9590) nrow
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

  580 continue                        ! End of loop over rows.  Rule 5.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9180) nerr
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Rule 6.  Block a character from a cell if that character is one of 2
c....   characters that are the only characters permitted in 2 other cells
c....   in the same column.

      nrule = 6
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9110) nrule
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9220) ((npermit(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9), nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 680 ncol = 1, 9              ! Loop over columns.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9620 format (/ 'Looking for duplicate pairs in column',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9620) ncol
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....   Find any pairs of cells with only the same 2 characters permitted.

          do 650 nrow = 1, 8          ! Loop over rows in this column.
            if (npermit(nrow,ncol) .ne. 2) go to 650
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9630 format (/ 'Row',i2,' column',i2,' permits only 2 characters: ',
cbugcbug     &  9i2)
cbugcbug 9640 format (  'Row',i2,' column',i2,' permits only 2 characters: ',
cbugcbug     &  9i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9630) nrow, ncol, (kperm(nrow,ncol,n), n = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              nblock = 0
              nrowdup(1) = nrow
              do 640 nrowx = nrow + 1, 9  ! Loop over remaining rows.
                ntests = ntests + 1
                if (npermit(nrowx,ncol) .ne. npermit(nrow,ncol)) then
                  go to 635
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9640) nrowx, ncol, (kperm(nrowx,ncol,n), n = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
                  do 620 idigs = 1, 9 ! Loop over characters.
                    if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 0) go to 620
                      if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .ne.
     &                    kperm(nrowx,ncol,idigs)) go to 640
                        nrowdup(2) = nrowx
                        nblock = nblock + 1
                        iblock(nblock) = idigs
  620             continue            ! End of loop over characters.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      if (nblock .eq. 2) then
cbugcbug 9650 format (/ 'A  match exists for row',i2,'.')
cbugcbug 9660 format ('In all rows except',i2,' and',i2,
cbugcbug     &  ' block characters',i2,' and',i2,'.')
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9650) nrow
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9660) nrowdup(1), nrowdup(2), iblock(1), iblock(2)
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
  635           if (nblock .eq. 2) go to 665    ! NEW.
  640         continue                ! End of loop over remaining rows.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9670 format (/ 'No match exists for column',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      if (nblock .ne. 2) then
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9670) nrow
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

  650     continue                    ! End of loop over rows.

c....     Block the two characters in all other cells in the same column.

  665     nblocked = 0                ! NEW.

          if (nblock .ne. 2) go to 670

            do 660 nrow = 1, 9
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9680 format ('is row',i2,' either',i2,' or',i2,'?')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9680) nrow, nrowdup(1), nrowdup(2)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              if ((nrow .eq. nrowdup(1))  .or.
     &            (nrow .eq. nrowdup(2))) go to 660
                idigs = iblock(1)

                if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9685 format ('  Row',i2,', column',i2,' character',i2,
cbugcbug     &  ' is blocked    , by Rule',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9685) nrow, ncol, idigs, nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
                  nblocked = nblocked + 1
                  kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 0
                  npermit(nrow,ncol)      = npermit(nrow,ncol) - 1

                idigs = iblock(2)
                if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9685) nrow, ncol, idigs, nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
                  nblocked = nblocked + 1
                  kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 0
                  npermit(nrow,ncol)      = npermit(nrow,ncol) - 1
  660       continue

  670     if (nblocked .gt. 0) go to 100

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9690 format (/ 'No characters were blocked in column',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9690) ncol
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

  680 continue                        ! End of loop over columns.  Rule 6.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9180) nerr
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Rule 7.  Block a character from a cell if that character is one of 2
c....   characters that are the only characters permitted in 2 other cells
c....   in the same box.

      nrule = 7
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9110) nrule
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &   nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9220) ((npermit(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9), nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 795 nrowbeg = 1, 7, 3        ! Loop over rows beginning boxes.
      nrowend = nrowbeg + 2
      do 790 ncolbeg = 1, 7, 3        ! Loop over columns beginning boxes.
      ncolend = ncolbeg + 2
      nbox = 1 + 3 * ((nrowbeg - 1) / 3) + (ncolbeg - 1) / 3
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9710 format (/ 'Looking for duplicate pairs in box',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9710) nbox
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Find any pairs of cells with only the same 2 characters permitted.

c.... Loop over cells in this box to find one permiting 2 characters.

      do 750 nrow = nrowbeg, nrowend  ! Loop over rows in this box.
      do 740 ncol = ncolbeg, ncolend  ! Loop over columns in this box.
        if (npermit(nrow,ncol) .ne. 2) go to 740
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9720 format (/ 'Row',i2,' column',i2,' permits only 2 characters: ',
cbugcbug     &  9i2)
cbugcbug 9730 format (  'Row',i2,' column',i2,' permits only 2 characters: ',
cbugcbug     &  9i2)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9720) nrow, ncol, (kperm(nrow,ncol,n), n = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
        nblock = 0
        nrowdup(1) = nrow
        ncoldup(1) = ncol
        jcell = ncol + 9 * (nrow  - 1)

c....   Loop over rest of cells in this box to find matching pair of characters.

        do 730 nrowx = nrowbeg, nrowend  ! Loop over rows in this box.
        do 720 ncolx = ncolbeg, ncolend  ! Loop over columns in this box.

          ntests = ntests + 1
          jcellx = ncolx + 9 * (nrowx  - 1)
          if (jcellx .le. jcell) go to 720

          if (npermit(nrowx,ncolx) .ne. npermit(nrow,ncol)) go to 715
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9730) nrowx, ncolx, (kperm(nrowx,ncolx,n), n = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....       See if two characters are the same as initial cell.

            do 710 idigs = 1, 9       ! Loop over characters in this cell.
              if (kperm(nrowx,ncolx,idigs) .eq. 0) go to 710
                if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .ne.
     &            kperm(nrowx,ncolx,idigs)) go to 720
                  nrowdup(2) = nrowx
                  ncoldup(2) = ncolx
                  nblock = nblock + 1
                  iblock(nblock) = idigs
  710       continue                  ! End of loop over characters in cell.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      if (nblock .eq. 2) then
cbugcbug 9731 format (/ 'A  match exists for cell nrow =',i2,' ncol =',i2,'.' /
cbugcbug     &          'A  match exists for cell nrow =',i2,' ncol =',i2,'.')
cbugcbug 9740 format ('In all cells except for row',i2,' col',i2,
cbugcbug     &  ' and row',i2,' col',i2,' block characters',i2,' and',i2,'.')
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9731) nrow, ncol, nrowx, ncolx
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9740) nrowdup(1), ncoldup(1), nrowdup(2), ncoldup(2),
cbugcbug     &                   iblock(1), iblock(2)
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

  715     if (nblock .eq. 2) go to 760    ! NEW.

  720   continue                      ! End of loop over columns in this box.
  730   continue                      ! End of loop over remaining cells.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9750 format (/ 'No match exists for nrow',i2,', column',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      if (nblock .ne. 2) then
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9750) nrow, ncol
cbugcbug      endif
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

  740 continue                        ! End of loop over columns in this box.
  750 continue                        ! End of loop over rows in this box.

c.... Block the two characters in all other cells in the same box.

  760 nblocked = 0                    ! NEW.

      if (nblock .eq. 2) then         ! Found pair of cells with same 2 permitted.

c....   Block either character in any other cells in this box.

        do 780 nrow = nrowbeg, nrowend ! Loop over rows in this box.
        do 770 ncol = ncolbeg, ncolend ! Loop over columns in this box.
          if ((nrow .eq. nrowdup(1))  .and.
     &        (ncol .eq. ncoldup(1))) go to 770
          if ((nrow .eq. nrowdup(2))  .and.
     &        (ncol .eq. ncoldup(2))) go to 770
            idigs = iblock(1)
            if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9760 format ('  Row',i2,', column',i2,' character',i2,
cbugcbug     &  ' is blocked    , by Rule',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9760) nrow, ncol, idigs, nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              nblocked = nblocked + 1
              kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 0
              npermit(nrow,ncol)      = npermit(nrow,ncol) - 1
            idigs = iblock(2)
            if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9685) nrow, ncol, idigs, nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
              nblocked = nblocked + 1
              kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 0
              npermit(nrow,ncol)      = npermit(nrow,ncol) - 1
  770   continue                      ! End of loop over cols in this box.
  780   continue                      ! End of loop over rows in this box.
      endif                           ! Two cells permit only same 2 characters.

      if (nblocked .gt. 0) go to 100

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9770 format (/ 'No characters were blocked in box',i2,'.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9770) nbox
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

  790 continue                        ! End of loop over cols beginning boxes.
  795 continue                        ! End of loop over rows beginning boxes.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9180) nerr
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... End of Rule 7.


c.... Rule 8.  Try backtracking.

c.... See if any cells have no possible choices.

      nrule = 8
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

      do 830 nrow = 1, 9              ! Loop over rows.
        do 820 ncol = 1, 9            ! Loop over columns.
          ntests = ntests + 1
          if (icell(nrow,ncol) .ne. 0) go to 820
          if (npermit(nrow,ncol) .eq. 0) then  ! Impossible cell was found.
            go to 840
          endif                       ! Impossible cell was found.
  820   continue                      ! End of loop over columns.
  830 continue                        ! End of loop over rows.

c.... No impossible cells.  Save current assignments.

      do nrow = 1, 9
        do ncol = 1, 9
          icells(nrow,ncol) = icell(nrow,ncol)
          acells(nrow,ncol) = acell(nrow,ncol)
          do idigs = 1, 9
            kperms(nrow,ncol,idigs) = kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs)

c.... Make a new guess.

      go to 860

c.... Found a bad cell.  Last guess was bad.

  840 continue

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9810 format (/ '  Row',i2,', column',i2,' permits no characters.',
cbugcbug     &  '  IMPOSSIBLE!  LAST GUESS WAS BAD!' )
cbugcbug 9820 format (/ '  Row',i2,', column',i2,', character "',a1,'" was',
cbugcbug     &  ' a BAD GUESS!' )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9810) nrow, ncol
cbugcbug      if (idigg .ne. 0) then                     ! NEW
cbugcbug        write ( 3, 9820) nrowg, ncolg, achars(idigg)
cbugcbug      endif                                      ! NEW
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbugcbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends

c.... Restore old cell assignments.

      do nrow = 1, 9
        do ncol = 1, 9
          icell(nrow,ncol) = icells(nrow,ncol)
          acell(nrow,ncol) = acells(nrow,ncol)
          do idigs = 1, 9
            kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) = kperms(nrow,ncol,idigs)

c.... Do not permit guessed digit.

      if (idigg .ne. 0) then
        kperm(nrowg,ncolg,idigg) = 0

c.... Make a new guess.

  860 nrowg = 0
      ncolg = 0
      idigg = 0

      do nrow = 1, 9
        do ncol = 1, 9
          do idigs = 1, 9
            if (kperm(nrow,ncol,idigs) .eq. 1) then  ! Found a new guess.
              nrowg = nrow
              ncolg = ncol
              idigg = idigs
              icell(nrow,ncol) = idigs
              acell(nrow,ncol) = achars(idigs)
              kperms(nrow,ncol,idigs) = 0                       ! TRY !!!!
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9830 format (/ '  Row',i2,', column',i2,' is assigned "',a1,'"',
cbugcbug     &  ', by Rule',i2,'.  A GUESS.')
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9830) nrow, ncol, acell(nrow,ncol), nrule
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c....         Do not permit same character in same row, column or box.

              call aptsudx (idigs, nrow, ncol, kperm, npermit, nerr)

              if (nerr .ne. 0) then
                nerr = 7
                go to 210

              go to 100
            endif                     ! Found a new guess.
          enddo                       ! End of loop over digits.
        enddo                         ! End of loop over columns.
      enddo                           ! End of loop over rows.


  210 continue

c.... Test for good solution.

      if ((nerr .eq. 0) .and. (nchars .ne. 81)) then
        nerr = 8

      if (nerr .eq. 0) then
        do n = 1, 9
          if (idigtot(n) .ne. 9) nerr = 9
          if (irowtot(n) .ne. 9) nerr = 9
          if (icoltot(n) .ne. 9) nerr = 9
          if (iboxtot(n) .ne. 9) nerr = 9

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9910 format (/ 'aptsudo did ',a3,' solve a Sudoku puzzle.  nerr =',i2,
cbug     &  ', nchars =',i3,'  (',i3,').' /
cbug     &  '  Number of tests made =',i6,'.' )
cbug 9920 format (/ 'Assigned characters:  (',i2,')' //
cbug     &  ' |'23('-'),'|' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |',3(1x,a1),' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' // )
cbug 9930 format (/ '  Row',i2,', column',i2,' is still empty.' /
cbug     &  '    Digit:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' /
cbug     &  '    Status: ',9i2,'  Allowed =',i2 )
cbug      if (nchars .eq. 81) then
cbug        anot = '   '
cbug      else
cbug        anot = 'not'
cbug        do nrow = 1, 9
cbug          do ncol = 1, 9
cbug            if (icell(nrow,ncol) .eq. 0) then
cbug              write ( 3, 9930) nrow, ncol,
cbug     &          (kperm(nrow,ncol,idig), idig = 1, 9), npermit(nrow,ncol)
cbug            endif
cbug          enddo
cbug        enddo
cbug      endif
cbug      write ( 3, 9910) anot, nerr, nchars, ncharss, ntests
cbug      write ( 3, 9920) nchars, ((acell(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9),
cbug     &  nrow = 1, 9)
cbug 9220 format (/ 'Number of characters permitted:' //
cbug     &  ' |'23('-'),'|' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |',3i2,' |' /
cbug     &  ' |',23('-'),'|' // )
cbug      write ( 3, 9220) ((npermit(nrow,ncol), ncol = 1, 9), nrow = 1, 9)
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptsudo.      (+1 line.)
