subroutine apttloc (au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv, np, kloc, tol,
     &                    pu, pv, wa, wb, wc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTTLOC
c     call apttloc (au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv, np, kloc, tol,
c    &              pu, pv, wa, wb, wc, nerr)
c     Version:  apttloc  Updated    1990 December 3 16:20.
c               apttloc  Originated 1990 February 8 14:30.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To randomly sample np spatial points p = (pu, pv) from a
c               uniform distribution over the triangle in a major plane with
c               vertices a = (au, av), b = (bu, bv), c = (cu, cv),
c               in any order around the triangle, and optionally (kloc = 1), to
c               return the local coordinates wa, wb and wc for each point "p":
c                 vn = (b - a) X (c - b) = (c - b) X (a - c) = (a - c) X (b - a)
c                 wa = (vn . (c - b) X (p - c)) / vn**2
c                 wb = (vn . (a - c) X (p - a)) / vn**2
c                 wb = (vn . (b - a) X (p - b)) / vn**2
c                 p = wa * a + wb * b + wc * c
c               where "X" indicates the vector product, and "." indicates the
c               dot product.
c               The relationship of the triangle local coordinates wa, wb and wc
c               to the quadrangle local coordinates fdk and fdl is as follows:
c                          wa = 1 - fdk              fdk = wb + wc
c                          wb = fdk * (1 - fdl)      fdl = wc / (wb + wc)
c                          wc = fdk * fdl
c               where fdk is the fractional distance from edge "aa" to edge
c               "bc", and fdl is the fractional distance from edge "ab" to
c               edge "ca", and any point "p" is given by:
c                 p = a + fdk * (b - a) + fdk * fdl * (c - b)
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     History:  1990 May 10 17:00.  Replaced arguments fdk, fdl with wa, wb, wc,
c               and made calculation and return of wa, wb and wc optional,
c               based on new input argument kloc.
c     Input:    au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv, np, kloc, tol.
c     Output:   pu, pv, wa, wb, wc, nerr.
c     Calls: aptslid 
c     Glossary:
c     au, av    Input    The u and v coordinates of vertex "a" of triangle.
c     bu, bv    Input    The u and v coordinates of vertex "b" of triangle.
c     cu, cv    Input    The u and v coordinates of vertex "c" of triangle.
c     kloc      Input    Indicates local coordinates wa, wb and wc are to be
c                          returned, if 1.  Otherwise, 0.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if np is not positive.
c                          2 if kloc is not 0 or 1.
c     np        Input    Size of arrays fdk, fdl, pu, pv.
c                          Number of points "p" to sample.
c     pu, pv    Output   Sampled point "p".  Size np.  Coordinates may be
c                          truncated to zero, if less than the estimated error
c                          in their calculation, based on tol.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c     wa        Output   Fractional distance of point "p" to vertex "a" from
c                          edge "bc".  Size np.
c     wb        Output   Fractional distance of point "p" to vertex "b" from
c                          edge "ca".  Size np.
c     wc        Output   Fractional distance of point "p" to vertex "c" from
c                          edge "ab".  Size np.

c.... Dimensioned arguments.

c---- Cooodinate u of a sampled point "p".
      dimension pu      (1)
c---- Coordinate v of a sampled point "p".
      dimension pv      (1)
c---- Fractional distance to "a" from "bc".
      dimension wa      (1)
c---- Fractional distance to "b" from "ca".
      dimension wb      (1)
c---- Fractional distance to "c" from "ab".
      dimension wc      (1)

c.... Local variables.

c---- Fractional distance from "a" to "bc".
      common /lapttloc/ fdk     (64)
c---- Fractional distance from "ab" to "ca".
      common /lapttloc/ fdl     (64)
c---- Index in local array.
      common /lapttloc/ n
c---- First index of subset of data.
      common /lapttloc/ n1
c---- Last index of subset of data.
      common /lapttloc/ n2
c---- Index in external array.
      common /lapttloc/ nn
c---- Size of current subset of data.
      common /lapttloc/ ns
c---- Estimated error in pu.
      common /lapttloc/ puerr
c---- Estimated error in pv.
      common /lapttloc/ pverr
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      common /lapttloc/ avgu, avgv, devu, devv
cbug      common /lapttloc/ avgu2, avgv2
cbug      common /lapttloc/ avgwa, avgwb, avgwc
cbug      common /lapttloc/ devwa, devwb, devwc
cbug      common /lapttloc/ avgwa2, avgwb2, avgwc2
cbug 9901 format (/ 'apttloc sampling from a triangle.  np=',i3 /
cbug     &  '  au,av=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  bu,bv=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  cu,cv=',1p2e22.14)
cbug      write (3, 9901) np, au, av, bu, bv, cu, cv
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... initialize.

      nerr = 0

c.... Test for input errors.

      if (np .le. 0) then
        nerr = 1
        go to 210

      if ((kloc .lt. 0) .or. (kloc .gt. 1)) then
        nerr = 2
        go to 210

c.... Set up the indices of the first subset of data.

      n1 = 1
      n2 = min (np, 64)

c.... Loop over the data subsets.

  110 ns = n2 - n1 + 1

c.... Sample ns values of fdk from a linear distribution, with
c....   probability 0.0 at vertex "a", probability 2.0 at edge "bc".

      call aptslid (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, ns, fdk, nerr)

c.... Sample ns values of fdl from a uniform distribution, with
c....   equal probabilities at sides "ab" and "ca".

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 120 n = 1, ns

        fdl(n) = ranf( )

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  120 continue

c.... Find the coordinates of the points.

c---- Loop over subset of data.
      do 130 n = 1, ns

        nn     = n + n1 - 1
        pu(nn) = au + fdk(n) * (bu - au) + fdk(n) * fdl(n) * (cu - bu)
        pv(nn) = av + fdk(n) * (bv - av) + fdk(n) * fdl(n) * (cv - bv)

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  130 continue

c.... See if truncation allowed.

c---- Truncation to zero allowed.
      if (tol .gt. 0.0) then

c---- Loop over subset of data.
        do 140 n = 1, ns

          nn     = n + n1 - 1
          puerr  = tol * (fdk(n) * abs (bu - au) +
     &                    fdk(n) * fdl(n) * abs (cu - bu))
          pverr  = tol * (fdk(n) * abs (bv - av) +
     &                    fdk(n) * fdl(n) * abs (cv - bv))

          if (abs (pu(nn)) .lt. puerr) then
            pu(nn) = 0.0

          if (abs (pv(nn)) .lt. pverr) then
            pv(nn) = 0.0

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  140   continue

c---- Tested tol.

c.... See if the local triangular coordinates are to be returned.

c---- Find local triangular coordinates.
      if (kloc .eq. 1) then

c---- Loop over subset of data.
        do 150 n = 1, ns

          nn     = n + n1 - 1
          wa(nn) = 1.0 - fdk(n)
          wb(nn) = fdk(n) * (1.0 - fdl(n))
          wc(nn) = fdk(n) * fdl(n)

c---- End of loop over subset of data.
  150   continue

c---- Tested kloc.

c.... See if all data subsets are done.

c---- Do another subset of data.
      if (n2 .lt. np) then
        n1 = n2 + 1
        n2 = min (np, n1 + 63)
        go to 110
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug      avgu  = 0.0
cbug      avgv  = 0.0
cbug      avgu2 = 0.0
cbug      avgv2 = 0.0
cbug      do 160 n = 1, np
cbug        avgu   = avgu  + pu(n)
cbug        avgv   = avgv  + pv(n)
cbug        avgu2  = avgu2 + pu(n)**2
cbug        avgv2  = avgv2 + pv(n)**2
cbug  160 continue
cbug      avgu  = avgu  / np
cbug      avgv  = avgv  / np
cbug      avgu2 = avgu2 / np
cbug      avgv2 = avgv2 / np
cbug      devu  = sqrt (avgu2 - avgu**2)
cbug      devv  = sqrt (avgv2 - avgv**2)
cbug 9902 format (/ 'apttloc results:')
cbug 9903 format (i3,' pu,pv=',1p2e22.14)
cbug 9904 format (/ 'apttloc mean and deviation:' /
cbug     &  '  avg(u,v)=',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &  '  dev(u,v)=',1p2e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9902)
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) (n, pu(n), pv(n), n = 1, np)
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) avgu, avgv, devu, devv
cbugc---- Local coordinates returned.
cbug      if (kloc .eq. 1) then
cbug        avgwa  = 0.0
cbug        avgwb  = 0.0
cbug        avgwc  = 0.0
cbug        avgwa2 = 0.0
cbug        avgwb2 = 0.0
cbug        avgwc2 = 0.0
cbug        do 170 n = 1, np
cbug          avgwa   = avgwa  + wa(n)
cbug          avgwb   = avgwb  + wb(n)
cbug          avgwc   = avgwc  + wc(n)
cbug          avgwa2  = avgwa2 + wa(n)**2
cbug          avgwb2  = avgwb2 + wb(n)**2
cbug          avgwc2  = avgwc2 + wc(n)**2
cbug  170   continue
cbug        avgwa  = avgwa  / np
cbug        avgwb  = avgwb  / np
cbug        avgwc  = avgwc  / np
cbug        avgwa2 = avgwa2 / np
cbug        avgwb2 = avgwb2 / np
cbug        avgwc2 = avgwc2 / np
cbug        devwa  = sqrt (avgwa2 - avgwa**2)
cbug        devwb  = sqrt (avgwb2 - avgwb**2)
cbug        devwc  = sqrt (avgwc2 - avgwc**2)
cbug 9905 format (i3,' wa,wb,wc=',1p3e22.14)
cbug 9906 format (/ 'apttloc mean and deviation:' /
cbug     &  ' avgw(a,b,c)=',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' devw(a,b,c)=',1p3e22.14)
cbug        write ( 3, 9905) (n, wa(n), wb(n), wc(n), n = 1, np)
cbug        write ( 3, 9906) avgwa, avgwb, avgwc,
cbug     &    devwa, devwb, devwc
cbugc---- Tested kloc.
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

  210 return

c.... End of subroutine apttloc.      (+1 line.)
