subroutine apttrig (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, tol,
     &                    abx, aby, abz, dab, bcx, bcy, bcz, dbc,
     &                    cax, cay, caz, dca, anga, angb, angc,
     &                    vnx, vny, vnz, areatr,
     &                    vmax, vmay, vmaz, dma, pmax, pmay, pmaz,
     &                    vmbx, vmby, vmbz, dmb, pmbx, pmby, pmbz,
     &                    vmcx, vmcy, vmcz, dmc, pmcx, pmcy, pmcz,
     &                    cgx, cgy, cgz,
     &                    viax, viay, viaz, dvia, anax, anay, anaz,
     &                    vibx, viby, vibz, dvib, anbx, anby, anbz,
     &                    vicx, vicy, vicz, dvic, ancx, ancy, ancz,
     &                    cix, ciy, ciz, radinsc,
     &                    vqabx, vqaby, vqabz, dqab,
     &                    vqbcx, vqbcy, vqbcz, dqbc,
     &                    vqcax, vqcay, vqcaz, dqca,
     &                    ccx, ccy, ccz, radcirc,
     &                    vhax, vhay, vhaz, dha, alax, alay, alaz,
     &                    vhbx, vhby, vhbz, dhb, albx, alby, albz,
     &                    vhcx, vhcy, vhcz, dhc, alcx, alcy, alcz,
     &                    cox, coy, coz, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTTRIG
c     call apttrig (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, tol,
c    &              abx, aby, abz, dab, bcx, bcy, bcz, dbc,
c    &              cax, cay, caz, dca, anga, angb, angc,
c    &              vnx, vny, vnz, areatr,
c    &              vmax, vmay, vmaz, dma, pmax, pmay, pmaz,
c    &              vmbx, vmby, vmbz, dmb, pmbx, pmby, pmbz,
c    &              vmcx, vmcy, vmcz, dmc, pmcx, pmcy, pmcz,
c    &              cgx, cgy, cgz,
c    &              viax, viay, viaz, dvia, anax, anay, anaz,
c    &              vibx, viby, vibz, dvib, anbx, anby, anbz,
c    &              vicx, vicy, vicz, dvic, ancx, ancy, ancz,
c    &              cix, ciy, ciz, radinsc,
c    &              vqabx, vqaby, vqabz, dqab,
c    &              vqbcx, vqbcy, vqbcz, dqbc,
c    &              vqcax, vqcay, vqcaz, dqca,
c    &              ccx, ccy, ccz, radcirc,
c    &              vhax, vhay, vhaz, dha, alax, alay, alaz,
c    &              vhbx, vhby, vhbz, dhb, albx, alby, albz,
c    &              vhcx, vhcy, vhcz, dhc, alcx, alcy, alcz,
c    &              cox, coy, coz, nerr)
c     Version:  apttrig  Updated    1994 March 24 14:00.
c               apttrig  Originated 1994 March 24 14:00.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  To find geometric data for the triangle with vertices
c               a = (ax, ay, az), b = (bx, by, bz), and c = (cx, cy, cz) in
c               3-D space.  The data includes the edge vectors and their
c               lengths, the vertex angles, the vector normal to the plane of
c               the triangle, the area of the triangle,  the median vectors,
c               their lengths, their intercepts (the midpoints of the edges),
c               the centroid or center of gravity "cg", the angle bisector
c               vectors, their lengths, their intercepts, the center of the
c               inscribed circle "ci" and its radius, the perpendicular
c               bisector vectors, the center of the circumscribed circle "cc"
c               and its radius, the altitude vectors, their lengths, their
c               intercepts, and the orthocenter "co".
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    10 arguments:
c               ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, tol    Vertices, tolerance
c     Output:   109 arguments:
c               GENERAL (19):
c               abx, aby, abz, dab                         Vector "ab", length
c               bcx, bcy, bcz, dbc                         Vector "bc", length
c               cax, cay, caz, dca                         Vector "ca", length
c               anga, angb, angc                           Vertex angles (deg)
c               vnx, vny, vnz, areatr                      Normal vector, area
c               RELATED TO THE MEDIANS (24):
c               vmax, vmay, vmaz, dma, pmax, pmay, pmaz    Median at "a", ...
c               vmbx, vmby, vmbz, dmb, pmbx, pmby, pmbz    Median at "b", ...
c               vmcx, vmcy, vmcz, dmc, pmcx, pmcy, pmcz    Median at "c", ...
c               cgx, cgy, cgz                              Centroid
c               RELATED TO THE ANGLE BISECTORS (25):
c               viax, viay, viaz, dvia, anax, anay, anaz   Angle bisector at "a"
c               vibx, viby, vibz, dvib, anbx, anby, anbz   Angle bisector at "b"
c               vicx, vicy, vicz, dvic, ancx, ancy, ancz   Angle bisector at "c"
c               cix, ciy, ciz,                             Center inscr circle
c               radinsc                                    Radius inscr circle
c               vqabx, vqaby, vqabz, dqab                  Perp bisector of "ab"
c               vqbcx, vqbcy, vqbcz, dqbc                  Perp bisector of "bc"
c               vqcax, vqcay, vqcaz, dqca                  Perp bisector of "ca"
c               ccx, ccy, ccz                              Center circum circle
c               radcirc                                    Radius circum circle
c               RELATED TO THE ALTITUDES (24):
c               vhax, vhay, vhaz, dha, alax, alay, alaz    Altitude at "a", ...
c               vhbx, vhby, vhbz, dhb, albx, alby, albz    Altitude at "b", ...
c               vhcx, vhcy, vhcz, dhc, alcx, alcy, alcz    Altitude at "c", ...
c               cox, coy, coz                              Orthocenter
c               ERROR FLAG (1):
c               nerr                                       1 if zero area
c     Calls: aptcirp, aptlnln, apttrid, aptvang, aptvaxb, aptvdis, aptvsum, 
c               aptvdot 
c     Glossary:
c     abx,y,z   Output   The x,y,z components of the edge vector "ab" from
c                          vertex "a" to vertex "b".
c     alax,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the intercept of the altitude
c                          vector "vha" from vertex "a" on edge "bc".
c     albx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the intercept of the altitude
c                          vector "vhb" from vertex "b" on edge "ca".
c     alcx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the intercept of the altitude
c                          vector "vhc" from vertex "c" on edge "ab".
c     anax,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the intercept of the angle
c                          bisector vector "via" from vertex "a" on edge "bc".
c     anbx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the intercept of the angle
c                          bisector vector "vib" from vertex "b" on edge "ca".
c     ancx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the intercept of the angle
c                          bisector vector "vic" from vertex "c" on edge "ab".
c     anga      Output   The interior angle at vertex "a", degrees.
c                          Set to -1.E99 if the triangle has zero area.
c     angb      Output   The interior angle at vertex "b", degrees.
c                          Set to -1.E99 if the triangle has zero area.
c     angb      Output   The interior angle at vertex "c", degrees.
c                          Set to -1.E99 if the triangle has zero area.
c     bcx,y,z   Output   The x,y,z components of the edge vector "bc" from
c                          vertex "b" to vertex "c".
c     cax,y,z   Output   The x,y,z components of the edge vector "ca" from
c                          vertex "c" to vertex "a".
c     cox,y,z   Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the orthocenter (intersection
c                          of altitudes).
c     areatr    Output   Area of the triangle.
c     ax,ay,az  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of vertex "a" of the triangle.
c     bx,by,bz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of vertex "b" of the triangle.
c     ccx,y,z   Output   The x, y, z coordinates of the center of the
c                          circumscribed circle (at the intersection of the
c                          perpendicular bisectors of the edges, "vqab", "vqbc"
c                          and "vqca").  The radius is radcirc.
c                          Very large if the triangle has zero area (nerr = 1).
c     cgx,y,z   Output   The x, y, z coordinates of the center of gravity or
c                          centroid of the triangle (at the intersection of the
c                          medians "vma", "vmb" and "vmc").
c     cix,y,z   Output   The x, y, z coordinates of the center of the
c                          inscribed circle (at the intersection of the vertex
c                          angle bisectors "via", "vib" and "vic").
c                          The radius is radinsc.
c     cx,cy,cz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of vertex "c" of the triangle.
c     dab       Output   The length of edge "ab" of the triangle.
c     dbc       Output   The length of edge "bc" of the triangle.
c     dca       Output   The length of edge "ca" of the triangle.
c     dha,b,c   Output   The lengths of the altitude vectors "vha", "vhb", and
c                          "vhc", from the vertices "a", "b" and "c" to the
c                          intercepts "ala", "alb" and "alc" on the opposite
c                          edges.
c     dma,b,c   Output   The lengths of the median vectors "vma", "vmb", "vmc",
c                          from vertices "a", "b" and "c" to the midpoints
c                          "pma", "pmb" and "pmc" of the opposite edges.
c     dqab      Output   The distance from the midpoint "pmc" of edge "ab" to
c                          the center of the circumscribed circle, "cc".
c     dqbc      Output   The distance from the midpoint "pma" of edge "bc" to
c                          the center of the circumscribed circle, "cc".
c     dqca      Output   The distance from the midpoint "pmb" of edge "ca" to
c                          the center of the circumscribed circle, "cc".
c     dvia,b,c  Output   The lengths of the angle bisector vectors "via", "vib"
c                          and "vic", from vertices "a", "b" and "c" to the
c                          opposite edges.
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if the triangle has zero area (vertices are
c                          coincident or colinear).
c     pmax,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the midpoint of edge "bc".
c                          The intercept of median "vma" on edge "bc".
c     pmbx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the midpoint of edge "ca".
c                          The intercept of median "vmb" on edge "ca".
c     pmcx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z coordinates of the midpoint of edge "ab".
c                          The intercept of median "vmc" on edge "ab".
c     radcirc   Output   The radius of the circumscribed circle.  Centered at
c                          "cc".  Very large if the triangle has zero area.
c     radinsc   Output   The radius of the inscribed circle.  Centered at "ci".
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.
c     vhax,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the altitude vector from vertex
c                          "a" to edge "bc".  Length is dha.
c                          Intersects the other altitude vectors at the
c                          orthocenter "co".
c     vhbx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the altitude vector from vertex
c                          "b" to edge "ca".  Length is dhb.
c                          Intersects the other altitude vectors at the
c                          orthocenter "co".
c     vhcx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the altitude vector from vertex
c                          "c" to edge "ab".  Length is dhc.
c                          Intersects the other altitude vectors at the
c                          orthocenter "co".
c     viax,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the angle bisector vector from
c                          vertex "a" to edge "bc".  Length is dvia.
c                          Intersects the other angle bisector vectors at the
c                          center of the inscribed circle "ci".
c     vibx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the angle bisector vector from
c                          vertex "b" to edge "ca".  Length is dvib.
c                          Intersects the other angle bisector vectors at the
c                          center of the inscribed circle "ci".
c     vicx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the angle bisector vector from
c                          vertex "c" to edge "ab".  Length is dvic.
c                          Intersects the other angle bisector vectors at the
c                          center of the inscribed circle "ci".
c     vmax,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the median vector "vma" from
c                          vertex "a" to the center of edge "bc".  Intersects
c                          the other median vectors at the centroid, "cg".
c                          Length is dma.
c     vmbx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the median vector "vmb" from
c                          vertex "b" to the center of edge "ca".  Intersects
c                          the other median vectors at the centroid, "cg".
c                          Length is dmb.
c     vmcx,y,z  Output   The x,y,z components of the median vector "vmc" from
c                          vertex "c" to the center of edge "ab".  Intersects
c                          the other median vectors at the centroid, "cg".
c                          Length is dmc.
c     vnx,y,z   Output   The x,y,z components of the vector normal to the plane
c                          of the triangle.  Length is 2.0 * areatr.
c     vqabx,y,z Output   The x,y,z components of the perpendicular bisector
c                          vector from the midpoint of edge "ab" to the center
c                          of the circumscribed circle, "cc".  Length is dqab.
c     vqbcx,y,z Output   The x,y,z components of the perpendicular bisector
c                          vector from the midpoint of edge "bc" to the center
c                          of the circumscribed circle, "cc".  Length is dqbc.
c     vqcax,y,z Output   The x,y,z components of the perpendicular bisector
c                          vector from the midpoint of edge "ca" to the center
c                          of the circumscribed circle, "cc".  Length is dqca.

c     Local glossary.
c     dota      Local    The dot product of the edge vectors "ca" and "ab".
c     dotb      Local    The dot product of the edge vectors "ab" and "bc".
c     dotc      Local    The dot product of the edge vectors "bc" and "ca".
c     vpabx,y,z Local    The x,y,z components of a vector perpendicular to
c                          edge "ab", in the plane of the triangle.
c     vpbcx,y,z Local    The x,y,z components of a vector perpendicular to
c                          edge "bc", in the plane of the triangle.
c     vpcax,y,z Local    The x,y,z components of a vector perpendicular to
c                          edge "ca", in the plane of the triangle.

c.... Parameters.

      parameter (small = 1.e-99)
      parameter (big   = 1.e+99)
      parameter (pi    = 3.14159265358979323)

c.... Local variables.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'apttrig finding triangle data:'  /
cbug     &  ' ax,ay,az=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' bx,by,bz=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' cx,cy,cz=    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr = 0


c.... Find the edge vectors of the triangle, "ab", "bc" and "ca",
c....   and the edge lengths, dab, dbc and dca.

      call aptvdis (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &              abx, aby, abz, dab, nerra)

      call aptvdis (bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &              bcx, bcy, bcz, dbc, nerra)

      call aptvdis (cx, cy, cz, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &              cax, cay, caz, dca, nerra)

      if ((dab .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &    (dbc .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &    (dca .eq. 0.0)) then
        nerr = 1
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9902 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (edge vectors and lengths):' /
cbug     &  ' abx,aby,abz= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' bcx,bcy,bcz= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' cax,cay,caz= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' dab,dbc,dca= ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9902) abx, aby, abz, bcx, bcy, bcz, cax, cay, caz,
cbug     &  dab, dbc, dca
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the vertex angles.

      call aptvang (cax, cay, caz, abx, aby, abz, 1, tol, costha, nerra)

      call aptvang (abx, aby, abz, bcx, bcy, bcz, 1, tol, costhb, nerra)

      call aptvang (bcx, bcy, bcz, cax, cay, caz, 1, tol, costhc, nerra)

      anga = (180.0 / pi) * acos (-costha)
      angb = (180.0 / pi) * acos (-costhb)
      angc = (180.0 / pi) * acos (-costhc)

      if (dab .eq. 0.0) then
        anga = -big
        angb = -big
      if (dbc .eq. 0.0) then
        angb = -big
        angc = -big
      if (dca .eq. 0.0) then
        angc = -big
        anga = -big
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9903 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (vertex angles, degrees):' /
cbug     &  ' anga,b,c=    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9903) anga, angb, angc
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the normal vector, and the area of the triangle.

      call aptvaxb (abx, aby, abz, bcx, bcy, bcz, 1, tol,
     &              vnx, vny, vnz, dnorm, nerra)

      if (dnorm .eq. 0.0) then
        nerr = 1

      areatr = 0.5 * dnorm
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9904 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (normal vector and length, triangle area):' /
cbug     &  ' vnx,vny,vnz= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' dnorm=       ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' area=        ',1pe22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9904) vnx, vny, vnz, dnorm, areatr
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the area of the triangle, and
c....    the coordinates of the center of gravity.

      call apttrid (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &              dab, dbc, dca, areatr, cgx, cgy, cgz, nerra)

      if (areatr .eq. 0.0) then
        nerr = 1
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9905 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (edge lengths, area, center of gravity):' /
cbug     &  ' dab,dbc,dca= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' area=        ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' cgx,cgy,cgz= ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9905) dab, dbc, dca, areatr, cgx, cgy, cgz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the vectors perpendicular to the edges, in the plane of the triangle.

      call aptvaxb (vnx, vny, vnz, abx, aby, abz, 1, tol,
     &              vpabx, vpaby, vpabz, vlenab, nerra)

      call aptvaxb (vnx, vny, vnz, bcx, bcy, bcz, 1, tol,
     &              vpbcx, vpbcy, vpbcz, vlenbc, nerra)

      call aptvaxb (vnx, vny, vnz, cax, cay, caz, 1, tol,
     &              vpcax, vpcay, vpcaz, vlenca, nerra)

      if ((vlenab .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &    (vlenbc .eq. 0.0)  .or.
     &    (vlenca .eq. 0.0)) then
        nerr = 1
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9906 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (vectors perpendicular to edges, lengths):' /
cbug     &  ' vpabx,y,z=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vpbcx,y,z=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vpcax,y,z=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' lengths=     ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9906) vpabx, vpaby, vpabz,
cbug     &                 vpbcx, vpbcy, vpbcz,
cbug     &                 vpcax, vpcay, vpcaz, vlenab, vlenbc, vlenca
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the midpoints of the edges of the triangle.

      call aptvsum (0, 0.5, ax, ay, az, 0.5, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &              pmcx, pmcy, pmcz, dpmc, nerra)

      call aptvsum (0, 0.5, bx, by, bz, 0.5, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &              pmax, pmay, pmaz, dpma, nerra)

      call aptvsum (0, 0.5, cx, cy, cz, 0.5, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &              pmbx, pmby, pmbz, dpmb, nerra)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9907 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (midpoints of edges):' /
cbug     &  ' pmax,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' pmbx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' pmcx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9907) pmax, pmay, pmaz, pmbx, pmby, pmbz,
cbug     &  pmcx, pmcy, pmcz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the vectors from the vertices to the median of the opposite edge.
c....   These meet at the centroid, or center of gravity, of the triangle.

      call aptvsum (0, 0.5, abx, aby, abz, -0.5, cax, cay, caz, 1, tol,
     &              vmax, vmay, vmaz, dma, nerra)

      call aptvsum (0, 0.5, bcx, bcy, bcz, -0.5, abx, aby, abz, 1, tol,
     &              vmbx, vmby, vmbz, dmb, nerra)

      call aptvsum (0, 0.5, cax, cay, caz, -0.5, bcx, bcy, bcz, 1, tol,
     &              vmcx, vmcy, vmcz, dmc, nerra)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9908 format (/
cbug     a  'apttrig results (median vectors, lengths):' /
cbug     &  ' vmax,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vmbx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vmcx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' dma,b,c      ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9908) vmax, vmay, vmaz,
cbug     &                 vmbx, vmby, vmbz,
cbug     &                 vmcx, vmcy, vmcz, dma, dmb, dmc
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the altitude vectors, and their heights.

      call aptvaxb (vnx, vny, vnz, bcx, bcy, bcz, 1, tol,
     &              vhax, vhay, vhaz, vlen, nerra)

      vhax = vpbcx / (dbc**2 + small)
      vhay = vpbcy / (dbc**2 + small)
      vhaz = vpbcz / (dbc**2 + small)
      dha  = 2.0 * areatr / (dbc + small)

      call aptvaxb (vnx, vny, vnz, cax, cay, caz, 1, tol,
     &              vhbx, vhby, vhbz, vlen, nerra)

      vhbx = vpcax / (dca**2 + small)
      vhby = vpcay / (dca**2 + small)
      vhbz = vpcaz / (dca**2 + small)
      dhb  = 2.0 * areatr / (dca + small)

      call aptvaxb (vnx, vny, vnz, abx, aby, abz, 1, tol,
     &              vhcx, vhcy, vhcz, vlen, nerra)

      vhcx = vpabx / (dab**2 + small)
      vhcy = vpaby / (dab**2 + small)
      vhcz = vpabz / (dab**2 + small)
      dhc  = 2.0 * areatr / (dab + small)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9909 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (altitude vectors and their heights):' /
cbug     &  ' vhax,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vhbx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vhcx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' heights=     ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9909) vhax, vhay, vhaz,
cbug     &                 vhbx, vhby, vhbz,
cbug     &                 vhcx, vhcy, vhcz,
cbug     &                 dha, dhb, dhc
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the intercepts of the altitudes on the edges.

      call aptvsum (0, 1.0, ax, ay, az, -1.0, vhax, vhay, vhaz,
     &              1, tol, alax, alay, alaz, dala, nerra)

      call aptvsum (0, 1.0, bx, by, bz, -1.0, vhbx, vhby, vhbz,
     &              1, tol, albx, alby, albz, dalb, nerra)

      call aptvsum (0, 1.0, cx, cy, cz, -1.0, vhcx, vhcy, vhcz,
     &              1, tol, alcx, alcy, alcz, dalc, nerra)

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9910 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (altitude intercepts):' /
cbug     &  ' alax,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' albx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' alcx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9910) alax, alay, alaz,
cbug     &                 albx, alby, albz,
cbug     &                 alcx, alcy, alcz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the orthocenter (triple intersections of altitudes).
c....   Intersect line "a" to "ala" and "b" to "alb" and "c" to "alc".

      call aptlnln (ax, ay, az, alax, alay, alaz,
     &              bx, by, bz, albx, alby, albz, 1, tol,
     &              dpmin, fracaa, fracbb,
     &              cox, coy, coz, cxx, cyy, czz, itrun, ipar, nerra)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9920 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (altitude intersection = orthocenter):' /
cbug     &  ' cox,coy,coz= ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9920) cox, coy, coz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the dot products of the edge vectors.

      call aptvdot (cax, cay, caz, abx, aby, abz, 1, tol, dota, nerra)

      call aptvdot (abx, aby, abz, bcx, bcy, bcz, 1, tol, dotb, nerra)

      call aptvdot (bcx, bcy, bcz, cax, cay, caz, 1, tol, dotc, nerra)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9911 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (dot products of edge vectors):' /
cbug     &  ' dota,b,c=    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9911) dota, dotb, dotc
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the perpendicular bisectors of the edges (to the center of the
c....   circumscribed circle), and the distances from the edges to the center.

      vqabx = -0.5 * dotc * vpabx / (dnorm**2 + small)
      vqaby = -0.5 * dotc * vpaby / (dnorm**2 + small)
      vqabz = -0.5 * dotc * vpabz / (dnorm**2 + small)

      dqab  =  0.5 * abs (dotc) * dab / (dnorm + small)

      vqbcx = -0.5 * dota * vpbcx / (dnorm**2 + small)
      vqbcy = -0.5 * dota * vpbcy / (dnorm**2 + small)
      vqbcz = -0.5 * dota * vpbcz / (dnorm**2 + small)

      dqbc  =  0.5 * abs (dota) * dbc / (dnorm + small)

      vqcax = -0.5 * dotb * vpcax / (dnorm**2 + small)
      vqcay = -0.5 * dotb * vpcay / (dnorm**2 + small)
      vqcaz = -0.5 * dotb * vpcaz / (dnorm**2 + small)

      dqca  =  0.5 * abs (dotb) * dca / (dnorm + small)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9912 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (perpendicular bisectors and distances to',
cbug     &  ' intersection):' /
cbug     &  ' vqabx,y,z=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' dqab=        ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vqbcx,y,z=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' dqbc=        ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vqcax,y,z=   ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' dqca=        ',1pe22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9912) vqabx, vqaby, vqabz, dqab,
cbug     &                 vqbcx, vqbcy, vqbcz, dqbc,
cbug     &                 vqcax, vqcay, vqcaz, dqca
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the center and radius of the circumscribed circle.

      call aptcirp (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &              ccx, ccy, ccz, vnx, vny, vnz, radcirc, nerra)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9922 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (circumscribed circle, center and radius):' /
cbug     &  ' ccx,y,z=     ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' radcirc=     ',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vnx,vny,vnz= ',1p3e22.14)
cbug      write ( 3, 9922) ccx, ccy, ccz, radcirc, vnx, vny, vnz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the angle bisectors, from the vertex to the opposite edge.

      wt1 =  dca / (dca + dab + small)
      wt2 = -dab / (dca + dab + small)

      call aptvsum (0, wt1, abx, aby, abz, wt2, cax, cay, caz, 1, tol,
     &              viax, viay, viaz, dvia, nerra)

      wt1 =  dab / (dab + dbc + small)
      wt2 = -dbc / (dab + dbc + small)

      call aptvsum (0, wt1, bcx, bcy, bcz, wt2, abx, aby, abz, 1, tol,
     &              vibx, viby, vibz, dvib, nerra)

      wt1 =  dbc / (dbc + dca + small)
      wt2 = -dca / (dbc + dca + small)

      call aptvsum (0, wt1, cax, cay, caz, wt2, bcx, bcy, bcz, 1, tol,
     &              vicx, vicy, vicz, dvic, nerra)

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9913 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (angle bisectors, lengths):' /
cbug     &  ' viax,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vibx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' vicx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' lengths=     ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9913) viax, viay, viaz,
cbug     &                 vibx, viby, vibz,
cbug     &                 vicx, vicy, vicz, dvia, dvib, dvic
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the intercepts of the angle bisectors on the opposite edge.

      wt1 = dca / (dca + dab + small)
      wt2 = dab / (dca + dab + small)

      call aptvsum(0, wt1, bx, by, bz, wt2, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &             anax, anay, anaz, dana, nerra)

      wt1 = dab / (dab + dbc + small)
      wt2 = dbc / (dab + dbc + small)

      call aptvsum(0, wt1, cx, cy, cz, wt2, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &             anbx, anby, anbz, danb, nerra)

      wt1 = dbc / (dbc + dca + small)
      wt2 = dca / (dbc + dca + small)

      call aptvsum(0, wt1, ax, ay, az, wt2, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &             ancx, ancy, ancz, danc, nerra)

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9914 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (angle bisector intercepts):' /
cbug     &  ' anax,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' anbx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' ancx,y,z=    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9914) anax, anay, anaz,
cbug     &                 anbx, anby, anbz,
cbug     &                 ancx, ancy, ancz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... Find the center and radius of the inscribed circle.

      cix = dbc * ax + dca * bx + dab * cx
      ciy = dbc * ay + dca * by + dab * cy
      ciz = dbc * az + dca * bz + dab * cz

      derrx = tol * (dbc * abs (ax) + dca * abs (bx) + dab * abs (cx))
      derry = tol * (dbc * abs (ay) + dca * abs (by) + dab * abs (cy))
      derrz = tol * (dbc * abs (az) + dca * abs (bz) + dab * abs (cz))

      if (abs (cix) .le. derrx) cix = 0.0
      if (abs (ciy) .le. derry) ciy = 0.0
      if (abs (ciz) .le. derrz) ciz = 0.0

      cix = cix / (dbc + dca + dab + small)
      ciy = ciy / (dbc + dca + dab + small)
      ciz = ciz / (dbc + dca + dab + small)

      radinsc = 2.0 * areatr / (dbc + dca + dab + small)
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9915 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (center and radius of inscribed circle):' /
cbug     &  ' cix,y,z=     ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' radinsc=     ',1pe22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9915) cix, ciy, ciz, radinsc
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


  210 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9916 format (/
cbug     &  'apttrig results (ERROR FLAG):  nerr = ',i2 )
cbug      if (nerr .ne. 0) then
cbug        write ( 3, 9916) nerr
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine apttrig.      (+1 line.)
