In ENDL the breakup of beryllium 9 is listed as an (n, 2n)
reaction (
= 12), giving
9Be (n, 2n) 8Be, and endep produces two output files, one for the
total average energy of the two neutrons (
= 1) and one for
the total average energy of the two alphas as residual (
= 16). It might make more sense to list this reaction as
9Be (n, 2n
) 4He with the identifier
= 33.
This is the only ENDL reaction in which the data are joint
energy-angle distributions. Specifically, for given energy of the
incident neutron
Eyi we have the probability distribution
p(Eyi,) of the direction cosine
of the alphas, and for
Eyi and
we have the probability distribution
, Eyo) of the energy
Eyo of the alphas. Therefore, the
average alpha energy is obtained by calculating the double integral
The average neutron energies are then obtained from energy balance. The ENDL library does contain joint energy-angle distributions for the secondary neutrons. Therefore, endep also calculates the double integrals (27) for this data and checks for consistency of the results.