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Breakup of beryllium 9

In ENDL the breakup of beryllium 9 is listed as an (n, 2n) reaction ( $ \tt c\_ID$ = 12), giving 9Be (n, 2n8Be, and endep produces two output files, one for the total average energy of the two neutrons ( $ \tt yo$ = 1) and one for the total average energy of the two alphas as residual ( $ \tt yo$ = 16). It might make more sense to list this reaction as 9Be (n, 2n$ \alpha$4He with the identifier $ \tt c\_ID$ = 33.

This is the only ENDL reaction in which the data are joint energy-angle distributions. Specifically, for given energy of the incident neutron Eyi we have the probability distribution p(Eyi,$ \mu$) of the direction cosine $ \mu$ of the alphas, and for given Eyi and $ \mu$ we have the probability distribution P(Eyi,$ \mu$, Eyo) of the energy Eyo of the alphas. Therefore, the average alpha energy is obtained by calculating the double integral

$\displaystyle \langle$Eyo$\displaystyle \rangle$ = $\displaystyle \int_{{-1}}^{1}$$\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{
\int E_{\rm yo}P(E_{\rm yi},\mu, E_{\rm yo}) \, dE_{\rm yo}
}\right.$$\displaystyle \int$EyoP(Eyi,$\displaystyle \mu$, Eyo) dEyo$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{
\int E_{\rm yo}P(E_{\rm yi},\mu, E_{\rm yo}) \, dE_{\rm yo}
}\right)$p(Eyi,$\displaystyle \mu$) d$\displaystyle \mu$. (27)
The ouput file of average alpha energies contains the pairs

(Eyi, 2$\displaystyle \langle$Eyo$\displaystyle \rangle$).

The average neutron energies are then obtained from energy balance. The ENDL library does contain joint energy-angle distributions for the secondary neutrons. Therefore, endep also calculates the double integrals (27) for this data and checks for consistency of the results.

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