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Usage of endep

The best way to run endep is via the script

$\displaystyle \tt /nds/bin/endep.script$

and the usage is

$\displaystyle \tt endep.script\ [directory\_name]$

The command-line parameter is the name of the directory of files on which you want to run endep. If no directory name is given on the command line, the script asks the user to supply one. Note that it is assumed that the data in this directory are for a single target only. In fact, the endep code will stop if it sees data from two different targets.

It is assumed that the files in this directory are in the ENDL format. Before running endep, the script runs endlret in order to concatenate the data into the order required by endep. This requires that your directory contain a .index file listing the names of the data files that you want to be processed by endep. If the script finds no .index file, it makes one, based on the assumption that you have used the usual ENDL file naming convention, namely, that data file names start out yo.... Hence, if you have named your data files roulade and skinka, then you have to provide a .index file consisting of these two file names on separate lines.

The script is set up so that the output from endlret is a file called endl.asc. The next step in endep.script is to use the Perl script to parse the endl.asc file and to write the structure to a file endep.zacis, which is used as input to endep.

Note that endep.script gets the bdfls file as an input to endep. The reason for this is that endep uses bdfls for its list of atomic masses, and these are used in the calculation of the mass-difference component of the energy of each reaction.

The user has the option of supplying an endep.input file, which has the following purpose. For discrete 2-body reactions the input data for endep consists of angular distributions of secondary particles in terms of center-of-mass coordinates, and it is assumed that this data may be interpolated linearly. But linear interpolation in the center-of-mass system transforms into parabolas in the laboratory frame. Because we also want to be able to do linear interpolation of the output from endep, the code inserts points on these parabolas to guarantee an interpolation accuracy given by the parameter endep_tol. The default value of endep_tol is 0.01, giving at least a 1% accuracy on the linear interpolation of the parabolas. If the user wants to have, say, 1/2% accuracy on the linear interpolation, he should supply an endep.input file in Fortran 90 namelist form,

endep_tol = 0.005/

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