NADS – Nuclear and Atomic Data Systems

NADS is a Java Applet that allows for one to view Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (ENDL) formatted data. NADS (Version 1.3) supports tables, 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D data plots, and a database viewer. The current viewable databases are ENDL v94, ENDL v99, ENDF/B5, ENDF/B6 (alpha release) and Radchem. Cross section heating and processed data are now available. User comments are desired to help shape this product and they may be submitted within the NADS applet or by email to The only requirement is an internet connection and a web browser with Java 1.4.1+.

If you wish to use the data directly on the LC machines, then you can access them at /usr/gapps/data/nuclear. Please link and do not copy the data to conserve disk space.

To get added to the NADS email list, send an email to

To start NADS on the Nuclear server, click here. To download the policy file that will allow for preferences to be saved and for cut and paste to work, copy this policy file to your home directory. For more information, see the F.A.Q.

Operating System Support:
Windows 95 (SP1), 98SE, ME, NT 4.0 (SP6), 2000 (SP2), and XP; Solaris 7, 8, and 9; Linux 6.0 or later; Mac OS X*and OS 9**.

Browser Support:
Internet Explorer 4 (SP2), 5.01 (SP2), 5.5 (SP2), and 6; Netscape 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, and 4.77; and Netscape 6.2.1 and higher.

* Mac OS X should have full system upgrade and use Safari as the web browser.
**Mac OS 9 should use X Terminal software with X11 tunneling turned on and connect to a machine with a Java 1.4 browser. If you have an account, you can use Mozilla by executing /usr/gapps/data/nuclear/mozilla/mozilla.

Special thanks to Ptolemy Project at UC Berkeley for the 2-D plotting package code, Ptplot 5.2.


Updated:  October 18, 2004