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Summary of FORTRAN routines

ndfaccess To select a ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ data file other then the default.
ndfatw Returns the mass for the current target in AMU.
ndfbuff Provide memory allocated by the user to the ndf routines.
ndfclose Closes the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfcorrec Returns the transport-correcting cross-section for the current target.
ndfed Returns the deposited energy for the requested transportable outgoing
  particle for the current target.
ndfemax Returns the total available energy for the current target.
ndfep Returns the production energy for the current target.
ndffism Returns the fission matrix for the current target.
ndffisx Returns the fission < $ \nu$$ \sigma$ > g for the current target.
ndfflxw Returns the collapsed flux weights for l = 0.
ndfflxw_l Returns the collapsed flux weights for the requested Legendre order.
ndffsp Returns the normalized fission spectrum for the current target.
ndfgid Returns the group id of the uncollapsed energy boundaries of the incident
ndfgp Returns the uncollapsed energy boundaries of the incident particle.
ndfgroup Provides the user supplied information needed for collapsing of the data.
ndfidog Reads an energy group from a bdfls file.
ndfifsp Returns a flag indicating whether or not fission data is present.
ndfinfo Returns the path of the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfinit Opens an ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfiso Selects a target from the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfistab Returns the list of targets in the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfmxorder Returns the maximum Legendre order in the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfmxorder_tc Returns the maximum Legendre order allowed by the current transport
  correction method.
ndfncorrec Returns the length of data in 'double' words required by ndfcorrec.
ndfngroup Returns the number of collapsed groups.
ndfngroups Returns the number of uncollapsed groups.
ndfnistab Returns the number of targets in the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfnmaxgps Returns the largest group size used in processing the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndfnppyos Returns the number of transportable outgoing particles for which a
  production transfer matrix exist for the current target.
ndfnprod Returns the number of outgoing particles produced by the requested reaction
  for the current target.
ndfnreact Returns the number of reactions for the current target.
ndfnrxs Returns the number of reactions of type C for the current target.
ndfnyos Returns the number of transportable outgoing particles for the current target.
ndfpmat Returns the collapsed production transfer matrix and the corrected,
  collapsed, deposited energy.
ndfppmatrix Returns the uncollapsed production transfer matrix for the requested
  outgoing particle for the current target.
ndfppyos Returns the list of transportable outgoing particles for which there are
  production transfer matrices for the current target.
ndfprod Returns the ZA and multiplicity lists for particles produced by the requested
  reaction for the current target.
ndfreact Returns a list of C-values for the reactions for the current target.
ndfrxs Returns the requested reaction's cross-section data for the current target.
ndfrxslevel Returns S-, Q-, X1-, X2-, X3-, Q eff-values and the cross-section for
  the requested level of the requested reaction for the current target.
ndfrxslist Returns a list of S-, Q-, X1-, X2-, X3- and Q eff-values for the requested
  reaction for the current target.
ndfsig Returns the total cross-section (transport corrected), interaction transfer
  matrix (yi $ \rightarrow$ yo for yi = yo transport corrected),
  energy deposited by yo and the transport correcting cross-section for
  the requested Legendre order for the current target.
ndfsp Returns the group speeds for the opened ndfy$\scriptstyle \bf i$ file.
ndftotal Returns the uncorrected total cross-section for the current target.
ndftransfer Returns the uncollapsed, uncorrected interaction transfer matrix for the
  requested Legendre order for the current target.
ndftrcorr Sets the desired transport correction method.
ndfwsp Returns the collapsed normalized l = 0 flux.
ndfyo Returns the jth particle's id from the particle directory of the global
  data section.
ndfyos Returns a list of transportable outgoing particles with energy deposit data for
  the current target.
ndfyo_gid Returns the group id for the requested outgoing particle.
ndfyo_info Returns the number of energy groups, nh, and the conservation flag, iecflg,
  for the requested transportable outgoing particle.

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