ndfcaccess | To select a ndfy![]() |
ndfcatw | Returns the mass for the current target in AMU. |
ndfcbuff | Provide memory allocated by the user to the ndf routines. |
ndfcclose | Closes the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfccorrec | Returns the transport-correcting cross-section for the current target. |
ndfced | Returns the deposited energy for the requested transportable outgoing |
particle for the current target. | |
ndfcemax | Returns the total available energy for the current target. |
ndfcep | Returns the production energy for the current target. |
ndfcfism | Returns the fission matrix for the current target. |
ndfcfisx | Returns the fission
< ![]() ![]() |
ndfcflxw | Returns the collapsed flux weights for l = 0. |
ndfcflxw_l | Returns the collapsed flux weights for the requested Legendre order. |
ndfcfsp | Returns the normalized fission spectrum for the current target. |
ndfcgid | Returns the group id of the uncollapsed energy boundaries of the incident |
particle. | |
ndfcgp | Returns the uncollapsed energy boundaries of the incident particle. |
ndfcgroup | Provides the user supplied information needed for collapsing of the data. |
ndfcidog | Reads an energy group from a bdfls file. |
ndfcifsp | Returns a flag indicating whether or not fission data is present. |
ndfcinfo | Returns the path of the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfcinit | Opens an ndfy![]() |
ndfciso | Selects a target from the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfcistab | Returns the list of targets in the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfcmxorder | Returns the maximum Legendre order in the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfcmxorder_tc | Returns the maximum Legendre order allowed by the current transport |
correction method. | |
ndfcncorrec | Returns the length of data in 'double' words required by ndfcorrec. |
ndfcngroup | Returns the number of collapsed groups. |
ndfcngroups | Returns the number of uncollapsed groups. |
ndfcnistab | Returns the number of targets in the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfcnmaxgps | Returns the largest group size used in processing the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfcnppyos | Returns the number of transportable outgoing particles for which a |
production transfer matrix exist for the current target. | |
ndfcnprod | Returns the number of outgoing particles produced for the requested reaction |
for the current target. | |
ndfcnreact | Returns the number of reactions for the current target. |
ndfcnrxs | Returns the number of reactions of type C for the current target. |
ndfcnyos | Returns the number of transportable outgoing particles for the current target. |
ndfcopen | Opens an ndfy![]() |
ndfcpmat | Returns the collapsed production transfer matrix and the corrected, collapsed, |
deposited energy | |
ndfcppmatrix | Returns the uncollapsed production transfer matrix for the requested outgoing |
particle for the current target. | |
ndfcppyos | Returns the list of transportable outgoing particles for which there are |
production transfer matrices for the current target. | |
ndfcprod | Returns the ZA and multiplicity lists for particles produced by the requested |
reaction for the current target. | |
ndfcreact | Returns a list of C-values for the reactions for the current target. |
ndfcrxs | Returns the requested reaction's cross-section data for the current target. |
ndfcrxslevel | Returns S-, Q-, X1-, X2-, X3-, Q eff-values and the cross-section for the |
requested level of the requested reaction for the current target. | |
ndfcrxslist | Returns a list of S-, Q-, X1-, X2-, X3- and Q eff-values for the requested |
reaction for the current target. | |
ndfcsig | Returns the total cross-section (transport corrected), interaction transfer |
matrix (yi
![]() |
energy deposited by yo = yi and the transport correcting cross-section for | |
the requested Legendre order for the current target. | |
ndfcsp | Returns the group speeds for the opened ndfy![]() |
ndfctotal | Returns the uncorrected total cross-section for the current target. |
ndfctransfer | Returns the uncollapsed, uncorrected interaction transfer matrix for the |
requested Legendre order for the current target. | |
ndfctrcorr | Sets the desired transport correction method. |
ndfcwsp | Returns the collapsed normalized l = 0 flux. |
ndfcyo | Returns the jth id from the particle directory of the global data section. |
ndfcyos | Returns a list of transportable outgoing particles with energy deposit data for |
the current target. | |
ndfcyo_gid | Returns the group id for the requested particle type. |
ndfcyo_iecflg | Returns the conservation flag, iecflg, for the requested transportable |
outgoing particle. | |
ndfcyo_nego | Returns the number of energy groups, nh, for the requested transportable |
outgoing particle. |