subroutine aptrcab (a, b, c, tol, ncut, fa, aa, fb, bb, cc, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTRCAB
c     call aptrcab (a, b, c, tol, ncut, fa, aa, fb, bb, cc, nerr)
c     Version:  aptrcab  Updated    1999 September 13 14:00.
c               aptrcab  Originated 1999 August 26 16:50.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  For the triangle with edges a, b and c, to find the ncut
c               (0 to 2) straight line(s) from edge a to edge b that cut the
c               triangle into sections with equal perimeters and equal areas,
c               to find the fractional distances fa and fb of the endpoints
c               along the edges, and the lengths aa, bb and cc of the edges of
c               the small triangle.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    a, b, c, tol.
c     Output:   ncut, fa, aa, fb, bb, cc, nerr.
c     Calls: aptrich, aptqrts 
c     Glossary:
c     a         Input    The length of edge a of the triangle.
c     b         Input    The length of edge b of the triangle.
c     c         Input    The length of edge c of the triangle.
c     aa        Output   The distance of the first endpoint along edge a.
c                          Size 2.
c     bb        Output   The distance of the second endpoint along edge b.
c                          Size 2.
c     fa        Output   The fractional distance of the first endpoint along
c                          edge a.  Size 2.
c     fb        Output   The fractional distance of the second endpoint along
c                          edge b.  Size 2.
c     ncut      Output   The number of cutting lines (0, 1 or 2).
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if an edge length is negative.
c                          2 if the triangle is impossible (an edge length is
c                          not less than the sum of the other two edge lengths.
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.

      implicit     none

c.... Arguments.

      real         a                  ! Length of edge a of the triangle.
      real         b                  ! Length of edge b of the triangle.
      real         c                  ! Length of edge c of the triangle.
      real         aa(2)              ! Distance of point E along edge.
      real         bb(2)              ! Distance of point F along edge.
      real         cc(2)              ! Length of cutting line.
      real         fa(2)              ! Fractional distance of E along edge.
      real         fb(2)              ! Fractional distance of F along edge.
      integer      ncut               ! Number of equipartition cutting lines.
      integer      nerr               ! Error indicator.
      real         tol                ! Numerical tolerence limit.

c.... Local variables.

      real         c2                 ! Coefficient of t**2 in quadratic eq.
      real         c1                 ! Coefficient of t    in quadratic eq.
      real         c0                 ! Coefficient of 1    in quadratic eq.
      real         fab                ! Fractional distance from A to B.
      real         fac                ! Fractional distance from A to C.
      real         fba                ! Fractional distance from B to A.
      real         fbc                ! Fractional distance from B to C.
      real         fca                ! Fractional distance from C to A.
      real         fcb                ! Fractional distance from C to B.
      integer      itrun              ! Truncation flag from aptqrts.
      integer      n                  ! Index of cut line.
      integer      nerra              ! Error flag from apt subroutine.
      integer      nroots             ! # of real roots of quadratic equation.
      real         per                ! Perimeter of triangle, a + b + c.
      real         qq                 ! c1**2 - 4*c2*c1.
      real         root1              ! First real root of quadatic equation.
      real         root2              ! Second real root of quadratic equation.

cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptrcab finding triangle partition cuts.',
cbug     &  '  tol=',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' a ,b ,c =    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) tol, a, b, c
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr  = 0
      ncut  = 0

      do 110 n = 1, 2
        fa(n) = -1.e99
        fb(n) = -1.e99
        aa(n) = -1.e99
        bb(n) = -1.e99
        cc(n) = -1.e99
  110 continue


c.... Test for input errors.

      call aptrich (a, b, c, tol, nerr)

      if (nerr .ne. 0) go to 410

      per = a + b + c                 ! Perimeter.

c.... Find any cuts from edge a to edge b.

      c2 = 2.0 * a
      c1 = -per
      c0 = b

      call aptqrts (0, c2, c1, c0, qq, tol,
     &              nroots, root1, root2, itrun)

      if (nroots .ge. 1) then

        if ((root1 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root1 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          fcb = root1
          fca = 0.5 / fcb
          fbc = 1.0 - fcb
          if (abs (fbc) .le. tol) then
            fbc = 0.0
            fcb = 1.0
            fac = 0.5
            fca = 0.5

          fac = 1.0 - fca
          if (abs (fac) .le. tol) then
            fac = 0.0
            fca = 1.0
            fbc = 0.5
            fcb = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          fa(ncut) = fcb
          fb(ncut) = fca
          aa(ncut) = fcb * a
          bb(ncut) = fca * b
          cc(ncut) = sqrt (per * (c - 0.25 * per))

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.

  350 if (nroots .eq. 2) then
        if ((root2 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root2 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          fcb = root2
          fca = 0.5 / fcb
          fbc = 1.0 - fcb
          if (abs (fbc) .le. tol) then
            fbc = 0.0
            fcb = 1.0
            fca = 0.5
            fac = 0.5

          fac = 1.0 - fca
          if (abs (fac) .le. tol) then
            fac = 0.0
            fca = 1.0
            fbc = 0.5
            fcb = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          fa(ncut) = fcb
          fb(ncut) = fca
          aa(ncut) = fcb * a
          bb(ncut) = fca * b
          cc(ncut) = sqrt (per * (c - 0.25 * per))

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.


  410 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9916 format (/ 'aptrcab results. nerr = ',i2,' ncut = ',i1 )
cbug 9918 format ('ncut =',i2 /
cbug     &        'fa, fb      = ',1p2e22.12 /
cbug     &        'aa, bb, cc  = ',1p3e22.12 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9916) nerr, ncut
cbug      if (ncut .gt. 0) then
cbug        do 420 n = 1, ncut
cbug          write ( 3, 9918) n, fa(n), fb(n), aa(n), bb(n), cc(n)
cbug  420   continue
cbug      endif
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptrcab.      (+1 line.)
