subroutine aptrcut (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, tol,
     &                    ncut, acut1, fcut1, dcut1, ex, ey, ez,
     &                    acut2, fcut2, dcut2, fx, fy, fz, dcut3, nerr)

c                             SUBROUTINE APTRCUT
c     call aptrcut (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, tol,
c    &              ncut, acut1, fcut1, dcut1, ex, ey, ez,
c    &              acut2, fcut2, dcut2, fx, fy, fz, dcut3, nerr)
c     Version:  aptrcut  Updated    1999 September 13 14:00.
c               aptrcut  Originated 1999 April 19 15:30.
c     Author:   Arthur L. Edwards, LLNL, L-298, Telephone (925) 422-4123.
c     Purpose:  For the triangle with vertices A = (ax, ay, az),
c               B = (bx, by, bz), and C = (cx, cy, cz), and opposite edges
c               a, b and c, in 3-D space, to find the endpoints E = (ex, ey, ez)
c               and F = (fx, fy, fz) of the ncut (1 to 3) straight line(s) that
c               cut the triangle into sections with equal perimeters and equal
c               areas, and acut1 and acut2, the names of the edges or vertices
c               on which points E and F occur, to find the fractional
c               distances fcut1 and fcut2 of the end points along the edges,
c               and to find the lengths dcut1, dcut2 and dcut3 of the small
c               triangular section.
c               Flag nerr indicates any input error.
c     Input:    ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, tol.
c     Output:   ncut, acut1, fcut1, ex, ey, ez, acut2, fcut2, fx, fy, fz, nerr.
c     Calls: aptqrts, aptrich, aptvdis, aptvsum 
c     Glossary:
c     acut1     Output   The names of the vertices or edges on which points
c                          E occur:  A, B, C, a, b or c.  Size 3.
c     acut2     Output   The names of the vertices or edges on which points
c                          F occur:  A, B, C, a, b or c.  Size 3.
c     ax,ay,az  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of vertex A of the triangle.
c     bx,by,bz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of vertex B of the triangle.
c     cx,cy,cz  Input    The x, y, z coordinates of vertex C of the triangle.
c     ex,ey,ez  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of point E.  Size 3.
c     dcut1     Output   The distance of the first endput, E, along the edge.
c                          Size 3.
c     dcut2     Output   The distance of the second endput, F, along the edge.
c                          Size 3.
c     dcut3     Output   The length of the cutting line, from E to F.  Size 3.
c     fcut1     Output   The fractional distance of point E along the edge.
c                          Size 3.
c     fcut2     Output   The fractional distance of point F along the edge.
c                          Size 3.
c     fx,fy,fz  Output   The x, y, z coordinates of point F.  Size 3.
c     ncut      Output   The number of cutting lines (1, 2 or 3).
c     nerr      Output   Indicates an input error, if not 0.
c                          1 if the triangle has too small an area (vertices are
c                          almost coincident or colinear).
c     tol       Input    Numerical tolerance limit.
c                          On Cray computers, recommend 1.e-5 to 1.e-11.

      implicit     none

c.... Arguments.

      real         ax                 ! Coordinate x of triangle vertex A.
      real         ay                 ! Coordinate y of triangle vertex A.
      real         az                 ! Coordinate z of triangle vertex A.
      real         bx                 ! Coordinate x of triangle vertex B.
      real         by                 ! Coordinate y of triangle vertex B.
      real         bz                 ! Coordinate z of triangle vertex B.
      real         cx                 ! Coordinate x of triangle vertex C.
      real         cy                 ! Coordinate y of triangle vertex C.
      real         cz                 ! Coordinate z of triangle vertex C.
      real         dcut1(3)           ! Distance of point E along edge.
      real         dcut2(3)           ! Distance of point F along edge.
      real         dcut3(3)           ! Length of cutting line.
      real         ex(3)              ! Coordinate x of point E.
      real         ey(3)              ! Coordinate y of point E.
      real         ez(3)              ! Coordinate z of point E.
      real         fcut1(3)           ! Fractional distance of E along edge.
      real         fcut2(3)           ! Fractional distance of F along edge.
      real         fx(3)              ! Coordinate x of point F.
      real         fy(3)              ! Coordinate y of point F.
      real         fz(3)              ! Coordinate z of point F.
      integer      ncut               ! Number of equipartition cutting lines.
      integer      nerr               ! Error indicator.
      real         tol                ! Numerical tolerence limit.
      character*1  acut1(3)           ! Names of edges or vertices for point E.
      character*1  acut2(3)           ! Names of edges or vertices for point F.

c.... Local variables.

      real         a                  ! Length of edge vector BC (edge a).
      real         abx                ! Component x of vector AB (edge c).
      real         aby                ! Component y of vector AB (edge c).
      real         abz                ! Component z of vector AB (edge c).
      real         b                  ! Length of edge vector CA (edge b).
      real         bcx                ! Component x of vector BC (edge a).
      real         bcy                ! Component y of vector BC (edge a).
      real         bcz                ! Component z of vector BC (edge a).
      real         c                  ! Length of edge vector AB (edge c).
      real         c0                 ! Coefficient of 1    in quadratic eq.
      real         c1                 ! Coefficient of t    in quadratic eq.
      real         c2                 ! Coefficient of t**2 in quadratic eq.
      real         cax                ! Component x of vector CA (edge b).
      real         cay                ! Component y of vector CA (edge b).
      real         caz                ! Component z of vector CA (edge b).
      real         clen               ! Distance of end of cut line from origin.
      real         fab                ! Fractional distance from A to B.
      real         fac                ! Fractional distance from A to C.
      real         fba                ! Fractional distance from B to A.
      real         fbc                ! Fractional distance from B to C.
      real         fca                ! Fractional distance from C to A.
      real         fcb                ! Fractional distance from C to B.
      integer      itrun              ! Truncation flag from aptqrts.
      integer      kvera              ! Cuts through vertex A.
      integer      kverb              ! Cuts through vertex B.
      integer      kverc              ! Cuts through vertex C.
      integer      n                  ! Index of cut line.
      integer      nerra              ! Error flag from apt subroutine.
      integer      nroots             ! # of real roots of quadratic equation.
      real         per                ! Perimeter of triangle, a + b + c.
      real         qq                 ! c1**2 - 4*c0*c2.
      real         root1              ! First real root of quadatic equation.
      real         root2              ! Second real root of quadratic equation.
      character*1  acut1x             ! Names of edges or vertices for point E.
      character*1  acut2x             ! Names of edges or vertices for point F.

cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      real aex, aey, aez, afx, afy, afz, dae, daf
cbugcbug      real bex, bey, bez, bfx, bfy, bfz, dbe, dbf
cbugcbug      real cex, cey, cez, cfx, cfy, cfz, dce, dcf
cbugcbug      real efx, efy, efz, def
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9901 format (/ 'aptrcut finding triangle partition cuts.',
cbug     &  '  tol=',1pe22.14 /
cbug     &  ' ax,ay,az=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' bx,by,bz=    ',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &  ' cx,cy,cz=    ',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9901) tol, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz
cbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Initialize.

      nerr  = 0
      ncut  = 0
      kvera = 0
      kverb = 0
      kverc = 0

      do 110 n = 1, 3
        acut1(n) = '?'
        acut2(n) = '?'
        ex(n) = -1.e99
        ey(n) = -1.e99
        ez(n) = -1.e99
        fx(n) = -1.e99
        fy(n) = -1.e99
        fz(n) = -1.e99
  110 continue


c.... Find the edge vectors of the triangle, BC, CA and AB,
c....   and the edge lengths, a, b and c.

      call aptvdis (bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &              bcx, bcy, bcz, a, nerra)

      call aptvdis (cx, cy, cz, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &              cax, cay, caz, b, nerra)

      call aptvdis (ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &              abx, aby, abz, c, nerra)

c.... Test for a good triangle.

      call aptrich (a, b, c, tol, nerr)

      if (nerr .ne. 0) go to 410

      per = a + b + c                 ! Perimeter.
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug 9902 format (/
cbugcbug     &  'aptrcut results (edge vectors and lengths):' /
cbugcbug     &  ' abx,aby,abz= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &  ' bcx,bcy,bcz= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &  ' cax,cay,caz= ',1p3e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &  ' a, b, c    = ',1p3e22.14 )
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9902) abx, aby, abz, bcx, bcy, bcz, cax, cay, caz,
cbugcbug     &  a, b, c
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

c.... Find lines that cut triangle into equal areas, perimeters.


c.... Try vertex C, find cuts from edge a to edge b.

      c2 = 2.0 * a
      c1 = -per
      c0 = b

      call aptqrts (0, c2, c1, c0, qq, tol,
     &              nroots, root1, root2, itrun)

      if (nroots .ge. 1) then

        if ((root1 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root1 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          acut1x = 'a'
          acut2x = 'b'
          fcb = root1
          fca = 0.5 / fcb
          fbc = 1.0 - fcb
          if (abs (fbc) .le. tol) then
            if (kverb .gt. 0) go to 150
            acut1x = 'B'
            kverb = 1
            fbc = 0.0
            fcb = 1.0
            fac = 0.5
            fca = 0.5

          fac = 1.0 - fca
          if (abs (fac) .le. tol) then
            if (kvera .gt. 0) go to 150
            acut2x = 'A'
            kvera = 1
            fac = 0.0
            fca = 1.0
            fbc = 0.5
            fcb = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          acut1(ncut) = acut1x
          acut2(ncut) = acut2x
          fcut1(ncut) = fcb
          fcut2(ncut) = fca
          dcut1(ncut) = fcb * a
          dcut2(ncut) = fca * b
          dcut3(ncut) = sqrt (per * (c - 0.25 * per))

          call aptvsum (0, fbc, cx, cy, cz, fcb, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &                  ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), clen, nerra)

          call aptvsum (0, fac, cx, cy, cz, fca, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &                  fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), clen, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (cx, cy, cz, ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              cex, cey, cez, dce, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (cx, cy, cz, fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              cfx, cfy, cfz, dcf, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut),
cbugcbug     &              fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              efx, efy, efz, def, nerra)
cbugcbug 9301 format ('fac, fab     =',1p2e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        'dae, daf, def=',1p3e22.14)
cbugcbug 9302 format ('fba, fbc     =',1p2e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        'dbe, dbf, def=',1p3e22.14)
cbugcbug 9303 format ('fcb, fca     =',1p2e22.14 /
cbugcbug     &        'dce, dcf, def=',1p3e22.14)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9303) fcb, fca, dce, dcf, def
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.

  150 if (nroots .eq. 2) then
        if ((root2 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root2 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          acut1x = 'a'
          acut2x = 'b'
          fcb = root2
          fca = 0.5 / fcb
          fbc = 1.0 - fcb
          if (abs (fbc) .le. tol) then
            if (kverb .gt. 0) go to 190
            kverb = 1
            acut1x = 'B'
            fbc = 0.0
            fcb = 1.0
            fca = 0.5
            fac = 0.5

          fac = 1.0 - fca
          if (abs (fac) .le. tol) then
            if (kvera .gt. 0) go to 190
            kvera = 1
            acut2x = 'A'
            fac = 0.0
            fca = 1.0
            fbc = 0.5
            fcb = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          acut1(ncut) = acut1x
          acut2(ncut) = acut2x
          fcut1(ncut) = fcb
          fcut2(ncut) = fca
          dcut1(ncut) = fcb * a
          dcut2(ncut) = fca * b
          dcut3(ncut) = sqrt (per * (c - 0.25 * per))

          call aptvsum (0, fbc, cx, cy, cz, fcb, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &                  ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), clen, nerra)

          call aptvsum (0, fac, cx, cy, cz, fca, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &                  fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), clen, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (cx, cy, cz, ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              cex, cey, cez, dce, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (cx, cy, cz, fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              cfx, cfy, cfz, dcf, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut),
cbugcbug     &              fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              efx, efy, efz, def, nerra)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9303) fcb, fca, dce, dcf, def
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.

  190 continue


c.... Try vertex A, find cuts from edge b to edge c.

      c2 = 2.0 * b
      c1 = -per
      c0 = c

      call aptqrts (0, c2, c1, c0, qq, tol,
     &              nroots, root1, root2, itrun)

      if (nroots .ge. 1) then

        if ((root1 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root1 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          acut1x = 'b'
          acut2x = 'c'
          fac  = root1
          fab  = 0.5 / fac
          fca  = 1.0 - fac
          if (abs (fca) .le. tol) then
            if (kverc .gt. 0) go to 250
            kverc = 1
            acut1x = 'C'
            fac = 1.0
            fca = 0.0
            fab = 0.5
            fba = 0.5

          fba = 1.0 - fab
          if (abs (fba) .le. tol) then
            if (kverb .gt. 0) go to 250
            kverb = 1
            acut2x = 'B'
            fab = 1.0
            fba = 0.0
            fac = 0.5
            fca = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          acut1(ncut) = acut1x
          acut2(ncut) = acut2x
          fcut1(ncut) = fac
          fcut2(ncut) = fab
          dcut1(ncut) = fac * b
          dcut2(ncut) = fab * c
          dcut3(ncut) = sqrt (per * (a - 0.25 * per))

          call aptvsum (0, fca, ax, ay, az, fac, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &                  ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), clen, nerra)

          call aptvsum (0, fba, ax, ay, az, fab, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &                  fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), clen, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ax, ay, az, ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              aex, aey, aez, dae, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ax, ay, az, fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              afx, afy, afz, daf, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut),
cbugcbug     &              fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              efx, efy, efz, def, nerra)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9301) fac, fab, dae, daf, def
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.

  250 if (nroots .eq. 2) then
        if ((root2 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root2 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          acut1x = 'b'
          acut2x = 'c'
          fac  = root2
          fab  = 0.5 / fac
          fca  = 1.0 - fac
          if (abs (fca) .le. tol) then
            if (kverc .gt. 0) go to 290
            kverc = 1
            acut1x = 'C'
            fac = 1.0
            fca = 0.0
            fab = 0.5
            fba = 0.5

          fba = 1.0 - fab
          if (abs (fba) .le. tol) then
            if (kverb .gt. 0) go to 290
            kverb = 1
            acut2x = 'B'
            fab = 1.0
            fba = 0.0
            fac = 0.5
            fca = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          acut1(ncut) = acut1x
          acut2(ncut) = acut2x
          fcut1(ncut) = fac
          fcut2(ncut) = fab
          dcut1(ncut) = fac * b
          dcut2(ncut) = fab * c
          dcut3(ncut) = sqrt (per * (a - 0.25 * per))

          call aptvsum (0, fca, ax, ay, az, fac, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &                  ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), clen, nerra)

          call aptvsum (0, fba, ax, ay, az, fab, bx, by, bz, 1, tol,
     &                  fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), clen, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ax, ay, az, ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              aex, aey, aez, dae, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ax, ay, az, fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              afx, afy, afz, daf, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut),
cbugcbug     &              fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              efx, efy, efz, def, nerra)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9301) fac, fab, dae, daf, def
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.

  290 continue


c.... Try vertex B, find cuts from edge c to edge a.

      c2 = 2.0 * c
      c1 = -per
      c0 = a

      call aptqrts (0, c2, c1, c0, qq, tol,
     &              nroots, root1, root2, itrun)

      if (nroots .ge. 1) then

        if ((root1 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root1 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          acut1x = 'c'
          acut2x = 'a'
          fba = root1
          fbc = 0.5 / fba
          fab = 1.0 - fba
          if (abs (fab) .le. tol) then
            if (kvera .gt. 0) go to 350
            kvera = 1
            acut1x = 'A'
            fab = 0.0
            fba = 1.0
            fbc = 0.5
            fcb = 0.5

          fcb = 1.0 - fbc
          if (abs (fcb) .le. tol) then
            if (kverc .gt. 0) go to 350
            acut2x = 'C'
            kverc = 1
            fbc = 1.0
            fcb = 0.0
            fab = 0.5
            fba = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          acut1(ncut) = acut1x
          acut2(ncut) = acut2x
          fcut1(ncut) = fba
          fcut2(ncut) = fbc
          dcut1(ncut) = fba * c
          dcut2(ncut) = fbc * a
          dcut3(ncut) = sqrt (per * (b - 0.25 * per))

          call aptvsum (0, fab, bx, by, bz, fba, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &                  ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), clen, nerra)

          call aptvsum (0, fcb, bx, by, bz, fbc, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &                  fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), clen, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (bx, by, bz, ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              bex, bey, bez, dbe, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (bx, by, bz, fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              bfx, bfy, bfz, dbf, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut),
cbugcbug     &              fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              efx, efy, efz, def, nerra)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9302) fba, fbc, dbe, dbf, def
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.

  350 if (nroots .eq. 2) then
        if ((root2 .ge. (0.5 - tol))  .and.
     &      (root2 .le. (1.0 + tol))) then

          acut1x = 'c'
          acut2x = 'a'
          fba = root2
          fbc = 0.5 / fba
          fab = 1.0 - fba
          if (abs (fab) .le. tol) then
            if (kvera .gt. 0) go to 390
            kvera = 1
            acut1x = 'A'
            fab = 0.0
            fba = 1.0
            fbc = 0.5
            fcb = 0.5

          fcb = 1.0 - fbc
          if (abs (fcb) .le. tol) fcb = 0.0
          if (abs (fcb) .le. tol) then
            if (kverc .gt. 0) go to 390
            kverc = 1
            acut2x = 'C'
            fbc = 1.0
            fcb = 0.0
            fab = 0.5
            fba = 0.5

          ncut = ncut + 1

          acut1(ncut) = acut1x
          acut2(ncut) = acut2x
          fcut1(ncut) = fba
          fcut2(ncut) = fbc
          dcut1(ncut) = fba * c
          dcut2(ncut) = fbc * a
          dcut3(ncut) = sqrt (per * (b - 0.25 * per))

          call aptvsum (0, fab, bx, by, bz, fba, ax, ay, az, 1, tol,
     &                  ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), clen, nerra)

          call aptvsum (0, fcb, bx, by, bz, fbc, cx, cy, cz, 1, tol,
     &                  fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), clen, nerra)
cbugcbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (bx, by, bz, ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              bex, bey, bez, dbe, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (bx, by, bz, fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              bfx, bfy, bfz, dbf, nerra)
cbugcbug      call aptvdis (ex(ncut), ey(ncut), ez(ncut),
cbugcbug     &              fx(ncut), fy(ncut), fz(ncut), 1, tol,
cbugcbug     $              efx, efy, efz, def, nerra)
cbugcbug      write ( 3, 9302) fba, fbc, dbe, dbf, def
cbugcbugc***DEBUG ends.

        endif                       ! Cut endpoints are on edges.
      endif                         ! Cut endpoints are real.

  390 continue


  410 continue
cbugc***DEBUG begins.
cbug 9916 format (/ 'aptrcut results. nerr = ',i2,' ncut = ',i1 )
cbug      write ( 3, 9916) nerr, ncut
cbug 9918 format ('ncut = ',i2,' acut1 = ',a1,' acut2 = ',a1 /
cbug     &        'fcut1, fcut2 =',1p2e22.14 /
cbug     &        'ex, ey, ez   =',1p3e22.14 /
cbug     &        'fx, fy, fz   =',1p3e22.14 )
cbug      do 420 n = 1, ncut
cbug        write ( 3, 9918) n, acut1(n), acut2(n), fcut1(n), fcut2(n),
cbug     &    ex(n), ey(n), ez(n), fx(n), fy(n), fz(n)
cbug  420   continue
cbugc***DEBUG ends.


c.... End of subroutine aptrcut.      (+1 line.)
