The differences in the treatment of secondary particles with
multiplicity exceeding 1, e.g.,
(n, 2n) reactions, derive
from the fact that the energy distribution data is the average for the
two particles. Note also that the output of endep includes the
particle multiplicity in the average energy deposition. That is, the
output file contains pairs
Another difference arises from the fact that some decision has to be
made about how to apportion the energy between the multiple secondary
particles. For the sake of clarity, I describe how endep
(n, 2n) reactions. This is treated as a 2-step
reaction, with the first step being continuum inelastic scattering as
described in Section 3. The second step is emission
of the second neutron by continuum decay as discussed above. The
important point to note is that the same average neutron energy,
from the integral (16), is used in
both processes. If the model were changed, for example by
apportioning more energy to the first neutron emitted than to the
second, the average energies
would change, but the sum
would stay constant.