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The `library' file contains data for energy deposition to the residual nucleus, and mcfgen does not use this information. This data is identified by $ \tt I\_number$ = 11. It would be very easy to process this data as group-averaged energy deposition. All that is needed is to modify the array irlst of permissible values of I_number in the file `datcom.h' and to change the reading of irlst in main. In particular, in `datcom.h' change irlst from

0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 941, 942, - 1


0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 941, 942, - 1

(The value $ \tt I\_number$ = 8, indicating histogram data, is not used.) A corresponding change is needed in main, namely, the replacement of
    ELSEIF (I_number .EQ. 10)
    ELSEIF ((I_number .EQ. 10) .OR. (I_number .EQ. 11))