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The S Reaction Switch

The S switch is one of the parameters in the structure nhead in the directory of the `library' file, and its purpose is the tell the significance of some other parameters in nhead, namely, X1, X2, X3, and X4. For an explanation of nhead see Section 3.2.3.

There is no X data.

The parameter X1 is the excitation level in Mev.

These are pre-equilibrium and unresolved direct-interaction processes, and there is no X data. Note for example, that the ENDL library has two separate 235U(n,$ \gamma$) reactions ( $ \tt C$ = 46), a cluster reaction with $ \tt S$ = 0 and a direct-interaction process with $ \tt S$ = 2.

We have gamma-ray production, and X1 is the energy of the emitted photon in Mev.

This is an activation process, X1 = 1000*Z + A to identify the atomic number and mass number of the residual, X2 is the excitation level of the residual in Mev, and X3 is its halflife in seconds.

We have delayed fission groups, and X1 is the halflife of this group. But if X1 = 0, then the data is a sum over all delayed groups.

This is a time-sequential cluster model, and X1 gives the excitation level in Mev.

In this case X1 designates the subshell.

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