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The I_number identifier of the kinds of data
The reaction data identifier, I_number, tells what data
is stored, as given by the following table.
- 0:
- This type of data contains pairs (energy, cross section).
For incident photons mcfgen does log-log interpolation onto
a fixed set of energy points, and for other incident particles it
computes averages over energy groups as described in
Section 1.5.3.
- 1:
- The data consists of pairs (cosine of the collision angle,
probability density) for a sequence of incident energies. This
data may be in the center-of-mass system or the laboratory system,
depending on the kinematics type of the reaction. The code mcfgen converts this data into equiprobable bins.
- 3:
- The data consists of pairs (energy of secondary particle,
probability density) for a sequence of incident energies and
cosines of the collision angle. This data is in the
center-of-mass system. The probability over cosine and energy of
the secondary is correlated, but the data is not normalized
2-dimensionally. Instead, the integral of the probability density
over the energy of the secondary particle is itself 1.
Consequently, the
= 3 data must be supplemented
= 1 data giving the angular distributions.
The output is a collection of equiprobable 2-dimensional (cosine,
energy) bins.
- 4:
- The data consists of pairs (energy of secondary particle,
probability density) for a sequence of incident energies. This
data is in the laboratory system. The output of mcfgen in
this case is equiprobable energy bins.
- 7:
- The data consists of pairs (incident energy, multiplicity)
for fission neutrons. These neutrons may be prompt or delayed.
The code mcfgen computes group averages of this data, as
described in Section 1.5.3.
- 9:
- The data consists of pairs (incident energy, multiplicity)
for emitted photons. The treatment of this data is the same as
= 7.
- 10:
- The data consists of pairs (incident energy, energy of
secondary particle). This data may be in the center-of-mass
system or the laboratory system, depending on the kinematics type
of the reaction. For incident photons mcfgen does
linear-linear interpolation onto a fixed set of energy points, and
for other incident particles it computes averages over energy
groups as described in Section 1.5.3.
- 11:
- The data consists of pairs (incident energy, energy
deposited to the residual nucleus). This data is not used by
- 12:
- The data consists of pairs (incident energy, Q), where
Q denotes the sum of the energies available from the non-elastic
reactions. Group averages of this data are calculated as
described in Section 1.5.3.
- 941:
- Coherent scattering form factors for incident photons.
The coherent scattering form factor FR(E) specifies the
importance of Rayleigh scattering. Specifically, for Rayleigh
scattering from a target with atomic number Z the cross section
C(Z)(1 + ), where is the cosine of the collision
angle and C(Z) is a coefficient depending on the target. Then
[1, p. 3-23] the angular distribution for coherent
scattering for such a target is given by the formula
f (
) = [
Z)(1 +
The data consists of pairs of grid-based data (incident energy,
form factor), and this information is printed in the `mcf.asc' output file.
- 942:
- Incoherent scattering form factors for incident photons.
The incoherent scattering form factor FC(E) specifies the
importance of Compton scattering. Specifically, the Klein-Nishina
formula for the Compton scattering cross section is
) =
where E is the incident energy, is the cosine of the
collision angle, is the photon energy in units of
electron rest energy, and
x = 1 - . The angular distribution
for incoherent scattering is given by [1, p. 3-23]
f (
) =
The data consists of pairs of grid-based data (incident energy,
form factor), and this information is printed in the `mcf.asc' output file. Incidentally, the energy of the secondary
photon (in units of electron rest energy, ) is given by
/(1 + x).
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