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The setup

In the initialization procedure the following subroutines are called. The first three steps are also used for incident photons.

Open the input files and create the `mcf.asc' file. A file for warning messages, `mcfgen.log', is also created. This subroutine also reads basic data from the `bdfls' file, including some physical constants and the identities of the targets.

Read the `mcfgen.input' file to get the identity of the incident particle and the range of targets. This subroutine also obtains the energy group structure and the flux as a function of energy. Ordinarily, an energy-independent flux is specified. For details on how to set up a special input file, see Section 3.1.

Get and store the date of the run for later printing to `mcf.asc'. The format is `yymmdd', so that on 22 May 1995 the number 950522 is returned.

Read the basic information about the `library' file. The format of this file is given in Section 3.2.

This subroutine computes the total flux over each energy group g,

$\displaystyle \phi_{g}^{}$ = $\displaystyle \int_{g}^{}$$\displaystyle \phi$(E) dE.

The reason for wanting these values is that the group averages computed later are all weighted by the flux.

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