Computation Window

Data is added to the Computation Window by pressing the "Computation with Selected" button in the Database Directory window.

The computation window allows for you to state an algebraic equation to be solved with variables representing data. For example, an isotopic mixture can be generated with "0.98 * a + 0.02 * b". Or some cross sections can be weight averaged (e.g. "(2 * a + 5 * b ) / 7"). Or a simple numerical calculation can be written (e.g. "2^3 + 5.1E2 / 66").

You may store a calculation as a new variable by pressing the "Store" button. This is handy if you wish to define a material as a cross section like natural iron from its isotopes. Computation sessions may be saved and loaded with the menu at the top of the window. The current session format is not guaranteed to always be supported since it is in a beta stage of testing.

In the follow, d0 is a scalar (0-dimensional data, i.e. a number) and d2 is 2 column data (2-dimensional data, e.g., cross-section vs energy). A string is test surrounded b double quotes. For d2 data the first column is called the x values and the second column is called the y values. Also, the expression

is read as, the function thicken has 2 required and 1 optional argument, and returns a d2 object. The first argument must be a d2 object, the second must be a d0 object and the third, if present, must be a d0 object.

The supported operations are

No division by 0

* Operants must be d0 or d2
