GUI Database Directory

You can browse the database in this tree viewer. Select the database and open the tree to see the data that it contains. Navigate through the tree to find the data. ToolTips will be displayed for some items in the tree when the mouse hovers over it. Right click on some tree items will reveal new options. For example right click on incident target to get the option to sort the tree by name, ZA, or by symbol.

The following colors are set for the different types of data that NADS handles.

Brown is for 1-D data.
is for 2-D data.
Magenta is for 3-D data.
Blue is for 4-D data.
Green is for options.

Double click on the data to see it tabled and plotted. Double click on options to edit options for that level and below. Multiple items may be selected to be plotted with the "Plot Selected" button. The "Computation with Selected" button sends the data to the Computation Window as a variable. If multiple items are sent, their sum will be the variable.
