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List of Tables

  1. Transportable particles and their corresponding yi and file name.
  2. Example of reaction data for 238U in a ndf1 file.
  3. List of the four transport correcting algorithm options available through the ndf access routines. TMl is the lth Legendre order interaction transfer matrix (see item Transfer matrices), fl(E) is the lth Legendre order flux and N3 is the lesser of i + 3 and ng. lMaxtc is the highest Legendre order available for the specified algorithm.
  4. Example of the list of reactions for 9Be in a ndf1 file. The $ \hookrightarrow$ indicates lines that are a duplicate of the line above them except that the product particle substituted by the processing code is listed instead the actual product particle.
  5. Actual reaction data for the reactions in Table 4 as stored in a ndf1 file.
  6. Example of the list of reaction for 10B in a ndf1 file.
  7. Actual reaction data for the reactions in Table 6 as stored in a ndf1 file.