Much of the data stored in a ndfy file is a function of the incident particle's energy
(e.g., total cross-section
(and possibly outgoing transportable particle energy (e.g., transfer matrix)).
As is common in deterministic computation, the energies in the ndfy
have been discretized: the multi-energy-group approximation (see [3] page 61) which is called
grouping in this document. In grouping, the incident energy range is divided up into ng regions
by defining ng + 1 energy boundaries.
In a ndfy
file the boundaries are stored from highest to lowest energy; the data is also stored and retrieved in
that order. The incident energy groups are labeled g for
The outgoing energy groups are label h for
nh. Only the transfer and fission matrix data
are stored as a function of both incident and outgoing energies; their grouping and collapsing are discussed in
Section 4.2. All other data is stored as a function of incident
energy; their grouping and collapsing are discussed in the next section.