Next: I_number blocks
Up: The format of the
Previous: Data identification and location
There now follows large blocks telling where the data is located, one
block for each of the numc reactions. Note: each of the
following locations is relative to the start of the data for this
target. Thus, the first data location is 1.
- C_data_fwa:
- The location of the start of the data for this reaction.
- C_data_lwa:
- The location of the end of the data for this reaction.
- yi:
- The identification of the incident particle.
- date:
- The date of the latest update for this reaction.
- S:
- The S reaction switch. See Section 2.3
- Q0:
- The energy of the reaction.
- X1, X2, X3, X4:
- Additional data, depending on the value of S.
- Data locations:
- We now have the information for each of the data blocks for this reaction.
The content of these sets is explained below.